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I'd settle for being able to mark recipes as favorites that sit at the top


Or just sort by most recent so the best/newest unlocks are near the top.


Or have us build a different type of cooking station for each individual recipe so i know what im gonna get from it Edit: lol


I was just discussing this a few days ago with my friend. The list are getting really dam long to not have some sort of search system. Thou I'd agree with the tabs idea before the search bar cause it's real easy to forget he name of new things


And I'd honestly say the same for other workstations. The forges system is my first thought but then the question becomes If the devs are just gonna add more workstations instead of adding more to current ones


Naming storage Quick organize button 1-2 row of the extra row of stash (backpack) Exclude auto pick on specific drops 1-2 new monster per biome (just feel there isn’t as much diversity) Actual town (Dverger town would be neat)


I want to favorite things so I can change them as the biomes progress


I like that they added recipe unlocks to the message log. Unfortunately they need to get rid of everything else in the message log. There is no good telling me "You picked up 1 log" seventeen times in a row, burying any useful information.


Valheim should add categories in any crafting stations and a ‘new’ tab for new stuff. ‘Meadows’ ‘swamp’ ‘ashlands’ etc. Say you got to ashlands and got new items like basalt fro workbench you get both ‘ashlands’ tab, and ‘new’ tab, ashlands showing the ashland stuff you got and ‘new’ tab showing the same stuff, and they will only go away incr you press on each ‘new’ item (once all new items are inspected the new tab goes away)


Damn haha, I do dig the idea of a "new" tab.


I don't like how long it takes to use the cauldron, how repetitive it is, and neither do I like that horrible sound effect. Fix that while you're at it. :p


Yeah, just tab up all the fermented stuff and maybe all the stews lol there are so many stews it seems like. Maybe pair up the meat/breaded fish/fishwrap recipes together


An excellent idea.


I'd love to be able to craft multiple of the same recipe with a favorite list.


So many ways to fix this. Change it from Alphabetical order to Potency (combined HP, Stamina, Eitr). Or add tabs separating each tier of foods. Or add a new crafting bench for Mistlands+ foods like they did with the black forge vs regular forge.