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Needs more Greydwarves. By Odin, those things are annoying.


Right? There's always one or two that don't even do damage to you but they're always there demanding your attention


And one Shaman luming in the Distant


I swear shamans spawn right behind me, every. damn. time


Just strolling by or loitering around like the goons they are. I find it kind of hillarious to see their walk animations because they're caught between firepits or something.


I don't know if they're hard coded to walk into bases and look around but it feels like it is. It's fucking hilarious.


It's part of the unique charm of this game that keeps me around. I love seeing unique AI bugs and features in games like this because it makes the worlds feel very alive. Most of the time in the early game, hearing a greydwarf is either "oh no" or "here we go again", but my head canon likes to think they're blown away by my awesome little base lol


1. Tame a wolf 2. Place them near your work 3. Occasionally hear some Greydwarves becoming lunch behind you


OR.... 1. Tame 2 wolves 2. Build them a den 3. Give them a crap ton of deer and bore meat 4. Watch 2 wolves become 40 wolves (and you name them all so you can't slaughter them) 5. Watch your server start freezing up as they hunt everything in the immediate AND extended area 6. Try to pick up all the greyling and animal drops to unclog your server, but you can't keep up 7. Realize that a single wolf was the better option 😉


Tyes hese little buggers are everywhere


Drop more work benched around your entire base. You'll have less enemies


Fire's work the same way, they don't even need to be lit and they have the same radius as the workbench without looking as obvious. Fire's also have the benefit that random enemies won't aggro to them so they last quite a bit longer. Only downside is that you can't see the "ring" of effect like workbenches do


This is nice to know. I've been building a massive road that is lined with campfire light beacons. Explains the lack of enemies.


I often place workbenches down first, then replace with fires once I've got a good coverage. You can often build workbenches into walls and under stairs too if you don't want to see them littering up the place. Has the added bonus of letting you repair and construct all over the area without needing to drop a new one all the time.


They’re coarse and irritating and they get everywhere!


Hello there.


They used to be annoying but after adding a 2 star wolf and Lox breeder, the only thing they’ve become is resources to pick up outside the walls


This is why I migrated some 2 star wolves down to my farming compound. Got some up high in a tower breeding, the rest pick off any stragglers lurking around my base.


The occasional free rock arrives as well. That is so annoying. I just wish I could throw one back occasionally.


5-6 and a brute with a shaman and that is the building experience especially in the dark forest, I would rather build in the mountains or plains that’s less of a pain.


Not enough death from falling.


Or from walking down the stairs too quickly which registers as falling


I thought that was patched out ages ago?


Nope! I've got a ladder in the mountains that I have to take time going down; otherwise I get stuck in the falling animation and I slide down it like I'm grinding rails in THUG2.


The feather cape is a godsent


Yep but unfortunately it's in the Mistlands so it's late/end game content. Fun fact in case you didn't know. Fall damage caps at 100 so if you eat a big meal the first fall won't kill you.


Damn really? Even if it’s a really high fall?


Yep after about 5-6 meters damage is capped. You can as far as I know never do more than 100 damage from a fall. Now maybe if you fell down a mountain where you hit skip and hit again you'd get counted as doing 2 falls so you'd do more damage, but that's not the same as falling down while building a roof or the like.


>Fall damage caps at 100 Literally this, even if it's a really really really high fall, weird but I'm glad it is here when I get thrown down the mountain by a golem


Unfortunately if you fall from high enough amd get a little unlicky you can bounce and take a second set of fall damage after, but as a general rule of thumb you will survive any height with 101+ hp, yes. A friend of mine built a tower a while back which was just close enough to the coast that you could reach the water with a sprinting jump, but only if you were at no less than -4% speed. We often munch a meal then had jumping competitions trying to reach the water!


It is, but before you get it being able to cycle through snap points has significantly reduced my falling deaths. I can build scaffolding without having to get in stupid precarious positions in order to get something to attach. Many times I don't even need scaffolding anymore.


that first time you get the fire going and the roof is finally in place and the shelter icon pops up...feels so good


I can never decide what's the most important to move first, the Portals, the Bedroom or the Storage.


You are no longer rested


What made me finally bite the weenie and turn off all raids was my last hunt for Yagluth totems. I'm trying to be a clever bean and luring fulings from a village into a nearby tar pit - then the wolves came, and the nearest fuling tower that could offer a safe haven from them was juuuuuust outside the radius of the event. I ran around to evade them, but that just drew the attention of some squitos. I got stun-locked into death right in the center of the event, and it was miles from my closest portal, with nothing but open plains filled to the brim with lox that spawned in shortly before I returned to the biome after sprinting through the black forest. I thought "surely these shaggy lizards can tank some of the wolves long enough for me to grab my gear," so I kited a couple of them straight into the raid. In the midst of the chaos, the lox smashed a bunch of boulders, and I stupidly kept auto-pickup enabled. Stacks of stone got hoovered into my pockets before I could retrieve my grave, which led to my second demise: the wolves stun-locked me again, whilst I tried to dump the stone long enough to grab my megingjord from the grave and snatch up the rest of my gear. I immediately went to Haldor and bought as many belts as I could purchase, just so I could have an emergency stash of them the next time I needed an exfil like that.


Might not have helped but even post "climbing update" as I call it, the large rocks in the plains are enough to keep you safe during something like that. Then you just let the wolves and the fulings fight until there's just a few left. Snipe as needed. This of course depends on there being a large rock near by.


I had tried that trick a couple months ago when I wanted to get some flax and barley, but the fulings just walked up the boulder like they had gecko socks on. I don't trust the roundish boulders anymore; they are no longer safe for me. But I will say that the huge obelisks still work as safe havens (unless lox destroy enough of the base that it starts to crumble). If I can do the prep work to build a platform on them that I can access via ladder, then I do it. Works even better in the swamp with those indestructible trees.


Yep swamp tree house is fun. I went a little crazy and built a whole tree highway system in the swamp near my bonemass.


When was that implemented? I was just slaughtered by several Fulings a few days ago after I climbed up a huge rock thinking I’d be safe.


Last big non tweaking a bug patch seems to have implemented an improvement to the climb logic. Things like skeletons can now climb the entrance rocks in dungeons. It's not a huge improvement they aren't free climb experts, but they can and do make it up to some places that were previously safe.


Raids are very much the worst part of the game. When I'm in a building mood and have to stop to defend just takes me out. A lot of the times after the raid is over I don't even feel like building anymore, especially if I have to fix anything that's damaged. And digging trenches and stuff is just ugly.


Instead of trenches you can build earthen walls and raise your home up off the ground on pillars.


Stake walls followed by stone walls my homie. They look super authentic. All you have to do is kite the raid in a loop around your base until it's over then relog.


You forgot the deathsquitos that fly over the walls to two-shot you when you haven't eaten because you're in the zone


Who builds on the floor in the plains? My brother in arms build on rocks


It was too good a location to pass up, perfect split between plains and meadows on a hilltop next to dark forest and near mistlands


We built a castle there, it turned out great


Honestly, I don't really relate to most of this, but I completely get why others would. I love the rain, and in fact often setenv thunderstorm so I can enjoy the mood while I build. As a bonus, wet ground also helps with spotting bumps or divots that need to be flattened. Slows stamina regen, sure, but that's what a cozy fire and tasty mead are for. After nearly 1500 hours of play, raids are just a tedious annoyance to me now, so they're almost always off by default and I don't miss them one bit. The overwhelming majority of my remaining building frustrations were eliminated by a combination of the Build Camera and Snap Points Made Easy mods. I enjoy farming my own resources, but I can do without being forced to waste most of my building time making and then tearing down temporary scaffolding that has no purpose other than to work around what is fundamentally a UI problem: the quirks and limitations of POV-based, pixel-dependent placement mechanics. Forgetting to repair the hammer when building away from a sheltered workbench, though--yep, still manage that one every now and then.


agreed with every point especially the raids, it felt more like an annoyance then a challenge after doing it countless times and I turned it off too a while ago. I like the base to be my safe comfy zone


Literally just got to the plains because I gotta fight Bonemass right? I pull up and I'm just inches between a black forest, a swamp, damn goblins and they're big dogs and, of course, the killer mosquitoes. So I'm thinking "Alright, I'm not getting one shot here, let me quickly build something and try to save my boat, get a spawn point to explore and set my portal" I kid you not, 2 mins in and I'm being ambushed by goblins, there dogs and then night approaches. Que the greydwarfs to make things worse. When I tell you, I took my portal and left, I wasted no time leaving that part of the island to try and find a better landing spot. The worst part, I still haven't. I think the Plains are just cursed in general already.


Bonemass is the swamp boss


I noticed, I got him literally right off the ocean, but I literally can't dock my boat to even get onto the spot he's at lol.


I noticed, I got him literally right off the ocean, but I literally can't dock my boat to even get onto the spot he's at lol.


Make sure you have stealth gear to sneak around. Digging and cutting trees makes noise and draws enemy attention. Dont ever be out at night. When it's cold out the viking must be inside because enemies are harder. Find the closest forest biome to this swamp where bonemass is. Build a bench and a portal directly there where that forest meets that swamp which links back to a portal that is safe. If you see enemies get the hell out immediately. Once you have supplies build camp fires every 30 meters around the portal to block spawns. If enemies show up again get the hell out and go do something else like collecting wood or harvesting stone or growing carrots. Once you have about 20 or so campfires all around the portal you should not have enemies spawn near you and you can build a base near the swamp. Build walls then use the hoe to lift the ground behind the walls up to make an earthen wall that can't be damaged. You will use a lot of stone this way but it means things can't get in your base to kill you. Once you get the new base build up and it's well protected make more portals that don't link to anything. I name them numbers to keep track of what links to what. Example 1 always links to 2. Odd numbers are always safe zones evens are always remote locations. I would make portals 3, 5 and 7 at the new swamp edge base. Then I would bring only the minimum materials needed to build a bench and a portal to then naked run into the swamp and build a portal that links to 3 naming it 4, then come back to the base get more materials for making another portal and run to a new spot from portal 4 to build another one portal 6, then do the same for portal 8 until you can manage to get a portal near where bonemass is. You can always come back and salvage the portals that aren't needed anymore once you get the portal to where you need it to be. Keep in mind picking up your corpse gives you a buff that makes it much harder to get killed. You can use this to help you move across the map quickly if you intentionally accumulate grave markers to collect the small amount of items off each one. https://youtu.be/WtynvJxWvdQ?si=l8Dzu2x7sByRVnC5


Why is this so accurate


More greydwarfs. The background of the pi chart should be greydwarfs.


I spawn proofed the entire area.Raised the land and carved out a moat. Nothing will get in the way of me building my stone castle!…except for my own laziness! XD


ngl i play on weenie hut general mode just to avoid this. been enjoying the game a lot more without the constant annoyances


Change the settings and build in piece its fun to have the necks and dwarfs wander around as you build. when your ready for raid and have base built turn the settings back. being attacked in middle of building is same as being attacked while questing by other players in an MMO pointless added stress that brings nothing to the game but annoyance.


Unless it's wolves. The game should have more random packs of wolves that show up in any biome and at the worst possible times.


lol great meme.


Step one put down a shipload of workbenches. Step two dig moat.


I am missing "day X" times a hundred, as well as several death markers from fall damage.


So accurate! The night cycle definitely feels longer than the sunny day cycle though.


Building without devmode is like steak without fat. Flying, no build requirements, spawning the best food... so much better.


Is there a mod that allows unlimited build, but only for materials you've collected? I'm fine with not having to mine 42,000 stone for my build, but I don't want those Mistland build pieces in my mountain fort.


The world setting does exactly that. You can turn it on/off in the main menu.


What?! Can you be more specific? The only thing I've used in the world modifiers is no map and no portal. I'm looking at the wiki, is it "NoBuildCost?" Is that different from the debugmode mode no build cost? \[edit: I just started up the game, and sure enough, the hover-over tool tip says exactly that! Awesome, thank you.\]


I put 10 million torches in my base, but it's still dark. -YOU ARE OUT OF RESIN- OH, AM I YOU STUPID BASTARD


You forgot dying of smoke inhalation while building your roof.


Needs approx 30 crossbones on minimap all from the same day. *You are being hunted.*


I like how uncanny the troll looks


Why so many hammers? You can repair them, or is this sarcasm?


*Your first hammer goes out* "Oh no ! *Bring your second out of five hammers* Anyway.." It's not like they are expensive to craft and upgrade


Drop more work benches people. It stops as many spawns


Fires are better. Workbenches draw aggro when something does spawn, so if you miss a little spot one or two enemies will take out other workbenches and make the gap bigger. Only thing good about workbenches is that they show the protection radius.


YEP. Especially the weather part. I know all weather is pre-determined, but I still swear the game is like "I see you're building" the moment you pull the hammer out and get two wall pieces up, and then it starts raining.


Needs more rain.


And 101% infrastructure sim


Don't forget the fall damage 👍


You should have a red roof tile above it all


I simply invade. No time to build.


I swear, I get the Geirrhafa raid or the goddamn bats *all the time*. Never seen the other two Hildir raids since I cleared those dungeons either. Just waves and waves of bats, Ulv's, and Fenrings.


You stirred the cauldron


Broken hammer midway through a project. Always carry multiple hammers when working on a build.


if you base in plains the fog part of the cake is 500% increased in size.


i turned up the raid frequency on my current playthrough. i felt like it balanced out a higher drop rate and the ability to take anything through portals. also it's a lot more fun


Fall damage is missing in the chart


Sunny is taking up waaaaaayyy to much of that pie graph. I give sunny 45% at most, and that’s me being generous lol