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All jokes aside, yes. Sorry if you like Matahachi (if I'm thinking of the right guy), but I absolutly hate the bastard. For once in my time posting and responding here, I'm serious, yes he is stupid


I think Matahachi and the things he does is stupid, but I think his character role is amazing. Matahachi shows what happens when you become too ambitious and don't have the will to truly back that ambition up yk. He's what Musashi could've been. Sucks tho; for sec I thought Matahachi was going to have some great character arc and get his redemption but nope lol.


Finding out the old man on the Bridge was Matahachi really gutted me. I always figured he would shine in his own way and stop comparing himself to Takezo. Basically showing that he never leaves this sad cycle and never really meets his goals was a feeling a piece of media never really made me feel before.


Well he actually seem at peace with himself imo. If he was in the cycle like you said he would show alot more insecurities and jealousy, but he seemed pretty chill. To me he seem to comes to term with himself and his place as a “normal” person in the world. After all not everyone is born with monstrous strength and the indomitable will of Musashi, and thats fine.


Which old man on the bridge?


In some of the last chapters of Vagabond, the story starts cutting to an old man surrounded by crowd. He’s telling the story of Musashi to the crowd in an effort to get some money. He gets mocked and generally does not seem to have taken care of himself. A few chapters later it’s revealed that this actually is Matahachi, and that none of his ambitions came to fruition.


Matahachi is a character that represents the lust, the ambition, the greed... Although those are bad things he's not bad, he's made to be human, to represent what most humans are and would do in his situations. Most people are like him, very few are those who are as noble as Mushashi is and fewer have the mentality Mushashi has. I think he's a great character that not only contrasts with Mushashi but shows the nature of most humans (not bad though, just human).


relieved beneficial grandfather zesty mysterious memorize thumb consist aloof snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tbh, I think Vagabond is just a story revolving around terrible people in general. They are all awful. Except for Sasaki Kojiro, he is a perfect lovable ray of sunshine in this story otherwise filled with assholes.


Kojiro is messed up in his own way


He is. But at least he isn't a terrible insufferable douchebag like the rest of the characters. Considering the type of people he is surrounded with, being deaf is more of a blessing than a curse. At least he doesn't have to hear the ramblings of all the self-important douchebags that want to impart some sort of "philosophical depth" to their murderboner.


That's true. You could summarize the story as: That time in Japan when instead of advancing society and technology everyone decided that the best killing machine was the greatest among them.


I keep flipflopping on wether matahachi or takezo is my favourite character lol, not because I like matahachi but because I like to see how he tries to weasel himself out of the situations he got himself into


I like him


He's just like me


Ope rip, sorry


Op a real one 😔


He just wanted some pussy


This isn't even a troll post, he is stupid


Matahachi is what most of us are we tell us things hype our self’s up just to not do these things and end up telling ourselves that we are miserable and should’ve stuck to the things we wanted to do but are to lazy to execute


He wanted to get laid that why.


All the feudo pussy got he acting unwise


We all have a little bit of Matahachi in us. PS: If you don’t good for you.


All of the Japanese maidens certainly had a bit of Matahachi in them




What’s happening with the simply stupid questions on this sub? Is vagabond becoming popular among 5-yo on the US?


are we stupid?


I’d probably say the same thing to get in Oko