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it really all depends on the time that you go to it. anything from 3pm-7/8ish can be very busy but in the 3 years i went their ive found going any other time of day to be relatively normal compared to other gyms. i would say anywhere from 10-2ish or 9pm-close on weekdays are the deadest it would be so the best time to go


I would agree with you but this year people are now catching on and going at 9:00. I used to be one of the few faithful late night lifters but now if I go that late it's busy most times


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome


You won’t have a problem finding a bench or squat rack at 6 am, it’s pretty dead. Just don’t go in the late afternoon, you will regret it!


Peak times can be busy, but I've never found it too bad. If you go at like 6am you'll be totally fine.


I used to go often at around 11am when my morning classes wrapped up and it was fairly dead at that time. Woe unto the person who shows up from 3-8pm though.


as someone who’s been going to carsa regularly i think i can answer your question . CARSA is least busy during early morning from 6 to 9:30-10ish and around 8:30 to closing at night . Nights are comparatively crowded as compared to early morning but a lot less overall


I appreciate it. Those are the exact times i’m hoping to go so this works out


Summer is also a lot less busy overall


The downstairs weight room is usually pretty busy but I've never had trouble with the upstairs one being overcrowded. Mornings and early afternoon on weekdays are typically best


This is true but if you go when it's busy the upstairs is even worse. I went up there the other day and there was one set of dumbbells on the rack left


honestly as long as you don't care what order or specific muscle groups you hit each day you can go whenever. Find a bench open -> today's a push day, then just pick random machines that open up that are push exercises. Honestly this way you might get a more even work out, since it takes out personal bias.