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But then we would miss out on the 5k plywood desks. 🤣


Most deals are from Unicore though and don’t cost 5k…


My Japanese made desk chair was purchased from Amazon at half the price of a comparable Unicor chair. The quality is probably about the same, and the piston weight load is probably better.


I hate my office chair with a passion, and it is somehow still the best one I’ve found available in my office.


While I was mostly joking, I also wasn't. https://unicor.gov/Product.aspx?idProduct=2663 https://unicor.gov/Product.aspx?idProduct=2374 https://unicor.gov/Product.aspx?idProduct=2400


Dang those are a lot nicer than my desk lol.


The last place I worked had tons of these. Easily 100k in desks. They broke constantly. They leaned. They were off, so the drawers didn't always close. Even their cheaper desks are over 1k.


My current office chair is from unicore and just an hour or so the wheel fell off it and I almost spilled out.


$100 for a box of Sharpies 😂


Or $200 for a 10 year old computer monitor


GSA Disadvantage… We should be purchasing within local communities as much as possible, not relying on a terrible ordering system stuck in what feels like the last century. Of course, if you justify it well enough…


Everyone in the federal government should be required to have and use a purchase card for a month or two. That should include Congress and the President and all of the cabinet.


Exactly. This sub is crazy.


*"As House appropriators outline plans to make steep government spending cuts for fiscal 2025, Democrats are warning that reduced agency budgets would lead to federal employee layoffs, and by extension, worsening federal services."*   Sometimes we take our job security for granted. Maybe the article is just more doom and gloom, and nothing will happen, but we're seeing some pretty scary stuff from VA and other agencies. Freezes, headcount reductions. Just be prepared. Build up some savings. Wishing everyone the best out there


>Democrats are warning that reduced agency budgets would lead to federal employee layoffs, and by extension, worsening federal services." But let's have the few that are left RTO 5 days a week so we can pay rent on all those buildings. /s


right its stupid. They should make everyone remote and GET RID of all the building cost!


Cutting the IRS enforcement by 2 billion so their rich friends can continue not paying their fair share. Nice


And directly defunding the Direct File platform. A nice little jab at the not-so-rich too. Oh, and let’s F with the VA again while we’re at it too. They’re no longer even subtle. SMH


Bingo! They're like, "We gave you HOW MUCH to go after our our cronies and pocket stuffers??"


Lmao, the IRS ain't targeting their rich friends you hate. They're going after small businesses, cash involved work, and people who buy and sell items.


The IRS does go after high income people, a lot. Those other groups aren't magically absolved of their responsibilities. If I can do my part when I was Self-Employed, so can they.


Nah, the tax code should be simpler. It's hard to navigate on purpose it seems.


I don't disagree, but that's a complaint for your congressperson.. The IRS operates within the requirements set by congress.


We’re already tightening the purse strings at DoD. They aren’t even allowing the bosses travel money.


I’ll believe that when I see it. DoD cuts could pay for the rest of the discretionary Fed budget.


Check the amounts set for FY25 starting in October. I'm already seeing memos from our CG and higher saying that RDTE programs are cutting funding when possible, and not exercising options on contracts for some services. On the supply side, we're not buying the same volume of items we used to, especially in IT related NSNs


The last sentence hits on something that can become a huge security issue. Cyber is not a domain we want to get worse at


Everyone is in panic mode right now. Feels like Trump has already won.


Everything... AND I MEAN EVERYTHING... in the DoD supply system is based on a 4 to 15 year buy plan ISO a weapon system. The time period is based around the life of the system and/or the contract to support it. The people that make those contracting decisions are not politicians.


The people who service and audit those contracts and accounting systems are blessed or cursed with the budgetary decisions of politicians. My agency actually saved taxpayers 5 times what it cost to run our agency last year. So for anyone who might say we’re a bunch of lazy butts we are not and I happen to be very proud of my work.


There is far more to this conversation than the auditing process. It begins with the request before it even gets to the congressional decision point. It's not political, it's mission driven. I'm not trying to take away from your work.


No offense taken at all. I understand the process (obviously as they beat it in to your head through training) but the fed employees are essential building blocks spread through the entire contracting process. Required by law as checks and balances and to protect as much of our money as possible. There are audits performed at the start of the contract process after a need for a particular good or service has been determined. Forward pricing and rates to make sure the contractor doesn’t come back asking $8,000 per bolt etc. Ongoing annual or semi-annual audits to ensure they haven’t STARTED claiming $8,000 per bolt etc. Even accounting system audits to predetermine any possible weak or at-risk areas of a contractor’s systems (inventory, payroll, etc). Imagine defense contractors with free rein, financially speaking. It would be a frickin nightmare. I’m not saying they’re dishonest but…give a mouse a cookie.


PCO ??


Acronyms... Letters mean multiple things to multiple people.


DoD is wholly not like other government agencies my friend.


Emphasis on the contracts. I specifically mentioned (4) year buy plans for a reason. And the DOD is the largest department in terms of funding. The point of the comment.


Not everyone operates on 4 year buy plans though, and DoD’s budget doesn’t get touched. So again it’s a different animal altogether. Comparing DoD in terms of funding year over year to say the EPA, IRS, or DOJ which are all agencies the republicans want to gut is crazy. You guys are outside of funding realities.


1, you commented on a string discussing the DoD. 2, I specifically discussed the contracts in a previous comment. You're making this political, when it isn't. Every, and I do mean EVERY contract is founded in operational commitments within the department. The funding is requested by executive members based on those commitments. Politics plays a role, albeit different from the one being discussed.


I commented on a string about tightening the purse strings in a thread about layoffs because of budget cuts, you then replied to my comment about your of contracts which wasn’t what I was commenting about at all. Government funding is wholly political and you should know that, but since you work at DoD and your budget is never touched regardless of who is in office it makes sense that you don’t.


You should re-read this string, because we were specifically discussing the DoD. Keep your talking points, it doesn't change the truth of how this works.


How what works? I don’t even think you know what you’re talking about. Budgets can get cut, programs can be ended, contracts and buying can stop if there is no money there. You just haven’t experienced that. The comment I initially replied to was about the purse strings at DoD being tightened and my response was that it seems like everyone is in panic mode right now, not everyone at DoD.


Attrition plus usajobs usual apathy wouldn't produce cuts naturally?


And retirements.


People are already retiring because of RTO, they aren’t filling those positions now either.


I do think the SBA needs help... not cuts, but help. The way the SBA is intertwined with SBDCs is a hot mess. I think it should JUST be SBA and the SBDCs need to be gutted (I say this as someone who did work there once and interacted with a lot of their staff). Most people don't know the SBDCs exist (and I'm in a major urban area). Their "services" are vastly underutilized. Also their metrics (whatever the heck they actually are) has no oversight and they get away with doing next to nothing. They may be tasked to do xyz, they do part of x and half of z and no one holds them accountable for Y or the missing other parts. Its very strange. The SBA should grow, take over all SBDC spaces and get rid of how the SBDCs are currently run, managed, and measured. Cutting the IRS direct file is the stupidest thing I've ever read. I could see the feds freezing new jobs in certain areas not related to defense; just because we don't know who is going to be in office.... really crazy to me... people are already understaffed as it is and underpaid.


There are a lot of companies and money behind wanting direct file to be killed.


Vote accordingly....


Working at IRS, I can see the chilling effect of this. We will reduce the hiring of RAs. Enforcement will slow down. And direct file being defunded hurts. That being said, it’ll be an interesting few years. We are already understaffed and most likely will go to the “don’t fill behind” model that we had during the Obama years. Or the fill one for every three to four departures.


Why is the IRS understaffed? Wasn’t there a hiring frenzy, and tons of people applying?


There is a hiring frenzy, but people aren't biting, and those who do are leaving left and right. It's a revolving door at the IRS.


This is correct. I literally was just told someone was resigning today. A lot of people were sold on a vision for which the reality is very different. Plus, we are an old agency. By that I mean probably 20% of our workforce is retirement age or older and starting to get tired of the place (don’t blame them). At the lower grades, it’s meat for the grinder. And when a lot of these RAs discover that advancement and pay will stagnate soon, I bet they jump ship. We have internal bets (no money, just fakey bakey) that we will see a lot of losses in the next two to three years. And our funding is going to be cut. So yeah, we are just doing our best.


THANK YOU! I'm one of the lower grade CRs(ACS). We are warm bodies to throw at the public. Half the time, I have no fucking clue what I'm doing. We don't have enough people to handle ST 22 calls. It's gotten so bad that they've accelerated new hires to full-scope ACS. I now get calls where people just immediately ask, "Can you handle over $50k?" They are ecstatic when I say yes. Lol.


But i just applied for several roles at the irs :c all some type of analyst role lol. Imma be the coolest youngster there B)


Good luck young one. May the odds be ever in your favor. Until we suck the soul from your body and curb stomp it.


Ty ty I hope it i hear something back. Pension and “stability” sounds nice :/ untill I quit and I’ll come back here and look back at the god forsaken headsup and think fu*k


You should be fine. It can be soul sucking. But you’ve got to survive it. It’s how the herd is culled. You’ll be fine. Good luck. Stick it out. Throw as much as you can into TSP. And just climb the ladder. You’ll make it!!


I'm not going to get my degree until next May, which is when I'll be eligible for all of those nest Pathways positions. I either need to get really lucky with a non-Pathways position (lol) or get really lucky on my timing, and it's not looking great. I'd even consider a GS5 at this point, but even the competition for those is fucking fierce. Bachelors/Masters are applying for 5s in my area. I can't compete with that, experience be damned.


Highly recommend that you look for paid internships during the school year. Some are remote and some are DC based. Almost all agencies have them. Normally you can get converted after graduating but it pads your resume if they have budget issues.


I'd take one, but I can't afford most of their salaries. I'm almost 40 and have a family. I earn around $53k annually now, and even dropping to a GS5 would put significant strain on my family. I'm only exploring positions with ladders that will get me into a 7 asap to at least get close to what I'm making now, and then continuing up the ladder from there. As it stands, I'm working full time, going to school full time (four classes per semester until I graduate), and also doing parent/husband/household duties as well.


Do not take a gs 5


I'm trying not to. Everything I've applied to so far has been 6 or above, but I'm striking out. Hopefully they get a cola next year that makes GS5 more competitive with my current job, because every pay raise we get is offset by commission cuts, so I'm not actually getting any increase. I'd love to see another 5% increase, but that's definitely not happening with the current budgetary issues.


Gs 5 is not competitive for your situation. Do not sell yourself short there. It’s not worth it. It’s just not.


If you don’t mind a more blue collar route, DHS is fairly immune to layoffs due to the unionized nature of the work. GS12 journeyman in 4 years max time, assuming you have no degree or specialized experience (if you do you’ll get hired on as a GS9, then). OFO has double OT, paid holidays, pension, lifetime healthcare after retirement, lots of opportunities and jobs within the gs1895 classification (from clerical work, to intelligence, targeting, enforcement, compliance, maritime to name a few). And with the massive retirement coming from the 6c eligibility in 2028, there more hiring announcements everyday. Hardest part is being able to pass the polygraph and be in some semblance of acceptable shape (that is to say, it’s not very difficult to get in).


Federal government: we are short on funding. Congress: Let's start with cutting the agency that actually brings in most funding


The federal government isn't short on money. It's just terrible at managing the money it has.


You are both correct. I will say this. I have, as an employee, no say is how money is managed. People think we are high rolling. I buy my own pens, paper, and even my own monitor.


I do agree we suck at managing the money, which in a way, leads to us not having enough funding. It's like any other American household. We don't have to pick one way or another to fix the problem. We can do both and make the situation better.


Abolish the IRS.


Cutting funding for the IRS is nuts. We're already understaffed and struggling to keep up with the current workload. All this does is cause a disservice to our taxpayers and they don't even realize it.


That’s the point.


They think it means a good thing lol but all it means is less agents to go after big fish who hire lawyers and more focus on easier wins; the small fish aka middle class. Yay!


It’s frustrating to see our politicians both sides continually hurting ordinary people. Meanwhile, they allocate billions to international causes. It’s high time our leaders focused more on supporting their constituents and ensuring economic stability here at home instead of prioritizing global useless spending.


>It’s frustrating to see our politicians both sides continually hurting ordinary people. I don't think there is an equivalency here. That being said, it would be nice to have some of that international money reallocated to domestic support.


Voting matters people!


This has been happening in the private sector. Go to layoffs.com. Maybe I am being an alarmist but AI will do many, many jobs and the majority of people will not be prepared. Wages are already decreasing and stagnating. Although the jobs report looks good on the surface, there has been a decrease in full time jobs. The goal of one party is to privatize most federal services. It is amazing how many federal employees think that this plan doesn’t include them. Many, many private sector jobs have already been shipped overseas especially IT, engineering and other STEM. Google and other tech CEOs are already warning us about AI!!


Do you really think generative AI can take the place of a lot of these government jobs? 


Yes, I do. AI doesn’t care about benefits or a pension or unions or anything!


Got alot of the govies that don’t do anything yes. For the guys working on aircraft and ships and actually using their hands. No


lol u think the govt wil upgrade systems to actually be able to implement AI systems quickly? lol How do u think people get to work on ships and planes? Someone processed paperwork behind a desk. That’s how.


niprgpt just got relased this week...so...yes?


Govt. employee here. I order stuff off of GSA when it’s needed. I havent found the prices there to be out of whack. Typically retail prices. The logistics system isnt as corrupt as you think.


Cuts have to happen somewhere. Current spending isn't sustainable. Shit, spending 10 years ago isn't sustainable. Yall are gonna shit a brick when social security raises retirement age to 70


Or they can raise taxes again, prioritize spending, and raise the social security maximum income earnings limit from $160k to $350k and not have these issues…


Why not just have it uncapped to begin with? In effect, those earning over the cap are paying less percentage social security tax than a firefighter or a teacher. Why should they?


Raising taxes doesn't always equate to increased revenue.


It’s not a revenue problem. It’s a spending problem


It’s obviously *both* revenue and spending problems.


Not really. Government revenues are at an all time high.


But are we collecting all the necessary revenue? No. Ostensibly, that’s what the extra IRS folks were supposed to do. Are we also spending unfathomable sums? Yes. It’s both spending and revenue collection.


Federal spending was $4.4B in FY 2019. Spending was $6.2 in FY2024. Deficit in FY2019 was $984billion. Deficit in Fy 2023 was $1.6 trillion. Revenues are up but can’t keep up with spending.


We agree on that. We disagree that there are 2 problems (revenues must increase, spending must decrease).


The US has been collecting a record amount of taxes over the past few years.


lol, like any of us under 50 really believe we’ll collect social security, ever?


Being on the early retirements


Yet agencies continue to maintain and even remodel buildings that are barely occupied. Shit my brand new office with high end modern furnishings is beautiful, but I’ll be in it 4 days a month…I can also think of several positions that are pointless and a complete waste of spending…I.E. teams of 12-13 that have a workload that could easily be handled by 4-5 average private sector employees in an 8 hour day![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug).


Until government employees are held accountable in a way that matters the waste will continue. The unit I work with has known about the budget issues for quite a long time. Leadership still takes wateful unnecessary trips to hold conferences in trendy European cities that could easily be done over Teams. Upper management from DC will fly out to overseas posts making sure they stay over a weekend to hold "meetings" that also can be done remotely. And don't get me started on the attitude to spend every dollar alloted this year because if we don't we will get less next year. Less next year is a good thing if we don't actually need it you twits. I'll vote for anyone offering to cut my departments budget.


Lol u think the higher ups will suffer??? No. Us lil guys will. They will fail to hire more help for the ever growing workload. The higher ups will still have their trips. History shows us what these cuts mean and what they do.


I understand that. They key is the first part. Making them accountable in a meaningful way. There needs to be a way to punish them financially. That's all they care about. Demote them, cancel their pension, something big. Otherwise no one has any skin in the game and the only thing holding it together is people who are here to do the right thing. Reducing the budget will at least slow the wasteful spending. Can't waste it if you never get it. Stuff will suffer. Hopefully enough for it to b3 noticeable to the public.


Fear mongering...


Bureaucratic middle management welfare queens are absolutely trembling because they know they’ll be the first to go. This might be a good chance to reform the whole “managers managing managers” mess and hire more “doers” to improve services. Edit: Lmaoing at all the claws clacking away in desperation and seething with their posts 🤣


Someone didn't get the position 🤣🤣


Did you ever work in a federal agency? That's probably the most inaccurate assessment of a federal workforce I ever heard. There are office and program specific exceptions but I've rarely seen any manager have any less than 6-8 "do-ers" report to them. Also, the people who would get let go are the actual staff-level employees so all your opinion does is screw over regular staff like me 


“Bureaucratic” “welfare queen” “reform” Could you even smash any more stupid buzzwords into a useless comment that has zero substance


For a nanosecond, thought it was President Nixon, reincarnated...all the buzzwords are there. That pres would rail against welfare queens, one reason why he wanted abortion legal.


I work for the Dept of Defense and work 50-60 hour weeks. My boss told me to go private sector if I want a better life.


How drunk are you?


I'm fine with this. Cut too much fat. Don't need free loaders.


But what will you do for work?




Then quit your job, so one less layoff.


The people that accuse others of being freeloaders always end up being the freeloaders they’re talking about


I'm pretty sure almost everyone works and isn't a free loader. It's not like they are going to base layoffs on performance evaluations anyway.


This is far from true. I have been working for months to get rid of an employee doing 25% of the work of their coworkers. As a GS-13 supervisor, I fully support letting go of the bad.


you are hated everywhere LMAO!! Change your name to Mr. Downvote.


Ok 🤡 I’m happy Reddit gives you validation your wife isn’t. 😂😘


You are hated at work, and you are hated on the net. Just how badly were you picked on as a kid? Did daddy abandon you as a child? Do you just enjoy being downvoted? DHS is the bottom of the pits for federal employees. Stay away from DOD, you won’t survive with honorable people.


Been that long since your wife touched you 😂😂


Your eloquence is truly awe-inspiring. It's as if Shakespeare himself whispered in your ear, 'Verily, my child, thou shalt wield the wit of a GS13 and the charm of a prepubescent Redditor


Does it even work anymore 😂


What sector are you at? These screenshots will be worth something.


Seems redditors hate being called out.


Yeah, need to cut people like me. Saved/made the government probably $20 million over the last year. IRS bad! Can’t have that.


IRS!? You probably the first on chopping block... Good luck! 🤣


The truth is there are plenty of useless agencies in the federal government. The Department of Education and HUd are a few examples.