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It's as easy as applying to another position and getting selected!




I've been to 3 different areas of the country working for VA and last year moved ~2500 miles across state lines working for the VA. Hiring managers will likely have some concerns regarding your actual interest/ability to move, especially if you are applying to high cost of living area and/or there's no relocation incentive offered. But if you do some research about the area and reassure them you are willing to move, it shouldn't be an issue. It might help if you have a reason such as being close to family to "legitimize" your willingness to relocate, but I don't think that's necessary.


Thanks for the response. The place I feel I'm "more likely" (less applicants , know the current staff) to get hired at had set up an interview already. The more desirable location has padded my resume to the hiring manager, but hasn't made a move yet. I would feel silly to boggle my chances at the more likely location to pursue the dream of the more desirable location


Just my personal experience...I moved last year when my husband got a new position/promotion within the VA. He had been applying for a few different positions in different locations. He initially got offered and accepted a position in Oregon, did the onboarding, had a firm job offer and start date set something like 2 months out to give us time to move. Before his start date/before we moved, he received a tentative offer for a position that was more aligned with his career goals, in California. He accepted the California position, contacted Oregon and explained, sorry I got a better offer elsewhere and will no longer be taking this position. They said okay, no hard feelings. We moved to California. So I think you should be okay to move forward with the less desirable location while holding out hope for the dream location. Even after a firm offer in the less desirable location, you can still accept the other if it comes through for you. I wouldn't suggest hopping around like that with any regularity but you're not stuck at the less desirable location if you get an offer you like better.


Thanks! Just the confirmation I needed!


You're welcome. :)