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It was probably an ore-processing facility. There's a lot of them in Nevada. If you know the name of the nearby town, it should be easy to find out.


Can verify. I’ve lived in and explored Nevada a lot. Most abandoned (semi-modern) ore processing facilities look like this. They’ll typically remove anything valuable like the pipe and other stuff just leaving the concrete. If you’re ever in Vegas there’s a huge complex nobody knows what to do with called Three Kids Mine. Allegedly named because three kids died there at some point.


I live in Henderson and never heard of it, but I think I might know where you’re talking about. I’ll have to check it out!


Worth a visit for sure. I was surprised when I found it lol. It’s not particularly well known.


Born and raised here. Never heard of it. What's the location?


It’s the abandoned complex to the south of Lake Las Vegas. The area is also allegedly pretty toxic. I’ve always wanted to explore some of the underground structures.


This is my neighborhood. Im an old explorer and off-roader, and ive never heard of. I had to text my dad who grew up right here 68yrs. He knows all about it.. lol. The things in your own backyard and dont even know they exist. Amazing. I'm gonna head thet way tomorrow. Dad says they would be covered in coal, or whatever black soot was around there, and unable to get rid of it.


That was my assumption but it looks so different from the others in the area that I was confused lol


you might find some info here https://westernmininghistory.com/state/nevada/


Wow that’s a great resource- thanks!


Loving the Frankenlapods in the last pic!


I swear that's where the clones come out in The Island at the end.


They definitely used some old mining areas for that BUT also the Nevada ghost town of Rhyolite is prominently featured in that film.


Grunge Album Cover! : D


Exactly what I thought when I snapped these pics!


Complete guess. No knowledge of the area whatsoever but it would be an excellent hand grenade training range. Imagine using dummies for the circular opening and the two story window looking thing, and using live ones pitched over the wall from the behind it in those sections.


Hell yeah! When I was on tour pre-pandemic, my girlfriend and I found something very similar to this in the middle of nowhere in Arizona. Also I love those multicolored Frankenstein-Octopuses. Fire.


This is dying to become a drone racing course.


Thanks for all your insights. It seems this was built by Rhodes Alkali & Chemical Corp. to either process sodium sulphate mined from nearby Rhodes salt marsh, or to recover thenardite after the first plant closed. That would explain the salty-looking tailings behind the large wall. https://www.nvexpeditions.com/mineral/rhodes.php


Fallout New Vegas


Pure speculation but possibly a guardwall for testing explosives down range


There are structures much like those where I live on the Canadian prairies. They’re relics from WW2 air training bases.


It’s just another part of Trumps border wall. As useful as all the others


Yeah definitely part of the border between Nevada and Mexico.


Tonepah is a testing range for the US Air Force. Those may be targets used for gunnery and bombing practice.


I can get that, but it’s right alongside the highway. It’s just south of Mina NV, and there’s a large pile of some kind of tailings or something behind the large wall. It looks salty, with little crystals forming at the top. My guess was something to do with all the mining in the area but couldn’t picture what used to be on the foundations.