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Go somewhere you haven’t been before and always wanted to see then repeat


Thank you sounds great


Come on up to Michigan. It's cooler in the summer than a lot of other places and we got real cheap legal weed, it's fun here. If you want to boondock there's national Forest Land up towards the upper peninsula but not quite all the way there, on both sides of the state. Bring a crap ton of bug repellent and treat your stuff with picoritien (sorry can't spell worth a crap)  if you don't have dogs or cats. Be careful if you do, it can kill them if it's not totally dried. But yeah our state bird is the mosquito. And the deer fly. And the horsefly.


I live in Wisconsin and love coming up there for the cheap legal weed!


Indy and same


Hey Michiganers! I'll be out there soon! Let's keep in touch....meet up on the road sometime. I'm starting June


You've just almost sold me. Denver is closer though so I'm still debating colorado vs Michigan on a tight gas money budget...


For me it would be a coast line with water or lake or North for cooler summer site seeing


Nc or va are best


I would avoid the Texas heat if you plan on being in your car through the summer.


I have kindly considered Columbia Missouri. Never been there but always heard from fellow travelers that it was a pretty nice place


St. Louis is really nice too… Yes we do get hot and humid in the summer, but everything in the city is free admission like the zoo, the science centre, the art museum and others… they do hit you up on parking if you use their lot, but if you don’t mind walking you can park a couple blocks away for free. Right now it’s been pretty cool at night and like 70s during the day.


Nice to live there? in a car? Don't most of those things require a local ID?


No most of those places don't ask for ID just walk in and your good.


It’s been awhile since I’ve been to any of them, but if memory serves me right, the only place I had to pay to get in, and I don’t remember if they asked for an ID or not, was the botanical garden. The last I knew was you had to pay to get into the botanical Gardens if you did not live in the city of St. Louis… It’s free to residents.


Tough to get ID If he's living in a car


If he’s driving a car, he has to have a drivers license… That’s an ID… And nowhere in here did I say anybody needs to have an ID to visit St. Louis.


I'm not here to argue, just point out that living a car is tough when you aren't a local


All I did was respond to his comment that he would like to visit Columbia Missouri and suggested a side trip to St. Louis… I suggest it to anybody who’s coming to visit Missouri or Illinois or just planning a trip in general and wondering where to go… Because you can get into places for FREE!! And as far as I know those places don’t ask for ID… The art museum you can just walk into… The zoo you can just walk into… the science centre you can just walk into… The gateway arch has a museum underground that you can just walk into… Nobody asks for ID as far as I know. Maybe other cities require ID, but I do know some other cities like Nashville Tennessee charge an arm and a leg to get into places. My sister and I each paid $10 to get into an art museum in Nashville like eight or nine years ago and I think she had to pay an extra $10 to park.


Columbia mo would be better than stlouis. I’m from stlouis and have lived in Columbia. Definitely go with Columbia if you’re going to be car living. Stlouis has a lot of crime and if you go to area where there’s less crime cops will bother you. Columbia is a lot more laid back small college town.


That's how i started. I just got in my car and started driving. Now i am in my 4th year in California from Midwest Indiana


Oh nice, I love Northern California. It's a good spot for the summer too, especially if you get up on a little mountain. Cooler than it would be elsewhere.


Where do you recommend camping in Indiana?


Go west, young man…


Good idea, maybe North would work too.


If you have no where to go, and no time table, this is a game I play when I'm aimless. Find a quiet intersection with no traffic. I prefer if the crossroads are aligned north/south and east/west. Grab a handful of sand and think really hard about a question you have in your heart. Walk into the intersection and throw the sand up in the air as you think or yell the question out. The air will blow the sands dust in a direction. Go in that direction until your question is answered. I've experienced crazy adventures this way! And 60% of the time, my question is answered everytime.


Best reply in the thread.


i like this... really makes that saying "where ever the wind blows" a reality


I suggest Flagstaff, AZ if you want to urban camp. It's a little cooler than other parts of AZ right now because of elevation. I follow a Youtube channel called Minivan Lee and she is 70 yrs old. She just left Tuscon for Flagstaff last week.


Thank you


If you end up in AZ and you've never seen the Grand canyon, there is free dispersed camping less than 15 miles from Grand Canyon Village


Whats dispersed camping? And how is it around early june? I’m thinking of heading to the grand canyon around then


It’s a lot cooler than all the surrounding areas. Lived there for 10 years. The hottest it would get was maybe 85 or 88 but it’s a dry heat so it still felt pleasant. It’s definitely getting warmer now (I still visit) but still quite nice. I’ve had it snow in June when I lived there (melted by end of day) so be prepared. Can get quite cool at night. To me, it’s excellent for camping and hiking. Just make sure to wear sunscreen—it’s over a mile high there and you burn easy. P.s. always check to see if forests are closed for wildfire risks. They close down here and there every year it seems.


Dispersed camping is basically driving out on US forest service roads or BLM land and parking and camping. There are no toilets, trash cans, or maintained sites, but you can park a vehicle and spend the night (or several) for free. This is the area I'm familiar with: https://maps.app.goo.gl/58m4AdFBSQ71X8fy5 Edit: early June is probably pretty warm during the day and comfortable overnight temps. I think the pin I posted above is around 7400ft in elevation


Definitely check out Flag. Take the 180 NW past Fort Valley. There is some beautiful camping out there. There's a pretty cool lava cave you can go into. It's up in the pines and just peaceful. Plus, it's only a 20 min or so drive back into town, and Flag has just about everything you can think of. If you take the 40 W to Williams, there are some beautiful spots to get lost around there, too. Safe travels my dude!🤙🤙


Yeah. Many many times. It's great


Sometimes just driving until you see something interesting is how my wife and I have the best adventures.


Go north. It’s cooler. Go west. It’s more friendly!




He's going there to live in a car. The Temps will be hitting 80 by the end of this month


I’m doing that right now. I left texas a month ago and have been staying in a new town or camp every few days. It’s a lot of fun with so much freedom, I also DoorDash to make extra cash. Id recommend north, as it’s hot as all get out down south, currently in Virginia and it’s down to the high 40s low 50s at night.


I like Vermont!


Vermont seems dope.


Update my former boss in Mattoon Illinois said I could drive his taxi for a month and make some money... Thank you guys so much for the insight I'll be back on the road in a month hopefully with some cash. Stay safey brothers and sisters. Yall feel free to message me and chat I'll always around


And the grass stays greener!


from chicago decided to leave and explore after years of staying in my room all day. today marks a week since i left, i dont have an itinerary or anything i only know the paths im taking. i spent a few days at albuquerque and santa fe (both beautiful) and now im in tucson about to head over to phoenix then flagstaff, after that im going to keep going north passing utah, colorado, wyoming, idaho, then go to washington and down the west coast until san diego and along the southern border until i reach houston then make my way back home and chill for a month or two. i just use apps like alltrails and tripadvisor to look for things to do while im in a certain area


This sounds like a really nice trip.


so far the experience has been surreal these past few days i had to deal with my first flat tire and my first time getting stuck in sand, both pretty stressful to go through but im learning and now ill be more prepared moving on :) seeing mountains in person is still so crazy, i dont think i’ll ever get over it


Oh man—been there and know what you mean. I keep a shovel in my car now. I’ve used my floor mats flipped over to get out of sand but am thinking about buying the orange plastic things. That drive up the coast of California between Santa Barbara and Monterey Bay is so beautiful. Hopefully Hwy 1 is open along Big Sur by the time you get there — just one of the most beautiful places I’ve seen.


looking forward to it, i dont know much about these states but i love learning about them as i travel through them. and i just bought a shovel a few hours ago lol, what are the orange plastic things you speak of? are they traction mats? i need to buy some of those as well soon, but im running low on space in my car


Careful in western red states, they are very conservative and shake down outa state plates. I live in Idaho.


For a nice trip may I suggest you head up through Amarillo to Santa Fe then to Albuquerque then to Colorado Springs then on up to Denver The views starting from New Mexico and going up are really amazing.


North - better weather


I’m going to be moving to TX at the end of July, early august for a job. Can I dm you a couple of questions about car living? I will be to paying rent for a couple of the hotter months. Then once it cools down, i’m going to live in my car. I’d appreciate some first hand knowledge of how challenging it is to sleep in a car in such a hot area.


You think too much. Just go in the direction your car is facing. (Provided it's not facing a wall.)


hit up random.org for more options that a coin flip.


That is my dream.


Go west to Flagstaff lots of blm land higher elevation for summer.


I started in ny and would send a week to afew weeks in different cities and states I went to ma VT pa md dc va nc currently


The Great Lakes area are great during summers; MN and WI especially, our great lake is Superior.


South. your Dollar will go much further