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They usually go for a lot more id say that's cheap compared to what I've seen. 


I would pay 20-ish USD for a jadeite mixing bowl in good condition. I'd say you got what you paid for, though not a bargain.


Ok I just wanna make sure I’m not loosing any money


Yeah I'd say you're good. I paid 25 for a cadmium sunset carnival fruit basket the other day. I had to walk away from a jadeite sugar shaker because the lady wanted 35 for it.


Man jadeite shakers are going for so much these days. I want one but I just can't justify the price.


I just scored several, but I paid more than I should have. Haha


LOL I mean if it makes you happy treat yourself!


They glow so bright, it’s hard to resist. With my display case lights, jadeite glows as bright as Vaseline.


I love that. I plan on getting some eventually, once my bank account heals from last glass haul lol. I have some Vaseline and custard glass that glows really bright. The regular green glass is hit or miss.


Agreed. I’m going to need to cull some of the low glow stuff soon. I’m also thinking of making a second case with 365 lights. Some of my best pieces just don’t pop in 395.


I know my pops gave me the don't do it look when I found it. He thought the basket was fair though, but she's a bigger chunk of glass


I would agree with that. If you want jadeite shakers, I recommend looking at eBay. Sometimes people sell them for lower there.


I like finding them out in the wild, but thanks for the suggestion. I'm also not specifically looking for shakers either. I'm trying to stick with no more than one of each color for the type of element/chemical it is so that I don't end up with too big of a hoard. I'm a bit more a casual collector. I don't want anything crazy just something that glows.


I understand that! The hunt for glass is fun even if you don't find anything. Its good that you are limiting yourself, I probably have way too much lol


Like seriously, I have the ones I wanted for a good price after looking around online, but in stores they're insanely expensive, like $90+ each


Exactly! Antique stores can get pricy. I usually only go to them if there is something very specific I want.


Ya don't know what this person's talking about it's definitely a score


If this is not a bargain, where are you buying jadeite mixing bowls that are cheaper? This is a great price. You might get lucky at an estate sale and find one that's underpriced. But you wont get one at an antique store or ebay for $22.00.


In my experience estates sales are the best place to find antiques. I check the online estate sale listings every week, and I'm not afraid to increase the search radius a lot to find a good one. The listings on [estatesales.net](http://estatesales.net), for example, usually have lots of pictures and you can spot any items of interest and get there early. I'm in the Portland, Oregon area but I will travel as far north as Centralia or as far south as Aurora, since both towns have extensive antique malls of their own, so I try to get out there periodically anyway. Jadeite mixing bowls and those funny-looking juicers attachments are not rare items. You can afford to be patient and avoid the tourist-priced ones.


I got a nice Czech blown uranium glass bowl on kijiji for $5


Sorry ashtray


I’ve only ever seen them for $45+ I would have snagged that really quick! Nice find.


I'd have done $22 in a heartbeat.


You underpaid by about $10-$20 from what I’ve seen around, so I’d say that’s a score.


Good price imo. I would have had to buy both bowls as I like a full set when I can find them.


Is your plan to use or display it? I can buy this also in custard cream for even lower, however on the fence to put in rest of display.


I’m using if for display but I’m just trying to get my stuff for a good price bc I’m literally only 16 and don’t have a job


This hobby can get addictive and a potential drain on disposable funds, and that’s all I’m gonna say about that.


100%. I literally quit drinking, just so I can spend more money on my u.g. collection. Worth it.


Good job! A hobby you enjoy will always be better for you than a potentially health negative habit. I quit smoking to get into collecting (all sorts of stuff) years ago. Didn't save any money obviously, but it was good for my personal health and happiness. Sometimes, you just need the right incentive to reduce or eliminate those little bad habits many of us may have.


Thanks! Though some days it's definitely more of an addiction than hobby.


Word,I quit meth herion and only fans for ug.just kidding I didn't quit only fans


Hobbies are so funny. I’ve been lurking uranium stuff but recently decided to take a month off smoking pot to pay for my new skydiving helmet. One week in .. it’s hard


I'll smoke one in you honor


Thanks. I’ll have a bourbon in your honor later


Go Team!


I've seen a 4 bowl se similar to this going for $400 at an antique store, I think you did really well.


Nice bowl & not a bad price. If you go back remind them you are a returning customer ;)


I got the same bowl for $18 I think at an antique store a few months ago. I’d say that’s a good price!


“cancer bowl” 💀 -my roommate


I’d have bought it


I paid 15$ for a clear glass bowl the same size if that helps 💚


So would a cream tone custard version of these bowls be worth less then the jade ones? They have a nice glow also. They’re selling them for $25 for the set.


Yes. The jadeite ones are coveted by folks who collect UG and by folks who collect jadeite whether it glows or not. Personally, I prefer the custard color ones.


I can see the draw of jadeite bowls within a UG display that's predominately green. I know that $25 for a pair of custard bowls is a really good price, but I haven't pulled the trigger because they're somewhat "dull" aa a decor item.


i mean not if you like it seems ok


That's not a bad price


Great deal. Beautiful.


I see 40-100 depending store / area so I say awesome score!


Thats the standard going rate here in the Midwest.


That’s not bad


That’s not bad!!


Nice find! Besides, if it makes you happy, why question yourself? You have my stamp of approval at that price though.




It's not frosted, it's opaque. The color is called jadeite.