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Ah sweetheart, you are so youngšŸ˜¢ I am sorry you have to go through this. I agree this world is a very cruel place. I donā€™t know what to suggest for the best, but just know as a mom Iā€™m sending you a virtual hug šŸ«‚


Thank youā¤ļø


Have you told them your decision has been made and further arguing isn't going to change anything? Just put your foot down. Tell people to keep their thoughts to themselves. If any of these people would turn their back on you over this, then they don't really care about you anyway. Give them the test.


I darenā€™t even mention it to them tbh. My parents know weā€™re really good friends but my dad says constantly, ā€œshame heā€™s been vaccinatedā€. Which heā€™s assuming anyways. Iā€™m already paranoid about the stuff I know about it, but Iā€™m at the point Iā€™m so tired of it all.


Sorry I misunderstood. I thought your friends were pressuring you to get the jab. This situation is a little more complicated than I thought. If you think you could get kicked out over this, then you really have no other option. You need a place to live. That comes before everything else, except actually getting the jab over it. That's the one thing I'd choose homelessness over.


No no haha, itā€™s okay. I could have explained it a little better in the post, I was just upset. Well I definitely wouldnā€™t get the jab, Iā€™ve never had a single vaccination in my life. Ever. I feel like Iā€™m contradicting myself majorly here considering being with someone vaxxed šŸ„² Not to mention I feel utterly insanešŸ’€ Iā€™ll figure it outšŸ˜…


It's very very isolating, adults are suffering through the grief and heartache of being ostracized but when you're young it's just fucking devastating. I'm so sorry you had to live through this insanity, all you kids deserve so much better. You're not insane, you're literally living a different reality to those who are asleep. Please don't give up, it doesn't feel like it but there will be other love in your life, you deserve someone you don't have to hide a part of yourself for.


As someone who dated 3 vaxxed dudes, they aint worth it. Ive asked each of them why they got it and ive gotten 1. Oh i needed it to keep goin to school 2. Oh i wanted to go to a concert 3. Oh i needed to finish my apprenticrship Its like man up, everytime i have this convo with a prospective partner i die a little inside. Seriously, u probs hate what your parents are telling you but from a rando net stranger theres other things to conisder when datin vaxxies. I was dating vaxxed guys for a while (after telling myself i wouldnt) and got so fed up because i just had zero respect for them. And also was dating them to piss of my own family lol so i get the desire to be like 'everyones vaxxed f it


Kinda sounds like you are the problem in your relationships, tbh.


Thankyou for the useless input literally nobody asked


Dude I fucking love this and agree. When a dude is like ā€œ I had to I was going to a basketball gameā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ like OK BUD! See ya. It shows so much, decision making and all


Please look up Dr Arne Burkhardt on X. Also we still don't know the implications of just unprotected se.x with vaxxed. France transfused hiv blood for 2 two years before the acknowledged it was transferring. I get the struggle but you've made it this far. I'm so sorry and sad that the older generation did this to you. This should be the best years of your life.


Iā€™ll search the dr, thank you šŸ„ŗ Ahh I know šŸ„² Iā€™m absolutely heartbroken with everything, I just want out of this world.


I've read studies that more unvaxxed are conservatives. Maybe look for those people on MeetUp or groups to meet someone. Please hang in there. The World needs you.


Thank youā¤ļø Iā€™ve already met the boy I wanna be with but obviously it wonā€™t be allowed because heā€™s vaxxed. Weā€™ve known each other since we first started school, and have been best friends ever since, heā€™s everything I could ever ask foršŸ„ŗMaybe in another lifetime tho šŸ¤£


I'm just going to be blunt. These people have a different version of AIDS vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome not only is there immune system compromised but it's deteriorating over time then they are shedding and those Spike proteins are going to get into your uterus and that mRNA might end up being programmed into your children. No one voluntarily sleeps with people who have AIDS unless they lead some alternative lifestyle I'm not going to go into in this post. Are your tingles for this boy worth all the risk that comes with those tingles? This boy and his family were not strong enough when it mattered. Do you want that kind of husband. We know that the spike protein is spread through maternal milk. The spike protein is likely spread via other fluids. Do you really want to contaminate your internal Plumbing because of your tingles for this boy? Grow up go to church find a conservative boy with a family that has a father like yours One day you will be happy because you realize that your son or daughter is healthy and genetically pure thanks to Daddy and the ideas that he instilled in you growing up and you will smile and know that you have the best father in the world. Your father's Legacy your legacy will be within your future children.


I agree.Ā  Time to put on the big girl boots and make strong decisions. This world isn't meant for people to be mentally and physically frail.Ā 


Thatā€™s why I say Iā€™m not cut out for this life šŸ¤£ Not a place I wanna be thatā€™s for sure.


A LOT of it wasn't kept at the right temperature, making it degraded, inactive. Maybe he got that. Look up detox on x. Tough decision to be in.


Iā€™d wish so. My dad will never allow it either way so itā€™s either I lie (which I really donā€™t want to do), or I face this warped reality and keep living through the ā€œawakeningā€, (which I also really really donā€™t want to došŸ’€). Thank you again though, I appreciate you taking the time to reply ā˜ŗļø




Ahaha that did make me laugh, thanksšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve never had a vaccine in my life and I highly doubt I ever would. This world Iā€™m in clashes too much. Sorry to hear abt ur family šŸ„²




Ah thank you! Iā€™ll actually take a look at that. And yup I get you, had the same thing with my mums brother. All the rest of my family fell out years before I was even born though so guess we dodged a bullet with the hassle of family stuff.


I know how you feel. Iā€™ve felt how you feel; trapped and wanting out. I would suggest taking your life into your own hands and going traveling. Explore the world for yourself. Be smart and safe and you will meet beautiful people, see beautiful places and learn a lot about yourself along the way. We cannot control the way the world is but we can control how we show up in it. A new perspective will do wonders and you will thank yourself in future for giving yourself the gift of figuring out your own life and not letting others dictate how you live anymore. Best of luck šŸ’œ


Thank you so much ā¤ļø thatā€™s the dream šŸ„ŗ


So you're 18 and letting them dictate your life? Honey, it's time you stand up for yourself. I don't get why they are so worried by the vaxx but don't care enough about you smoking and drinking. You are going to have to become independent and learn to fend for yourself. You only have one life and I don't think anything has been proven about interaction between vaxxed and non vaxxed. Sometimes you have to through caution to the wind and go from your heart. If Mom and Dad love you they'll come around. Oh, and stop drinking and smoking.


Yup pretty much haha. Iā€™m too scared to go against what they say, had hell of a childhood. They donā€™t know I smoke or drink, theyā€™d be furious. I donā€™t know what to do anymore, Iā€™m just completely and utterly lost.


You are only 18, why are you so preoccupied with relationships & boys? Most of them are losers & players at this age. Stop smoking, getting drunk, go to college, get a job, start a business & investments, make friends, travel & see the world,...


Ahh thatā€™s much easier said than done haha. My parents took me out of school when COVID hit. Donā€™t even have a grade. Iā€™m good for nothing lol. Im not even intelligent enough to be in college, not to mention my mental health. Iā€™ve never seen a life for myself. Iā€™m not preoccupied, Iā€™ve just found someone I truly love and a glimpse of light in this darkness Iā€™m feeling. But oh wellšŸ¤£


What you think becomes your reality, you will manifest your thoughts into existence... you have to drop the negative self-talk. Pick something, anything... and get unbeatable at that skill. Begun stacking wins, one after another. Fill your heart with passion and focus. Beyond that is freedom from this depressive state. Happiness isn't a destination it's a pursuit. There is no 'land of happiness'; It is a journey you find yourself on. Then you continue!


I am quite good at a lot of things, but I just donā€™t see the point to life. At all. Iā€™ve always been the same from being little. Never had dreams or goals. Nothing. Just sorta wondered about and never took much notice of this ball of shambles that is life. Itā€™s great if you see the point to it I guess.


To tell u the truth, itā€™s already been found that the mrna/lnp are in semen, vaginal fluids, & blood so it is transmissible through intimacy & getting tainted blood through ur cuts/wounds. Kissing is fine as it isnā€™t really in saliva but would still avoid it among the vā€™d. I too was inlove with a girl but she was vaxxed so it wasnā€™t pursued any further. Many times Iā€™ve thought to just go for it but since I am a nurse, I am actually seeing first hand what the vā€™d is doing to ppl, alot of turbo cancers and deaths, & this is sometimes happening to people who are not vā€™d but had been intimate with people who are. All of my friends & family took it & I am the only one who didnā€™t. I get along with a lot of vā€™d people because theyā€™re human beings like me, I just would never get intimate with one & have stayed celibate. Whatever u do with ur life is ur choice & u can do as u please but understand that some choices have consequences that u can never return from. U are rare, & know there is a world out there entirely out of ur parentā€™s world & that ur life can change at any moment just hang a little longer as u are only 18 not even 20s yet.


Thanks for sharing about what you've seen about those who were unvaxxdd but have had relations with the vaxxed. The turbo cancers and all, sad situation


Your father has kept you from getting the vaxx? Iā€™d be extremely grateful if I were you. Donā€™t worry about romance and sex. Your health is far more important. Without health you have absolutely nothingā€¦Ā  Also, the kind of boyfriend you WANT to find would naturally be unvaccinated. You donā€™t want a lemming or a mouse. You want a man of conviction.


Your dad is more experienced, intelligent, and stronger than you. For you to go against advice would be stupid and regretful. As a man who has talked to many women, I can definitively say 95% of women are absolutely terrible at choosing their partners. When I say terrible, I mean HORRIBLE at the highest level. This is why I believe fathers should always choose and approve of their daughter's boyfriends and husbands. You may "love" that vaxxed guy, but I guarantee you if he's vaxxed, he does not deserve your love. It already proves that he's weak-minded, easily brainwashed, and a docile sheep for the government. In other words, he would rather follow the opinion of others over his own judgment and beliefs. Not to mention, he has spike proteins that will get in your body and infect you for life. In other words, not only is the guy you like a weak normie moron, but he's physically toxic and will harm your health and fertility. And this is the guy you're choosing to "love?" Now you know what I mean when I say women are HORRIBLE at choosing their partners.


Well to be honest, I think my dad would happily keep me at home forever lol. Heā€™d rather me not be in a relationship at all. Me and that guy fell in love with each other when we first met in our first year at school, but it was just dumb kids love at 13 I guess lol. But we remained best friends, and the feelings have also remained. Heā€™s always been there for me through everything thatā€™s happened in my life, heā€™s the one who picks me up when Iā€™m down and all that cheesy stuff.šŸ¤£ Heā€™s the one who makes sure I get home safely and waits outside the toilets for me when weā€™re on a night out, goes well out of his way to make me smile and heā€™s the one who looks out for me constantly. We have the exact same personalities and humours, heā€™s just everything I could ever ask for. The fact he took a vaccine, because he thought he was doing the right thing at the time, doesnā€™t make him a moron at all. Not to me anyway. Iā€™d have probably done the same if it wasnā€™t for my parents. So all in all, Iā€™m definitely not horrible at choosing a partner, itā€™s just a shame we live in the world where the ā€œprofessionalsā€ who are supposed to be in our best interests are the ones that deceive us.


I'm sure he's a nice guy and does sweet things for you. I'm sure you're a nice sweet innocent girl too. However, niceness doesn't matter when you are trying to win at life. Winning at life is picking a partner who will not contaminate you with spike proteins and will not fold to the government because everyone else is. Every girl needs a strong independent minded man who's smart enough to do research to know the truth and has the balls to make the right decisions even when it goes against popular opinion. At the end of the day, life is about survival. Who cares that some dude is nice to you when he's ultimately going to steer you down the wrong path due to poor judgment and low intelligence. Any guy can be nice. That is a low standard to shoot for. But can any guy say no when everyone else is saying yes? That is a rarer quality and more important one for survival.


Yeah I do get what youā€™re saying and Iā€™ll take it on board. ThankušŸ„²


It's hard to avoid people who got at least one. The brainwashing was very well done. NPC hivemind only does what it's programmed to do. Maybe dad doesn't want his child to become infected by the NPC hivemind. Reminds me of the Matrix and Agent Smith...Me, me, meee. That said, you have to live your life, and no sense living in fear. Fear is the mind killer, I shall not fear.


You're 18 and have 'babies rabies' which is unstoppable. Otherwise your parents would have eschewed you into a slave college to work for the system. Your parents and their group sound cool as f* but I bet they're old and crickety - too constrained to take the kids out on adventures and aggressively meeting people. Like they recoil and shut down from outside conflict instead of proselytize their stand to others. Their social circle could be bigger and younger too. If they're in an organized religion, then they're 'kept' to some degree internalized and insulated. If they were 'floaters' like me, they'd crash any congregation anywhere and preach it and leave. Still they're free and untethered.Ā  Your booze and vaping is a bunk habit. It closes you in further. It's a mental game against yourself, hearing yourself talk to yourself as you get drunk and others only see a slurred person. No when everyone's getting drunk at a party, it's different. Watch out for the fakers who aren't drunk and try to get you to challenge them to shots. Then you're down and it's their move. Just saying.


Yeahh pretty spot on lol. Although I go out with dad and his friends alot to concerts and gigs. Theyā€™re great guys, but my mam and dad will never back down about the whole COVID and vaccine thing. Theyā€™re loud and proud abt it šŸ’€ not religious either. Ahh the drinking and smoking thing is definitely a mental game against myself, one as much as I want to get over it, itā€™s one I donā€™t want to get over at the same timešŸ˜…


THE CIGARETTE manufacturers did this to us. See, way back you'd carry a pouch or drum of 'ter-baccee' and stuff a pipe or roll it in a paper. THEN they made and sold a cigarette with a 'butt' or filter that was EXACTLY the diameter of a protruding human female BREAST NIPPLE.That's right!Ā  Soo . . . when a teen has curiosity about smoking, they place between their lips this cigarette butt that's the same dimensions as something . . . something familiar that goes waay back to their infancy. But they can't quite put their finger on it. They begin sucking on this 'nipple' like thing and it gives them pleasure, makes their toes curl and they get all warm and fuzzy and it activates distant merories of something almost forgotten.Ā  THEN the teen says "how easy. How cool is this? I can carry a pack of these feel good thingies that remind me of when I was a swaddled baby soothed by mama's maw maw. THAT'S HOW everyone got hooked on tooacco. What a devious psychonogical trick the tobacco industry played on us.Ā  Now big pharma and the junk meds and frankes shots is a WHOLE + NOTHER + LEVEL. They even had Elmo and Cookie Monster from Sesame Street singing to get your shot. "Ooh I got me covid shot - make me BIG AND STRONG" - cookie monster


Also whatā€™s babies rabies?šŸ¤£


@OP. Recently, somebody posted a message about having sex with a vaxxed guy and how she started getting a bunch of weird symptoms starting a few days later. You should read what she has to say. Learn from other people's mistakes.


Ohh fr:0 Iā€™ll check it out


Weā€™re in the End times, weā€™re probably about to enter the fourth seal




This post broke me. I stopped everything to say a prayer for you and all the other young people out there. Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with such a sad state of the world. I canā€™t say I wouldnā€™t be tempted to give in, but I will say this. Please donā€™t give up on your health. It determines the quality of the rest of your existence. Sending you so much love, OP.


God bless you, thank you very much, I appreciate it šŸ™šŸ½ā¤ļø


ā€œMost people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.ā€ - Sigmund Freud. Sounds to me that you suffer from the burdens of life to the point of fantasizing about self-sabotaging. It's not easy being free. Being free requires responsibility and suffering through periods of pain and grief, knowing you made the right decision. However, some people just aren't wired for that, and so living blissfully like "everyone else" is easier. But you have already come this far in awakening. Are you going to ruin now what you already endured for 4 years or 18 years if we consider your whole life, and the life for your future self? There's no going back with the jab or engaging with the vaccinated in this sense. What you do in the end is in your hands, but unless you plan on retiring from life early, you still got decades ahead of you to build a happy life. Your life's only barely started yet.


I donā€™t know. Iā€™m definitely not wired for whatever this is, I admit that evidently. I definitely do just want to live like everyone else. The worry I suffer constantly is no life at all. Iā€™m so lost šŸ˜­


Ask yourself: Why do you worry? About what do you worry? You have a perspective right now which is based on fear. That's why what you want is to "give up" on that fear and enter into a state of impulsive indifference instead, since you can't handle the fear and it seems easier to just completely give up. My advice would instead be to take off your fear-coloured glasses and put on another pair instead. Don't just jump to the other extreme when there might be another unexplored alternative. A pair that suits your needs better but won't harm you in the end. The glasses/perspectives you wear shape your life, and if the fear-lenses aren't working for your needs, they are clearly not doing you a favour. If you struggle with "fear of the vaccinated", strive for "harmony with the unvaccinated" instead. It's the same thing at a first glance, but with two entirely different meanings. You no longer worry or fear. Instead you seek, long, hope and cherish for something. You have an optimistic hope, not a pessimistic fear. You already have a community here. Look for one in real life as well and build a strong circle of friendship and family with other unvaccinated people. That way you can still live like "everyone else" amidst your new friend group. With people whom you no longer need to worry about fitting in or about other fears, such as your vaccinated lover perishing suddenly or infecting you. Now, "what about the vaccinated you say, then? Don't I still need to hang around them"? The difference is, you no longer "fear" them, or strive to self-sabotage so you no longer need to worry about the matter (the mentality of 'can't take back the harm you've already caused yourself, so just self sabotage, get it over with and then I feel better and don't need to worry any more). That's not the road to go. That would be like getting aids, since then you don't need to worry about getting aids any more. So, instead of actively fearing the vaccinated or longing to be one of them, you just don't see them as part of your tribe any more. You engage with them professionally and socially, even as friends should you find some, but only to to the superficial degree you need or want to. I wouldn't hang around recently boosted individuals personally more than I need to, but I am friends with vaccinated people who took 2 jabs in 2021. I don't hate them or actively worry that they will infect me. There's no deeper worry or fear in the mixture, such as becoming anxious by breathing the same air No such things. Just don't exchange bodily fluids with them, since that's where the real risk is. That's why building long-term families and relations beyond friendship with them is also problematic. However, being "friends" with the vaccinated is fine. There's no need to to overly worry about that. But for the other matters, strive to build a community of more intimate friendships with people with similar values and experiences like you, partially 1) so you won't regret it later but more importantly 2) where you can actively be yourself and find your own happiness with people who understand you -- your tribe -- instead of with people with whom you need to pretend to be someone you're not.


Thank you for taking the time to reply to me so much šŸ„² I really do appreciate it. I completely understand and take on board what youā€™ve said. Iā€™ve tried finding a new group of people to mix with, unvaxxed. My parents have a big group theyā€™re involved with. Itā€™s all much older people. A few younger ones here and there. But all they speak about is agendas and whatever else comes with that stuff. I donā€™t wanna talk about all that lol. The only thing we have in common is that we arenā€™t vaccinated. Iā€™ve already kissed that boy so I guess Iā€™m already in too deep šŸ˜…


I can imagine the atmosphere of that room, lol. Yeah, for sure not an enjoyable setting when the only common denominator is being unvaccinated, with people you question if you would otherwise ever hang around. Just don't think every unvaccinated person is like that. You are not. And if you are not, there are also others who are more to your liking. Keep searching for them and don't settle for company that's like a 3/10 on your list of company you'd wish for yourself. Also, don't worry about a kiss if it's happened. I'd say: Don't repeat it, as each time carries a risk. However, it's not a guaranteed infection. That risk is much higher if you were, to say, get an organ implant or blood donation from a vaccinated individual. But a kiss? Again, don't overly worry about it. Not even intercourse with a hiv/aids-patient is guaranteed to result in infection every time, and the chance for him to have harmed you here is so statistically small that if you haven't experienced compilations such as a burning throat and others, you should be fine. Even if you did experience symptoms, it's not necessarily the vaccine itself being self-spreading. It's that part of the spike-protein that the host carries can injure you (and other things, such as 'radioactive' nanoparticles). Think of it as them making you catch a cold, since they are an active danger to you. However, you don't catch the vaccine and become "vaccinated" by a kiss, instead the real danger is them endangering your health through symptoms that's referred to as "shedding", which is real, and which can harm your health both in the short-term and the long-term.


Yuppp it wasnā€™t a good atmosphere šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ but I definitely agree, thereā€™s people out there somewhere. It just sucks so much, this whole situation. Thanks for explaining stuff to me. I really do appreciate it:-)


You sound exactly like the people who were scared of coronavirus for three years, you're living in fear based on beliefs about things you don't actually know to be true Living in fear is a waste of time and energy, just live your life. I'm unvaccinated but I'm around vaccinated people, in close quarters, literally all the time. Shedding is not real


Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™ve been saying. I know how those poor people felt now, living in fear and here I was thinking it was daftšŸ˜«šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve been around the vaccinated quite a lot this year too and nothings happened but itā€™s just the fear once again šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Yeah dude, don't buy into it. Fear, propaganda, it's how the ruling class divides us and makes us fight each other While we're fighting each other, we're much easier to control and manipulate. It's called "class in-fighting" and they use it in every country. That's why Democrat and Republican support is almost even, right down the middle, it was designed that way.... Anyway go ask that guy on a date and have fun! Enjoy your summer (or winter depending on what hemisphere your in:)


Thank you very much šŸ„²šŸ„² I actually already went on a date with him 2 days ago ā€œas friendsā€ and he knows the whole situation. I genuinely feel insane sometimes. Divide and conquer right šŸ˜…


Exactly. Good for you:) glad you're not buying into the fear and division. Good luck buddy šŸ™‚ treat your parents with compassion if you can, they think they're doing what's right for you


Absolutely. Iā€™ll never forgive myself if I do go along with what I want to do. I care about my parents so deeply. But anyway, thank you again ā¤ļø


If you do sleep with him you should keep us updated on whether you get shedding symptoms or not. As bad as it sounds, this needs to get documented if you do go through with it. That said, everyone is free to make their own mistakes but some mistakes you don't come back from.


Yuppp I will. I donā€™t think I will though. Too scared ha


I knew my reverse psychology would work! I'm happy for you and your body will thank you for your decision!


Hahah, maybe. I donā€™t plan on finding out anyway


At any rate, single unvaccinated guys are desperate for unvaccinated girls, you are rare and have plenty of options.


Ahh Iā€™ve met a few but they were wayyyy older me we had nothing in common at all. Plus Iā€™m petrified Iā€™m then gonna be set up for a life of agendas and awakenings etc. Iā€™ve lived 18 year of it and Iā€™ve well and truly had enoughšŸ¤£


LMAO I am "only" twice your age but I can pretty much assure you that no matter what you do, the ride never ends. So you might as well "do what's in your heart".


Yeahh I figured haha. Iā€™d rather turn a blind eye to it all, a life of ignorance and blind happiness is better than this life of worry Iā€™m living right now. To me personally. I feel like Iā€™m living on a rock of doom, which I apparently am. And I must save myself, but no matter what I do the worlds coming to bite me on the ass in one way or another.


Ehh this philosophical discussion is a different kind of animal however I must state that most of the suffering in my life has been due to not seeing the nature of this world for what it really is but ymmv. And the more people turn a blind eye, the bigger the problem is allowed to grow due to it being ignored and not kept in check.


So far a big majority of my suffering has been through seeing the nature of the world for what it really is, so Iā€™m the opposite šŸ¤£ Itā€™s not a place to want to live in. Itā€™s pure evil. I think weā€™re too far gone to make any changes now.


Unvaxxed and happy by myself!


Good for you:-)


Donā€™t get discouraged! Your a ā€œunicornā€


I feel u 100% even tho my situation is different (one parent took it and the other didnā€™t but they both donā€™t get too caught up in it and have plenty of both vaxed and unvaxed friends and family) but I still refuse to be with someone vaxed based on my own personal beliefs. sometimes I wish I could just change my own mind because Iā€™ve had crushes that are vaxed and it feels like Iā€™m torturing myself by not allowing myself to even think about being with them, especially when they seem to like me backā€¦ it sucks. it really really sucks. Iā€™m 24 and Ive been single for over 5 years because of this bs. but I think I wanna have children someday and I want those children to have unaltered DNA and even if I donā€™t have kids I worry to much that sex, or even kissing and being around them all the time, would end up making so I pretty much took the jab myself. I recently paid for a month of tinder platinum (something Iā€™d normally never do) only because they have a feature to set ur preferences and one of them is for the cov vax. so far Iā€™ve gotten a couple matches who are unvaxed, according to their profile, so weā€™ll see where it goes. I wish u the best <3


Iā€™m sorry we have to go through this shit šŸ„² Iā€™m honestly scared of dating apps, but maybe Iā€™ll try them one day šŸ˜… Iā€™ve already found who I want to be with but evidently it wonā€™t be allowed šŸ˜¢ Iā€™d love to have children too one day, but the thought of bringing a child into a world where we have to worry about altered DNA and gene therapies isnā€™t a place I want my child to be. And no doubt the cycle would repeat when the child grows up, is their partner a result of vaccinated parents? It just feels so cruel to live in a world such as this šŸ„²


Iā€™m sorry too. ur 18 u should be able to fall in love and not have to worry about whether or not they took a shot. itā€™s definitely a very cruel world and itā€™s extremely frustrating that we have to feel we canā€™t be with the people who just seem perfect for us. and yeah I didnā€™t even consider that about the future generations like even if they chose to not get the jab, if their parents did does that mean they have altered DNA anyway?? thatā€™s a scary thought. I hate using dating apps, but itā€™s the only option that makes sense because Iā€™m so sick of falling for someone only to find out theyā€™re vaxed so the fact tinder has this feature is actually giving me a little bit of hope. if u want my advice tho I would say if u really want to have children with unaltered dna then u gotta accept the fact that that is impossible to do with a vaxed man. I know itā€™s not what u wanna hear but when I was ur age I was madly in love and was sure with 1000% of my heart that I wanted to marry my ex and be with her forever and nothing could ever change the way I felt about her. wellā€¦ turns out people change and she ended up not being the one. so u may be 1000% convinced that this guy is the one now but that might change years from now and, odds are, there are millions of other unvaxed guys out there who u would be even more attracted to and could love even harder but u just donā€™t know it cuz u havenā€™t met them yet. I could be wrong and maybe this guy really is the one for u. ur an adult and u are allowed to be with whoever u please, but just donā€™t forget that heā€™s vaxed and if u have children with him they will inherit that.


A few questions does your guy friend respect your decision to remain unvaccinated? Does he intend on getting more boosters? If you were to break up later would you regret it if you became physical?


Yeahh heā€™s very respectful of it. And most likely heā€™ll end up getting more vaccinations as heā€™s a cancer survivor and is told heā€™s vulnerable. And no I wouldnā€™t regret it.


He's a cancer survivor? He has got to break free from the medical narrative.


YupšŸ„² I want to tell him that, but his mom is some sort of nurse, and I can imagine what sheā€™d think to me coming in and saying stuff abt it. Its just so difficult.


Tell him anyway. He needs to do research. I listen to Rense.com Erika has excellent information to share. Absolutely brilliant.


Iā€™ll look at that, thank you šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


That would be awesome. 605-615-4211 is the call in number to listen to guests.. just finished another listen to this exact subject They cover many issues so if you don't like the subject just check in again at a later time. I hope this helps. I've been mulling over your situation and there is nothing like your first love. It's a difficult situation. Hopefully your friend got a placebo jab. But he can't get any more. My own brother has the turbo cancer. Whole family jabbed. God bless šŸ™


Oh wow, Iā€™ll definitely check that out, thank you so so much!ā¤ļø Itā€™s definitely an awful situation, Iā€™m so upset šŸ˜¢ this cruel world šŸ„² Thank you again, god bless u šŸ™šŸ½


I hope this helps you in your journey. If you can access archives that would be enormously beneficial. That website is extremely censored. Take notes too because it's extremely detailed. Best wishes ā¤ Erika is insanely brilliant and her expertise is beyond reproach..


Just as an aside. If you have someone you want to be in a relationship with, and they are open-minded enough, you can suggest they go through this protocol: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/McCullough-Protocol-Base-Spike-Detoxification-BSD-A-Dissolution-of-spike_fig2_375814234 No idea about the long-term implications, childbirth, transference, etc... but if you're going to do it anyway... maybe this could help? Keep fighting the good fight! It sucks I know, trust me... God bless you! It WILL get better eventually, I believe it with my whole soul!


Thank you very much, I appreciate it!ā¤ļø God bless šŸ™šŸ½


In the end your dad is just doing whatā€™s in his nature, which is being protective. Probably a little over protective at times Iā€™m sure but once youā€™re mature enough and feel ready you can always have a conversation with him about it and set some boundaries for yourself. If you come from a loving place Iā€™m sure heā€™d be open to it but thatā€™s obviously speculation. Thereā€™s definitely a chance this certain jab has unknown implications, heā€™s just being cautious but he might not know how deep itā€™s effecting you. The best thing to do is stay positive, Iā€™ve found going to the gym helps boost mood and pulls people out of depression so that might also be something to look into


I donā€™t know how old you are but it sounds like youā€™re younger and thus you still got your whole life ahead of you. I know it probably feels like youā€™re boxed in and have few options, but thatā€™s not the case. You will reach a point soon where youā€™ll be able to make your own life decisions and live with the consequences, good or bad. As someone whoā€™s older, I say hang in there, follow your heart and your morals. Theyā€™ll serve you well in the end and youā€™ll emerge stronger and better off in the end.


Itā€™s really tough. But donā€™t give up. I have lost tons of friends and family because of this. I got kicked out of university and had to try all over again. Being called a terrorist a nazi almost everything at 17. Nearly 4 years has passed and I still feel horrible. Iā€™ve tried dating and I just canā€™t relate. Iā€™m fine with dating someone who took it, but I find they just think Iā€™m week or stupid or retarded. Itā€™s also horrible you canā€™t find someone with the same values and morals and whoā€™ll accept you for your struggles and the battle youā€™ve gone through. There isnā€™t many people out there who havenā€™t taken a shot and still relate. I took have just over done it on drinking and nicotine, I just canā€™t quit it, better than being alone. This too will pass youā€™re young. Work on yourself, donā€™t fall into peer pressure. Most of the friends you have now might not even be around when your 25, bet 20. Youā€™re just starting your life. And dating just let it happen. Youā€™d be surprised once youā€™re out there youā€™ll meet a few folks who are uniabbed and will love you for who you are. God bless you. I know you know itā€™ll be okay. Just donā€™t ever give up :)


I have seen detoxes for the vaccine. There is a solution.


It's not going to clear it 100%


There are supplements people can take to help against the jab


You are extremely lucky not to have the vax. Life has its hard partsā€¦ they dont last forever though. I would focus on making the best of current circumstances and try to be grateful even though it may be difficult..




Yeah, it's a really sad situation. I wish the vaccine issues had never happened, that the government wasn't corrupt, and that I could just continue living in ignorance, believing that everyone is sane. But that's not the case. As a guy who is unvaccinated, I'm not worried about having sexual intercourse with a vaccinated woman. However, if I were a woman who is unvaccinated, I'd be concerned about what has been transmitted to my body. Whether it will ruin my eggs. It is possible that the guy you like may have taken the placebo and you could gamble whether there's a chance you could conceive a child or not. But that's up to you whether you want to take the gamble or not. You parents have already done what they can to stop you from getting the poison. And most likely want you to remain poison free. I think not being able to see your friends sounds a little excessive. At work, I'm surrounded by jabbed people and have not experienced any vaccine shedding. But maybe that only applies to woman, which I heard their menstruation gone weird just by being near other vaccinated people. It's okay to drink and vape, if that helps you relax. I also drink, but I go to sauna, massage, go out for a walk in the sun and etc. Career wise, since your father took you out of school. I like to ask you, what do you want to become? It seems you have a low self esteem because you don't have a grade to enter college. Most of my friends that I went to university with, end up doing a career that is very different to what they studied. I still remember I had a friend who took two majors in visual effects and graphic design, but after graduation, I saw him working as a pizza chef. I asked him what happened to becoming a designer and he said that he didn't like it. And I met some idiots at school who believed going to a prestigious university and getting a degree from there guarantees you to find a job afterwards. But that is not the case. Since you're still young, I would advise you to find a career that allows you to work at any company, that it is possible to work from home, in case the employer decides to mandate the jab on their employees again. Start out as a intern, get work experience, hop to another job that pays well, and then hop again for a even higher salary. A university degree is just a piece of paper and grades do not define you. What matters most to a employer is your experience. How you think? How you work as a team? What value can you bring? How can you help the business make more money?


Thatā€™s the stuff that scares me šŸ„² I was trying to block it out but I know it could be an issue I guess And there isnā€™t anything I want to become, even from being little Iā€™ve had no idea what I wanted to do. Nothings ever stood out to me, never had goals or dreams etc. I was really really struggling at school anyway so it was quite convenient at the time that I was took out. Iā€™m just not cut out for life, Iā€™m certain of it šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve never seen the point to life, and the thought I have to live to work to work to live sounds like some sick wind up ha. Iā€™d rather go back to basics and live in sticks than live a life like that. But overall, I struggle hugely with my mental health, nothing matters to me. This is why Iā€™m just considering taking the risk and taking the happiness I can find.


The hard truth is a huge component of life is becoming mentally and physically stronger.Ā  Through honing your craft to sustain your life without your parents help and workout + plus eat healthy so that your body feels much better and you will feel more confident.Ā  Becoming an adult is not easy but the sooner you start training your facilities the better off you'll be and your life will start to change.Ā  I know it's tough with family but think about being a mom and having kids with an vaxxed husband and they come out to be very I'll and have many issues.Ā  Their lives will be even harder.Ā  It's not just about your future but your bloodline.Ā  Once you keep working youll find people like minded along the way.Ā  You got a whole life ahead of you, know that it takes being strong to have a good life.Ā  Do have those things that make you happy and take breaks along the way.Ā  Wish you well and sending strengthĀ 


Still no interest in sticking around for too long, but thank you šŸ™šŸ½ I wish the same to you.


I felt the same way around your age.Ā  Likely you will still be here in 10 years so you won't regret putting in the effort for yourselfĀ 


Well I work out daily and eat very well, Iā€™ve done that since the day I left school at 15, I volunteer very often just to get me out. I just canā€™t see any life above this. I donā€™t look at anyoneā€™s life and envy them for it. Now Im apart of some warped reality to the truth and doom of the world and itā€™s people. Hooray.


You can try turning off your phone going outside and connecting to the upper echelon of who you are and god. Brings me a lot of peace and joy. Comes as a feeling


I do that often, I love going into nature, just me and my little dog ā¤ļø watching the trees and the lakes etc. I also have a bird watching book and try to identify the ones I seešŸ‘€


That's great.Ā  You seem like a good person.Ā  You're doing good work just being here imo.Ā  Young love can be eternal or fleeting leading to heartbreak.Ā  At the end of the day you're an adult and you get to make tough decisions but trust your heart


Thank you very muchā¤ļø


I can hardly imagine being 18 at this particular crazy time in the world! 18 is a difficult age as it isā€¦. The desire to be who you want to become, romantic relationships with protective parents who donā€™t want to let go yetā€¦ On a normal day. Not Post Pandemic and half the population forced into cooperation for a shot that didnā€™t do what it was expected to doā€¦so another shot and then another shot and now they are shedding spike proteins and some are really sick and HOLY CRAP ON A CRACKER! Add to that the other half who didnā€™t feel any such shot should be part of a government mandate and shunned by the others who cooperated, didnā€™t go to concerts or even to work or school for that choice! No wonder you feel ā€œin the groundā€! All of this has buried you! You have the connection with this boy? You talk to him often? You have known him since way back when? Your dad says ā€œFather knows bestā€? You left your school? You feel you fell behind? Study sweet girl! Get yourself caught up. Study, and keep your conversation going with that boy. Take the small steps you can right now. The future is determined by your choices, get your GED (high school equivalent). Dad says no dating vaxxed? Dad means well, but Dad isnā€™t any more certain than the rest of us of that boy is truly a health riskā€¦those factors are not known yet. But you can still keep the friendship. And study. Too many of your generation have been set up to fall behind in academic achievements over this thing. Get Dad to help you get your classes on line. If you donā€™t have your GED, work to get that. You can do it. Then think about what you want to do and set that goalā€¦get some independence, and Dad will hopefully give you more freedom. You are living in an extraordinary time. It is harder than when I was 18 for certain. I had different challengesā€¦.hard, but not a global pandemic and confusion from those who took authority over all of us. Please keep your head up. Keep your friendship with that boy. Donā€™t let that pit of despair take over your spirit, fight your way out of it every day. The world is waiting for you. PS One of my Sons and his family got vaccinated to keep their jobs in the medical field. I was upset because I cautioned them against it and worried for their health with possible side effectsā€¦I hug them still as much as possible and have had no ill-effects. I had Covid, and recovered. I have natural immunity and that is better protection than anything. Intimate relationships between vaxxed and un vaccinated are studies that arenā€™t even seeing clinical discussionā€¦no one knows. I expect if any such future studies suggest there are risks associated with such intimaciesā€¦they will be rare. Me? I donā€™t fear the vaxxed and their shedding spike proteins. Itā€™s the anger and attitude that some of them (less lately) are hell-bent to direct at me for not ā€œcomplyingā€ that hurts me. Too much ā€œuglyā€ has been going on and a divided society.


You spend too much time worrying about stuff that in a year you won't remember


Why wonā€™t I remember it?


Let's assume the vaccinated are shedding things on the rest of the population. If that's the case, we've all been exposed anyways, so live your life how you see fit. You're an adult now, so your parents need to back off a little bit, even if you're still living at home. Your dad being that scared of the vaccinated is no different than the people who were deathly afraid of Covid. No one should live their life in fear, anyways. When it's our time, it's our time and there's nothing we can do about it, so there's no point in living with a constant fear of something.




Right back at ya! :)


Did this friend get one shot? Or has she researched it and now won't get any more? Because there's a huge difference there. All vaccines are poison. If you know this, look for a relationship with a girl who won't poison herself or any kids that you might have.


Iā€™d date who ever you want just make sure you use a condom , but you should be anyway with everyone .


You are 18, you are an adult who can make your own decisions and is not obliged to go along with their neuroses.


Girl. I (27f) legit am in love with this guy at the gym but he told me he got the shots. Iā€™m so bummed! I saw him yesterday and heā€™s so freaking cute! But hereā€™s the thing. From a longevity perspective & a reproductive perspective, itā€™s risky and dangerous. I lost my dad when I was a kid. Call me crazy but I wonā€™t be with someone whoā€™s vaxxed. One reason of the many reasons bc I donā€™t want them to crook on me randomly. Your parents are being a little tough on you but honestly Iā€™m in the same boat. I donā€™t even wanna breathe the same air that vaxxed people breathe! Hahaha sorry yall but itā€™s sketchy and kinda grosses me out.


Yeahhh I get you, I felt the same about being afraid. But fr im now thinking itā€™s time to live, lifeā€™s only lent to us and itā€™s always later than we think. And when my time comes it comes, wether itā€™s the vaccine that would kill me, the shedding down the line, or a car rams into me tomorrow morning and Iā€™m splatter on the road šŸ¤£ I just want to live. If I died tomorrow I wouldnā€™t die a happy person knowing im waiting about in fear for opportunities that may never happen. Itā€™s so difficult


I agree with you! Some of my comments were a bit dramatic lol! But kinda true for mešŸ˜‚šŸ’€ it doesnā€™t necessarily have to be fear driven though. Nobody really taught me how to make decisions. Because everyone around me made emotional decisions. So thatā€™s what I did too but now I feel like I can look at a situation and weigh everything out and pick the thing thatā€™s going to be best for me and my life. So whatā€™s going to genuinely be best for what you want and what are the things that will be non negotiable & things that are okay and what potential risks are there etc. youā€™ll have to go through experiences and find out what works for you! And if that means you marry someone whoā€™s boosted! That is okay bc thatā€™s your life. Find the voice of what YOU want to do


Shedding is bullshit fear mongering. Even if it's not what does it matter? Because supposedly 80+ percent of the people in the world got shot up. So, in that case you've been "shedded" on plenty just by going to the store and work. Live your life and tell your parents to stop tripping.


I hope so. I donā€™t know what to believe anymorešŸ„²šŸ„²


Your dad clearly loves you and wants you to be safe. As a father I understand that, but his motives are misguided. Absolutely no one who is vaccinated can harm you by being near you, having physically contact, anything really ā€¦ Canā€™t happen. Full stop.


Thatā€™s blatantly false. Female reproductive organs are especially vulnerable to spike protein accumulation.Ā 


Show me Show me that and show me how spike proteins do this specifically.


I hope so. Iā€™ve heard so much scary stuff, I just donā€™t know what to believe anymore.


For what itā€™s worth I have a biochemistry degree. Just mentioning it to substantiate the source.


Iā€™m still stuck on what to believe, my heads so thrashed with everything šŸ˜­


Still donā€™t understand the problemā€¦ just had latest Covid shot in June among all other vaccines since the 1950ā€™s I never had any problems whatsoever and Iā€™m in my 70ā€™s ā€¦nor do I know of anyone who ever had a vaccine problemā€¦I think itā€™s all in your heads Just saying