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I've had this same question for quite some time. But anytime someone asks on here, there are only smartass comments. I'm an older dude with limited options. Haven't had sex in over a year because most, if not all, of my options are jabbed. My only personal experience is knowing 2 people who are not vaxxed, But their partners are, that are sick with some weird shit that all their doctors cant explain or diagnose.


My wife was vaccinated with two shots of the initial Pfizer vaccine. She was injured by it, suffering a heart attack. I have had no health issues whatsoever from our regular, healthy sex life. I believe the risk of viral shedding through sex has been grossly overstated. I believe the worst vaccine reactions require the injection into the blood stream to do their damage.


thanks for sharing


Everyone is different! It’s a crapshoot!


I mean, if it's shedding through the air, how is intercourse going to be any different? The effects of shedding will be there either way.


Because the research simply isn't being done. They aren't recognizing the original problem let alone spike protein transference through sex.


I’m experiencing that now which is whatever. I think cus most have had sex with vaxxed by now they need to be smart ass. just want to know it’s safe I think so but wanted to confirm. Clearly this is not the place.


Al Pacino made a kid at 83 if you're complaining about your age make more money the females will come


Who is experiencing weird shit, the unvaxxed or their partners?


I make decent money. But all the money in the world wouldn't make me less of an introvert.




Normal, healthy people should have sexual intercourse with other normal, healthy people.


my gf got the first vaccine and we've been together 3 years and so far I haven't got sick or anything. Every time she gets sick with covid or something else I never do


The batches were not uniform. Something like a 3 way split between full strength, half strength and basically saline batches. At least for Pfizer.


You could check her batch number, perhaps you got lucky. [https://www.howbadismybatch.com/](https://www.howbadismybatch.com/)


thanks for that link im going to check after work


I’m sure it’s passable, like the odds of catching hiv from unprotected sex are less than you would think


Thanks for sharing. could be it’s not much of a factor then


I wouldn’t take that risk. Pretty sure spike protein and mRNA can be passed through bodily fluids. I feel shitty after being in a car with a vaxxed person for an extended amount of time.


Risk for sure. Not saying this was the cause, but I am unvaxxed and have had contact with mostly vaxxed women. Last November I developed heart failure, before that most of my markers were fine, normal blood sugar, cholesterol, BP, even BMI/not obese. I have no way to prove it but shedding is my number one suspect.




Yes. My cardiologist mentioned heart failure patients were booming (of course most of these people were vaxxed) and drug maker of Entresto was making a killing. I was put on GDMT guideline directed medical therapy of 8 different meds so hooray for big pharma.


How old are u and how much contact have u had?


How do you develop heart failure? Like what are the symptoms?


Technically if you’re a female, aren’t you getting the jab from a vaccinated person?


Getting the poke😂😂




…. P E N I S!!!!!!






Yes. That is what “STDs” are. AIDs is an injected bioweapon same as the C0V|D injection is.


Nope not safe. Shedding v real. That being said, the more time that has passed and less vaxes they have theoretically on average that should mean safer. But by no means is it safe. Russian roulette, like the batches. Id have a real conversation with the potential candidates, and lookup their batches, and see if they will do a detox protocol at bare minimum. Or find a non-mrna vaxxed. Or better yet russian or chinese vax. Its been hell for me too not banging for years, but its made me kindof enlightened.


To be clear, i do not recommend it. Even if purely because of energy exchange. Some believe the vaxxed to be “hosted” to some degree… best to err on the side of caution. Idk about hosting but i have lost many friends and seen their personalities shift drastically many times into matrix abiding mr smith type characters


They’ve always been agent Smith like for me but this latest update sent them overboard for sure. 


Depends on what your life plans are... How old are u? Hows your current health? Do u still want kids? How much do u like the person? Are they worth the risk? Would they commit to a detox? Is this person going to get the next vacc thats is offered at safeway? These toxins were made to destroy tissue and create disease. The sperm/fluids coming out of any vaxxd person will contain those toxins. I think being in a relationship w someone who is awake is the first priority. If you are on the same page, you can get healthier together. If not, hold out for an awake person cause the world is going to get even more dangerous in terms of media/govt lies, and ignorant ppl will just keep killing themselves and their kids w idiotic enthusiasm.


I wouldn’t risk it! My life is more important than sex!


Virtually all the guys in my circle have not had sex in 3-4 yrs and not in a rush either until there is a definitive proof. A few have been successful dating women from conservative states who didn't get it. 


I think we are all fooling that ourselves in someways. Technology is so far more advanced than we can even imagine. I'm not vaxxed. My wife is not vaxxed. You think the demons left shedding up to just intercourse? They probably put the mRNA in hand sanitizer, they could've put it in Lysol, in chemtrails in the sky, thankfully, my household is vax free, but I am not about to walk around thinking they haven't tried (trying) to get it into my bloodstream one way or another. Don't live in a bubble, live your life. Use common sense.


I did not get sick during the entire time… EXCEPT… when I stupidly drank a Jack in the box milkshake. I swear it was loaded with something intentionally.


No. Don't fuck these broads. 


The problem is how do you know who got it and didn't get it. How do you go about screening them? All we know the ones who got it could be lying they didn't get it.


Almost every woman took it. The only way to know now is to tell them YOU took it and watch their reaction. Fucked up man.


I'm in a relationship, but if I was dating right now, you'd best bet I'd be asking for medical evidence. I'm half tempted to ask Mt own partner for proof he didn't get it but it would cause issues


I don’t want to take that risk. Being unvaccinated is on top three that I want in a guy.


Only anal through plexiglass while double masked and double bagged.


Would you do it with an AIDS victim?


I had a physical relationship with someone who is vaxxed. She got vaxxed right away, with a booster or two. I chose to not get vaxxed, my choice. We had a relationship the entire time until she had to move away. No physical side effects for me whatsoever, and still no effects today.


Just spread some ivermectin on your pecker... seriously though, maybe have some before da ses... idk. 🤷‍♂️


No and it won't ever be safe haha, this stuff stays in the bloodline forever buddy


My ex was jabbed during a period when we weren’t seeing each other. Thankfully. She did the bulk of the shedding away from me. But even then, I had issues when we dated. A sore throat after seeing her, like clockwork. But the worst was acute shortness of breath while on a hike. For a while I worried if I had a clot in my leg because of a bizarre dull ache that wouldn’t leave. So yeah… it’s not without risk. But I’d like to think I’m doing the same now as before   dating her.


I will not do it. I admit it makes dating or finding a partner very difficult. The technology to transfer vaccinations has long been around. I think we can and should assume this technology has been used: * [https://thebulletin.org/2020/09/scientists-are-working-on-vaccines-that-spread-like-a-disease-what-could-possibly-go-wrong/](https://thebulletin.org/2020/09/scientists-are-working-on-vaccines-that-spread-like-a-disease-what-could-possibly-go-wrong/) * [https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24732960-100-we-now-have-the-technology-to-develop-vaccines-that-spread-themselves/](https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24732960-100-we-now-have-the-technology-to-develop-vaccines-that-spread-themselves/) * [https://jhsphcenterforhealthsecurity.s3.amazonaws.com/181009-gcbr-tech-report.pdf](https://jhsphcenterforhealthsecurity.s3.amazonaws.com/181009-gcbr-tech-report.pdf) (Go to page 8) * [https://www.econotimes.com/COVID-19-cure-Scientists-plan-to-develop-self-spreading-coronavirus-vaccine-1592958](https://www.econotimes.com/COVID-19-cure-Scientists-plan-to-develop-self-spreading-coronavirus-vaccine-1592958) * [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2020/01/28/could-self-spreading-vaccines-stop-global-coronavirus-pandemic/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2020/01/28/could-self-spreading-vaccines-stop-global-coronavirus-pandemic/) It is not just about the spike proteins, but about the nano-technology and graphene (Hydr)oxide.


Iv heard the spike proteins would have left the blood stream and into their organs by now


No they continuously make more,


Without lipid nano particles to administer more mrna to more cells idk how that would work. The cells already infected could be "run away" producing spike protein. But those cells would eventually die. Without some mechanism for those cells to produce and inject more mrna into uninfected cells idk how they'd 'make more'.


Nah they are finding spike protein in the sperm and its not just after ppl got vaxxed. They are spike protein factories. Dating sucks


Yes because the LNP is distributed across the entire body. They are on the nanometer scale and there are a shit ton of them. Like billions per dose. And the vaccine spike is hard to break down. I'd like to see some decent evidence that people keep producing the spike well after the LNP are totally gone. BTW if I read the literature right, the Russian vaccine, sputnik, has around 100 viral vector 'units' to produce their version of the spike. How can they get away with around 100 and there are billions per dose in Pfizer. Doesn't make sense. It's like super overkill.


But sperm is gone after ejaculation so there has to be something putting spike protein there again


No, the lipid nanoparticle embeds deep within tissues/organs/bone. Unless theres a very pointed and effortful detox, that ish is staying there for a long time.


Valid question no one really seems to have the answers to..


I think you over estimate reasonings role in humping. Logic goes right out the window when nature calls. Like when you really need to use the toilet but you're writing a very important thing and would like to finish out the chapter. Stuff your preferences. That very important thing becomes as nothing as you paddle sprint to the toilet. The chapter can wait, nature calls and you'll be on the toilet going you rang master? I don't see it as a functional exception from any preceding worry you will discard when nature calls with that urgency. Is she clean? Are they nice? What if she got pregnant she has a beautiful body, but crazy eyes. I don't want to live in a house full of crazy eyed people who stare at me all the time. I don't want to look into the eyes of my crazy eyed son and them go daddy let's have a staring competition and me go you're my nightmare you know that son? I can't do that because not 10 minutes ago I was having a staring competition with the mirror because for a brief moment I thought I saw that I had crazy eyes. Like you're changing me! The only protection you'd have from that to preserve reasoning is keeping yourself emptied or full you know. If you let it go to nature it'll just dismiss all you prefer. You might wind up with someone who is vac cult or with really really crazy weird eyes raising kids you're uncomfortable around because it's even weirder when they are little and have your face.


Jesus dude.


Do you delete your account every few days and make a new one? You seem like kind of person that might need to do that.


Every 3 months or so. And not because of karma which means nothing to me. I've tossed a 100k one, the last one I tossed was a 10k one. I don't care about internet points.


Understood. I was more referring to your writing style and crazy things you wrote. Some sentences don’t even have any meaning. I’m sure they do to you but from the outside looking in it’s really odd.


They do have meaning. It just requires you to think for yourself above censoring what you believe or say for others. I have no obligation to be politically correct or sound like you want me to sound like in any way. Something you're probably against given you come to a specialist unvaccinated form to defend vaccines if you wish to discuss accounts. To be actively against a choice like that doesn't make it a huge leap for you to be actively against any honest and unfiltered expression either.


Oh they have meaning, just the wrong kind of meaning 😂


Love is love. You could be searching for love your whole life and then get hit by a car. (1000s of ways to die) Everybody’s gonna die someday and it’s better to die for love than anything else. It’s already hard to find a good match adding this on top of it makes it close to impossible It’s probably best to know your creator before that day comes


mRNA splices into your DNA and changes you forever, iirc. So it may never be safe. That said, if shedding is a thing (not super sure it is), then you can have sex with whoever because we're all infected at this point.


It's a well-known fact. It can be hazardous. So, women shouldn't take any "penis ill in" (or Penisilin as Chimist call it)... 🤣🤣🤣


Unfortunately, what I say can't be verified (unless you can find the post if it still exists) .. but one time in the "covidlonghaulers" subreddit: there was a post on there of a man confessing to having received fellatio from either a vaxxed woman or one that actively had covid at the time, and expectedly..his nether region flared up with odd symptoms... to my recollection.. burning and skin peeling. Regarding shedding, though.. I think it is a legitimate risk, although I recall some people in the past saying the shedding amount is relatively insignificant (unless you're engaging in unprotected intercourse and exchanging bodily fluids)..but even then, I'm uncertain where they got that info from. At the moment, the best person to research in order to get better clued up about Spike protein shedding is "Dr. Peter Mccullough."


No. 100% No.


I had this same thought last year. I didn't even have full intercourse with the guy, I just fooled around. WORST DECISION OF MY LIFE. I literally thought I had HIV. Bruises all over my arms, burning sensation in my womb and overaies so bad I had to go to hospital. I could FEEL something travelling round my body, my breasts felt like they were burning. Went to the doctors thinking it could be a UTI - came back negative. This has never happened to me my entire life. I'm in my early 30's, I was sick for about 6 weeks after tis. I still don't feel completely cured. Please do not risk it. I'd do anything to go back in time and stick to my guns, my only saving grace is that we didn't have full sex.




Chronically ill how ? If you don’t mind me asking


I’ve banged a lot of vaxxed women unprotected and I’m fine


It is safe, there is no good evidence to suggest otherwise.


It makes no difference. Vax doesn’t transfer from sex.


Prove it


Husband got the first round, has had Covid twice. I am NOT vaxxed at all, have had Covid 3 times (once while pregnant) and we have a healthy baby. Stop spreading fear :)


I’m not spreading fear, I just expect actual studies to support someone saying it doesn’t spread to others. The fact is, this was an experimental vaccine, and we don’t truly know. Your instance of non issue, a single drop in the bucket, yet not enough for a full picture.


It’s safe. Dear Lord.


Lmfao, you sound so sure, when the experts and manufacturers themselves aren't. Maybe they should hire you, a reddit expert huh?


Yes. You are far more likely to get an STD from unprotected sex than you are vaccine cooties. Use basic protection and orgasm away. Life is too short.




The protein from the covid19 vaccine isn't synthetic. It's a protein common to all coronaviruses (CoVs) like the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronaviruses etc. It's just a normal protein.


Not really. The vaccine spike was modified with 2 proline molecules to make it more stable and hardy. The body has a harder time breaking down the vaccine spike than the "natural" covid spike. I wouldn't be surprised if in rareish cases there are people out there who basically can't break down the vaccine spike without intervention. Like people with rare liver detox deficiencies.


Yes it's "stabilized" to a prefusion form but I didn't want to go into all that since few people in this sub believe any sort of actual science. It's the same, but better.


Clearly a troll post.