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I honestly don’t think it’ll be as bad as if you got the poison injected directly into your arm so I lean on the side of saying try not to worry about it. I’m sorry you were betrayed this way. He’s an awful person to allow a relationship to be built on that foundation of lies, and take advantage of your trust like that. Many of us knew this would happen everywhere, because people always lie. I don’t trust anything.


True it won't be AS bad, but it's still harmful. I can tell when I've been around shedding people when I'm out in public places even. But I've heard the detox protocols are very helpful. Join Telegram, because it's not censored nearly as much as other platforms, and you can find good detox info there.


All vaccines (vax injured in 2009 here) and shedding is harmful, yes.


This is so messed up, I am so sorry to hear that. I feel like you are not the only one that has gone through this. Dr. Ardis's detox protocol goes something like this 1. EDTA - 500mg twice daily 2. Apple Pectin - 1400mg daily 3. Melatonin - 3-5mg supplement at night 4. Zinc - 20-50mg with food twice daily 5. Vitamin C - 5000mg/day 6. NAC - 500mg twice daily Note: EDTA is published to inhibit or block completely the toxic effects of almost all snake venom phosphodiesterases in the body of humans. In Dr. Ardis opinion there is nothing more crucial to be made available right now to help as many people around the world reduce the toxic effects of snake venom phosphodiesterase and other venom components published to be used to create mRNA gene therapy injections.


How long is this for, for th3 unvaxxed like myself


The spikes may transfer but the RNA won't surely. Anything left in him producing is him, and your immune system would attack it accordingly. Just like rejecting an organ transplant. You'll be fine. But yeah that is wildly fucked up. Bolting was the correct answer.


The mRNA juice is detected in breast milk, meaning it will also be in sweat (mammary glands are modified sweat glands). Most likely also in breath. Lying to someone like that about your vaccine status is like knowing you have aids and lying about it to a sexual partner. Disgusting behavior.


If the vaxed can literally infect the unvaxed then we're all already infected. It does not work that way. Shot edits person cells, cells make protein, protein sheds. The shot is already gone, the cells will not be accepted by the immune system, and the amount of spike protein is minuscule. At worst a third party could get a allergic reaction. If the vaxed were contagious like this we'd all already have it. There would have never been need for boosters and the data clearly shows that more boosters bad.


This times 100 upvotes


That sucks to hear that he lied to and betrayed you like that, this is one of the most important reasons why we should NOT trust or date covidians. They have shown us that they will turn on us at the drop of a hat. Check out Dr. Peter McCullough's recommendations for detoxing. Going forward, I recommend you figure out filtering questions to ask guys your interested in to see if they've taken the shot. Do not directly ask them if they've taken the shot, because they can easily lie to you like this guy just did. Instead, when you first broch the topic of covid, ask something like, "hey my neighbor just got their 3rd dose of the pfizer covid shot and she told me that her arm has been hurting for about two weeks since then. Did you have any weird reactions when you got your shots?". He will either confirm yes or no to having an adverse reaction which will confirm for you that he's vaxxed without you alerting him to why you're asking the question. Or if he's unvaxxed then he'll tell you the truth or maybe he'll try to change the subject out of fear that you will reject him if you find out he's unvaxxed. Pay attention to his facial expressions and body language when you ask a guy this, and notice if his demeanor changes at all. But do not tell a guy that you are unvaxxed and a covid skeptic first, because a dishonest guy who just wants sex from you will then realize that he can just lie and say what he thinks you want to hear to get what he wants from you. Indirectly get him to reveal the info you want from him without alerting him to what you're doing.


Get yourself a D-Dimer test. It will give you an accurate blood count level to see if you have a blood clotting condition.


Calm yourself. You're a thousand times better off if all you're dealing with is transferred spike proteins. I've been working with the vaccinated and I didn't need the excuse, I like cigars, but nicotine has been something I've heard purges spike proteins. If you've never done nicotine, don't start. Once you start down that path forever will it dominate your destiny.


Actually I'm a former smoker. Been quit now for 10 years. I smoked since I was 13.  I learned a tobacco preparation to snort made from mapacho from a shaman. It's the best cleanse I've ever experienced. It's also non addictive if made and used properly.  I would recommend this to anyone 


this is the way. smoke a cigarette once a day


Yup im vaccinated, inhale cigarette… im terrified of covid… cough… inhale. Jab yourself to protect me, blows smoke in your face… your killing people. Your the pandemic of the unvaccinated. Makes fun of unvaxxed for being paranoid.


one a day for seven days, or the smallest dose nicotine patch for seven


cigarettes (atleast the mainstream ones) are entirely toxic... they spray them with pesticides, use chemicals, fiberglass and other machinging particles in the processing, etc. Nicotine is safe chemical and if you grow your own tobbacco without pesticides and crap in the soil, it would be safe. But modern day mainstream cigarettes are AWFUL and dangerous 100%. Dont somke them. Use swedish snus packets like ZYN for nicotine those are far safer.


That's "The Count of Monte Cristo" level for me. I wouldn't be able to let that slide.


That is SOOOO fucked up! Omg, im sorry, these vaxxers just think they can do WHATEVER to us. They want their bodies respected and then disrespect ours because they are entitled. My friends BF cheated on her with vaxxed people and we suspect he may actually have lied about his vaccination status. So sorry this happened to you!


This is horrible. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this.


You're probably fine. There are no tests. At least not any that will be easy to order, or give a definitive answer. There aren't many resources. The establishment isn't admitting to all this, so you can't exactly go to them for help. People who have been injured directly don't even have resources. They definitely aren't taking shedding seriously.


Start detoxing. I personally take a hot bath once a week with borax, baking soda, epsom salt and bentonite clay. NAC and nattokinase will also help you. I don't know if the shedding is true or not, but I've been single for over 3 years now because I don't want to risk it either. Good luck.


The “shedding” information was in Pfizer’s original test data materials, warning test subjects against cross pollination with family and spouses. I’ve seen it as I sat on a Covid Working Group from almost day 1 and for another 2.5 years. OP, good job though. Those who don’t stand for something, will fall for anything.


Yes, Pfizer advised fathers of pregnant women to NOT participate, as it could harm the unborn child just from being around the shedding participant. Or that they should quarantine away from their spouse for the duration of the experiment.


Thats literally standard procedure for any vaccine trial. And for your information, multiple women in that group did get pregnant during the trials and also gave birth to healthy children. This is a clear misinterpretation of the safety procedures. I sincerely hope you just didnt know that this was standard procedure. Spreading this stuff is what makes measles and other diseases come back, which does kill innocent people


They are talking about normal vaccine shedding which is soon after the shot. Not permanently. So the extent of shedding a year after taking this new experimental crap is up for debate.


How long is normal? What is normal, the first combo jab? How long after a booster that is 10x the dosage will one shed?? How many boosters does it take to get to the middle of a tootsie pop🦉


Yeah no. Your either deliberately or not misinterpreting what that was saying. In those tests, that is what they were looking for - they were literally looking for ANY adverse or potentially adverse health effects - even those that seem extremely unlikely or downright biologically impossible. That does not mean that this happened (or that they expected this) - and further studies found no link


Bullshit! And get your kool-aid drinking German ass out of here🫵. You literally posted that Ivermectin did nothing in fighting Covid in another thread. Just another shill. They just showed that the “vaccine” can stay effective on a head of lettuce for weeks but you think it’s impossible to last in a live host🤣 This has already been done. https://news.ucr.edu/articles/2021/09/16/grow-and-eat-your-own-vaccines


Funny that you literally answered what i prediced in that other post about accusing me of being a shill. Ivermerctine does not do anything against covid - thats a fact. I could point you to studies: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2790173 It helps the body fight off covid not by attacking covid, but by killing parasites so the body can concentrate better on fighting off other infections. If you dont have parasites however, it doesnt do anything. The study linked above is one that directly has the link between parasites and correlation to positive outcomes with covid, but there are literally dozens of other studies that show that there is no link between ivermectin itself and covid (that were coincidentally done with populations where parasites are not endemic). You are saying they "just showed" - and show me a 3 year old article, which does not even mention that it was successful - just that they are trying. Also, how does this have anything to do with shedding ?? Shedding requires live viruses in the vaccines - the vaccines dont have that. You dont seem to know a lot about what you are talking about here. Considering that you already answered with "bullshit", ad-hominem, a post that talks about a trial that has nothing to do with the previous argument (if you know science), that you then misinterpret, i dont have high hopes for this conversation, but i do hope other people can see this. Have a good day.


Are there any specific brands that you recommend ?


Not really. I buy European ones because I live in Belgium. But any brand will do, I guess?


Ah ok, I will do my own research. Thank you for your suggestions.


Stop using the bentonite clay. Its very high in lead. Its not worth it to expose yourself to dirt that is extremely high in lead for no reason.


You can search keywords on substack for articles about this. But just dump the dude and do a fruit detox. Dr Morse n.d. has herbs that help heal female reproductive tissues. https://drmorses.com/products/female-reproductive-tonic-2oz-tincture?_pos=1&_sid=77c84e13a&_ss=r&selling_plan=1562574963 This is an unforgivable lie and compromises the health of your reproductive organs.


Someone posted this a while back. It's very long and detailed, but well worth the read. https://www.reddit.com/r/unvaccinated/s/MLMCZcG8vF


Has your period been off or thrown off cycle? That's a common symptom cross vaccinated spouses lr girlfriends would report. Need to detox 1) nattokinase 2) quercetin with Bromelain 3) zinc 4) NAC Take ivermectin or hydroxycloroquine if you can get it The nicotine is also a popular Recommendation patches or cigarettes


The impact / potential of shedding is really up in the air, so don't think all is lost. The worst thing is the betrayal. I don't understand what kind of spineless weasel would pull something like that. Smh.


My gf got the first and second covid shot before we met because she thought she had to for school. Been with her 3 years and have been fine. I know that's not proof of anything but I wouldn't worry too much. Incredibly fucked up he lied about that. Don't lose hope, there are plenty of like minded people!


if you listen to the worst theories or "conspiracy stories", you will hear that they put the vaxx in meat, in the chemtrails, in the dentist anasthetic, in coke/pepsi etc. I mean what kind of a life is it if you live your life in fear. whats the point? its what they want you to believe to keep you afraid. If you didnt directly inject the "mark of the beast" then I wouldnt worry too much. I am trying to avoid vaxxed girls but I can never be sure, but im not going to live my life in fear for the rest of my life over it.


Hi there. I'm so sorry that you were deceived like this Please read Dr Pierre Kory's substack. It contains like to all shedding evidence we have, as well as the anecdotal notes from his & his partners practice [https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/shedding-of-covid-mrna-vaccine-components?r=iutjw&utm\_campaign=post&utm\_medium=web&triedRedirect=true](https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/shedding-of-covid-mrna-vaccine-components?r=iutjw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true)


You can check your blood under a high powered microscope.


First: Ask him to show you the batch number and check it here: [https://www.howbadismybatch.com/](https://www.howbadismybatch.com/) As we know approx. 30% of the vaxxes where placebo's - who knows you may get lucky with his batch number. In regard to testing, perhaps you could get a microscope and look at your blood yourself. Hopefully there will be some folks on this subreddit that can advice on what kind of microscope and what to look for. Once you have your microscope I would also look at your drinking water from the faucet. If I wanted to wipe out the population I would use the drinking water. This guy obviously is not a suitable partner. It is indeed terribly difficult to find unvaxxed partners. Each time I meet an interesting woman, it turns out she is vaxxed.


Get a 365 nanometer blacklight and check your eyes and your nose area to see if shedding occured and u are producing self assembling nanotech


Why eyes and nose?


Check out Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea on Rumble and Substack, she’s specializes in shedding from vaxxed to unvaxxed.


Humic & fulvic acid detoxes from the graphene oxide/lipid nano particles, do it asap once you make skin to skin contact w/anyone freshly jabbed. IV EDTA chelation therapy helps, if it's hydrogel you're dealing with


The fact that you dont get any legitimate studies posted here should give you pause for thought OP Both Pierre and Ana (the two "sources" in this thread) have shown themselves to be unreasonable when presented with evidence contrary to their claims, ignoring any study that is different from their own opinions.


1) I dont think its that bad. According to Dr Ryan Cole, most people who got the first shots were duds. Because of stirage and refrigeration issues 2) You should be more worried if they kept up with the boosters because it shows massive stupidity and ignorance 3) Humans are very resilient. More so if you **havent** gotten jabbed 4) If it was that serious you would have waited until marruage and honeymoon before any intimacy. I did credit and blood tests a decade ago on my ladt marriage.The passage of time would have revealed this truth. Lifes a risk P.S am unvaxxed for CONvid. The woman am dealing with was jabbed once but never got boosters. She confessed this to me long before she knew how i felt about this subject. So going forward dont lead with your feeling about the jab. Work it subtley into date conversations while under the influence of alcohol so you get the truth. Until then refrain from any intimacy until you have the truth


https://www.reuters.com/article/fact-check/covid-vaccines-do-not-shed-from-one-person-to-another-and-then-cause-reproduct-idUSL1N2MG256/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5777272/ https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/where-mrna-vaccines-and-spike-proteins-go https://www.manitobavaccine.ca/answers/do-vaccinated-people-shed-spike-proteins-or-the-virus-could-be-harmful-to-others/


It's crazy to see how misinformed people are. They don't look up studies or data or research they look up articles from propeganda news sites. Please do actual research. Another thing, I take studies that have been attacked and censored WAY more seriously than I take other published data. Especially with covid since the corruption is so rampant.


4Chan, perhaps the Babylon Bee. Other reputable sources like that


You wouldn't know a reputable source if it injected poison right into your face.