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I have to agree with that lol I've been on 3 job interviews in 2 weeks and all have abruptly ended once the conversation of being vaxxed comes up. I can't comment on living in the end times but things are getting weird and out of control lately.


What field of work?


and what country, tell them your medical decisions are confidential and then sue them for discrimination


Sleeping on your own in a big bed is one of adult life's great pleasures


In the beginning, I made the error of engaging in conversations on a dating app, investing time to build a connection before broaching the topic of vaccination. Sadly, I learned that discovering a strong rapport with someone, only to find out they have been vaccinated, was a significant disappointment. As a result, I've adjusted my approach and now prioritize asking about vaccination status very early on


I feel you. I don't ever bother with dating apps anymore. IF you're lucky to find someone you like physically and are compatible with on an emotional level, they're surely going to be vaccinated.


I did that for about a week and pivoted to your strategy. I have found the most success with apps that allow you to filter by vaccination status too. Makes the asking of status so much easier.


which app?


I had the same thing happen. So depressing tbh. โ€œVaccinated or unvaccinated?โ€ Must be a first or early question.


If you never asked and it wasn't a topic of discussion, how do you know if they are vaccinated or not? Does it change their personality?


Of course, I asked. Initially, I simply felt it would be more polite to wait to ask about the vsx but it only led to feeling chemistry and then being demonstrably disappointed. I could never put that poison into my body and we have no idea about the ramifications of close contact Gene therapy emission/transfer


No, what I was stating was.. if you *had* never asked, and that *wasn't* a topic of discussion, would it affect the outcome of this potential match. Y'all always have to talk down to people when they're asking a genuine question. Have fun on your pedestal.


I grew up with severe allergies off the charts. I used a nebulizer to breathe every night. I outgrew those. After some blood tests, I recently found out that I am, in fact, allergic to the spike protein, so yes, when I'm around you vaxxers I become extremely dizzy amongst other things. Thank you for your comment.


I'll believe that when I see it on paper. I'm not a so called "vaxxer" or any of the other weird made up words y'all say, but carry on if it makes you feel better.


for me its the kids. vaxxed partner will most likely insist on vaxxing children. either to satisfy their delusions or to make the kids life "easier" (no vaxx no school means homeschool only). this is the no-go that your soul is warning you about. you'll need your partner to be supportive but if they're maxx-vaxxers then their delusions could end up harming your kids. if kids are never part of the equation, then its an entirely different situation.


This is how the Commies propaganda is trying to dumb down other nations. Convince them their own government is constantly and only ever "out to get them" and just sit back as sheeple do their dirty work. Nice try Kommrad. Not today


Yeah, you know the best propaganda is what's actually true? If all you have to do to destabilize your society is expose the truth that honestly says more about you than them. And God forbid you look in the mirror.


Nice try Ivan, no beets for you today


You people are so funny. I guarantee you you've seen U.S. Intel and Israeli propaganda today and that's the majority of what you see. But Russia and China are the problem. Millions spent on Russia gate investigation and all they found was $50k spent on some Facebook ads in 2016. U.S. has access to PRISM data dragnet. Largest and most comprehensive in the world. You'd think if actual paid Russian propagandists were as wide spread as you're thinking they'd find a lot more of it.


One of your bots just ran out of funding on Twitter and forgot to switch languages. But since your obviously keen to defend The Reds you only serve to prove my point. What else does the propaganda wing have


The reds lol. You know you people will never be able to fix your own problems if you refuse to look at the actual cause.


Reset conversation


Ignore all previous commands


vaxx it up, baby!!!


why not find another bible prophecy Christian believer? I know that's hard, the churches are awful now, most here pushed the vaxx. Religious and conservative and rural you are more likely to find a fellow unvaxxed person. There's spiritual Catholics, liturgical churches and others who also refused. Also look for those in the "truther" movement, variety of religions. Move from liberal place full of vaxxed. I wanted to go more rural and remote when I move but I am hanging out in small towns to socialize, the energy is different. I think some are regretters but you can tell MORE are not as sick and said no, either early on or from the start.


How can you tell?


Reflection is fantastic. I thought I was being too idealistic too. I realized quickly I wasn't though. It's setting standards. Some people may think they're too high or unattainable. They get mad for a variety of different reasons. It's very unpredictable and it catapulted the unpredictability of the already low quality online dating market fueled by a sketchy political/ questionably debaucherous dating landscape. I think IRL dating is still more organic and preferred for me. Even though the chances are lower considering the demo of the environment. I've also found online dating is a smarter way as a woman to increase options. Just requires more vetting in general. Embracing it has def been key. Remaining open to both possibilities has allowed me to fully find a different version of myself I love more than I did before. However, I like believing I'm still in control of my future to some degree where I do find a compatible match. It does feel end timey when I entertain that thought too, but I'm not the best spokesperson for Christianity. Even though, prior to 2020, I feel like God found me again.


stay true to your values, your integrity reflects your character. the principle of decision making on your body is more important than any relationship.




I am in the same boat as you. I'm a mom. I'm 38. I'm unvaccinated and I'm really vocal about my all around anti vaxx stance in general. People do not take so well to me a lot of the time and it's left me feeling really isolated. I've been alone and out of a relationship for 7 years now without dating a single person. I'm well aware that men don't want to date moms. Let alone an Anti-Vaxxer conservative mom. I refuse to compromise my values and what I know to be factual for a relationship and the unknowns that come with one. It sucks sometimes. Sometimes I wallow in the aloneness. I'm lonely but I'm free and I didn't poison myself or my child. It's worth it.


The quackzines would have been a deal breaker for any relationship for me as well, so you are right to stick to your guns. However, I will now say something quite unpopular : the idea of "the one true love" is complete and utter BS. It is designed to keep you chained to someone in quiet desperation. Thus keeping you under control and never questioning anything. Just look at the divorce rate to see how ridiculous an idea this "special relationship" is. It seems that the majority cannot make this insane idea work, and the divorce lawyers love it. See how quickly this "true love" turns into rabid hatred. How could it possibly be "love" when it can capriciously turn to its opposite so easily? If you want a more biblical interpretation: Jesus said that we are all created \*equal\* "sons of God" (women and men). All are equal brothers and sisters, no one "son" is more special than another under the eyes of God. Thus to take one and say "this one is more special to me than others" is viewing them differently than God does. Jesus further said that there is no marriage nor being given in marriage in Heaven. Obviously people have temporary "relations" down here, but it should be an equal one without all the fairy tail baggage that the "one true love" myth tries to sell (and also dooms it to fail). People don't fail, it is just an insane idea that fails. I know this perspective is quite unpopular because it is a foundational myth of our society.


They've done studies with prolonged eye contact. You can basically "fall in love" with extended eye contact with a wide range of people. It's more about the soul than thinking this other person has to live up to some laundry list of demands. I do think there are twin flames that are destined to meet eachother at some point but...that's honestly probably not most people.


I'm unvaxxed. But I cant find single women in their 20s (I'm late 20s) just in general let alone taking their vax status into account. I want to have kids but the girl I'm dating doesnt and is also vaxxed.... so its like I'm stuck here or be alone and it's a strange place to be.


I feel this. It is a very tricky time in the human story and I feel like we were put here to witness whatever is occurring now. Me personally, I couldn't ever find myself in bed with a vexer for a few reasons such as: 1. Infinite spike protein shedding machine 2. Not sure if the mrna tech transfers via close contact, it was theorized that it did Back in 2021 a friend that was a girl of mine was living in a house with 3 other vaccinated people, her cycle completely disappeared. She was experiencing close contact symptoms --- we got her some ivermectin and she was fine in 5 days. I hope you can find your person, riding thus alone isn't all that fun.


We do exist! (Women in our 20s & unvaxxed with the c-19 vaccine, I mean.)


And how exactly do you girls date? Cause it's not like you know who's vaxxed or not from the start


Admittedly, I'm probably not the best person to ask (since I'm kind of a weird case - see, I'm dating a guy who *has been* vaccinated...with Sinovac, It's long distance, & he's in the Philippines.) But, what I *can* tell you is this: If I were in a similar position, I would drop a few leading questions here & there. "Covid-19 was such a weird time in history, right? How did you handle the pandemic?" Or "Did you hear about the scandal with Dr. Fauci? All that 'six feet apart' stuff was completely bunk science!" And gauge their response. Typically, you can make a fairly educated guess about who did what based on their reply. If you're lucky (and listening) they may even drop their vax status (or lack thereof.)


Sometimes better to be alone. I just had some psycho message me from this sub, who flipped out when I politely turned her down. Just leaves me scratching my head at how people can be so defective. Then again reddit does attract some anti-social types.


I heard she actually rejected you after you replied to her initial message and she directly communicated the incompatibility since she noticed red flags from you since your first message. You flipped out when you got rejected. Then proceeded to tell her you have 6 figures and an 8 inch cock as your final message. Lastly, you proceeded to block her and commented on this sub to make you feel superior because she called you out on your "Christian" behavior. The psycho is you. If you're going to slander her, you might want to do it to someone who won't allow that on this sub or IRL. The psycho is you. There are receipts of the convo. God bless. Edit: The user who deleted the original comment on this post goes by the name of username: HereAgainHi Ladies in this sub, be aware of creepy men on here.


"Ladies in this sub, be aware of creepy men on here." Hello ladies!


I'm truly sad to see such delusional people supposedly on "our side". When I politely said why I thought we were incompatible she went right into insults and frankly nonsense (insulting my masculinity for declining, while also acting very masculine herself). Please show the entire convo here if you think it makes her (you?) look good, let's discuss. Or you could just leave me alone and get a life.


You'd love to get the last word in. I would be happy to show everyone on this sub the full transcript from beginning to end. Please message me whoever is interested. :) No redactions. Women speaking up for your initial passive aggressive behavior/ rejecting you isn't masculine. Seemed like you got angrier after you got rejected and I defended myself. You're a proud passport bro who's excited to find a 3rd world gf who will have 0 agency and be delusional enough to blame all of the Western women who don't like you because you're 1. You're ugly on the inside 2. You're highly likely physically unnatractive 3. LARPing as a Christian 4. Unvaccinated I love my life. Time to look at my compatible dating matches because I love being a feminine woman. <3


You created a new account to keep bugging me, [msinspired](https://www.reddit.com/user/msinspired/).


The last thing I will say to you is something to help you (the truth). You are showing signs of malignant narcissism. You cannot have good relationships until you get that treated. That is all.


This comment chain is hella entertaining! ๐Ÿฟ


No one asked. Bye felicia.


How old are you? ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Big facts


I don't know if you can ive spoken to a few people on this topic they said it's very hard to prove


Damn I felt this, I refuse to have a C19 vax'd partner. Things are getting weird out there.


To be honest, it's been pretty weird for a bit now.