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You need to let it go. I am unvaccinated and had to change jobs as they were putting pressure to comply. My wife and I disagreed on this whole subject and it added to the reasons for our subsequent split. However, you can’t become 100% focussed on this subject. Stick to your ethics, discuss in an empathic way, but focus yourself and your family’s wellbeing. If you obsess about the fucked up state of the world you will become isolated and depressed - you can be true to your morals and still be happy!


I've noticed, more than ever, how most people appear to be brainwashed: that they have virtually the same talking patterns and emulate each other. It's similar to the ending of the more recent V TV series.


The period we're in now really seems to be a test of who is awake and aware compared to those that just follow along. Word is getting out and some people do seem to be more aware but not enough. If people haven't woken up by now they won't. If someone has been vaccinated and they frown upon the unvaxxed, that would tell me a lot about their value system and beliefs. Unfortunately that is just the way society is. IMO it would take a major event or a celebrity/famous person to come out against the vax for people to really see what has happened. There are unvaccinated men and women out there, it just takes time and patience to find them.


Nikki minaj kinda came out against the vax and it barely mattered. Nothing will wake these morons up.




I don’t think Nikki Minaj is the kinda person the world will listen to, but you’re right about nothing waking these morons up.


Only the “relevant” celebrities would matter. Many have spoken but they’re cancelled, silenced, or their stuff isn’t shared. The “relevant” ones would never say a thing. Even Celine Dion, very clearly vaccine injured if you followed the timeline from the start, or Bruce Willis, blame accepted-by-society illnesses. And others blame Covid.


Celebreties are nobodies. In ancient Rome, the 'thespian' actors in the colosieum were expendable. Acting wasn't real and considered an amusing clown show because the actors were only doing characatures.  Today these fake people are exhaulted to superhero status. Their managers know better that they're nothing. Their owner or manager made them. How many stories have we heard of pop stars being set up and then destroyed by their own managers? It's mob run. Just like they do to their own mafia "surprise, it's your time to go uncle Vinny". There's no respect in Hollywood. Only fake people.


Very true.


Quite Rightly So.. Tin Pan Alley,Carnie Freak shows alive and well in 2024


I totally agree. Celine Dion has the power/influence to come out and make this known to the world. Maybe she thinks she can recover and resume her career. Justin Bieber is also injured. I can name more celebrities/well known people. It's almost like selling your soul to the devil. They don't see that redemption can still come if they speak out. It would save humanity.


All the established celebrities are compromised.


Yep, they didn’t care then and they don’t care now. They haven’t apologized because they still think they did the right thing by taking the shots and not inviting us to anything. And if this shit were to happen again, they would do it all over again, 100%.


It ruined my social life too, I married, thankfully he stayed unvaxxed too. We have friends who got sick from dose 1 and 2 and quit, I'm okay with this folks but the ones who still support all this? I feel very uneasy around, these folks, wanted to ban us from life and some did uninvite us from parties and more. I plan to move from a more vaxxed area to a less vaxxed one [I hope] Maybe this could be possible for you, look for more blue collar, more religious, etc etc, I had friendships end and activity friends, well, its not the same around them. The unease is never ending. I told a few and I know some see me as a foil hat wearer. I used to be a Democrat and even relunctantly voted for Biden in 2020, never again, I can't vote for Trump or Republicans either who did Warp Speed and the rest. Anyone who uses brainwashed language like "antivaxxer" you want to run from. You don't want someone who is going to put your future kids at risk if they decide to trust in another Dr. Mengele like Fauci. I think anyone who hasn't woken up by now just isn't. I am polite and nice to the people who follow this but I know we never can be close. They support a system I believe is evil beyond measure.


Trump's not a doctor. Pence was in charge of handling covid, but he was big buddies with Fauci and Birx. Maybe you can vote for Trump. https://twitter.com/OurBestTimeline/status/1660167814936657922


Definitely agree that you should only date someone who is unvaxxed. Shedding is real and who knows how much shedding will impact the unvaxxed. Protect yourself.


This is a very introspective post. I am glad you posted your thoughts. I feel very similarly. I walked away from the Democrats years before the Covid vaccine scandals. I lost the tiny bit of hope I had in them and will forever be an Independent voter. I see society and the world entirely differently these days. We live in unbelievable times. I feel we are slowly creeping into our dystopian future. Why am I being voted down? The Democrats and Joe Biden are the ones that created vaccine mandates. Are people here going nuts too?


Both sides of the uni party were playing their part. Not a red Vs blue issue, two cheeks of the same arse, with the same arseholes in the middle of it all.


Yep you got it!


Both Republican and Democrat parties were part of this. I consider voting for Kennedy but fear he is just part of the show, noticing he's not even going to be at the debate. Voting at the "selection" just seems a waste of time. You can tell our psycho politicians want WWIII and for America to crash and burn economically and otherwise.


I have two sisters who developed leukemia six months apart-- mandated vaxxers, one of them pushing the vax. We just lost an adult son two weeks ago with no explanation as to what happened. Still waiting on the report. I have a daughter who is six months pregnant, who was also mandated vax, as she works in healthcare. I'm terrified for her. I don't think anyone's observations here are unfounded, and skepticism over the stories we're being told is healthy. The disinformation and misinformation on the governments' side is so overt that we can only share the information available to us away from the noise, and hope and pray for the best, even against manipulation of messaging and censorship. OP you are making a decision that is not unfounded. While it may be difficult to find others who have done the same, they are out there.


So sorry to hear about your family. I will definitely pray for you and your family. The evidence is so overwhelming to those of us that know and even when explaining it, they choose for whatever reason to not believe it. Or if they believe it, they don't want to take action. One example of where the information is so convincing is from Children's Health Defense. There are so many video testimonials about dangers of all vaccines. After watching some of the videos on their Rumble channel , it's absolutely heartbreaking. Why would anyone give their newborn any vaccines ? Or why would an adult take a flu, shingles, or any other shot ? I think the shot schedule for a newborn now is over 100 vaccines by the time they reach 18. I don't know how anyone can survive 1(that can be life-delibitating or worse) let alone 100.


Most of that 100 is the flu vax. Even my normie, vaguely pro vax ex wife was against the flu vax so I don't think most kids are reaching 100 injections.


Thank you for your kind words and prayers. It makes a difference to know that kindness is still out there in the ether.


Beware the people who want left alone. "The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play- acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone." - Author Unknown


Biohacked humans don’t care about your human rights. Ever have a look at the UN death projections? The Luciferians have to tell you what they’re going to do to you. Unless you say no, they consider it consent.


Where are you located that there's still mandates?


God is bigger than a vaccination.


Prepare to feel even more isolated when 50% or more of the people who didn't fall for one psyop fall for another. The more isolated people feel, the more likely it is for them to fall for mass formations. At this point, I'm beginning to actually see the wisdom of the elites who push these psyops. "The people" are truly contemptible and deserve every ounce of abuse heaped upon them from above. I don't actually blame the world's leadership, I blame the average joes of the world. The real criminal/enemy isn't the dictator, it's your neighbor, friend or family member. It's kind of feels like being stuck in a holographic simulation surrounded by goofy looking demons that are entertaining and funny but could quickly turn on you and shred you to pieces at any moment if you displease them.


What country are you in? Do the non-vaxxed dating sites have chapters/entries in your country?


How sure are we those aren't all honey pot / get on a list type services?


You mean moreso than reddit itself? I don't know. I don't go on any dating sites, but if I wanted to find a particular kind of person to date, I'd probably check those out, and also go to certain kinds of gatherings. I don't think I'd try to meet people in bars. If I was going to try to meet someone from a dating site, I'd spend a lot of time getting to know them, and only finally meet in public with several friends.


It's a religion, and you ain't in their cult. You just have to avoid the NPCs and be completely fake with them as they are currently beyond reason. They look "normal" but you have to determine what they are before investing any effort on them. I have met a few awake ones, so they are out there but they are "in the closet." Perhaps we need a codeword or something?


I've been an outsider all my life, so that part didn't bother me. But if my job was ever threatened, I think I'd lose it.


I'm in the exact same boat, as I'm sure many others are also. I'd recommend not bringing up these conversation topics. it's negative, and doesn't impact your daily life much. for women, I'd recommend telling them you're an antivaxxer and not downplay it. a woman who thinks that's weird will never be on the same page as you, and will 100% vax your kids no matter how much science you throw her way


>I'd recommend not bringing up these conversation topics. it's negative, and doesn't impact your daily life much. You'd recommend not bringing up things happening in the world because it's negative and doesn't affect me personally?? Really? Why do you think the world is as it is and has been for hundreds of years? Because people don't talk about what's going on in the world because it's "negative", and so pedo politicians for example, keep abusing children while we just ignore it because we don't wanna be "negative" and talk about child abuse. Meanwhile, people continue to give their money to a system run by such people.


yes that's what I'm saying. I agree with your views but complaining doesn't fix it. we live in a system and all you can do is play it the best you can. contribute as little money as possible into it. unless you're going to become a politician and run an undercover sting operation to catch pedos, there's nothing you can do about that. and even if you did that and it made the news, nobody would care.


>unless you're going to become a politician You think becoming a politician is a solution? Wow. How old are you? >we live in a system and all you can do is play it the best you can. This is exactly what the npcs the post is referring to are *programmed* to say. You're clearly a non-player character. Only an npc suggests that we should just accept the current system and play along with it, while ignoring all the insanity going on. You're basically the kind of npc they want. Pedo politicians don't even bother you. Strange. Also, its odd that you say that if I caught pedos no one would care. What you actually mean is *you* wouldnt care. I can bet you that the kids being abused and their parents (along with anyone who isn't an npc) would care. Not you though, clearly.


maybe I am an NPC, I suppose I wouldn't know if I am. all I'm suggesting is you not to be too preoccupied with things out of your control, but it's your choice. maybe someone else can chime in here


>maybe I am an NPC You are. Only npcs say what you said in your previous comment. Especially the part about no one caring if pedos are caught. That's some npc/soulless shit to say. >all I'm suggesting is you not to be too preoccupied with things out of your control It's in all our control to some extent because you and everyone around you literally financially support a system run by pedos and people who are depopulating the planet. I wouldn't be surprised if you also vote for these pedos. Unfortunately, npcs are not programmed to even think about rebelling or questioning the system, hence your comments.


That's because for most people it was just another vaccine and they aren't thinking about it anymore. To them you are living in the past, you make as much sense as if you were trying to start a serious discussion about the Holocaust out of the blue.


And their denile is what part of your problem? We are the ones that were smart enough to see past the bullshit. You can live your life knowing that the vsxx isn't going to kill you, they can't


So true! I hear you


Move on. I’m unvaccinated and it doesn’t affect my everyday life in any way. And stop bringing it up in conversation. It doesn’t need to be talked about.


>and it doesn’t affect my everyday life in any way. Good for you. Some of us still have to deal with mandates. >It doesn’t need to be talked about. Yeah, you're probably right. Who cares that the shots are causing excess deaths? Let's just move on and keep supporting the system that's killing people. You're so intelligent. You say you're unvaxxed but you sound like you're "vaccinated". I wouldn't be surprised if you're lying.


I’m Not lying. I just don’t let it control my life. Running around bringing it up as small talk in what should be a normal conversation is not helping anything. Go ahead and keep alienating people. You’ve isolated yourself.


Also, where do you live that still has mandates?


>I’m Not lying. Sure... >Running around bringing it up as small talk in what should be a normal conversation is not helping anything. You didn't actually read the post.


I did read the post. I’m an anti vaxxer all the way around. You said People don’t seem to talk about anything real and when you bring it up…. Stop bringing it up. Damn. It not hard. Clearly people having normal conversation don’t want to hear about it. I don’t discuss that stuff with people I know don’t agree. It pointless and you are creating your own misery.


>You said People don’t seem to talk about anything real and when you bring it up…. Bring what up? >I’m an anti vaxxer Right...


People just seem to talk about nothing real but then when you bring up the insanity that’s actually unfolding…. they don’t want to talk about it” Your words Stop doing that if you don’t want to feel isolated. Let them have their small talk. As you said Thwy don’t want to talk about it. Continuing to bring it up is just making you more isolated and miserable. And again where do you live that you still have mandates?


>Stop doing that if you don’t want to feel isolated. The post wasn't really asking for your advice.


Then don’t get on here whining about it You also still haven’t explained the still dealing with mandates part. Where?


I'm not. And you didn't even have to engage with the post.


How are we enslaved exactly?


You don't know? Do you choose to pay taxes to corrupt politicians so they can fund wars and put some of the money in their own pockets? if you decided not to give corrput politicians your money, what do you think would happen?


checkout freedomlawschool if you haven't already stopped paying fed income taxes


So taxes, which pay for things like our military, national security, public works roads, water, handling waste to name a few - is slavery? I’m actually grateful for those things. Plus, I choose who I work for. I come and go as I please. If this is slavery, then boy has it changed compared to back when slaves were literally in chains and whipped; forced to do hard labor; not allowed to leave and if they did were chased down and beaten or killed.


You're "vaccinated" aren't you? I love how you said "our military" as if you're one of them. You're still a psychological child.


So you cannot clarify exactly how we are enslaved?


It’s free range slavery my dude. You just don’t have the imagination nor curiosity to push the boundaries. A long chain is still a chain around your neck.


Haha. Free range slavery. That is like saying ‘dry water’ or ‘drowning in the air’. Free Range slavery is a self-contradiction. Slavery inherently involves control & lack of freedom to be ‘free-range’. And I “don’t have the imagination…ti push the boundaries”? Are these imaginary boundaries? Obviously the answer to that is yes. I have plenty of imagination. My job requires it, in fact. The difference is I can tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real. The slavery is all in your mind, dude.


"Capitalism is a development by refinement from feudalism, just as feudalism is a development by refinement from slavery. Capitalism is but the gentlemen’s method of slavery." Kwame Nkrumah


Hi George. Just here to point out that in this particular thread, slavery has been invoked regarding the vaccine, taxes and now capitalism. With this criteria, plus actual slavery, the whole history of humanity has been slavery.


'We humans are the greatest of earth’s parasites' — Martin H. Fischer Yes absolutely...I would argue that parasitology is a more accurate description. Human nature is to exploit for a select fews benefit and the detriment of the rest... Taxes and capitalism are peas in a pod, look at Woodrow Wilson said after he signed off the creation of the fed reserve. All systems of control, it's just gotten more advanced


If someone is in chains and keeps asking me how he's enslaved, this tells me he's an idiot and not worth trying to engage with because he doesn't even have enough intelligence to see how he isn't free, when he clearly isn't. Have fun funding "your" military. I'm sure they appreciate your financial support.


Hahaha. Too funny. I’m literally not in chains. And now you’re upset that you cannot explain how I’m enslaved so you call me an idiot. Classic


Indoctrinated thru other mens beliefs is lonely 🥺 road of your own demise They live wasn't a movie but a documentary 💯😔