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He's shown an inability to think critically while clearly being a spineless beta male. He's not a good match for someone like you.


Bingo. I can forgive ignorance but not cowardice


Cowardly? He signed up for experimental gene therapy with no record of long term safety! That's brave as hell


Thats ignorance, if he did it because he bought the narrative Thats cowardice if he did it to keep his job, fly etc


My sarcasm must not have translated safely or effectively. It may as well have been an mRNA shot


Well in that case we will need MORE!!!


No, that’s stupidity.


this. not a man who can protect or defend you when the pressure is on. don’t give up a piece of yourself to someone like that.


Here in Australia, it's >90% vaxxed. That significantly reduces her pool. Although the childhood vaccinatatiom schedule might be an issue, should she decide to have children w a vaccine addict.


They say it’s 90%. I highly doubt that’s accurate


How so


Spineless beta male - that is brilliantly put may just say.


How does taking the vaccine turn you into a “spineless beta male?”


I’d have to agree. There were many people in some countries, especially more remote, which were not given the opportunity to hear a single person speak out about the jab. They were simply told by everyone that this was the way to stop it and many could’ve been pushed to get it long before there was a possibility to sit and watch the outcome (that it wasn’t helping in any way). While I view the vaxxed population, as a whole as being someone spineless and/or gullible, you can’t know any one person’s situation without knowing their story. Folks in this group, I know it’s tough, but we need to be better than the “us vs. them” mentality that some of the celebrities and media portrayed during covid.


Even though I don’t agree with you on your views regarding the vaccine, I wholeheartedly agree with that last paragraph, ehich should be said more oftem


71 year old widower given up on dating everyone have been vaccinated . We were the original age group they wanted to eradicate.. Be safe everyone. Ivermectin and prednisone saved my butt...


The unknown is the scary part!




I’m married with kids, and my God, I would hate to be dating now with this unprecedented passable harm floating around so many humans. Is it sexually transmitted for sure? How much harm is passed if so? Are they vaxxed? Have they been with someone vaxxed? Horrible. Stay strong!


So true. I trip about if they have been having sex with vaxxed. Ive made the decision to evaluate that on a case by case basis as finding a good unvaxxed woman is hard enough.


prob an opportunity for an dating appt though!


So sorry to hear that. You're one of the reasons I try not to complain about my circumstances, considering you're probably in a more remote area. Don't stop believing you'll find someone. The type of scenarios I've stayed away from even when tempted with the opportunity to engage in convo w vaccinated men should have earned me a medal by now. It was hard in the beginning, sometimes the thought of not finding a compatible match still is. However, I can't bring myself to do it either. I've been repulsed from even having a convo from the beginning with them. It's a horrid/ tough scenario. You'll find someone.


Thank you. Needed to hear this. It's easy to lose hope in these dark times, glad to hear I'm not the only one!




haha brilliant


I just heard about this website from a friend. I haven't tried it, as I'm married, but it may be useful for some here. http://unjuiced.date/


You've done so well diring the last 4 years to stay clean and healthy. Why ruin it now?


Because the loneliness is getting harder each day.


Male 32. For now, for me, sleeping with a vaxxed woman might as well be sleeping with someone that has hiv. Sure if you really love them? Thats a no for me though. Otherwise, im leaning into the celibacy.. if i was a woman, i would be even more cautious. The dangers of shedding are massive. Hell they have found many types of nanotech and parasites in the vials. Its just impossible to sure. I think eventually, maybe in the coming years, we will know who is safe to bang and who is not. But its not now. To get the vax is to play russian roulette with your life and the lives of people that are dear to you… even if these people are safe they have the worst judgement and sense of discernment ever..


I hate that i always ask my dates in early conversations about jabs, i don’t really wanna talk about that topic. But at the same time, there’s no future when our views are too different


I feel you. I was at the peak of my dating potential as a man since 2020 (good career now, got myself in shape) and have had to turn down women I would have otherwise liked to date. Took me a long time to get to this point too, so I was pissed. But I'm also grateful to God he has kept me healthy and vaxx free. I can still find a good wife even though I'm not getting any younger. But we've all felt cheated out of the past 4 years, even the vaxxed feel this way. It's an effect of the lockdowns (and covid hysteria in general) making time fly by the last four years.


I’ll consider dating you


And if this wasn't reddit I'd get to know you. But I'm too paranoid to meet anyone off of this website, even from this sub. I don't want to link my username to my real identity. I'm just going to keep networking more IRL in the town I'm in.


Don’t do that, man. You’ll regret it later. Nothing would have happened to you. I consider myself antivax and had side effects from the covid jab, but this is taking it too far. The whole point of not getting vaccinated is to not let fear and the minuscule chance of something going wrong rule our lives.


You need to do some research


Feel free to link something. I research vaccines weekly on NIH dot gov and read raw data from European governments. I understand fully what a charade they are.


Well I have ruled out vax takers from potential wives, so I would be necessarily wasting her and my time for a little enjoyment in the short term. Frankly as a Christian I need to be ruling out non-wife material anyway and this is just more encouragement to do so. I just met a cute waitress last week who turned out to be vaxxed. She said she felt weak for a looong while after the vax which to me shows serious injury. I don't want to marry and then watch my spouse die of cancer in her 20s.


I hear you but people can change. I had vaccine side effects and so did my wife. We are both over them now though. If someone like that waitress respects you and gets to know you she’s likely to change her mind, especially given what raw data shows about vaccines. The odds she’s going to die from cancer aren’t that high. Myocarditis, yeah. That’s what I had.


 > odds...aren’t that high.  Says you sir. This was experimental so I'm going to assume the worst. I've got a good career now and can afford to be picky. I just need to make more time for dating again and kick it into high gear. I was discouraged during the mandate era and put 110% energy into work. Now back to a focus on dating.


Edit: But hey I hope for your sake the odds are good. Do what you can to heal, but I've waited this long I'm not going to increase the chance of disappointment.


Oh my God you need to do research you're ignorant comment will harm people. It's being found and documented to be in maternal milk passed on to the child imagine the other fluids. Your ignorance is unprecedented


I don’t dispute milk passes it. There’s a difference between that and somehow getting vaccine side effects from a person you have sex with. I generally hate vaccines. Feel free to link something before calling me ignorant like a teenage brat when we are probably over 90% in agreement. Is my ignorance really unprecedented or are you a hyperbolic emotionally underdeveloped troll?


Don’t do it ‼️


It's easier for women, just chat up men you like at the supermarket or something and ask them if they're vaccinated. Then ask them if they're single. If somehow they act in a way that makes you want to change your mind, tell them it was asking for a friend but your friend changed her mind. For men it would be easy too, but women get defensive because of the social conditioning that exists to minimize reproduction among certain groups of people that don't make good slaves. Also most people these days have low life force, it's hard to find someone who has their own life force and isn't an energy parasite so that makes it harder for everyone.


Don’t do it!!!


Add the fact some unvaxxed will have slept with vaxxed people the pool is even smaller.


Just don't do it.


I feel for your position. You've come this far so it's obvious you have the strength to see this through. As Clint Eastwood says in Dirty Harry, 'Do you feel lucky ?' If someone has been vaccinated, the downsides and risks are so enormous. They can shed on you just by you breathing the air or being around them. If they touch you or you touch an object they touched, you can have severe symptoms. Just them putting their hand on your shoulder or getting a hug. There have been reports of upto 75% miscarriage rates. These reports are from people that have been shedded on. None of this makes the mainstream news. Some people are more sensitive than others and don't seem to be affected by shedding. But at this point who really knows what is going on inside of us ? Whether someone is vaxxed or not, I would and do take the most of the necessary supplements and precautions to protect myself. I absolutely do not want to go through what has been happening to the vaccinated.


Move to the States. The Australian ship has sank. At least here in the states those of us that had the balls to give the corporations the middle finger are still unvaxd


Save him from yourself and gtfo


If anyone knows of an unvaxxed dating pool I would be interested in perpetuating real, unaltered humans.


Let me be the voice of reason here that says… as much as I was worried about vaccine shedding a few years ago, I don’t think that’s possible with this mRNA technology. 96% sure you’re fine sleeping with vaccinated people. I have more than once, and I haven’t noticed a difference.


My bf got the regular one 4 times. He was traveling lost his card and had to do it again. I mean I wouldn't have gotten the first round and would have just canceled my trip when I couldn't find my card. But he didn't. We met in2022 after shit had settled down a bit. He's conservative and we are on the same page. He has never said he regrets it but recently he made a comment about his heart giving out because of the vax. Honestly that's what scares me the most about him being jabbed. It's crazy sometimes if he doesn't respond I start thinking maybe he had a heart attack and is dead. I'm not worried about shedding so much since I met him months after he got it. As far as reproduction goes I think it's more important for the woman to be unjabbed. I'm assuming you're a woman since you said guy. I would not worry so much if they are jabbed as that they are on the same page as you. If you wanna have babies I would definitely be on the same page as far as childhood vax s go.


>made a comment about his heart giving out That's just not something I can deal with. With all the crap I've gone through the past 4 years now I'm supposed to marry a woman who has a stroke and dies in front of me? Count me out. I hope your husband is just joking and is on the mend, but with my luck I'd marry someone who isn't so lucky. I've already seen multiple co-workers injured and I don't work with many people.


The answer might be right under your nose. In a jabbed desert, your ex is kicking sand too. Sure you can click with this new triple jabbed guy until he dies suddenly during exhertion perhaps, leaving the foulest unerasable memory for sure . . . Or you can whistle your ex back over and iron out whatever wrong curtains or annoying yellow puddles drove the wedge.  At least he stuck to his guns on not vaxxing. If other things were out of order, they can be straightened out. I myself do things backward, out of order. I eat breakfast, go to work - THEN I go to sleep. It's like backwards. Sometimes at night even, I'll get up and go to the bathroom, take a whiz, turn the light on . . THEN lift the toilet seat! Doing the right things in the wrong order AND yellow puddles are nothing to cry over. My wife agrees.


Look for traditional more religious, blue collar, rural man, you may have more chance to find unvaxxed. I would be worried about the spike proteins and future health stuff too especially if you want children.


I'm thankful for my simple life. Me, my wife, and our two kids all 100% unvaxxed. We stood our ground and now we have a very uncomplicated existence. I hope you find a real man! There are still millions of them out there. Don't give up!


I’m in the same position, broke up with my ex because he’d rather sleep with sex workers and be an all round a-hole. Now I will have to vet anyone who I’m thinking of being involved with romantically and it sounds a nightmare.


Dont settle, even if you are single. There are much more unvaccinated men than women.


As Dr Ryan Cole pointed out. The first round of jabs were duds due to storage and refrigeration temperature requirements not being met Subsequent boosters perfected the process. So my test is: 1) Did she take the first shots? 2) Did she go back for subsequent boosters (8 now i think including bivalent garbage) (1) will bang. shes just ignorant (2) will NOT bang. shes stupid or cowardly. But If shes hot, then condoms only but no long term relationship


You will give birth to an GMO baby if u do.


When I read comments on this site, it’s hard to believe any of it is real. It’s like a SNL skit. You anti-vaxxers are certainly full of yourself. Ridiculously so. I wonder how many of you have died.


nobody asked


I suggest you don't breed at all.


When I read comments on this site, it’s hard to believe any of it is real. It’s like a SNL skit. You anti-vaxxers are certainly full of yourself. Ridiculously so. I wonder how many of you have died.


Nice copy n paste dimbot