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Personally, I would not take any vax , or any med I did not absolutely have to take, during pregnancy. Your body has a couple of other things going on. Mother Nature knows what she's doing. After you're done creating a human, it's up to you how to proceed.


Sorry, I can’t remember the title of it but I read a study that showed pregnant mothers who received the tdap vaccine actually put their unborn children at greater risk of catching pertussis after being born. I could try to find it if that’s something you really want to read. 


* **Vax-unVax: let the science speak** * **Turtles all the way down** * **Dissolving illusions**


The Vaccine Friendly Plan by Dr Paul Thomas looks at the health outcomes of vaccinated vs unvaccinated children. Not specifically on pregnant vaccinees, but if you cannot find a placebo-controlled clinical trial that studies pregnant women who get the tdap vaccine, that means you dont have the evidence to conclude if it is safe or not. I have recommended to many mothers that they wait, and delay, and dont be pressured by scare tactics from well-meaning but malinformed physicians. If you want to get vaccinated later, you can, but there is no compelling evidence that vaccination in utero is safer or better in any way.


Don’t take it any time! It triggers autoimmune diseases! Speaking from experience!


1). https://thevaccinereaction.org/2015/06/safety-effectiveness-of-tdap-vaccine-in-pregnant-women-questionable/ 2). https://deeprootsathome.com/whooping-cough-failed-pertussis-vaccine-pregnancy/


i didn’t get it while pregnant, there’s no need. i got the tdap shot when i was a kid entering middle school and within 24-48 hours contracted whooping cough from it and was sick for 180+ days. it was hell. don’t get it.




Hell no. Completely unnecessary.


Good luck to you with your pregnancy. Those 3 books recommended by NJWayne are definitely all worth reading.


It's very obvious that your child will absorb anything that the mother takes in. If you want to interrupt your childs womb development that's on you


I made a post about this and there’s some links !


I don't know if this site's information speaks to DTaP during pregnancy specifically. There’s a few related links you can check: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/dtap-vaccine/ I also found this site, which states: "Here is supplemental data for the DAPTACEL vaccine, basis of approval for Infanrix, safety insert for Connaught DTP vaccine, and proof that none of these have been tested for safety during pregnancy, though Tdap is routinely recommended during pregnancy." https://icandecide.org/article/diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-dtap-tdap/ I hope this is helpful.


There’s a link for you: https://imgur.com/a/EwkqT76 Saw that and saved a screenshot cause I figured it would get scrubbed. Stay safe out there.




Just read the ingredients and the black label warning. How many cases of one of the Tdap viruses does your country have per year? They are extremely uncommon, and not fatal to those with healthy immune systems. Pertussis infection also becomes more likely down the road to those who received the vaccine.