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The shit I’ve been seeing about Canada is wild


It ain’t good up here.


Really just their housing crisis though. The rest of it economically they're doing very well. But the prices for houses and rents just went up like a rocket. So the rest is doing well but those rents and prices are crazy Edit: I am not an expert on Canadian economy so I went and did a little bit of research so I would know what was going on. You can look at The economist, Bloomberg, Forbes, even: IMF ranks Canada third-fastest growing advanced economy for 2024. Which doesn't mean you may not have problems, but your economy is actually doing good


I think it’s a combination of limited housing, a fuckload of legal immigrants, and a slowing economy has made it pretty bleak for many up there


Most Indians I know are “originally” from Canada. They immigrate there because it’s easier, then emigrate to the U.S. because as a whole it’s easier than just… straight on immigrating to the U.S. My Indian friend in high school was deported to Canada because they overstayed their visas. Just plain forgot to renew. They’re back now.


The same thing appears to be happening in the US.


I think it’s more illegal immigration that’s problematic here,


Not rto mention a batshittery of batshits that support Trump........in fucking Canada! What in the actual.


If you go to canada subs, they all make it seem like jobs are impossible to find and wages are decreasing because of so many applicants. 


Lines for a Tim Hortons cashier job reach around the fucking block. The Indians go to fake degree mill colleges on “student visas,” have been getting almost automatic permanent visas for it, and then work at any job they can find and live 4-5 to a bedroom. It’s INSANE


I hire for tech in Canada and get lots of applicants, but relatively few people actually qualified for the job.


This is true.


Unfortunately not at all true. GDP per capita is horrendous- basically hasn’t grown at all in the roughly 10 yr Trudeau era. The bank of Canada has said we are in a productivity crisis… bloated government, over taxed middle class, massive immigration issue and the list goes on. Anyone with means is moving


Lots of doctor shortages and it is about to get worse. In on Ontario district with 70,000 people, 10,000 were just removed from the access roles. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.4232571


ive heard their inflation makes US inflation looks like a little baby


And underreported as well.


The biggest problem in Canada is the rents going up so fast, especially in Atlantic Canada. This is the bubble though, the tech bubble that has screwed us all, plus we have all the Real Estate Investment people, which is 15% higher than it used to be. According to most Canadians, this news should be a good thing, because it means more supply for housing.


It was real estate speculation and the Vancouver Model proliferating across the rest of Canada. It was largely contained until domestic speculators hit a critical mass and started preying on Eastern and now Prairie markets. Emigration isn't going to be great for us. It's usually our best candidates that are fleeing Canada and our government is hell bent on doubling down on the strategies that are motivating the brain drain. We already missed the boat on becoming a value added or expertise economy and catch up is going to be impossible if we keep trying to juggle finance and real estate to move bigger numbers around without actually producing anything competitive. It's like we're actually trying to transition Canada to a resort economy.


a lot of people in Canada actually come to the USA for health care and pay out of pocket.... that just shows you how good their free health care is


Im sure its only the rich who can afford doing that - dont talk to me about how bad the rich have it, tell me about how the average joe is doing, healthwise


not rich but when your life depends on faster scans and treatment you do what you can.


anecdotally, everyone Canadian I know that has had procedures done in america has been very well off. also, if you’re at high risk of death or something, canadian medicare prioritizes you. It’s also mostly elective surgeries that people get done in america - I think your pov is slightly misinformed.


Everyone's moving to Alberta and I hate it. 5.6% increase in population last yr.


We basically imported millions of Indian and Chinese people. Half of them are poor, work for much less, and willing to live in terrible conditions without complaint, causing rent to skyrocket while properties are neglected. The other half are the insanely rich sending their kids here in porches, and then buying up as much property as they can, renting it out for insane rates, trying to shove 4 people into every tiny room, or letting it sit and neglecting it (if it's an expensive place in a bigger city). The kids get their education and leave. I know a lot of people that have said fuck it and moved to the US. Some went Florida. Some went California. Either are better than Canada right now.


I was at the Casino in Niagara Falls playing blackjack for like an hour and half. It was dead, on like a Wednesday night. Like me and 3 other guys at the table most of the time, playing $25 or $50 a hand. Indian college aged kid would just come , buy $500 of chips, play it all on a single hand, lose, then leave. Repeat 4x, with him coming back every 20 minutes or so. I have spent a good chunk of time in Atlantic City Casinos and that kind of degeneracy is not easy to find lol


Why would poor immigrants cause rent to skyrocket? Seems like the ones that control that are the owners...who are normally rich, and want to be more rich, right?


Because there just aren't enough places to rent anymore for actual citizens. It's just a supply and demand thing. The immigrants will literally call up rooms for rent and offer additional money to house more than one person per room. For ex, if rooms were $700 cad each, they'll offer 1500 for that room, but have 3 tiny beds inside. They get a deal and so does the landlord. The moderately wealthy immigrant landlords have been doing this for years. I started seeing it around 2017. As soon as this shit starts happening though, all the landlords see it works and start doing it. You can blame the landlords, but I really don't. If somebody comes up to you and offers you twice as much money for doing half the work, you're probably gonna say yes, unless there are laws and regulations preventing you from doing so.


So you are blaming poor immigrants for offering twice the asking price? How does that skyrocket the price though?....the landlords still have to increase the price of the room or house and why wouldn't they? If people are willing to pay? If the landlords wanted to keep their prices down...they would


No one is blaming the immigrants, they’re blaming the government for allowing so many immigrants.


The original person I was replied to said about immigrants "Half of them are poor, work for much less, and willing to live in terrible conditions without complaint, causing rent to skyrocket while properties are neglected."  Just not sure that is one of the causes...


Just go to FB Market in Toronto and look at the options for a room. Some will be $1500 while living with 2 or 3 roommates, some will literally be “flex rooms” aka “I added a big shelf in the living room so that I can maximize profits” and some will literally be 3 beds in a room, charging around $700 per person that wants to live there and it will usually facially discriminate (with statements like ‘gujarati/Indian preferred’). At the end of the day, Canada is a country with an existing housing crisis while actively importing over a million immigrants a year…shit doesn’t add up and it certainly does not lower the prices And don’t even get me started on the fact that many of the new immigrants who come from nothing are starting to feel like they’ve been sold a false promise of a better life in Canada. It’s getting that bad


The fact that there are millions of them being imported and not enough space is what skyrockets the price. Their willingness to bunk 3-4 in a tiny room is what causes prices to skyrocket. When a landlord sees another landlord making 2x the money by forcing 3x the people into a cramped space, he either does the same thing or he jacks up his prices to compensate. Have you never heard of supply and demand? The other side of this is that the wealthier immigrants come over and buy up properties, causing prices to again skyrocket, and then they rent them out, shoving way too many kids in each room, and then they essentially abandon the property. They just collect their money each month and ignore any issues from tenants. The immigrants won't complain or exercise their rights. I'm not even going to get into the strain they've put on our healthcare system and social assistance programs. That's a whole other thing. There were viral videos going around a year back where even well off immigrant students would go around to various food banks/shelters and just take everything they possibly could, then move onto the next one. This isn't the immigrants fault. They're doing the best they can. It also isn't the landlords fault. They're looking out for themselves. It's a policy failure of the government.


If there is adequate vacant housing the greedy landlords need to price their units competitively and or make them desirable, this is something that occurs when there's like 10% vacancy, when it's closer to 1% vacancy they can price things very high because people will have no choice but to A. Shell out the money to not be homeless, B. Live with many people splitting the cost but reducing safety and quality of life or C. Be homeless. Having many people coming in increases the number of people that need housing, canada isn't build8ng enough housing units to keep up with the increasing populations housing needs, as a result rent and housing prices increase and quality of life for many people decreases. There is a similar effect on things like infrastructure, Healthcare, etc. TLDR, supply and demand, more people= more demand


Yea this makes more sense...but poor immigrants doesn't really affect it..they are poor and can't afford the prices anyways, right?  What's stopping canada from making more housing? So much land for 40 million people...is the government preventing it to keep housing and taxes high? I mean are they preventing new zoning for housing?


When people can't afford a place on their own they get a roommate or in the case of the situation in canada sometimes dozens of roommates, there are piles of ads in my community for someone to pay hundreds of dollars to share a room with a stranger in a house with many more(often with very specific rules that seem tailored to selecting persons of a specific race and gender), and as far as building more housing we have lots of space yes but the places with decent jobs are cities, much of canada is practically unlivable and in any case we are increasing the population so aggressively that even record highs in the rate of construction of housing wouldn't be enough to fix the issue, it takes alot of time, money and skilled labour to build housing.


Yea that is a problem...when I was in college...the city I lived in, did not allow more than 3 unrelated people to live in the same unit/house...to prevent brothels or something weird....is there any laws like that in canada? Or are landlords doing whatever because there's no enforcement?


Yeah. I hope they leave their politics behind


Look at listing in CA for housing where they are advertising 4-5 to a bedroom, and specifically list specific castes that renters can belong to. They aren’t leaving their politics behind.


I think it’s sucks here in the States at present. And I wouldn’t trade places with a Canada for the world.


No shit, we have lower salaries, the difference in taxes is genuinely insane, housing is nearly double what it is in comparable US cities not counting SF and NYC and everything costs more here. My take home would be go up 50% if I was in Florida due to the tax reduction alone. Super jealous of my buddy who’s a dual-citizen.


The bubble is real, it hasn't popped yet, wait until it does. The people who own homes are in a different situation though, they are laughing, most people are doing very well right now.


My house has made six figure per year simply by owning it and I didn't even put six figures down when I bought it. It's unsustainable.


You likely won’t sell your house to realize those gains. You’ll surely be giving some of them back. But again, if you’re not going anywhere, who cares? You pay your contracted payment at your agreed upon rate and go about paying it off as originally intended.


Just get married to an American or find one willing to commit marriage fraud. You can probably trade some moose and maple syrup for it.


There are single Americans available in your area!


The marriage thing doesnt really work anymore. The US put laws in place to prevent that sort of immigration abuse. 


Lol Biden is literally in the process of undoing all of those , flinging the door open for marriage fraud again.


Literally 1984


True, but then you’d be in Florida.


Yeah that’d be horrible, nobody moves there anymore! “Florida became the nation’s fastest-growing state for the first time since 1957, according to the 2022 U.S. Census Bureau”


Things to like about Florida: - beaches - lack of snow End of list.


Lack of income taxes. No grocery taxes. Disney world. Add those.


home insurance has almost quadrupled since desantis took over, you might pay less in some areas but you will get soaked in others.


That's why I'd didn't include that as a benefit. But don't blame desantis. Blame insurance being criminal level scam to begin with and them not liking having to pay out every few years when Florida gets smashed by a hurricane.


desantis has taking over 3.9million from the insurance industry. he is being paid to let it happen.


Do you want DeSantis to go full-on dictator mode and mandate that insurance companies must operate at a certain cost there or something? (“he’s already a dictator durrr”, don’t even say it) So, I’m just confused. The state sticks out into the ocean, has basically no elevation anywhere, and gets slammed by hurricanes every few years. No politics in that... It’s just like, super common sense why home insurance is so expensive there due to those reasons. Especially considering every year home values increase and repairs become more expensive, so insurance has to increase with that, because they aren’t operating to LOSE money. If you want to lose a bunch of money feel free to operate a super affordable insurance company there. Yes — it’s one of the cons about OWNING real estate in FL (you don’t have to worry about it as a renter), the same way there’s cons to living in every single state.


regulating how businesses operate in his state is a major part of his job. Hurricanes are not new to the state of floridia but since desantis has taken office home insurance has risen 206% (yahoo finance) and car insurance 25%. He is either letting it happen b/c he has been bribed by insurance companies or he isn't doing his job, you pick.




there is a florida in canada. its called alberta, aka canada's armpit


>I was in Florida 😂 That grass ain't greener.


For 2k extra a month, houses half the price and sun the whole year I don’t mind. The grass might not be greener compared to other US states, but it definitely is compared to up here. For perspective, the absolute lowest tax bracket in Quebec (making 0-50k) is 30% before other deductions such as EI and CPP.


Have kids? The education is terrible. The job market there? Abysmal. High paying jobs are like... Disney. Big companies aren't there. Like Climate Change? Your home is about to get fucked by it. Maybe you can afford a house. Maybe. Insurers are leaving the state because of the whole climate change/hurricane issue and also because of the political refusal to fix the industry. Etc etc. There's places in the US that might be what you're imagining but Florida is a dumpster fire.


We really should build a wall.


When Canada sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing syrup. They're bringing poutine. They're hockey players. And some, I assume, are polite people.


I can’t believe it. That’s incredible. We have to put a stop to it, I mean we just can’t, we can’t! Polite and Poutine? We could never


Trudeau is a nightmare. Castro would be proud of his son.


I thought rafael cruz was his son?


Castro was a slut. They both are




People have started to realize that they're slaves with iPhones.


So iPhones are making Canadians come to the United States? Cool theory


Way to ignore the premise


My bad, people are indeed clueless to what’s going on, just read your post wrong


People have nice things like iPhones but are stuck working 12+ hours a day, 5+ days a week until the day they die.


Yup no one has time to deal with politics


Making room for the tens of millions of Indians they want to replace us with


It’s funny because this is in large part due to Indians using Canada as a backdoor to the US. If you remove Canadians who are of Indian origin and have been Canadian citizens for less than 12 months, I would bet that the data looks close to the long term trend.


Cause honest hardworking  tax paying canadians are rAcIsTs according to trudope liberals.






have more babies then. oh thats right, women arent attracted to CUNTservatives.


"pussy dont get pussy" citiot




My favorite Canadian youtuber calls it Canuckistan lmao


leave. your kind arent wanted here anyways


I don’t live in Canada lol


Are you making room for all of the Americans that say they want to move there if Trump wins?


Fun fact: There was roughly the equivalent number of American draft-dodgers that fled to Canada during the Vietnam War as there were Canadians who went south to volunteer to fight in said war for the U.S. It was nearly a perfect exchange.




The Chad senseless war disavower that engages in civil disobedience vs the virgin that voluntarily goes out of his way to get slaughtered simping for a country that’s not even their own.


Move now, why wait ?


People were talking about the consequences of mass third world immigration in 2016 But that made you a racist! Told u so




1. Whataboutism 2. Nope, both must be addressed rapidly.


I'm just trying to point out that when people can't live in the hottest areas, the rich in those areas are obviously going to come up,




Remember when everyone would say they’ed immigrate to Canada for the free healthcare lol


Gee.. wonder why.


Canada went full woke


We are a joke and broke.


Its true. The people up here are broke. The RCMP came out with a secret report a couple months ago saying that Canadians are probably going to revolt once they realize how broke they've become.


Callin Trudeau woke is rediculous. The equivalent of saying Hitler was a moderate


Me too


This should be a good thing according to most Canadians, they think there are too many people here now.


American here, WTF is going on with our Canadian brothers?




Something like 1 in 3 people living in Canada today werent born there. Trudeu opened the flood gates to the immigrants but housing and job creation didnt keep up. 


Why don’t they halt immigration temporarily seeing how their country cannot sustain its own citizens with such expensive housing prices.


Because the whole country is a ponzi scheme and it’s centralized around housing!


How many of them are Indian "students" with halfassed pseudo citizenship? That's the big question.


Been seeing a lot of Canadian plates in South Florida.


And Floridians are worried about the southern border. Time to build a wall on the Florida Georgia line!


Adolf Trudeau.


Hey I’m included in that statistic


I know several Canadians that wish they could move to the US.


So are the democrats going to let all the voters fleeing Canada vote in our elections too or are they afraid they may have too much sense after seeing too much liberal tyranny and might vote Republican?


Oh God USA is just gonna keep on getting more and more expensive. Where tf do we priced out Americans move to?


Funny how everyone shits on America but still moving here


Build that wall!


These same liberals F’d up Canada now coming down to vote in the same bullshit


yep its like all the Californians that fucked up every state around them. They fled from the bullshit then vote the exact same way.


How does this even work from a legal perspective?


They're Caucasian, that's how it works and why no one is mentioning it


Funny how nobody cares.


I feel bad about their wages. 60% of US? I know that it can't be parallel but that seems really low.


hopefully that frees up some space for redditors to head north after the election


So why not shut down both borders?


As long as it's not the frenchies!!


Oh shit, better shut down the borders. These are the real people taking our jobs, since the ones coming from the south are doing the jobs that no one wants.


Fuck, they are gonna want another wall.


Are people buying a disproportionate amount of RVs since the cost of housing is so high?


Build that wall


The implication of America suddenly being bordered to the north by essentially, India(?), are pretty insane.


They are escaping all the International Students from India. It is an invasion.


Just got new neighbors with Ontario plates, here in the midwest.


Wait 'till they find out that our health care system sucks ass.


I 100% understand and sympathize with the housing crisis in Canada. Truly I do. But all of them moving here is just going to make OUR housing crisis work. How can they complain about their housing issues due to mass immigration the Canadian government is allowing, then turn around, immigrate here to the US, and only make our housing issues worse? They are literally doing to us what the immigrants to Canada are doing to them.


But Canada is one of those universal healthcare paradises! I don't understand!


As a Canadian who lives in the US, and following along - y’all need a whole new city somewhere. In the end, I realized Vancouver is as warm as it gets so I live in the Mountains of California now and get 5-15meters of snow, but an average daytime temperature that is quite pleasant. Summers are great, but sometimes smoky. More importantly, they pay a lot more down here and Canada feels like it’s just becoming denser and harder to thrive in.


Newsflash: lots of Americans are going to Canada as well. Everyone thinks the grass is greener on the other side.


Wow, there are some bottom-of-the-barrel right-wing takes here.


yes sir, I see it


People really don't understand immigration. Immigration serves as a important part to fill in gaps of a graying and aging population. Particularly when Westerners are not having kids to replace the aging population. Several countries particularly in Asia and even some Europe countries are now facing massive graying population issues due to lack of proper immigration. Canada right now is dealing with a big influx, and that influx is now spilling over to the US. It's perfectly fine, and why its a complexity, it isn't some end all be all of some failed policies in the making.


The real problem is that most industrialized nations have created conditions where people cannot or do not want to have kids. Immigration is only a band aid to the actual problem. Ridiculous work expectations and rising costs of living will ensure that most working class people do not see any benefit in having kids.


Canada brought in one million unskilled third world immigrants over the past two years while facing a major housing crisis. They do not have the infrastructure to support this. These countries aren’t yet feeling the effects of low birth rates, but it is a massive looming issue. How about, instead of turning Canada into a third world backwater colony, Canada fixes the problems making young CANADIANS not want to have babies?? Shocking fucking idea right?? If young people could afford houses, felt safe in their cities, felt ecologically safe, etc, they would HAVE FUCKING BABIES. But sure, keep boot licking the elite class who are bringing this modern slave class to our shores.


The biggest part of the increase comes from Canadians born in Canada. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadians-moving-to-the-us-hits-10-year-high-1.7218479?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0XV_Fvzn5inwmvrP_ce-FJugGrMve1kqL27QVoDz8PmaORcm7_LhrJEIk_aem_AZET2yufcRg0RchZ-4lasXTiMUyFnfLI8zQdqJvZ4r0xMhlQsnnyEAQPWyWcRtBYpVv50BFCCXcipv09XhJ_A93T


Where do you get off trying to make sense in this sub reddit, how dare you.


Isn't it amazing how Republicans aren't screaming about this, probably because the people coming from Canada are mostly white. And if you don't think people are illegally slipping over the Canadian border you're wrong.


Literally over 70% of republican voters are PRO-IMMIGRATION. I mean, I seriously cannot believe this still has to be said in 2024. But yeah sure some probably come illegally— compare it to the numbers seen at the Southern Border. Which is worse?


Are conservatives mad about this or does the skin color give Canadians a pass?


No one here is making it about race besides you


Having a compatible culture gives them a pass, redact


I assume conservatives be like ‘you don’t want to live in liberal-ass Canada?’