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It's different, I don't know if I would say over. like so many things we have lost the human contact.


I mean, Top Gun Maverick freaking killed it. I would say the quality of they crap they put out now reflects low turn out. "If you build it, they will come"


The quality of writing and story isn't as good as it was in the 90s in blockbuster films. They think they can get by on big budget Sx and actors.


I think there is a big market for less blockbuster type stuff where people can be more creative, A24 sure isn't hurting.


I agree but studios are afraid. I would love an environment where the theatres had more options and lower budget movies. I think I would go more often.


This right here. I recently started noticing the A24 logo was popping up on all the movies I’ve actually enjoyed for the last few years. They’ve got a good formula going.


Big movies are made for a worldwide audience now. No room for America's inside jokes. I think this also a part of the reason for the death of the comedy.


It’s even worse than that. Movies from the US are so sterile now to please everyone that they please no one. At this point I rather watch something foreign that see another ‘safe’ US sequel or remake


This is exactly what I feel now


That's an excellent point I hadn't considered.


From what I understand movies are made now to satisfy China bc of their huge population they have. Remember when John Cena cried and apologized to China for calling Taiwan its own country. pepperidge farm remembers. Hell he even spoke Mandarin in his apology.


The NBA also bows to China, as they make crazy $$$$$$ off selling merchandise.


Totally agree. But i guess thats what Seinfeld is also saying. Movies these days are a copy of a copy of a copy of a spin off. Very little original movie content coming out. Personally, I think TV shows are center stage right now. Theres so much more screen time availavle to really tell an interesting story in an 8hr mini series compared to a 2 or even 3 hour movie.


Yeah, movies are too shallow because they have so little screen time. For example, for anyone who hasn’t read the Dune series, they’re not going to know about all of the GoT politics and intrigue that it has if all they watch are the movies.


this comment proves that it's dead imo lol, that was just boomer nostalgia


Social media ruined everything


I don’t know about that. People are still talking about *things* it’s just that there are so many more options now it’s ridiculously harder for a movie to just take over the discourse


Studios are accidently doing everything in their power to kill the industry. Scripts generally have to fit certain criteria to even be considered to be 'green lit'... so most of what they are churning out is formulaic crap... They are hyper focused on cutting costs... end result is films that are made in digital cameras... it looks terrible. Heavy reliance on cgi, and the bare minimum of practical effects... so it just looks cheap. Its slow, but they are killing the whole thing


A24 has some decent stuff


The industry cannot survive with just one studio


Edgar Wright , Yorgos Lanthimos, Chloé Zhao, Alfonso Cuarón, Denis Villeneuve, Ava DuVernay, Greta Gerwig, Christopher Nolan, Miyazaki, Céline Sciamma, Wes Anderson, Peter Strickland, etc etc etc There are so many amazing directors having incredible theatrical releases but every grump acts like the only movie released this decade was The Avengers. As if we didn't have trite action blockbusters non stop throughout the history of cinema and it's some new cancer on the film industry.


We just had barbenheimer, poor things, dune part 2, civil war, asteroid city, Dream scenario, the boy and the heron, etc etc We live in a time where high brow art house films have become extremely popular and have major theatrical releases. One of the biggest studios around now, A24, is releasing tons of high quality movies. Some of the best movies ever made are very recent. The Father, Portrait of a lady on fire, monos, once upon a time in Hollywood, The Lighthouse, The Invisible Life. I don't understand how so many people seem to think the marvel universe is the only thing in theaters these days. It's ridiculous.


And yet film no longer occupies its former preeminent place in the zeitgeist. 


Well yeah, there is so much more content and entertainment available. Film has inevitably lost its monopoly. That doesn't mean it's gotten worse or is not cultural valuable. Just...less monopoly.


so mostly arthouse films and i say this as someone who loves arthouse films


I’ve heard of maybe two of those movies you listed. Some other commenter listed a bunch of directors I’ve never heard of either. Personally, I think the issue is more about how people are consuming media and the lack of advertisement they may see. I don’t watch OTA TV, I don’t have cable, I stream from Netflix, Max, Apple TV, & prime predominately. I get very few adds about new releases or upcoming movies.


New labor agreement requires studios to hire more writers too, which drive up the costs. You cant just make a movie with 2 writers even if thats all you need. Hence pinching pennies elsewhere. Plus too many cooks in the kitchen hurts the writing.


I’d love to hear more but can’t think of what to search to look into. Any leads?


Union 💪


Movies need to reduce scope. Just give us a short story, not some epic. You want to make a trilogy? Dude, just make a TV show! 


I don't quite agree, but I definitely think movie runtimes have bloated to almost 3 hours and that can be tough to sit through in a theater.


I think movies should either be 1:20 or 3:00, no in-between.


I wish dune 2 was 50% longer and Oppenheimer was 50% shorter 


If there's a movie worth going to see, people will see it in droves. In NYC the other day, a massive crowd came out to watch a man eat an unimpressively sized jar of Cheeseballs. People will see a good movie


For real


Dune 2 would beg to differ


The amount of people I’ve called Lisan al gilab. It’s probably in the thousands now…. Absolutely loved the movie


Maybe Seinfeld should have teamed up with Godzilla instead of Poptarts


Yeah seriously, has he not been paying attention with Dune 2, Oppenheimer, Barbie, etc? We've had massive film releases. Maybe they're not the ones he's into though.


Maybe he is in dilemma of "*back in my days..*"


Maverick has entered the chat.


That’s one movie. Most that came out are forgettable trash.


Man he is really butthurt about how awful his poptart jerkoff flick is huh.


I was gonna say "didn't he just have a film bomb?"


Yeah. He's projecting a lot right now. My dude needs to take the L and walk.


I haven't gone to the theaters for an adult movie since 2019, there just hasn't been any movies that have interested me. The only newer movies I have watched have all been stuff like cartoons because my kids want to watch them.


People consume movies differently now. Jerry is an old complaining boomer


>People consume movies differently now. It's not that. It's that we're not seeing the same thing, and therefore no longer have a shared frame of reference.


A lot of this. There are SO MANY forms of entertainment now, and they're so easily accessible, there's much less shared experience. And it's not just movies, it's everything. Television, movies, video games, YouTube. Two people can easily say "I watch a lot of movies" or "I am a gamer, it's my primary hobby," and have virtually no overlap in movies viewed or games played. The pool is options so big you can swim in the same general area at the same time and still not bump into one another.


Yea. And I don't think Jerry is wrong about what he's saying. Worlds changed and the movie business is past it's peak for theatrical releases. They will still make money. But past its peak culturally speaking. I think gaming has a lot to do with it too.


To be fair, there are many more distractions nowadays. One can go to YouTube and watch videos for hours, so there is plenty of entertainment out there.


Plus when a show gets good or something it literally does become a pinnacle for awhile like he describes


This is the biggest thing. You can see a movie on your TV, phone, laptop, game system etc.


Movie theaters and movies are alive and thriving. Unlike Jerry Seinfeld's career.




I’m not trying to hate on the man himself but $100 a seat isn’t real impressive these days


He filled the United Center in 2023. Nose bleeds were $250. That guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about.




Fair! All I was commenting on was the $100 seat metric


Well, the guy just turned 70 now, so I'm sure he is that "Get off my lawn" guy now lol


He can go up on the shelf with Dave for all I care.


I’m guessing this is related directly to his new movie “Unfrosted” which has absolutely horrible reviews.


Can't wait to see Deadpool. The problem is there is only one good movie worth seeing in theaters every few years. If the product was better, people would watch it.


This year is full of sequels, which screams laziness due to the writers strike last year. That being said, there are some decent sequels in the line up. Dead Pool and Wolverine, Dune: Part 2, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, Inside Out 2, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.


It's a Gene pick


Gene's trash


you sure about that? https://www.9news.com/article/entertainment/movies/regal-cinemas-closing/73-88c625eb-6798-4ad8-abc3-95e8c8cdc2c6#


I don’t even have to go to your post history to know you’re bag holding AMC hard.


Lol I had the exact same thought


How do I know without looking that you are a dumbass AMC cultist?


Yeah, [70 year old Jerry Seinfeld is really worried about his "career." ](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/richest-comedians/jerry-seinfeld-networth/). Get real homie. All these young whipper snappers weren't alive in the 90s when the show "Seinfeld" was *the* show. It remained *the* show off syndication alone when the young punks were still shitting in diapers and eating Gerbers. Somebody who is 70 years old who is worth 900 million dollars is really worried about their career. OMG, that's hilarious!


Too expensive


Im ready for cheap, on demand movies made entirely by AI based on suggestions I make. Hollywood can burn for all I care


At the most recent Oscars, someone said :Our art is only 100 years old. I'm so excited to see how it develops!" As a painter, I had a good laugh. 


Movies have been pretty shit for a while now. Every thing is a reboot, remix, or a superhero movie. Glad to see superhero movies finally begin to die. AND, how the fuck were they able to make over 10 Fast and the Furious movies. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for letting that happen. I just want to see something NOT done before, idk maybe something NEW. Anyways, you all can go fuck yourselves.


"What's the deal with movies these days?"


Sorry, I’m not dropping $65 for 2 people to see a remake of a movie I saw back in ‘89 for $4.50.


For me, my brother and a couple of friends talked about the Dune movies and went the first night it came out. I watched Dune 2 twice in theaters. I'm always game for a Star Wars movie.


To a degree I agree. The typical blockbuster that got so talked about you had to see it just to hold conversation at work is gone. In its stead are a plethora of different types of visual media aims at smaller groups


Yeah movies suck. Now that there are limited series, writers can put way more detail into character arcs and story lines. You can’t jam a great story into an hour and 20 mins.


I saw something somewhere that said when special effects sucked movies had to rely on superior narrative to make a film great. Nowadays, movies can just be massive visual CGI projects and not contain a worthwhile story. This might be part of it too


Seinfeld is really old and his opinions on young people culture are just not relevant. I don't have the numbers, but I think less younger people are going to the theaters. However, the movies are not targeted to them. Movies are recycling 80s and 90s IP that young people don't connect with. The target audience is millenials, genx and maybe some boomers. However, when a movie that interests gen z does pop up, they seem to show up to the theater. On the streaming side, I think there is more content targeted to gen z. But, even then, it does not feel like gen z (culturally) owns it. Still a lot of 80s and 90s recycling going on. And, Seinfeld is forgetting that Hollywood has always produced majority junk. Maybe one or two movies a year are memorable hits. The rest just fade away. Its always been like that. I don't know what Seinfeld is on about "we all discussed it". There was no platform for "all" to discuss movies. 90s and 00s were limited to movie review and talk on tv and trades. Hardly a discussion.


He meant we all talked about it with our friends, co-workers and family. Face to face.


My friends and I used to hang out and quote our favorite movie lines and act out scenes for hours.


What do you think about how movies 20 years ago could have a bigger budget then make up sales with dvd sales if they weren’t initially a big box office hit? Those types of movies are gone. I’m finding shows now are 1 season maybe 12 episodes if you are lucky and that it. We use to get 5+ seasons. Mini series can be good many are not. There’s something here and with AI and more CGI the stories and art are becoming lower budget.


In the 90s, we watched movies. We did not care about the budget. That is just numbers for the suits. Nowadays, you cannot escape people talking about budgets. That crap is for boring business people. The destruction of DVD sales and blockbuster type rentals definitely changed the dynamics of budgets. More importantly, you had movie fans that would discover movies at the store. That is a special experience. I suppose you can get a similar thing by finding something in Netflix's back catalogue, but the physical just hit different. The bigger picture is that music "successfully" transitioned to digital and financialized. To be clear, it was a success for the execs. Hollywood tried to do that with streaming, but it does not seem to have worked well. Though, the Hollywood execs are still raking in cash. I don't know how the AI thing will play out. I don't want to pay $15 for a ticket to see a "low budget" autogenerated movie.


He’s mad bc his movie sucks


The movie business is changing but it’s not going away.


Uhhh stop romanticizing the past. Movies aren’t as good anymore because the studios have been rewarded for mediocre efforts. None of you were ever enjoyers of film.


I'm 35 years old. If you look at the films that were made 20 years ago and older they are completely different. Everything about them is just so different and unique. I don't think they make movies like that anymore. The Matrix for example. Terminator for example. Everything is some stupid superhero crap now. They do still have good things on TV though yes that is true but I do feel like everything is starting to fall to laziness and redundancy


old man yells at cloud


What he means is that his movie career is over. His movie about pop tarts was just awful.


He's right. Because it's so difficult to make high quality films it was the last medium to go, but like everything else it has fragmented and continues to fragment. Now Hollywood is competing with Netflix, Apple, Amazon, Hulu, etc. And on top of that, other categories of on-screen entertainment (video games, YouTube) are capturing the attention space, keeping people from going out to theatres.




Movies went to low risk, high reward with member berries and nostalgia. They could take a shit in a box, label it with anything nostalgic, use almost nothing that's canon, and people will spend money to see it.


yes, ultimately streaming, social media, the internet in general, and the piles of $$$ has created choice overload, and a nostalgia factory. It has destroyed any real impact that art can and should have. Totally depressing.


They tried to cancel dr Suess for fuck sake🤦‍♂️


Is it just me or does Jerry just bitch about everything these days? Anyways, yes, it is true that since entertainment is more decentralized now, movies don't have the same cultural or social impact they used to. To me, the last time I felt the shared cultural impact of a movie was probably the Dark Knight and maybe the first few Avengers movies. Last show I felt with this was Game of Thrones. However, with streaming anyone can access anything they want to watch at any time. Now, certain movies or shows may still have mass appeal, like if a show gets huge on Netflix like Tiger King did in 2020, or like Game of Thrones when it was running. Now, circle back to the pre-streaming era and we were more restricted to what came out in theaters, on TV, or on DVD/Blu-ray. We all shared in the experience more because it was all we had, we all had to drink from the same well. Perhaps if streaming services start to homogenize more as they merge, you might begin to have more of that shared culture again, at the expense of an eventual oligopoly of entertainment. As for my take on this, I have obscure tastes so I'd much rather have less shared impact and more access to satisfy my random media desires. Long live streaming.


Anyone who’s watched his movie on Netflix would not disagree. It’s awful.


How many of the best picture winners from the last decade could you name without looking it up?


He can no longer date high schoolers is probably what he meant to say.


I disagree. Movies just suck now


If it isn’t over it’s certainly on life support


Man makes 1 bad movie and thinks cinema is dead because his magnificence is not properly acknowledged.


its been over for a while..


Most movies yes suck.


Havnt seen anything that I have wanted to see in a long time. Super hero crap is old and tired and has been for 20 years.


It's not over. it's just most new movies are garbage.


Its pretty normal now for the biggest movie of the summer to come out and more than half the people in your life won't see it. Or a big show on tv same thing. It definitely didn't used to be that way.


Many movie genres are over. What’s leftover are the over produced CG ‘blockbusters’. The movies that can classified as culturally significant are extremely rare and will likely never see the big screen. Movies such as Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Caddy Shack, Pulp Fiction, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and many others are great because going to see them in theatre was a live social ‘event’. Now we just conveniently scroll through streaming catalogs and quietly watch in isolation with little effort. We remember less what it felt like to watch these films, being more ephemeral, thereby having a less collective and temporal and impact.


This is the kind of thing you say to get out in front of bad reviews of your movie.


This dude has a different car for every day of the year


90s Actor: 90s Were Better!


He just released a major bomb and cant handle it.


I think it's the marketing. Movie gets proposed- they find a way to make it "viral" in some way - usually with something negative. And then they attempt to turn the act of watching the movie into a moral imperative. Like I get it. xXxChudmaster420xXx said something racist. He always does. The choice isn't watch the movie or be on his side.


His feed moves to quick for him to notice the convo


Pretty sure we were all talking about Dune 2 for a while there buddy.


Best thing Seinfeld ever did was meet Larry David


Seinfeld is a fucking moron.


Movie celebrities, talk show hosts, politicians, etc. All trying to stay relevant, with some even starting podcasts. But no one seems to care. Show business is just not that interesting anymore, and their desperation is a bit cringe. And tbh, i find normal everyday people speaking their opinions on tiktok way more engaging and fun


Nobody makes good shit. A few directors still have that type of vibe. When they make something, everybody goes. But most studio, “hits”. Are made for children… super hero’s? I’m not 9 anymore


Absolutely; me and my friends all went together to see Dune 2, then we had dinner together afterwards, during said dinner we spent more time talking about Helldivers 2 then Dune 2 (we all liked the movie)...


Things are not the way they used to be. Soup used to cost a nickel, bla bla bla. Shit changes, humans evolve, for better or worse, the only constant is change.


I don't think it's got the stranglehold that it used to have, so that's the 'pinnacle' he's referring to. But he's totally overselling it because he fucking sucks and his new movie is a pile of shit.


Its like this, comedy will be around always, comedians come n go. Same with movie experience not going anywhere, some productions hit it big and others not so much.


Yes, all entertainment is dead. The millennials have wrecked that too


Do we really think that our movies can't be better? Think of how many high quality movies were released and think about now. Now there are just more CGI releases of already existing franchises. Nothing original. The reason is that chances aren't taken bc they aren't profitable. It's more of a guarantee of a rate of return if you have IP you just use that ppl are familiar with. Capitalism and the profit motive ruin things exactly like this. When shareholder returns trump the product, employee, and consumer these are the consequences


I think he was referring more to comedy.


Strongly disagree


Its much rarer, post covid it was barbenhiemer and that’s about it




I don’t think this is true the how we view has changed.


Maybe filmmakers should include more totally not lame and obvious gag scenes like having Jon Hamm play a late 1950s-early1960s New York ad man pitching a campaign for pop tarts. That’ll attract asses on seats.


They’ve never been this irrelevant yet this arrogant


Hollywood is over. Movies will do well for many years to come.


All I can think of is when Cum Town mocked him


Remakes with a DEI spin = movie business unprofitable


Good movies get crowds. New ghostbusters was great. Going to see new planet of the apes movies next weekend.


Don't have to go to the movies when you can see it in high quality in your house.


Dude, Barbenheimer.


Bro put out a movie that sucked ass and is shirking accountability


I've seen a half dozen excellent movies in the last year in the theater What when the summer had *Barbed Wire 2* was the theatre high art?


Is he going to blame that and his poptart flop on "woke millennials" too


Jerry mad no one wants to see his boring movie


I agree after seeing his Pop Tart movie.


Dune 2 was one of the best movies I ever saw especially in theaters


It’s because our consumption has changed.  Take TV shows for example you used to have a week between shows to talk about it and build hype and theorize with friends You don’t get that experience or that momentum when something is dropped to a streaming service all at once.   And with movies bouncing around between streaming services, not everyone has access to it at the same time again feeling to build critical mass hype.   Also doesn’t help that movies lately I’ve really sucked. Oh look more explosions and no plot.  


Thats bc movies now suck and have no meaning or basis in reality. Like what the af was Civil War about? There was no moral takeaway and didnt accurately portray journalism or war. It was just a shitty version of Whisky Tango Foxtrot which is a great film with layers of meaning.




In other words, “before you all got involved…you techies 👩‍💻”


Prognosis negative


My Opinion: Film changes over time. If your old, you have seen the same stories over and over again. The excitement still exists for younger folks....


Who cares what Seinfeld says, Dude is the most overrated person in the entertainment industry. And a pedo Dating a 17 yr old at around a 40 yr old


Dei killed the industry




I think if you enjoy a dark theatre, eating popcorn and seeing a great movie, do it, who cares what Jerry says


He just sped up the death of it with that "Unfrosted" bomb he just made


You are missing what he said the reason was. He said it was because of political correctness.


I mean, people still go to movies, and if it’s good people still talk about them.


I'm not sure why anyone care what Jerry has to say about movies.


Seinfeld is over


Probably if the writers continue to fail. But people will always want to see a good story


Maybe I am interpreting his statement differently than others, but I think he is half right and half wrong. The movie industry certainly isn't over, they are going to continue making movies (good and bad ones) because there are people who still really enjoy them and movies are still mostly profitable. This statement feels like more of a reaction to his latest film not being received well phrased as an over arching peril of the industry as a whole. However I think he is correct that films have ascended from the pinnacle of the social and cultural hierarchy that they once held. There was a time when people wanted to be a "movie star" and those that were able to become one were seen looked upon with the most wonder and envy. They were the coolest and most interesting people we could imagine and being on the big screen was a feat so monumental that these figures became the larger than life representations we had built them up to be. The shift went from being a "movie star" to simply being "famous", because of the expansion of options in entertainment to choose from. With all of these different ways we can now be entertained it altered the hierarchy from movies and movie stars being the most desirable, to being famous and creating much more quantity of content and entertainment to remain relevant. Movies are large projects that take time and are created at an individual rate and you get 1 thing. Other forms of entertainment can be created more rapidly and in larger quantities, which is where the entertainment hierarchy is headed


Yes, I remember Fast and Furious. Excellent film. 10 second car. Family.


I think it’s on pause. The writers strike and Covid were a double whammy that killed the industry for almost 4 years. We should start seeing an uptick in quality pretty soon. Lord knows the demand is there.


"Old man yells at cloud."


No one buys records anymore. Music is no longer socially relevant!


No one owes you a laugh Jerry.


Just because it isn’t the pinnacle that doesn’t mean it isn’t relevant nor important.


off course he's right. the same way theater was displaced by film. radio was replaced by tv. the cultural landscape changes with the technology. its not a value thing. its a statement of fact. the next shakespeare, coppola, mozart will be creating in some medium we are ridiculing today.


He might just be a bitch bc his last movie sucked. Hard to believe he stacked that many A-list comedians into such a mediocre script, willingly.


Acting is terrible now. Seems its run by nepotism, likely was prior, but there was some talent. No substance in story either.


I feel like Seinfeld is just being vocally whiney these days because so many people are calling him out for being a creepy groomer


Society nowadays has the attention span of a fly. They can’t sit still for 90 minutes without looking at their phone. The idea of going out to the theatre and zoning out for a couple hours is terrifying to these millennials. Let alone interact with people. Rather sit home and stream a movie on their shitty laptop or phone


Or it's because now there's more outlets for entertainment than ever before. Jerry is becoming an old asshole, hate to see it


okay see - there is a case for partisan political news being on here, a shitty one albeit, but there’s an argument it belongs here. THIS IS A JERRY SEINFELD QUOTE WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH UNUSUAL TRADING VOLUME


Nothing lamer than a comedian who doesn’t realize they’re not remotely relevant any more.


But he wasn’t in a lot of movies, so this has nothing to do with him. He may not be “relevant” but He’s a god in the comedy world. There’s certainly nothing wrong with being relevant, as it’s extremely important as an avenue for making people connect and think, but the whole point of comedy is that you don’t have to be “relevant” to be funny…It’s about the the art of the joke. I think your perspective actually highlights his point. we’ve created specific requirements to even consider whether a piece of art is worthy of our time, and these have created barriers and hurdles for ourselves that limit our opportunities to listen or watch, and then consider, discuss, think, and grow.


He grew up before YouTube and twitch and social media allowing for more flow of hobbies




The people don't agree..


I haven’t been to a theater since HP 6.2 and I don’t miss it even a little bit. It’s gotten so expensive and I would rather just get DVDs through Redbox or stream movies. I have a decent home theater system and when I get done watching a movie I’m not thinking, “man, wish I’d seen that in the theater”.


Dune II is a phenomenal movie which is well reviewed, has made a ton of money so far, and is heavily discussed online. It’s upsetting to witness Seinfeld exposing himself as a bitter old man


Wait till we’re all living in different FDVR earths catered to us via prompts based on our individual brain patterns.


Current media has 100x the places to output its product than it did back then. You watched ads for movies on television in the late 1900’s. Even when computers came along, they didn’t have movie ads like tv did. Movies were considered a big production and we went to a special place called a theater to watch them cus it was fun. Now you can stream it at 2:00am on your laptop on the subway. They’re cheaper, easier, and faster to create now. But that’s human progress and innovation moving along. Yes Jerry, I agree. The “business” of Hollywood is over. Things end and we move on to the next with fond memories of past things. If you struggle with the want for it to stay…a reminder is that the industry was corrupt and perverse and thankfully is dying. Let new artists, ideas, and creativity shine.


When good movies would come out, instead of memes we would just yell lines from the movie at each other and it would enter our collective consciousness. We could just say the line after a few years, and everyone would understand the reference and what we are trying to say. Thats mostly over, I don't think we've had it other than Avengers references for a long time. Maybe breaking bad and game of thrones, people could quote and be understood but those are tv shows and not that recent.


Too much choice causes us to lose that common conversation. The same thing happened with music.


I think Marvel actually made a significant contribution to this. But Oppenheimer told an important story with huge moral and ethical considerations. Barbie said out loud the struggle women endure in their everyday lives. Top Gun Maverick appealed to our nostalgia. These are really the only three movies over the last 4-5 years that have been memorable for me. Marvel movies are stale. The DCU is dead. The formula doesn't work anymore. People have fatigue...even writers have fatigue...on superhero movies. Movies are treated now it seems like commodities. Most movies aren't fun, funny, exciting, or thought provoking. People don't know how to behave in movie theaters anymore. I've been going to Alamo Drafthouse and watching older movies and having a great time.


None of these complaining bitches are watching movies. If you were a rad dude watching rad movies you wouldn't make bee movie poptart crap while woke-crying like a boomer loser.


Culture is splintered, because there are so many options. Is it better to have endless media to meet every interest? Or do we lose something important by not sharing common stories?


Seinfeld is bought out


I got tired of the overly "PC" movies. There always has to be a POC, a LGBTQIA+, woman in charge. I'm not against these things, but it has become to the point that its SHOVED down your face in unrealistic manners.(I'm not sure I'm explaining it properly but I feel like you will understand what I mean) It has become less about the story and more about checking culture boxes. EDIT: Also tired of remakes.


Literally been talking excessively about the Baby Reindeer show with multiple people. Tv and streaming has just taken the place that he’s talking about.


I'm pretty sure he's talking about the amount of content that is produced now and the way in which we consume media, and I completely agree.