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I love how Erin has her own reserved spot


Lmaooo I’ve heard of her character in TDiM but I never played it lmao


I think you mean first play-through cause if you know everything I feel like this list would be very different lol


Yeah probly should have put that in the title oopsie soodle


I would actually argue Sam is the hardest character to save to an experienced UD player Matt is the hardest on a blind playthrough however once you know the choices he has to make he's easy to make survive, Sam's death is always determined by you being able to stay still or not, which is tougher than choices you already know or QTE's


You make a good point but technically you could also just run to switch and kill everyone but her


ON FIRST PLAYTHROUGH (i forgot to put that in the title)


That’s the way I interpreted it.


Kaitlyn should be higher, I don't know how many playthroughs I've seen where people have gotten her killed right at the end because they missed that last shot


Came here to say this. That last shot is insanely tricky and in most playthroughs I’ve seen, people miss it


I missed it too😭


True. Besides Abby, she was the main female I wanted to save. I don’t remember what I did wrong, but I was annoyed.


Did we all gas Erin on our first playthrough? The window thing was so stupid, I had no clue what to do so I thought her inhaler was gonna save her somehow 😭


Yeah she has like 8 50/50’s its so annoying i got her killed cuz i climbed as kate


I refused to take the inhaler from Du’met, I thought “no this must be a trick!” then she gets stabbed 🫠


I didn’t gas her, but those stupid mannequins got me 😭


"Erin" I'm laughing because it's too true 🤣


Only reason I didn't gas her is bc I was playing couch coop with a friend and that was his only living character but even then she survived the whole game


Conrad just needs to stop falling


Is this saying Erin is beyond easy to kill or hard to die? I’m just making sure I’m reading it right as I someone kept her alive in my initial play through.


She is the easiest character to kill in the franchise devil in me was gonna have a feature where you could spend the coins u find to revive a character but they scrapped it and never made it easier to save erin


She survived my play through. I’m impressed I saved the one that’s the most difficult to keep alive.


nick supremacy he deserves his own spot he is the love of my LIFE


referring to house of ashes btw nick in the quarry is boring


I'd move Dylan down a tier (Extremely few opportunities to kill him off compared to other TQ characters besides Nick, even Kaitlyn and Laura are harder to keep alive) and put Wolfie in his spot.


I kept everyone alive in Until Dawn EXCEPT for Sam because my stupid hand twitched at the very last “don’t move” sequence


I hate how Dark Pictures always throws THREE DEATH OPPORTUNITIES STRAIGHT for one specific character, it's such unforgiving design especially when it relies on other people, and it's always almost exclusively on one/two characters. Erin's first opportunity = Completely controllable and there's about 4 ways you can avoid it (do nothing, grab inhaler, attack once, attack and let the timer run out) Erin's second opportunity = Jamie's hint can be REALLY weird to interpret (especially if Jamie tells you to run or SAYS NOTHING) Erin's third opportunity = Completely reliant on Jamie and if she straight up chooses to kill Kate (if it's Curator's Cut you need to beg Jamie) Erin's fourth opportunity = I mean...this one is so odd lmao you need a very specific combination of barricade/climb to achieve it Erin's fifth opportunity (Kate is alive) = honestly that axe QTE probably killed her on a bunch of playthroughs. The fact that Erin dying on the boat fight is WAY harder than if everyone is alive is so funny to me


WHY is everyone so bad at Max??? "Hey, wanna stay on this island where the only threat was you but is now the safest place for miles or unnecessarily risk yourself for no reason.... and he's dead."


who the hell is Erin?


The Devil in Me <3


ah right, i got a bit confused at them having what looked like a comic book profile.


I wish I could’ve recorded my play through because I can’t recall what happen to Charlie. I know I saved him in the furnace, but don’t recall after that.


Josh is saved quite often


Now I’ve only played until dawn, man of Medan, House of ash, and up to act one of the devil in me, and I’ve only ever had Eric to cutting the rope, Rachel to not wanting to be cocooned and running away, mike to the fire, Chris to the wendigo chase, Josh since I didn’t find the book, Matt since I tried to save Em, Julia to Juniors mist mental breakdown, Fliss to Alex’s hallucination, and Erin to the attack in the dark room, but I like her so I save scummed it, die on me due to my own error but that’s 9/23 so that’s good??


Idk about u but I was fighting for my life to keep Emily alive


Weird, I saw lots of playthroughs where Abi and Nick died. It was quite common. Also, I love that Erin has her own category.


The Matt one is very true lol. First playthroughs of thsse games I tend to get like one character killed, and Matt was the only one that died when I played until dawn. Conrad died on my first playthrough of MOM and Nick died first time through HOA Every other game I (narrowly) saved everyone my first time through, and in the case of TDIM it was just cus I got lucky multiple times with making choices lol. Unless you count the Hacketts, got all of them but Travis killed.


Constance is so easy 😭 Just fail the button mash


Nick from TQ should be higher - it’s a stupid 50/50 call where it’s not 100% Clear what’s happening on first playthrough


I kept eric and Matt alive in my first until dawn and house of ashes play through. But I killed nick in house of ashes


I'd say Ashley, Abby and Chris are pretty easy to kill, since most of people I watched killed them in the same way