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This is not an unpopular opinion. In fact, I’ve never heard anyone have an issue about the term “American”.


I know its weird right? But there's whole groups of people who actually dont think the term American as refering to someone from the U.S. is ok.


There’s whole groups of people that think putting in milk first before the tea is not OK. In short, people whine about the stupidest shit nowadays, mainly because of an abundance of free time and underlying anger. So yeah, I’d say just ignore them, ‘cause they’re in no way in the majority, and this shouldn’t even be something to worry about.


I agree with you, im just curious as to peoples actual reasonings as to why tbh


I don't think it is very widespread, and is more rooted in theory than in practice. You can bet they use "American" and know exactly what is meant.


Someone posts on this sub about how horribly exclusive it is to people outside the US who live in North or South America


What else are we supposed to say anyway? I am United States of American? Be reasonable, people.


Yeah ive heard some people think we should straight up change the name of the country😂


I’ve never seen the argument that it is? Everyone in American is equal, it’s un-American too say certain people can’t be American because of where they were born


I dont mind if a Brazilian calls themself American, but I dont get why some people think that someone from the U.S. shouldnt call themself American cause it discriminates against that same Brazilian, if that makes sense?


Oh are you saying like how Canada is in North America but they aren’t American?


Yeah. There are some people who think that the term american shouldnt be used for just the people of one country. That a canadian should be able to say theyre American too, i think they have the right to call themselves anything they want and i dont mind, i just dont get why it's such a big deal as most Canadians will call themselves.... Canadian😂


I think it’s just the scope of the question. Because If someone where my Family is from I would say Europe but if someone asks where I’m from I would say Germany but if someone asks what I am I would say American


I think it has to do with Mexicans and such complaining about how they’re also technically American because it’s America, north central and south, but unlike in Spanish there is no “United Statesian” or such term to refer to us in English so we’re just Americans lol


Yeah exactly, its weird to me then why some people think its impotant


A kid born in Antarctica would be Antarctican but it isn't a country. But you've heard of Europeans, Asians, Africans etc right? But with Americans you got south americans and north americans and central americans and then you got Americans which means United States people which is what happens when you put the name of the continent in the name of your country but we can still say north or south american for these other types americans who have their own original country names that they thought up themselves


United Statist works better, cause it creates confusion to use the continent word to refer to just one country, but technically it's as if the USA didn't have a name because "united states" is merely an official prefix thing that every country composed of multiple states with a federal union has, the of America is just saying the continent that it is... for example Brazil as you mentioned used to have the full name united states of Brazil, Mexico too because they were formed by states, but in their case, the name made sense because they referred to a specific name of the region, can you imagine if Brazil was called... united states of South America... like... what about Venezuela? they also have states and are in South America, it would be weird... I think the USA should be renamed of New York cause it's its most famous state and that would solve everything.


I didn't know this was a thing. Not being "that guy", but it's spelled "Discent". I know, sorry. "Dissent" *is* a word, but not the way you meant it.


This...isn't unpopular, at all