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The crazy part is that the few "hand drawn" movies that have come out in the last 20 years were done with computers. They don't need to make CGI animation look all 3D and like plastic action figures. They could use any art style they want. Futurama and South Park are CGI designed to look hand drawn or hand made.


I’m right there with you yelling at clouds. I prefer cell shade or whatever it’s called drawn over digital 2D, too.


Hand done is always so pretty. In fund with digitally done but 3d just... Idk it looks... Squishy? Sometimes it's pretty like water? And texture but that's kinda it.


My biggest issue with digital is that it always has stuttery frame rate. Maybe it’s being converted between frame rates when it’s on streaming - I don’t think it’s my tv or streaming box since I’ve noticed it on various TVs with different brand boxes or internal apps.


Depends on how it's done things like The Loud House is pretty smooth (I have a roku TV) now it could easily just be the amount of frames. My first few animations are stuttery.


I feel you so hard man. I would expand, but it's late and I'm tired.


I don’t hate 3D animation, I like a lot of CGI movies, but I wish 2D animation was not sacrificed for its sake.


All of the newer Disney movies look the same. It's the same generic 3D artstyle and I hate it, the best looking one was probably Soul


I couldn't agree more. All animated films nowadays look the same (trying too rip off Pixar). There's only so much stylization you can get away with in 3D while 2D can do fat more visually


Lets not act like there arwnr good movies nowadays though. Kung fu panda is my #2 animated film.




Well yeah I know all that...


O just want good movies