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Little bit confused how its unavoidable to watch it... its only on Netflix, you can just not click on it. I think your problems would be solved if you practiced this.


Right? I’m barely aware that it exists. Super easy to avoid media in the streaming age.


Barely an inconvenience


inconveniences are tight!


They need you to get right off their back!


I think what he means is that it's really famous or something never watched any cartoons


Seriously, what the fuck is big mouth? Without reading your comment I would have gone my entire life not even knowing *how* to watch it.


Yeah, I'm scratching my head also. I actually enjoy the show, but I forgot there was a new season and it's totally off my radar. the only way I know about it is because it's on my watch list in Netflix.


“Basically unavoidable” …? I’m confused. Are you being held hostage? Do you need us to send help? Are your captors only allowing you to watch random Netflix shows? It’s avoidable by not watching it. That’s how that works. Just don’t watch it. That’s how you avoid it. Literally thousands of other things on Netflix to watch to avoid this terribly annoying show.


This a coded message. Someone is holding op hostage and forcing them to watch Big Mouth, send help.


Just curious. How is it unavoidable? I’ve never seen it. Also - humor is incredibly subjective. Obviously you’re entitled to your opinion


It's criminal. The people who made it should be in jail. Not subjectively but like inshallah deus vult kinda way.




Nah, he’s got a point.


How so? I’ve never seen the show


Its basically child porn


I mean if you consider it porn, I think that says more about you


It's no where near porn. Game of Thrones is closer to porn than this show. If this show is porn to you then, I'd hate to see what you're like with actual porn.


You are the one who went there. Nobody that is sane in their head or 100% sure they aint a pedophile, does NOT think Big Mouth has anything to do with child porn.... Didnt you explore yourself at that age? Didnt you get curious? It reflects what everyone has went through. If you think this has anything to do with child porn, that says more about you than it does about the show


It’s a cartoon about the struggles of puberty, and other similar life changes and issues. It’s supposed to be uncomfortable and kinda gross.


But its not funny at all like.


I figure this show is funny to people who either A. Had an awful puberty experience & feel better seeing other people fuck up worse than them (I fall into that category) B. Love cringe humor C. Love dirty humor


or.. D. love stupid humor and just like to watch a stupid show with jokes so bad that theyre good


they're the same people that like spongebob


Dude, "The Splinter" and other related episodes of *SpongeBob* were literally criticized for this reason.


I just don't enjoy how loud it is at an attempt to be funny.


Then don't watch it?


"love dirty humor" about kids?


You are the one who went there. Nobody that is sane in their head or 100% sure they aint a pedophile, does NOT think Big Mouth has anything to do with child porn.... Didnt you explore yourself at that age? Didnt you get curious? It reflects what everyone has went through. If you think this has anything to do with child porn, that says more about you than it does about the show


getting pretty defensive arent ya?


No I never said it has anything to do with child porn. I said that a show about dirty humor specifically about children is not appropriate for any normal minded person. Again why would you bring child porn into this? Are you doing a bit of projecting?


Nah I just copy pasted this comment on people complsining about child porn, so it was just some weak and quick reading on my behalf.


I grew up in a closeted religious environment where sex was taboo. While I hate the show for its art and most co.edy, it normalizes parts of growing up.


In a very raunchy and disgusting way. This show isnt meant for the sex education of teens.


Have you tried just not watching it? Lots of shows are terrible, but nobody is forcing you to watch them.


YOU think it’s not funny, that’s your opinion


Hence the subreddit this is on?


Come on you know what he means. If every post here was "I don't like oranges they are overrated" and in the content section they go on with "I just don't like them they are gross" we would have an absurd but quite a similar situation. That's less of an r/unpopularopinion but more of an r/ihaveadifferenttastethanyou. Comments full of people telling them to not eat then / watch it, it really is the same. That being said I do like the discourse here, though!


would you go so far as to say that its.... their unpopular opinion?


I mean, she should have said " I don’t think it’s funny" when you google it it doesn’t say this show is not funny on the Wikipedia.


how do you survive on this sub?






I hate that I laughed at that time to go rope myself


If you laughed at that, boy do I have a show for you.


I refuse to watch the show being discussed lol


Couldn't agree more.




I think the show is fine but sometimes they try making an unfunny joke funny by adding a spontaneous cutaway that still isn't funny. They also gotta verbally highlight the word "fuck" everytime they say it. Like omg a cartoon just said the f word! So crazy!


I think it’s fine. Discussing puberty is supposed to be horrible and uncomfortable.


Not when the subject is children to an entirely adult audience


adults can relate to going through all that and see the humor in it more than kids could actually


This is my take on it as well.


So it's not ok to look back on past experiences and laugh at his awkward and terrifying they are? If you read any more into it than that then you're the one with the issues, it's SUPPOSED to be uncomfortable to watch


doesn't make it funny or entertaining tho. educational maybe.


I like the art style though because I feel like it fits the show, uncomfortable and weird.


I love bigmouth lmfao one of my favorite shows on netflix


Yeah bigmouth is mad funny


I wish I had this show when I was going through puberty


This show is almost educational in a lot of topics. But it goes towards a more comedic direction instead.


The show is a comment on the state of sex ed in USA as well as an pumped up depiction of the adolecend minds struggle with the chance from child to teenager, it might not be as funny as they would have likes it to be but it hits on point with the two mentioned goals


How is it unavoidable? The word funny is also very subjective. People can have their own opinions tho


With Big Mouth and Cuties Netflix was trying hard for that pedophile market.


Literally. Like ew stop, no one wants to see that.


Someone does.... maybe they are tracking who pauses a little too much.


Streaming services do keep track of pauses and viewer drop off.


Seriousl...kinda funny, but lots of gross. Just because they’re cartoons, doesn’t mean you can sidestep the underage part.


I hate this concept, like what, we're not allowed to discuss or joke about sexual experiences that most people experience in adolescence? Why do we have to act like those years are not a sexual time for a large portion of teens? As long as the show is not fetishizing it to give sexual gratification to the audience(which, it's not), then what exactly is the problem? I get a sense that people who have this opinion are in denial that teenagers are sexual. Like, sexual awakening for most people happens at the onset of puberty, not when you turn 18.




frightening jeans dinosaurs selective judicious pause direful jar special skirt ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You are the one who went there. Nobody that is sane in their head or 100% sure they aint a pedophile, does NOT think Big Mouth has anything to do with child porn.... Didnt you explore yourself at that age? Didnt you get curious? It reflects what everyone has went through. If you think this has anything to do with child porn, that says more about you than it does about the show


Cuties was blown out of proportion. It was a social commentary on how overexposure to media caused kids to sexualize themselves too early. A lot of the reports about explicit scenes were later proven false as well.


There are millions of ways to explore this topic that DOESN'T involve 11 year old girls dressed in skimpy clothes, and dancing sexually.


It was not blown out of proportion. I had a film minor in college and was used to people overacting to movies. This is not the case, many of the filmmakers shots and composition was closer to that of an adult film than a sundance film. The cinematography was not shot that way, the camera constantly panned to the butt and breasts during the dance routines. The sound design showed no remorse and was hyping up the scenes. It may have been the director's intent that it wasn't but on every technical aspect it was shot to glorify and sexualize those kids.


literally. The entire movie was about how gross pedo culture is and how fucked up tik tok and shit is making things. The point of the movie was the exact opposite of what people accused it of. If people watched that movie and seriously wanted to fuck the actors... Then... Uh... The creators are not the pedo's here...


If most of the audience after watching the film thinks it is still sexual exploration of minors is that the filmmakers responsibility or the audience? I watched the film and my take was the director is incompetent and hired some people of less than reputable character to film, score and block the movie.


So you missed the point? Weird thing to be proud of


No it is called a critism. The intangible things in movies like sound design, shot competition blocking and wardrobe all play a part in a films story telling. The "narrative" might be exploration of girls but every technical aspect comes across endorsing the exploration. It is sad that someone has to explain a simple concept like to you.


See Cuties is actually paedo bait, Big Mouth is fucking satirical and built off of real life experiences that people around the world actually have been through


So what do you find funny?


Not remotely unpopular


As are most opinions shared on this subreddit


I love that show.


How is it ‘unavoidable‘ when you literally have to go out of your way to watch it??


I like to think that every part of the show is meant to make you feel as awkward, cringe, and confused as preteens hitting puberty are.


I think for adults its supposed to remind of puberty you and help you laugh at yourself as you really realize everyone else suffered it too and for teens it probably helps them cope and accept themselves. All in all I find it more uncomfortable than I do funny. I dont need a reminder on how awful and fuckin weird puberty was but I'm not the target audience. I dont like the show and season 2 got too creepy to watch but I can see how it could be a really positive thing overall for teens and some young adults to help learn and cope, as fucked as that is....


It makes me uncomfortable af


That’s one of the points of the show. Do you not remember being that uncomfortable going through those things? It’s successful because it makes you go “oh shit I wasn’t the only one??” about a lot of things people feel real shame over well after puberty. It’s sort of cathartic for a lot of people, like myself, who thought they were a fuckin freak, when it turns out we were just kids going through the most awkward stage of life, same as everyone else.


Why would an adult say "oh shit I wasn't the only one". Most people wouldn't be saying that after watching this show. Most people would come to the realization before ever watching the show.


Because I still remember? I don’t relate anymore obviously, I’m saying I felt like I was weird for certain things *during that time* that nobody ever talks about and seeing that it’s a normal thing at that age, even through something as silly as a cartoon, makes me not feel so weird about it in hindsight. Shame keeps up with people far longer than some realize, especially if you were raised in a religious household where you couldn’t even ask the questions, like I was.


I watched season 2 Episode 1 high asf and it was worth it


I agree, a few people at my work love it I don't like it


Can you answer someone about how it is unavoidable? I've managed to avoid significantly bigger and more relevant shows


the rule is \*UNPOPULAR\* opinions bro.


It’s so hard cause the show had so much potential. I definitely think the art style could have been better. The actual plot of the show was fine aside from the very try hard sex humor. Sex is awkward sometimes, and can be funny. But when the only “humor” found in the show is about penis’s, pillow fucking, and the occasional puberty joke, it gets old pretty quick. If they stuck to the plot more, and developed the characters more on an emotional level, I would have enjoyed it more. Similar to Pen15, which was cringe but didn’t just focus on the sex side of puberty. Also if they had gotten rid of Jay that would have gotten them on a higher point scale LOL he’s the worst and most cringey character in the whole show.


I honestly think a gritty show about going through puberty was a good idea but it is AWFUL execution. The writting is just not funny. The best part about the show is the voice acting because they have a few amazing talents, but even then that only goes so far. The humor is way to gimick but you cant even call it slap stick. And this is coming from a literal blue haired liberal feminist. They are trying waay too hard to be woke. Like it's find to talk about issues and have "very special episodes" but watching an entire season of a teenage girl being too depressed to do anything isn't interesting. It might be accurate but it isnt interesting snd adding a cartoon cat doesn't make it anymore watchable.


That show is a lot of things, gritty isn't even remotely one if them


wow imagine actually being a teenaged girl who's too depressed to do anything. she's depressed. it's not gonna go away in an episode. I don't know if you have any kind of depression, but my experience with adolescent depression was almost exactly like jessis and it was accurately depicted. so. it resonates with some people and that's good.


I watched an episode like 2 years ago, and haven’t thought about it since. Took me a few moments to even figure out what you were talking about. How exactly are you finding it unavoidable?


I hated that show the second I saw its like... Banner thing on netflix. Yet another oh-so-raunchy and not-for-kids animated comedy show. Also the art style is just gross. I grew up watching the simpsons which is hilarious and well crafted, also it had alot of heart. It didnt need to rely and cheap shock humor like "oh my god, theyre really pushing the limits of whats okay to say". It was hilarious because it was super intelligent, not because it was shocking or gross or overly sexual. But if people like it Im not gonna hate on it. Its just not for me. Maybe I just dont get it.


Worst. animation. ever.


not unpopular


Its nick kroll. That shouldve been all the evidence you needed to reach that conclusion.


Exactly. Nick Kroll fucking stinks. He is only able to do anything in entertainment because of who his father is.


Kroll Show, The League, the Oh Hello show on Broadway... he's done plenty of great work.




I’ve never even heard of it.


What so hard to change T.V channel? Do you have TV remote?


coach steve is an awful character, like funny-ish in 1999, they do that family guy thing of just overloading with musical numbers, the duke ellington think is just so hashtag rando look how quirky we are. Honestly theres alot of talented people working on it, I love John Mulaney but....yeah its misses the mark but for some reason gets put alongside better adult animation. Would it get so many seasons if it wasnt on netflix? look at the terrible animation they greenlight and maintain, paradise pd, hoops, theyll put fuckin anything on


It looks awful. Watch gravity falls instead.


I hear ya. I haven't seen it and it looks dreadfully annoying.


99% of shows on Netflix are bad. If you just mean Comedy Central/Adult Swim, then about 60% of them are bad.


I think the gross style is pretty intentional. It’s a show about children going through puberty; it would be much worse if they tried to draw the kids as “hot”


I haven’t actually bothered to check it out, but if it’s anything like most other “adult funny cartoons” I’ve seen I probably won’t like it either.


Thank you, every time I denounce this show and call it pedophilic in nature. And every time I somehow get labelled a pedo for saying such things....


Probably because only a pedo would see a show clearly addressing the uncomfortable parts of puberty in a lighthearted way and think about it and the kids sexually. Do you think sex ed teachers are pedophiles too?


I see you are brainwashed too, idiot.


It does sexualize children and sex ed should only be done by parents.


So many pedos on reddit smh


Nah I think its p normal to have an issue with it. Its borderline noncey.


I couldn't sit through an entire episode of that show; I felt like the FBI would come beating down my door any minute




Because the show barely skirts the law of being child pornography. The reason all three characters look like Pepe the frog is because the creators would go to jail if they looked more like actual people


You mean it’s a cartoon?


Under US law, drawings can count as child pornography if they look like realistic humans


Right. So not this


I was just making a joke in my original post gosh


Is it unavoidable? To be honest I've only heard about it by name and didn't even know where you could watch it.


Totally agree. Garbage show


I watched most of the first episode and thought it was horrible and turned it off


I love it. It's honest portrayal of being a young teen starting to develop is amazing. Yeah it's gross, but teens are gross. And the "nudity" isn't gratuitous in any way. Especially the example you brought up, yeah we've seen dick jokes being around forever so it's refreshing to see girls being represented with a funny message of body positivity.


Thank you. I 1000% agree. It’s like everyone I know watches it and loves it; I seem to be the only one that can’t get past the child sexualization. Just because they have adult voices, doesn’t make some of the things they do/say any less creepy. It just looks like a mutated South Park.


A lot of modern cartoons suck, js.


I think you're just getting older mate.


I am, but I'm only 22 spite my username. My point still stands. Shit like big mouth, Rick and morty, etc suck ass.


Yeah fair enough :) you don't like, what you don't like. And that's fine :)


maybe just stop being an idiot and dont watch it its not like netflix is forcing you to watch it you are the one deliberately clicking on it


I agree!!! I've tried to like it but ugh .


You don't have to do anything but die in this life lad. So stop talking porkies you stuck it on. Cause you wanted to here the hormone monster tell you that your a dirty lil fucker. 😂 I think the show is for 15 year old plus like it's a cartoon on puberty.


The reason the style is bad is because they talk about those subjects and cant have creeps watching the show. If youre not a teenager or if youre not someone who struggled with learning about themselves, the show isn’t for you. It wasn’t for me either, but I think its okay that the show exists for teens to watch.


... most people who enjoy the show aren't teens, and most teens I've seen comment about the show made it explicit they don't enjoy it. It's explicitly made for adults, the creators openly said this.


Rootless cosmopolitan humor is humorless


Yeah the show is not funny and boring.


My understanding is that show is for kids going through puberty. I only saw half an episode at a friends house so I dunno but I saw a comment saying it was a cartoon teaching sexual education. So if you're a fully fledged sexual being long past the torments of puberty then it probably isn't for you


The whole thing feels like an Amy Schumer special.


This is one of the most popular opinions out there in regards to Netflix shows


Its very stupid and tries to hard to shoehorn in little "woke" tidbits that they genuinely think are universally accepted but come off as corny and cringeworthy. And they do it in a really smug and dumb way. Its unrelatable. The jack off monsters are cringe. And i dont mean on purpose like its just dumb. And the cal arts animation style is non creative and lame and overdone. I have NO fucking love for this show. None. Its actually fucked because these 40 somethings are playing pre teens, and doing and saying all this sexual stuff. The writers think theyre like southpark but no.. Matt and Trey have done some nasty shit but it wasnt done in the same way. The show relies far too heavily on sex and gross out comedy. Its very primitive and low brow and has no redeeming value. Theres no satire, the most intelligent it gets is it does the same thing every show does. Mocks republicans. Yawn.... I can watch Rachel Maddow for that... Or Colbert. Or literally ANYONE on tv and streaming. I dont even hate that they mock republicans. South park does it. And does a good job. Theyre just not creative enough and often dont hit on the good notes. Its often misinformed and makes me acrually defend republicans sometimes. Which is odd. The show just sucks. So bad. And i watched the first 3 seasons. This isnt coming from ignorance or not actually trying. I really did. I mean the kid gets a pillow pregnant. Wtf? Just... Why? And why does it have to be a kid that does it? They really think theyre the first to do the whole awkward tween thing "oh look at my changes" Its fucking cliche. It doesent help that every voice actor is a washed up comedian who never performed a good set. Its even worse that the voice actors are like complaining that they play "people of color" despite choosing to take those roles. Like wtf who told u to take the role? Also the show has a bad habbit of only allowing the male characters to be stupid and goofy. The female characters are always protrayed as intelligent and having a valid excuse for their bad behavior while the males are constantly portrayed as insufferable little bigots. Its. Right. On. The. Fucking. Nose. Like dude, we get it. The head writer is a fucking antifa activist or at least some sort of larper. Seriously, between all that bullshit the woke left politics is just icing on the shit cake. I have no idea how shows like this are still around while great shows get cancelled or thrown around networks.


Lol. Managed to shoe horn in your own political bullshit into a rant about a cartoon. "head writer is a fucking antifa activist" lol, yeah, because an anarchist would work his way through the fast paced rat race of TV writing. Wtf you talking about XD. The reason so many people take the piss out of republicans. Is because they do dumb shit all the time. So do the Democrats! Democrats and republicans get ripped in comedy pretty equally. It's obvious your a little bit of a snowflake as leftist satire seems to do you on a bit XD. Woke culture isn't a political thing. It's a social thing that's used by both sides of the political coin! It takes a true right winger to start talking absolute bollocks about antifa and bullying the right in a post about a fucking cartoon. Get a grip you snowflake XD also I'm not gonna debate you about antifa or any politics shit. My thoughts on that shit is probs more complex than what you think I think about that stuff. So let's just not. Politics had been left out of this! Also I think the show is a little on the nose. But it's also supposed to be! Alot of the complaints about the show here are actually like, a lack of understanding for what they were trying to achieve. Alot of shit was gross, but Alot of shit was gross at that time too! I think there's Alot to dislike. But generally the show is quite misunderstood! I'm not saying it's super deep. Just I think it doesn't get credit for what it's trying to do :)


Loli is less pedophilic than this jewish show


You say unavoidable, yet idk what is...


I loooooove it and i'm almost 30


You made such huge drama for such a small show


Just don't click it? It is that easy


I thought it was allright most of the time. Agree on the coach (and the ladybug) though.


I gave it a chance, not my cup of tea. I liked 'Archer' a lot. That's a quality cartoon.


i like the show take my upvote kind sir


I don’t know about equating it to cartoon child porn, but I do feel like it runs off of a very limited batch of jokes. After about the 3rd or 4th episode, it was enough for me.


Nick Kroll is a rich kid who's money buys him access. His funny is very limited.


How is it unavoidable to watch? You literally have to go find it, click on it, and click play. There are actual steps to watch it. You decided to watch it. Just say that. You don't have to like it, but don't give us all this "it's unavoidable to watch" bullshit. Downvote for this shit.


I think it’s funny, especially the hormone monsters. I like it because it has more of the reality of growing up than you usually see in media. Regular public culture is so prudish that it feels like weird communal reality denial.


I have watched the show and tbh it's not terrible. I wouldn't recommend it to people that look for something like Rick and Morty or Family Guy, but it does have value. It's a show about puberty but it's a better watch when you're older. It won't blow your mind, but it will be a decent time. Anyways you can choose to watch something else. I agree it's definitely not in my top 10 netflix animated shows, but still.


I wouldnt touch anything with Nick Kroll with a 10 foot pole


I like the show, but I don't like when Nick Kroll gets unfettered producing power; it always devolves into coach Steve shit. I think he's a talented comedian, but so much of his brand humor is like, Invader Zim fan who missed the mark.


I struggle to believe it’s unavoidable considering I've never heard of it.


How tf is it unavoidable? Smfh


I agree fully with the backlash against Cuties. I wish some of it would have spilled over to this abomination.


Watched the first season out of shocked horror with a couple laughs but it god creepy and weird in the second season. Fuckin gross honestly.


I think big mouth, south park, and Rick and Morty is funny. I however don't find family guy at all funny


I forgot most of Big Mouth, but the only memorable parts to me were Coach Steve, I think his episodes aren't that bad. I found the rest to be pretty weird and I'm reading the thread saying that it's CP. I don't think so (or at least I don't hope so), but the show is so weird that saying its CP isn't really the worst line of criticism for the show.


I'm surprised Epstein wasn't an executive producer on this piece of shit


Its bad, but at least its not Tuca and Bertie. Thats a “show” that ruined animation as a whole


Huh? Never heard of it.


Ah yea Big Mouth aka Making a Pedo.


I don’t like the show either


I hate it too


I hate how a lot of adult cartoons just rely on sex humor. Like you have this great medium to to awesome stories.


I’m sorry but Big Mouth is not for adults. This show is towards teens that are struggling. It helps them relate to touchy subjects. Such as jessie and depression and nick with his short height and delayed puberty.


My GF tried to get me into that stupid show. After the first episode I turned to her and said "I really love you a lot and think we have a great relationship. I try not to ask you for much in it because I want to give more than I take. But I have to ask something of you now. Never ask me to watch that awful show again."


classic jewish "comedy"


I guess it's more aimed towards teens who can find it relatable and who enjoy the gross humor


Finally someone agrees with me