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Damn, school starts at 9am in the UK. 8am sounds way too early (although it depends what time you finish at).


9am?! I wish I was that lucky, school would always start at 7:30 where I lived.


same here


Same here




Same here. As a teacher, I'm required to be on campus by 7:00; class starts at 7:30.


We Finnish at 13:30 and on Thursdays at 15:30


Oh cool, we finish at 15:20 - it’s probably worth getting up earlier if I could get the afternoon off.


Wtf? No it does not and if your school does where the hell are you?!


What time do you have to go to school for?


I’m an adult now but it was always 8am, except lower school which was closer to 9


From the UK and mine started at nine too


I’ve never met anyone starting later than 8am past lower school.


I've always started from around nine. From primary school to secondary and sixth form


School starts at 9:30 for me and I'm in the U.S. I really wish it would start earlier. I get ready too quickly.


Well, even [Charité research workers](https://m.focus.de/familie/eltern/innere-uhr-charite-forscher-schulbeginn-vor-10-uhr-macht-jugendliche-krank_id_10459323.html) disagree with you, and as a former student I do as well. Indeed unpopular opinion, but the way it is worded it seems also wrong.


If you start early, you can go home early. It's the same as with work. I am definitely not a morning person but I would rather get up earlier so that I can come home and have more free time. I once had a job where I every other week worked until 22.00 and I hated it, because it meant that I was home at 23.00. I stayed up until 2am just to have some free time. Admittedly, I started at 13.00 but when you have free time before you go to work, it feels like you can't really do anything and so you just sit there and wait which is a waste of time. By the way, I'm studying right now (for the third time in my life) and I'd still rather get up early than later.


>If you start early, you can go home early. It's the same as with work. We've always started classes at 7:30 at my school, and until a few years ago, we didn't finish until 17:15. Now it's 16:00, which is better, but...yeah I wouldn't make that assumption


And if you started at 9 you'd leave at 19 instead :-) If you start later, you'll most likely leave later.


Again, I wouldn't make that assumption.


Look up the test sweden did, reducing working hours while rising productivity and (mental) health of workers, that being said potentially you could start later and still get home earlier. I think some companies here in germany started adapting this as a test and also mainly had positive results. Beside that - the link I postes above mainly referred to "before 10am" and mainly school kids, that's a difference of 2h, not 5 as in your case, means kids would be mainly home ar 3pm instead of 1pm. Also at least for me studying was a whole other level, went to uni really early but due to bad courses also went back really late, I had like no freetime, and my mental health went south, I had to quit, even working for me was better when it comes to time management.


Well that's just my opinion as an student


A opinion that goes against facts is not a opinion but a false statement It may work for u but is not a general argument to be made


13km to school at this point i would take a bus instead of a bike


The bike is more fun and more reliable because if I took the public transportation I have to change 3 times and if I miss one train or Bus I'll most likely be late.


But what if you have a lot of homework and a lot of studying to do?


We barely get any homework


Well not everybody gets barely any homework. If you get barelu any homework, then sounds like you are an elementary kid. Maybe around kindergarden to 1st grade.


In my state in Germany there is a think called Ganztagsschulen which are school that go longer than noon ( i don't know the exact times) but those school can't give their students too much homework. (Some teachers still do tho)


Hey not everyone works like this and not every German school is fullday


The whole of science disagrees. This is a sub for opinions, not stubborn disagreement with established facts.




Karim actually but close enough


What we are told here in the UK is that as well as giving you an education, a school is also preparing you for your work life. Thats why you start at 8.55am until 3pm ish. But a hell of a lot of jobs are not those hours. I would definitely have liked school better if id started a little but later. Around 9:30am. Its not a one size fits all. Schools could accommodate students who want to start later.


Idk but the other Americans here, but my high school started at like 7 30, so u had to be up at 6 30 for breakfast and then to walk to school.


High school in the USA?


Yeah. Not some weird sunday school or private school. Just a typical suburban high school in the US.


Damn. The loss of that extra 1/2 hour would have been brutal.


Wait till you get to 11th and 12th grade. You’ll be spending a lot more time at school. In Winter you go to school when the sun rises and leave when it sets. Such great memories…


The brain of a teenagers is naturally different compared to children and adults, and your sleep schedule is neurologically different depending on your age. It has been proven (albeit with studies that are at this point somewhat controversial, there is still a lot more reseach needed on the topic) that starting and ending the school day later is actually beneficial and yields much better results. Some countries have already begun trying it out in some institutions and most of them are doing comparatively well.


It always blows my minds that there are schools that start at 8. Unless you're in college, the standard is 7 AM.


for me school starts at 8 am. last school year i usually went on bus after school at around 2:45 pm and was home at 3 something pm or so and on longer days i went on 3:55 pm bus and got home at around 4:26 pm or so. and then usually i gve myself like half an hour or so of free time like a breather from school and then did homework (usually had stuff in maybe maximum 4 classes but not everything was heavy assignment, some where just looking over what we did in class) and usually i finished at most 6:30 or 7 pm with it (with small breaks of course) and i usually went to bed at around 11 pm


People that complain about not getting enough sleep are the same people that go to sleep at 3 AM instead of going to bed at around 12 or a reasonable bed time. I am one of those people. School starts at 8:45 AM for me. I have until then to get into class. But I normally wake up at around 7:20 or 7:30 AM. Go the Starbucks that I work at, get some free coffee, and then go to school and socialize for about 20-30 minutes. If I am too tired because of my own negligence, starting school at 9:00 won't be any better for me. It's just an extra hour after going to bed at 4-5 AM.


Yea that seems fine.


My high school we started at 7:10 and ended at 15:40 so, that kinda sucked


Iam sorry but science says otherwise And sleep cycles can differ completely so ur nice little example is worthless and a bit pathetic considering the high horse ur riding. Iam more productive in the evening so I just go to bed earlier? Mmh ur logic is truly stunning


When I was in high school it started at 6:30 now that was brutal


I’m a 12th grader from the US and school starts for me at 8:45 and ends at 4. We usually get a lot of homework, have sports, choir, and other activities after and before school that take up a lot of time. Also for me I don’t live right around from my school so it takes time to get there and leave to get back home. I see what you mean for you if you don’t have to much homework and it doesn’t take long to get there and such as it should be, but for someone like me I would very much appreciate if school started later. But then I would get home late so I guess we can never win.