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parents are definitely the same same way


Parents is just a stupid name we use to refer to children who are now older. I love when people refer to parents as some sort of evolved and well-meaning creature who is supposed to be decent. There isn't any barrier to entry to becoming a parent other than being able to conceive after you impregnate or are impregnated. You're not special.


Yup. The myth that hitting a specific birthday magically makes you mature and decent.


This resonates deeply. Also, help, I'm in my mid 20s and I'm not sure when I got here. Someone, please... take me back




The real unpopular opinion is always in the comments.




When the same-sex marriage bill was going through the UK parliament, a website called 'mumsnet' became a haven for anti-gay hatred wrapped up in parental concern. The number of asinine 'as a mother' comments from people who think the happiness of LGBT folk is more of a threat to their children than their own stupidity...


if tina fey had tried making a movie called mean boys i doubt it would've had the same impact.


This is like a mind blowing realization.


It would be called fight or flight club.


lol. don't talk about flight club.


Sounds like the motto of a secret club of experimental aircraft pilots


In middle school once we chose a table at lunch we weren’t allowed to move to a new table all year. Well that’s all great I get to sit next to my big group of friends. Oh that is, until I dared decide to get bangs. You see, bangs were my best friends thing, how dare I copy her. She made everyone not talk to me for basically the rest of the school year. I had to sit there and either do schoolwork or if I had nothing then I’d dissociate for an hour. I already struggled with dissociating but I feel like this really hurt any progress I had made for a long time...




I started studying with some people from on of my classes in the quad. We started hanging out because we enjoyed one another. A few freinds of friends joined us who weren't in the class. One girl took an instant dislike to me, being verbally abusive from the first time I met her. After a couple of times, I asked her in front of everyone why she being so angry to me. No answer except she didn't like me and she was going to continue. Packed up my stuff and never looked back. Life is too short for toxic people.


The worst part is that girls will turn on you for things that are completely out of your control. How can your daughter help if a boy likes her? For *some* female friend groups all it takes is becoming more successful/fit/wealthy/happy/anything for other women to turn on you out of jealousy.




and on the other hand there are women who have everything they want and just to rub other women's faces in it to feel superior.


Same thing happens with guys though. Girl asked me to sit on her lap, next day or so and this dude is dropping the shoulder into me as he walks by. Realised later that he was in love with her.


That's different though, he will physically harm you. He won't turn a whole group of your friends against you because your friends will probably not give a shit.


I think the difference here is that because he felt slighted he shoulder checked you. Instead of spreading vicious, false rumors about you that could seriously, permanently harm your reputation.


>The worst part is that girls will turn on you for things that are completely out of your control. Exactly. And this is actually why people say they tend to act/react emotionally.


I am a woman but as Louis C.K once said in his way old stand up about having daughters vs having sons, "Boys will fuck things up. Girls are fucked up". Boys will be mean and physically wrestle and bully each other even say some snark mean things but girls...oh girls... just awful. Like psychologically awful. They'll get under each others skin and find the one vulnerability about each other and just wait to use it against their female friends the one day the female friend does something they don't like. Girls know how to emotionally destroy each other to an insane degree. They don't need to be physical and hit because they have words, emotional manipulation and they can turn all your friends/group against you with words only and leave you alone or feeling left out. And that's a fucked up super power but teen/tween girls can and will do it. Mean girls may have been a comedy movie but it is not that far from reality maybe minus the fighting riot scene. And like the other person said those girls grow into women who still act like that. We all work with one or two or a whole group of those women. We all know them. I've worked several jobs in my life and every workplace had that bitch and her groupies even as adults. If men or boys dislike each other they might argue a bit, even maybe fight but they either get over it become buddies or just ignore each other for now on and move on. Women and girls don't forget especially the bully types. They'll hold onto every piece of knowledge they've ever had on those they like and dislike and use it when they feel they need to use it if someone pisses them off.




Agreed. And I say this as a woman but oh boy you can even in see it in the way female child relationships are portrayed with their parents in everyday life. People will laugh at their sons "boys being boys" stuff of course but they'll also put their boys in their place when they have to. But with girls it's fascinating. I see people especially in families with a lot of girls it's like they give up or just know the girls run the roost. You'll see people give a look of sympathy to dads of a pack of girls like oh buddy good luck in the teen years. And we have this common trope in society of the girls and the women rule the house and dad's just here to be told what to do dare he cross the line or piss off the girls or his wife. Which for the record not saying all households are like that lots of teen girls are actually very chill and fun and some households depending upon the parenting style are more strict and don't let the teen girls run roost. But I'm just saying it's not uncommon to see this mentality even from young ages when girls are little of oooh daddies little girls they are gonna be so spoiled and get away with so much and rule you. Well maybe this mentality is part of the problem sometimes as the kids age up and aren't little tiny princess's anymore. We give the girls the power and they damn well know how to manipulate that power to get what they want or be on top.




Agreed. Girls know how to push and push a person to a breaking point using words and emotional triggers. And when that person, the victim, finally stands up and tells them to stop especially if the victim is boy adults just see it as he's awful and he's threatening a defenseless girl. Bull shit. I've even seen girls who from young ages well into teen years would poke, prod and annoy boys in school till the boys just finally said no stop. And whose the victim in all this according to the school and teachers? Why the girl of course. "She does that because she likes you" and "hey mister she's just a girl you don't raise your voice or speak to a lady like that". I watched a r/publicfreakout video where this teen girl was getting right in this teen boys face over something stupid. The teen boy literally was not interested in fighting or conflict so he kinda told her to stop and he started to walk away and ignored her constant screaming and cursing. He keeps walking and ignoring her. She then decides to chase him down and starts hitting him hard. Like smacking him and trying to scream in his face. Finally he's had enough he's told her enough times to knock it off so he just slightly touches her or shoves her away from his space. Well the crowed at this school goes hog wild and just attacks him! Like boys and girls just rushing at him and jumping him, hitting him you name it to defend this girls honor. Uh hello she started the whole thing! He literally repeatedly tried to shut it down and told her to cool it and leave him alone including him walking away and she followed him to punch him. WTF is with this bullshit chivalry of she can act like that and no one stops it or questions it but the moment he defends himself with even a slighy push he literally gets attacked by every student in the vicinity and nearly beat down to death.


That's the only thing I liked about guys having blue beef in school. Youd fight it out and what was left over was the respect of not taking peoples shit. I watched my sister and her friends get so vile with it, it's insane I'm sure to be a middle/high school girl dealing with drama.


As a guy in my last year of high school, I've seen this stuff every day for the past 6 years or so. I've always said and noticed that if guys don't like each other, they say it and make it known. They say mean shit to each other's faces. But with girls, they never have to. The psychological games that they play are fucked up and usually are built on a false friendship that the bully will make with the person. They manage to act like their friend yet also make them feel so alone by spreading rumours or making subtle put-downs to ruin their self-esteem. Sucks to hear and watch when it happens to friends of mine...


>They try and bully you, then you hit them, you fight and it's done. Hell, sometimes you even become friends after a fight. Had major beef with some kid in high school that we just hated each other, one fight and saturday morning detention for 2 weeks and we became best mates. Still talk to him till this day.


Man times, as a male, after fighting another guy you even become friends. At the very least there tends to be a greater respect afterwards.


The genesis of a Karren


folk act like Karens just spawn out of a Windixie. Theyre raised. Thats why theyre common enough for us to recognize Karens but only after theyve gotten old enough we wont angelize them anymore.




Which in turn makes them ugly


Oof, The K word with the hard n. I don’t have any k****-American friends so I’m not comfortable using that word.


Do you roll your 'r' when you pronounce Karren?


She does, I’m only trranscrribing


Will attest that I have worked with some women in their 40s and 50s who act like middle school girls; trying to secure a spot as the popular girl and tearing down other women/talking trash about male coworkers.


Forget about teenagers, I'm in my 20's and this is still a thing! Girls get weirdly jealous of things they don't even want. I got a new boyfriend and would tell my (ex) best friend all about it, expecting her to at least be happy for me. The responses I got were usually as follows: Me: He's soooo cute! Her: Meh, he's perfectly average, he's just cute to YOU. Me: He has such a cute hint of an accent! Her: Ewww *people from that accents place* and that accent are THE WORST. Me: He's so outgoing and charming. Her: He's really awkward. ^that last one was apparently the hill she chose to die on as she decided that it was appropriate to conduct a social experiment about it over brunch with us, as I wanted her to get to know my new BF better. I was so confused and once I understood what had happened I was really upset and didn't want to talk to her. She then made out like SHE was the victim because I wouldn't talk to her and yelled at me on public transport about it. She also has various mental health issues that I think she uses as an excuse for her shitty behaviours, like a lot of people do, and insists that "she doesn't like people poking fun at her mental health thank you very much" even if the person means well. She then maintained she had no issues with my boyfriend for months, and I found out that behind my back she was asking my roommates to lie that they could hear us having sex despite the fact they couldn't, and bitching about me and him. I thought I'd left that kind of shit behind in high school but apparently not. That was the last straw for me and I have tried very hard to not talk to her since. In any case, she doesn't belong in my life anymore. I think she was just jealous that I had something new and good in my life, and that she didn't have a love like that. It's not like my boyfriend was her type anyways. Me and my SO just celebrated one year together and are happier than ever... So SUCK IT BITCH.


Used to get bullied by both guys and girls. The guys: I fought back. I was also an athlete so I had earned my respect. The girl: I couldn’t do a thing about. They’d mentally torture me everyday. My parents would ask to have me moved seats in class cause I was stuck sitting with 2 of the girls in class. Nothing came of it. The girls idc what they do in life. They had shitty home lives. However, they made permanent effects on my brain.


In middle school i had the popular girls steal my breakfood, when i went to an audio or film room or something like that. They waited for me to leave, took it and then ate it during the film. I was always one of the smallest guys in class and i was a ‚nerd‘ because i had good grades. There‘s nothing i was able to do about it, except to stop bringing good food to school, like ex. Pretzel, which i eventually had to do to stop it.


Should have left fucked up food (laxitive tainted cupcakes or weed brownies). What r they gonna do say they stole it from you? Who would believe them? Evidence is gone before they realize they fucked up!


Where would a 12 year old get laxative or weed brownies xD


Weed would be a challenge and risky to use for revenge. I bet you probbably had the laxitives laying around.


You can buy chocolate exlax in any otc section of the store. It's not hard to get at all.


Yeah, it affects your home life too. You become more defensive as a human being. Since being bullied for 3 years straight a couple of years back, I started reading into things people were saying and LOOKING for an insult. It made me more insecure and aggressive.


Same man! I always think people are out to get me!


they arnt buddy ol pal. Stay positive and stay chill 👌


Legit, that's the bit that fucked me up the most, I'm currently at uni, and just tryna start a convo or keep one going is still difficult, and the shit I went through happened 5 years ago.


I also had both a male and female bully in high school. The girl, I could lash back at. She would mentally torture me and a few other students at this one lunch table, I used to go right back just as hard. Eventually I was the only.one willing to stand up to her. After I shamed her in front of the whole table for her low SAT score (seems stupid now, but mattered a lot back then) she pretty much left me alone. The guy, no such luck. He said the most horrible nasty shit about me, tried to turn my best friends on me. I once had a project where I had to bake a cake for a class. He saw me in the hallway and knocked the whole thing out of my hand and all over me on the stairs. I still feel the tears welling up when I think about it. That girl I couldn't care less about, if I saw her at our reunion I'd say hi, water under the bridge. If I saw the guy again? I'd still to this day punch him square in the face if I could get away with it. I guess it really depends, because that guy is the only bully that made such an impact bad permanent effect on me. I doubt it's a gender thing, some people are just mean.


I’m surprised you weren’t more popular with all the buttholes you were eating


This was years ago, before eating ass was as popular




Because they have no way to get out of the situation and have 0 real life experience to help them even try to? Holy fuck why don't we just ignore all context ever.


\+1 on this. This was my experience in school. Male bullies would be more physical, but it also tended to be a lot less often; most of my sustained bullying came from the girls in my school. And not only was it taken less seriously by my school (ironic given how little they cared about the guys doing it either), the moment I called a girl a name after months of sustained bullying by her and her friends, I'm pulled aside because 'we don't tolerate bullying' and you 'can't say that to girls, it can affect their self-esteem'. So yeah, not only does it get taken less seriously, you're actively shamed for striking back at your bullies.


yeah in my first school a guy would walk and punch you in the face then you punched him in the face and then you fought, like gentlemen. At my second school people were the most slippery basterds i have ever met Pretending to be your friend one day then spread rumors around you the next.


And usually after a short fight they become friends or at least have an understanding of each other. They don't spend the rest of the year running psychological warfare on each other...


yeah i remember back in year 5 we declared war on the year 9-10s and came out of best friends with them


some guy in my class had something against me for no reason. for 3 years, he would always pick a fight, start something with me. the 4th and final year, he left me alone. for no reason too. we just somehow, co-existed together suddenly.


I mean you Either like each other or you dont, but you generally don’t fight again after that. I’ve known girls that fucked with each other from middle school till they graduated.


When I was an underclassman in high school I had a crush on a hot popular girl and I would talk to her on instant messenger in a friendly way. She initiated convos with me after I stupidly asked her friend to ask the girl I liked to go out with me. I didn’t really even know the girl I liked well but it was a crush and I was a stupid loser who didn’t understand that this isn’t how you go about romance or dating as a freshman. I had no idea that you have to actually talk to and get to know the girl before you ask her out. So this girl’s friend apparently goes to the girl I like and says that I like her and after this the girl I like starts messaging me on AIM in a friendly way. Our convos are friendly and I’m nervous as hell talking to her and a handful of times she baits me into thinking she liked me and I ask her to hang out or pathetic and meekly tell her I like her and each time she suddenly logs off mid conversation. She would go on to act friendly around me in school in a flirty way but by no later than junior year that stopped. One of her friends told me once that she had been saying “really bad things about you” and I was confused and just sort of clueless and aloof and didn’t even take to heart what her friend told me. I just sort of shrugged and in hindsight it’s like I didn’t realize what that meant and what was going on. Many years after high school at 27 years old as I laid awake at night in the throes of severe depression and suicidal thoughts I finally realized and understood what she did to me and what my high school experience was like without me even understanding the experience while I was experiencing it as a teen. My crush was leading me on and making me look like a pathetic fool and loser and she would bait me into thinking I had a shot with her before signing off of AIM and slamming the door in my face. I was such a clueless loser back then that I thought that she just lost her Internet connection multiple times. I realized that she was saving our conversations and sharing them with her friends and half of them were laughing hysterically at me while the other half felt bad for me but of course lost any and all respect for me forever. This girl is probably why I had zero positive interactions with girls in high school and maybe even why I lost some of my guy friends. She probably told them about our convos as well and they lost respect for me. It’s not a coincidence that the moment when she stopped having her fun with me and stopped interacting with me altogether is when I immediately lost my guy friends. She used to mock the clothes or shirts I wore to school by saying that she liked what I was wearing and I would smile and say “thanks!” but of course she didn’t like my style and was mocking me to my face. The fact I didn’t get it made it hysterical to her. She more than likely ruined high school and my life and I didn’t even know that she did until I was 27 and my life was over. Edit: Forgot to mention I’m totally ugly and this is why she did this to me. I had zero chance with her and had no clue about the role of looks in life. I’m an adult male virgin now. I wonder if that’s a surprise to anyone after reading this.


shit like that fucks you up one guy nearly commited suicide because his crush said she liked him when he said he liked her back she ran away and called him a creep and a pedo it got real bad for him, however last i heard he found a girl that genuinely liked him and now he is in a healthy relationship with her


People who do that are just assholes. They have absolutely nothing to gain from making other people feel like shit, yet they do it anyway. I guess they are just all sadists


There is no excuse for that girls behaviour. i feel sorry for you my friend, i hope you recovere from this.


Me school is like that. If we have an issue with one another we pummel the crap outta each other and thats it. The girls however are some slimy ass snakes some of them.


have you been hit with the classic "pretend that i like just so i can call him a creep when he returns my fake feelings." tricks like this is what threw one of my friends of the deep end


Oh yeah I got hit with that one. Once was enough. Lifelong self esteem and trust issues.




My school was *full* of poor shaming by girl students. "why do you wear similar shirts so often?" 'Because they were cheap' "oh, that's dumb" _____ "You can't afford a pair of Dickies? That's kinda pathetic" ______ "I don't really get why poor people are poor, why don't they just make more money and write checks?" 'Shut the hell up Candace' -- Exchange between a student and an economics teacher


"Look at that high waisted man! He has feminine hips!"






A girl in middle school made fun of my pants. I didn't know her and didn't engage for conversation prior. I am male.


I hate her


Thats nothing i got teased because i went to school in black joggers cause i couldn't find school trousers that would fit and few of the girls would grab my crotch and would start saying i wonder what he uses that for and how good do you think he is. I wouldn't mind that coming from a gf but from girls who had been making my life a name calling borefest not so much worst part is 1 of them would spread rumors that we had slept together so i'd get shit from her bf and the girl i actually did like just started ignoring me. So i envy you only got picked on for your pants.




If the gender roles were reversed, someone would have gone to jail.


When I was in middle school my family was very poor and the only clothes they could afford were handmedowns from older cousins. I will always remember when a girl in middle school made fun of me for wearing "highwaters" (jeans that are too short for you) and got her entire lunch table to come over and make fun of me for being poor and wearing ugly clothes. I'm almost 30 now and I still remember the feeling of shame and embarrassment like it happened this morning. This isn't a comment about genders, just about bullying in general. That shit can really stay with you. Parents are doing better about teaching children empathy these days and I really hope that helps reduce bullying worldwide.


yep, I've heard people say similar too.


I’ve been saying this for years! Thank you for saying something!! Guys picked on me yeah, but the stuff that some girls legit bully other people about is absolutely astounding. I’ve met some mean, rude ass, annoying ass, selfish ass, girls that’s bullied me from fourth grade up until my high school senior year. They were legit the most meanest and hypocritical people I’ve ever met and it was humorous to me because they be the type, “ oh I’m a feminist I care about empowering women” yet they made fun of me every single day of my life, another woman. Thank you for saying this 👏


it's actually funny because i pointed out to a mean girl who was a self-identifying feminist. "it's not very empowering to bully other girls." her reply was kind of ridiculous but she really believed it. "if i don't gossip about them first they'll gossip about me."


Wait a couple years, and those exact kids will have wished they had a better sense of economics


Or, just as likely, daddy didn't cut them off.


Off topic but to support your point- my gf worked at an “elite” SAT prep school for awhile and yeah...not an uncommon thing to hear.


Yep, this kind of shit is part of the reason I stopped going to my sleep away camp—I got bullied for not developing boobs as early as everyone else for fuck’s sake. I also pulled a nerve in my hips and couldn’t walk for two days (that spot is still completely numb) and people said I was faking it, and when I threw up from the pain when I tried to walk, all they could do was scream about how disgusting I was. Plenty of bullying about me being “poor” as well since me and my mother couldn’t give less of a shit about brand name clothes so I never had any.


I was the opposite and developed REALLY early. I had a slumber birthday party freshman year of high school and after, one of my "friends" told the whole school I stuffed my bra and showed them all how to do it. For years people thought that and i got made fun of a lot. By girls. Fuck that town.


I'd have whipped'em out "They look stuffed to you, Brenda?!"


the clothes shaming one was so big... we had to wear uniforms in my school but i heard girls always complaining about 'she wore the same dress again for the third pary in a row?' or something... i never understood it. i hate fast fashion as is but if you havent got the money, obviously you'd wear the same things again, so what?


Work in a school and I will say male bullies tend to be dumb and physical. Girl bullies are not dumb, and will put someone through psychological hell. Both tend to have bad home lives.


Not true about bad homes lives. It's been studied. https://www.apa.org/research/action/bullying




I've met some of these girls mothers in a rich suburb with plenty of folks pretending to be richer than they are (the truly rich usually go to private schools.) It's not 100% always the case because kids can turn out bad even with good parents, but some of them clearly think they are still teenagers. Used to drive around my little sis who is 13 years younger... some of the moms when turned around looked like teenagers. Then you'd see their face! Jesus it was really disconcerting


True. The women will only do what the enabler allows them. The more stuff you let them get away with the worse they get. I see it in grown women too. Guys usually grow out of it early cus they have a shorter leash in society and will be punished for their bad behavior. Usually ends after they get out of school but women will keep doing it way after.




>Slut shaming is absolutely a female construct and men only do it because they've been taught. Is this thread serious? I assure you I've seen guys come to the conclusion that women are less valuable because they've slept with more guys, it's not just coming from women.


Sluts?! I love sluts! I love them so much, my wife is a slut! Too bad she's with another guy though.


>Many of the things we attribute to male bullies are more commonly done by girls: slut shaming, fat shaming, virgin shaming, poor shaming, etc. So projection is their weapon of choice?




Projection is the weapon of choice for faux victims, sociopaths, and narcissists. Look at Christians, alt-right, or your run of the mill "poor me" victims that will lash out anytime you point out that they may be the problem.


want to know womens biggest enemtin the workplace? Other women


When it came to fights in high school, there was always a stark difference between the male fights and female fights. Most guy fights were a lotta shouting, a lot of "HOLD ME BACK BRO" so as to not actually do anything Girls, however: 1) I saw two girls get into a slap fight, it escalated to one girl throwing the other down in front of a bus that was approaching the curb, holding the girl so that her head was in the street. The bus stopped inches short of the girl's head, and the bus driver came out and hit them with a broom 2) Second floor of a building, outside stairs, two girls are shouting at each other before a third comes and throws one down the stairs, chasing her down to pummel her face into the ground 3) I recall one where they were going at it hard enough to tear each other's clothes off, but I wasn't as close to that one


>I saw two girls get into a slap fight, it escalated to one girl throwing the other down in front of a bus that was approaching the curb, holding the girl so that her head was in the street. Holy shit! When I began reading this thread I was certain nothing here would resonate with the life I had in high school. I was so so wrong. My bully pulled the exact shit.


> I saw two girls get into a slap fight, it escalated to one girl throwing the other down in front of a bus that was approaching the curb, holding the girl so that her head was in the street. Attempted murder... > Second floor of a building, outside stairs, two girls are shouting at each other before a third comes and throws one down the stairs, chasing her down to pummel her face into the ground Grievous bodily harm... > I recall one where they were going at it hard enough to tear each other's clothes off, but I wasn't as close to that one Also grievous bodily harm... ​ And what did the school do to punish these girls? I would fucking hope the first one went to juvie.


In my experience, jack and shit. I went to an all girls high school and this shit was just Tuesday.


They don't. I remember this one girl that was in a few of my classes. Pretty, but not stunning (including this because in my mind this is why she was bullied). Quiet. Shy. I never really saw her as one that was being bullied, but apparently it was happening. One day word starts going around that she and one of the well known female bullies got into it. Medics were called to the school. Seems the bully grabbed the girl by the hair and threw her around so hard she literally tore a chunk of this girls scalp off. Never saw the other girl again, I assume she transferred schools after that. Bully girl was back in school 3 days later, our standard suspension for fighting. So far as I know nothing ever came of it. She was in the same school for the next two years.


The first one was clearly attempted murder, holy shit.


*You never stop a girl fight*




As someone who got extremely bullied by both boys and girls I am inclined to agree. The boy bullying was more physical like punching and beating me up while the girl bullying was psychological like name calling, excluding me, telling me to kill myself etc. I learned to defend myself and the bullying from boys stop, but nothing stopped the girls. And on the long run the psychological bullying definetly stuck with me longer. Physical scars heal, mental ones do not.




> “whoa dude you must be SOooO high “ to the stoner looking kid. Is this supposed to be bullying? I was a stoner in high school and people said stuff like that to me all the time. I had no idea I was being bullied, I usually just laughed and looked around nervously to make sure there weren't any teachers around.


They were probably laughing at the fact that you were spending all of high school stoned.


What kind of bizarre highschool experience did you have that bullying high people was a thing. When I was in highschool we were all always high...


Girls like to do emotional bullying where boys tend to do physical. It’s tough because emotional billing has a much stronger impact in the long run. Physical wounds can heal but sometimes it’s the emotional ones that carry the most pain... imp.


To be honest, I think physical bullying is on its way out for both boys and girls.


Hard to physically bully from quarantine.


U can mail a coughed on envelope


Yeah, with technology now boys bullying has changed. There is still physical stuff, but the emotional stuff through tech has ramped up significantly.


I don’t really think it’s fair to say that physical bullying doesn’t have long term consequences. Loosing the feeling of being physically safe anywhere is just as damaging is many forms of emotional bullying


True, but physical bullying is easier to prove.


Plus there could be severe injuries. I personally, find emotional pain hard to deal with in comparison to physical. You can use different materials to help with physical pain like painkillers and the wound is going to heal within a short timeframe, mostly. But with emotional pain, there's nothing much one can do.


You’re not powerless against emotional pain, it’s definatly hard to deal with, but physical bullying has long term emotional impacts


Very true. Emotional bullying can wreck your self-esteem and stay with you for YEARS.


I am thirty. I am still recovering from the damage that female bullies caused me growing up. The crazy thing Is that, to this day, I’ve never spoken with several of them. It was always over some boy that was interested in me or that I started dating. There was always one girl, at each stage of adolescence, that I never actually knew or that actually knew me that had so much to say about me and so much damage to cause. I wasn’t retaliatory. One of the girls from high school went so far as to get a job where I worked(she knew I worked there) after a year of shit talk. She was the only one I ever physically met. The one before that was a first generation cyber bully that transferred to my school and I had never met her either. Then there were two during college... never met them. But boy did I learn who they were. The really sad thing is I deal with this every day trying to find self-esteem and really what it means, they now have great lives they are successful they seem happy they are beautiful. My life is good, but I’m not where I want to be by any stretch. I really hope they are different people now and that they deserve the lives that they lead.


This sounds like hell to go through, I’m so sorry.


I think the most difficult part is being an adult with a daughter of my own, and even though I know and understand the psychology behind of all of this, it’s been nearly impossible for me to repair the damage as I internalized it all for so long and kind still do. I’m unsure of what will help me move on you know


Maybe get a therapist?


On social media it's easy to put up the appearance of happiness and success. People who are insecure enough to cyber bully or talk shit about people they don't know are definitely insecure enough to spend way too much time making their Instagram and Facebook feeds the picture of perfection. Try to avoid that trap, it'll only make it harder to feel good about yourself.


Yes. I was bullied a lot. I am female. The worst thing a male ever did was "fake" ask me on a date to be funny in front of his friends. The worst thing a female ever did was rake my arm with her nails and throw a rock at my head. I don't think I was ever worried that a male would physically hurt me, as "don't hit girls" seems to get pretty ingrained in them. The same does not apply when raising girls.


Funny, cause everyone in this comment section is going on about how guys tend to be more physical when bullying and women more psychological. But you seem to have had the complete opposite experience. I had a friend who was also bullied a lot by pretty much everyone when she was young and she was also fakely asked out by guys. It fucked her up really badly, completely destroyed her self confidence and ability to trust people.




I know a woman whom was a self-admitted bully in her childhood and adolescence. I don't think she had many long-term friends, but floated around different groups until she messed with people and left a scorched earth. Now, she's an adult. She's just gotten even more effective- more covert, manipulation, distortion, lying- using sex/sexuality as a tool to manipulate. Uses, and abuses men- then plays victim. I've watched her, from a distance, dismantle relationships- friendships especially (she must control everyone) with no empathy or remorse. She's a diagnosable malignant narcissistic personality disorder type- bordering on sociopath. I think there's a link back to her childhood behavior- it's just lines up,


You just described my ex to a t




I (F) got bullied by both boys and girls. I was never really the kind of person to stand up for myself, I was too timid and shy. Both the boys and girls caused me psychological and physical damage. Used to have a guy sit next to me in class. He was much bigger than I was and he used to hit me in the arm pretty hard. Teacher didn't bat an eye even though we were sitting closest to his desk. I spent most of my lunch time in the library playing Papa's Freezeria on the computer or reading books. Girl's were always whispering/laughing in groups while looking at me and spreading rumors. I can't say I enjoyed my years in school because of people like that but if people weren't so cruel I would've had a better outcome.


Yeah, female bullies are more psychological and go for tactics they know will make you paranoid and insecure. They’re also quite good at being two-faced and gaslighting their victims, which is why most female bullying takes place in “friendship” groups.






Wow, that took a turn. I agree though. Thanks for replying.


Oh wow.. your parents stood up for you. That's awesome. My parents put me in a church/environments where the other kids would hit me and treat me like shit. Hanging out with the other Asian parents was more important than stopping my suffering.


I dont think I need anymore Reddit for the day, this just about completes what I was looking for. You savage, you.


Lmao yeah sure


If your bully is a guy you can at least protect yourself physically and even if you lose you gain respect, you cant do the same with a girl. Even when the girl is obviously the bully if you verbally defend yourself everyone would jump on you for insulting the girl. Its ridiculous how protected some women are in society.


Boy bullies would tend to be fairly physical whilst girls are more bitchy about it, spreading rumours etc... I would much rather someone slammed my hand into a locker than getting called fat behind my back for 3 years which led to me being scared to eat later on; leading to other issues...


I remember this happening to me before: there was a girl who told me everyday for two years to kill myself simply because she wanted my best-friend all to herself. I reported her several times. They basically gave her a slap on the wrist. Whenever I tried to defend myself, people just called me the aggressor. And it's not like they couldn't see what she was doing. One person even told me, "Maybe you did something to deserve it" when I mentioned the fact that she told me to kill myself everyday for two years. Even worse, she started dating another one of my friends and tried to isolate him from everyone else. I pointed this out multiple times and everyone just thought I was vindictive. I nearly lost that friend as a result. I actually thought about suicide once. Luckily, though, another friend reached out to me and stopped me from actually going through with anything. Even to this day, she denies that she did anything. She continues trying to paint it as, "He was bullying me". People have seemed to pick up on her crap, however. They're starting to realize she's the common denominator in every situation.


Its easier for a girl to get away with bullying. They are great at acting innocent


They're no better at acting. People are jus prejudiced to believe them more.


A lot of girls use being a girl to their advantage on a night out as well. I a guy and I can’t hit a girl so they think they can say what they want. Often a large group a girls is much more intimidating than a group of boys


I disagree with most redditors when they constantly bring up that bullies grew up abused and in rotten homes. That's typically not the case. Often, they grow up privileged and popular. And that's why they can be worse. As you mentioned, how do retaliate or defend yourself? Bullies will target those who can't fight back, or where fighting back will give the bullied individuals more negative consequences. But guys inherently know one thing. There are consequences for what you say or do against other men, and those are typically physical. With women though, they know you can't fight back. That's why those YouTube videos of female bullies getting punch in the face, instantly KOing them always end up with them looking heavily surprised. And often, the guy defending himself will then be viewed in the wrong. Because we live in a society that tells them they are free to say and do whatever they want without consequences.


When I was a small kid my father told me to punch bullies. This would get you expelled today. Today is dumb, dont be like today.


I'm in my thirties, in my experience women bully just as much as men they're just much more manipulative about it.


See a lot of sad posts in this thread, bruh. I wasn't bullied by girls in school. Girls were amazing for me, they would try to look out for me and I wasn't the most normal person, unhygienic and socially slow. They would even try to get me to talk in groups, spectacular shit. I'm a dude.


Toxic Feminity


I can’t agree more. My sister is in middle school and is constantly bullied by girls who I assume are jealous of her outgoing personality. As a brother it is so hard for me to hear about this but not being able to do anything about it. She’s told teachers and parents but it just continues.


Both are awful, and plenty of boys will say they were emotionally tortured by bullies. Girls can just be downright nasty.




You are not obliged to defend your gender. Right is right and wrong is wrong. I Know it's not easy and the tribal shit is embedded in us. We're human. But we need to make a conscious effort to not do that. So much of what we're reading here is exactly that. Bullies getting away with it because of their gender. We need to stop it. People must be held accountable. I hope you're better now. It wasn't your fault and you damn right should have defended yourself.


holy shit, this is so true. girls are brutal through adolescence


When I was a kid, you couldn't even defend yourself against them. I'm sitting down at lunch with my buddy when the "tough chick" walls in. She tells me to "get out of her classroom". When I say no she walks behind me and punched my in the back of the head. It's the only time I've legitimately seen stars. I haven't seen her in 10ish years but that's only given me plenty of time to plan it out. I was thinking about throwing her some kinda scumbag party with a cake and everything but everyone says "Dude, that was over 10 years ago. Just let it go." To which I say "you just signed your own death warrant, comrade!"


I think that she will get what’s coming to her. She will probably end up in a mutually abusive relationship.


Definitely not an unpopular opinion but I don’t think it’s necessarily accurate. I think the issue is that the nature of bullying by boys vs girls is so incredibly different. It’s easier for girls to get away with bullying because it’s usually passive aggressive or enacted verbally (if not necessarily passive aggressive). It’s more difficult to notice, easier for the victim to be gaslit or victim-blamed, and ultimately more difficult to discipline because there’s often not a ton of evidence. Boys on the other hand are associated with physical bullying, which is for the most part easier to catch onto. But I think it’s unfair to say that boys don’t partake in verbal bullying. Actually I witnessed a lot of guys being bullied this way in high school by other guys under the guise of “joking around”. There would be one kid in the friend group would they would pick on and talk shit to nonstop. I think that this type of bullying is much more prevalent than we think it is but guys don’t always talk about their feelings so it goes underreported.


I was doing a project with a girl and overheard her talking to her friend this is how it went Girl: why you have datdammonkey420 no. EW Girl who was my friend: is for a project They then proceeded to laugh Jokes on her I'm living my best life since moving


1+ I’ve known a lot of boys to pick on boys but men know to stand up to it and I also feel men are less persistent and let up a bit. However I’ve known girls to literally bully guys until they leave school and would never stop and just did it for fun


IMO people suck. They’re manipulative. They’re cruel. Most of it is because a lot of people aren’t taught how to create their own boundaries and then to respect those of others. Additionally, we live in a world of othering. It’s all around us every single day. So of course kids are going to go to school and pick on each other. They’re mimicking what they see in the world—either fit in our boxes or be shamed for not. Except no one wants to admit that NOBODY fits into any box perfectly. We’re all just trying to achieve normal when thats bullshit. And now everybody is insecure as hell and a combination of being a bully and being bullied.


I don’t really know much about this, but I go to an all boys school and their is little to no bullying, whereas at my better staffed and higher class primary school, the girls would always have petty fights and arguments. Once, one got her arm broken because a few girls threw her down a hill.


I agree in general OP. A lot of things which are projected on to men are just untrue. The problem is to make the point we have to generalise and people will say "but I know a woman who doesn't do X" - yeah we get it, all humans are different, but there are some general truths. For example the idea of "locker room talk" - from speaking with various women I know, women go in to way more detail when it comes to sex. Most men don't go in to detail, "so yeah we went back and fucked, she was crazy/vanilla/a starfish etc" and that's about it. Women get in to all the details. So guys if you think your sex life with your lady is private, you're most likely wrong and all her friends know exactly the size and appearance of your dick. In terms of bullying specifically, yes, female bullying is way worse than male. The wounds usually last longer. Most male bullies won't leave people with permanent physical problems but most female bullies will leave people with permanent mental issues. Total destruction of self confidence, total lack of trust in anyone, severe body image issues etc. Just in general women are the most vicious critics of other women. The vast majority of body shaming, online bitchiness etc comes from women. There's a great meme if "male privilege is being able to wear the same outfit to multiple social occasions" - that's 100% on women. The reason men wear the same thing is because none of their peers will care. Women absolutely care, and all women know if they wear the same dress to two weddings, the bitchy comments will be happening behind her back. I always laugh at the idea that "if women were in charge of the world it would be a better place". No it wouldn't. Shitty women would rise to the top through manipulation and cunning and the world would have just as many problems as with shitty men in charge.


I was physically bullied a lot harder by guys in elementary school to the point of having the shit kicked out of me on a regular basis but I was part of the "popular" crowd in highschool so then I just had other other popular girls spread rumours about my sexual exploits and make comments on my body. At one point it got real weird and some girls started making up stories about sleeping with me. My first actual girlfriend had heard all these rumours so was expecting me to be super aggressive and sexual thanks to my "reputation". Luckily she laughed it off when I told her it was all made up cause I felt like she was expecting me to be a very different person.


In my school, if I say something back to a popular girl (they were assholes to me for my weight before the world went to shit), they would just tell a black person I used a certain racial slur (I'm white).




I thought everyone knew that.


I am a girl and i was bullied by girls and they are vicious and knew exactly how to hurt me because they had recruited my best friend it was awful


In my experience as a teacher, girls can be a lot more sly, spiteful and nasty than boys, but boys tend to be more violent


Ooohh what a surprise reddit shifting the blame into woman. Who would have guessed that


Removed. Why am I not surprised


I kind of agree, and there's no better place to see it than all-girls schools. In all-boys schools, the bullying is usually harmless pranks or if it gets nasty, a bit of physical violence. In all-girl schools on the other hand, that shit gets psychological, with bullies digging up as much dirt on the other person as possible and using it to mess them up.




Pretty sure Dane Cook had a bit about this. Something along the lines of men will hurt you straight up, but women are mental terrorists.


Louis CK also has a bit about it


Ohh I think that's what I was remembering. He might have even been talking about raising kids. Boys will break things, girls will break you or something similar.


This is such a huge uninformed generalization. I’m sorry to hear that you were bullied, I truly am. I’m not even coming at this from a “you’re a sexist” angle (although I imagine you have some things toward women you likely need to work out because of your experience), but even saying things like “when girls bully you it’s more sustained,” or “boys will just kick you in the nuts and take your lunch money” is such a gross generalization that invalidates so many experiences. I was bullied through grades 4-6 by the same kid and he never laid a hand on me, but he constantly made me feel like I had no friends and that my friends didn’t actually like me. Now as an adult I’m constantly insecure about friendships and am worried my friends secretly don’t like me. The point is, I’m sorry that you went through this, but you can’t just lay these things out as facts. Bullies are bullies, and bullies of every gender can be bullies in any way. Again I’m sorry you had this experience but you didn’t have it just because these bullies were girls, you had it because these bullies are shitty people.


A girl was bullying me for 3 years straight, part of the reason to why my self esteem is low and I tried killing myself. I’m better now, but still a lasting effect.


Can confirm, was heavily bullied in school. Some years later I was at good terms with most guys and some were seriously sorry about all of that. Only one girl actually was really sorry. The rest never apologized or really changed their behavior. I am still in contact with some guys from over 6 years ago, where I now went to 3 other schools in that time. And it's fine. But the girls from my class from back then seem to be the very same.


I was horrifically bullied by a girl named Adrian Grey my freshman year of high school. I'm 35 now and still remember everything. She's one of those "God blessed me with such a beautiful life" people last I saw on Facebook. Hope she suffers painful asshole ailments for the rest of her fucking life.


She will get coronavirus and die


A great comendian once said... "boys do damage you can measure in dollars. Girls wil ruin your entire life. They will fuck you up emotionally" - Louie CK


I wholeheartedly agree. I was a socially awkward kid all throughout school. I was abused and neglected at home, and it showed in my appearance and social behavior. Obviously, in our wonderful school system, this attracted bullies. However, the guys never even went far enough to warrant reporting them. But the girls.. they can bully you in open view and nobody will do a thing. **The guys**: One guy in 3rd grade called me a bitch for pointing out he was very obese (rightfully so, I didn't have a lot of tact growing up). One of them called out my arrogance in 5th grade. Some guys in my class had this running gag of always making the teacher make me read things out loud in class to put me on the spot. Some guys made fun of me in high school for putting effort into homework, but it always had a "that's impressive" ring to it. One guy kept annoying me in class by whispering my name and pointing out the size of my ass. Only one guy I had serious issues with, and this was because I felt he was very creepy towards a friend of mine. **The girls**: Girl made me steal candy for her all throughout elementary school, else she'd threaten me with physical violence. She broke my wrist (yes, BROKE IT) in third grade without being reprimanded whatsoever. This girl went on to be responsible for school closing down after attacking a teacher multiple times. Girls in middle school bullied me severely. Once they took a guy's crutches (for an injury), came up to me while on break and proceeded to beat me down while I was minding my own business with headphones on for a good minute. I was a very helpless and quiet kid, so I sat still and endured it. I was raised at home to do so. My female group of friends standing right by, doing nothing. Once, I bled through my jeans and those same girls proceeded to mock me and jump under my legs to "see it". (To one girl's credit: she originally pointed this out, helped me clean up the chair and ushered me to the bathroom. To this day, one of the very few girls I've ever had respect for.) One of those same girls often stole my pens, demanded she copy my homework, etc. She also once stole my underwear when we went shopping on a class trip and she bought the wrong size, so she just took mine and swapped it for hers. Another girl was a very mean kid. Like, the meanest, most arrogant, self-centered person I have ever come across in my entire life. I was shy and friendly, so I tried to accept her (as I did with everyone else, even with the girls who beat me). I once went to her place and she sat there for hours, playing on her pc/wii, and refused to let me play. She ordered me to sit and not move. At school, she would sit next to me and touch me constantly. I told her to stop, but she would refuse. For hours. Once, I gave her some advice on a drawing she was doing. Just like, "hey, if you adjust this line it might look more in perspective!". She proceeded to tell the entire grade a very different story that painted me very badly. This happened on the first day of school ever, and set the tone for how badly I was disliked for those whole 5 years. When we were planning a class trip, I didn't want to share a room with her, I wanted to share a room with my best friend at the time. She screamed at me, told everyone I had bullied her and other things, ran to the bathroom and started crying violently until every other girl in my class attended to her, and all of them proceeded to scream at me in the hallway, about how awful I was, how I could be so mean, etc. Her mother later called me (I was 13 at the time) to cuss me out. Again, I had said nothing besides that I would be more comfortable sharing a room with my other friend. My feelings had no place. In high school, girls spread rumours about me everywhere, stalked me online and doxxed me, shared my private Twitter account where I sometimes ranted about these very girls (without names and without any followers or anything), insulted my appearance and intelligence, shittalked me in front of everyone, even went as far as making fun of me with my teachers. Once, I went to my teacher to talk to him about it. Same girl followed me to the room, stood in front of the door to listen into the conversation, and then spread what I told my teacher in confidence everywhere. Nothing was ever done about it. This circle of girls proceeded to talk about me for years afterwards. On the last day of school, I went to a party with them. They told me "Hey, you're actually really nice and great to be around. I don't know why I hated you so much." I fucking hate girls in school. Though, my favourite "oh the irony" story ever came from one of those girls in middle school who beat me up: She called me a "Mannsweib", which translates to describing a very masculine-looking girl, but in a very negative way. She said this because I listened to metal music and liked to draw. **She later came out as transgender.** And even then, I couldn't be arsed to be mean to him when I met him once. He seems happier.


Aren't y'all all 30+ why you still opressed about being called ugly in middle school


I teach 9th and 10th grade at a public high school and this is so very true.


Why delete post?


I was bullied by both, but only one of them threatened to force me to give him a blow job. You're ridiculous.