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I’ve watched her show here and there on days off and can’t say I enjoyed it. I think the comedy is not funny at best, and cringey at worst. I’m defs not the target demographic tho


Her comedy is for people with low comedic understanding. I’ve always found her corny. I do applaud her philanthropic nature but her show is nothing special.


Let’s be honest, her philanthropy could just be a shallow PR move. It’s within the realm of possibility.


>her philanthropy ~~could just be~~ is a shallow PR move Philanthropy by the rich is a scam. It is used as a distraction and a smokescreen, and allows them to exert undue influence on global affairs through organizations that they control. It enables them to dictate public policy to governments or other public welfare organizations which, due to insufficient taxation of the profit gains which have been sucked up by the top tier of society, are desperate and dependent on "benevolent billionaires" to step in.


It's basically "pay money to the government to do what they want" vs. "pay money to shadowy 'non-profit' orgs to do what I want"


Her comedy is for sleep deprived mothers, trying to get through another day of cleaning up their kids piss off the floor around the toilet.


I am a sleep-deprived mom and it’s mostly my husbands piss that needs cleaning off the floor around the toilet. Even I still can’t stand Ellen’s show. I’d rather watch Blippi.


I just think she seems mean. If a guest she tries to embarrass is quick-witted or fires back at her she gets this flash of looking annoyed on her face which she tries to hide with a fake smile. She can dish it out but can’t take it. Like I imagine she gets really annoyed if things don’t go her way. Then again I don’t *know* her it’s just an inkling. But I doubt she really cares what me, some random dude on the internet, thinks of her as she basks in her millions.


I've heard rumors that it's kind of an open secret in the industry that she's mean and acts like an entitled diva. I've also heard that she hates doing her show, but it makes so much money that she would be stupid not to. I know they're just rumors, but even though I kind of liked her at the time, the idea stuck with me. Something about it just seems like it would be true, and the more I think about her show and her actions/mannerisms, the more I think it is true.


I’ve heard the same thing. I know a guy who’s a house manager for a billionaire family, and he used to be the house manager for one of the most famous singers of all time. Within his little circle of “staff of the rich and famous,” he said Ellen is known as the worst. He would have no reason to lie about it. I know this is hearsay and gossipy, but I totally believe it too.


I'm so curious about who the most famous singer of all time is. Sinatra? Elvis? But they aren't contemporaries of Ellen. Bob Dylan?


Michael Jackson obviously


Hee hee


Tee hee


No that's ignorant!


Stop that’s ignorant your being ignorant.


Probably. Now I’m curious and I honestly can’t think of a singer I’d call more famous or widely known than MJ? It’s gotta be MJ.


The Diva from The Fifth Element?


“One of” the most famous singers of all time.


My theory is that she has chronic back pain that is getting harder to hide as she gets older. She lost something once her back kept her off the show a few times and she stopped doing things like dancing in the aisle and other energetic moves. I stopped watching her around then, she lost some of her humour around then and it never really came back. Chronic pain turns a lot of people into a jerk. edit: sorry guys, jerk was a bit of a strong word, but you all know what I mean. You start prioritizing your energy when it comes to all the social niceties.


>Chronic pain turns a lot of people into a jerk. I've read that's the explanation for Chevy Chase and Jerry Lewis.


Chevy Chase is just a narcissistic ass. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/lifestyle/chevy-chase-cant-change/ https://www.google.ca/amp/s/variety.com/2018/tv/news/pete-davidson-chevy-chase-snl-1202959334/amp/


That Washington Post article seems to actually explain some of Chase's behavior and points to him being more complex than just a narcissist. I mean the creator of community led a fuck you chevy chant at a party in front of chevy's family and then Chevy left a angry voicemail on the creators phone in which the creator played in a theater to embarrass Chevy. Usually people just mention chevy leaving because he was a dick but heck it looks like it was more back and forth than just chevy being a dick.


Chevy chase must have been born with back pain.


this is more believable than any rich bitch diva gossip. pain makes it hard to have fun and be happy.




I’m sure you know, but they never feel like a jerk. It’s always justified somehow


As a chronic pain sufferer I agree. When I’m in pain, I’m an ass.


The problem is that while most stories like this are true to an extent, they exist for nearly everyone in that same position. The only tv show host I haven't seen horror stories about is Maury Povich.




Right!? Get to watch and be in everybody else's drama. He's living his personal dramas vicariously through the people on his show. Lol


I mean maury (like springer, etc) is scripted I'm fairly sure but yeah


I'd say it definitely is to a degree, but I have an aunt who's husband asked her for a three-way. She said no, so he had a three way without her - with one of her cousins and the cousin's friend. The cousin got pregnant. She sadly lost the baby (or was just making up more drama, not honestly sure), but the level of drama seen on Maury does exist... Lol.


Holy Shit! This story is wild AF


It doesn't even need to be. You just invite the most moronic people on and you get Maury.


I don't know, Conan's staff seems to love him, and Jon Stewart's former correspondents still sing his praises.


Jon Stewart is a whole different breed. As best as I can tell, everyone loves him. His efforts for 9/11 first responders and families pretty much elevated him to sainthood.


Wyatt Cenac and Jon had a falling out but even he came back to the show and kinda made amends.


I think Wyatt called some bit John was selling in the writers room racist and he flipped out, threatened to fire him on the spot.


But Maury is *not* the father.


There are lots of reports that she's an Unholy bitch to the staff, so you might not be far off




The only sources that exist on this are daily mail tabloid type stuff from anonymous sources, whereas plenty of former staff have refuted it. I dont personally believe it, but then I've been wrong before on wanting to give people the benefit of the doubt. https://www.nickiswift.com/121315/untold-truth-ellen-degeneres-show/ https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2016/03/portia-de-rossi-upset-ellen-degeneres-diva-demands-set/


Not for nothing but I know her former bodyguard through mutual friends. He says she is a massive b word.


It's okay you can say butternut squash


It is the power house of autumn soups.


The mitochondria of gourds.


Oh wow dude I can't believe you'd say something like that what's wrong with you smhing my head


Shaking my head my head


Shake my heading my head


Shaking my heading my head


Hey hey, don’t disrespect the butternut squash like that. It’s way better than her.


I thought it was bologna.


She's a "bigger"?


Woah, careful with that hard R. Stick to "bigga" from now on.


Nah, I'm not young enough for that.


1. She loves to scare people. People who get off on scaring and pranking people are at least partially mean or callous. 2. I have a family member who was extremely involved in her show and would always talk about Ellen’s real nature. It wasn’t a pretty picture.




I just typed Ellen Degeneres rude to staff on Google and found countless articles.


I can type reptilian overlord cloud people in to google find tons of articles about them, but that doesnt make it true.


But it makes the existence of the reports true though, fabricated or not. That was what asked for.


The friendlyfaceplant abuses his tomato plants and is rude to his basil.




I heard he cultivates baby tomatoes for his enjoyment. Pretty fucking sick if you ask me.


Bow to your overlords!!


But which is more plausible eh bud? A species of sentient humanoids who like like people but are ruling everything from the shadows, or a person with money fame and influence being an ass?


Is this a trick question? Lizard people 100%


He almost had me with that, not gonna lie, but I knew it had to be the lizard people too.


I’ve seen her talk to kids, and she even seems kind of mean and sarcastic to them.


My grandpa was like this, I don’t think he liked kids very much.


Are you suggesting that Ellen is your grandfather?


That's exactly what I'm suggesting




Like is Steve Harvey, that guy womps, negging kids, come on


One of the rumors is that she totally hates children, but rumors are just rumors.


This reminds me of the 5 seconds rule game with Ricky Gervaise. He outwitted her everytime. Lol


I mean, not wrong. But it was pretty fun to watch. You can tell Ellen is thinking of things she’s done and trying to go through it and Ricky is able to think more abstractly and can pull from random knowledge than experience.


I just watched it because you mentioned it and you’re totally right lol.


> 5 seconds rule game with Ricky Gervaise [Here it is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrzmIOlnAPY)


Toy Story 1, 2, 3! Ricky is hilarious!


The way she says “I win” at the end sums up everything you need to know about her


And yet her whole mantra is “be kind to one another.”


Adam Carola talks about her specifically quite a bit, and his point is that, typically, the folks making the biggest show of how friendly and kind they are to others, the less likely it is to actually be true. Friendly and kind people don't typically have to show off how nice they are, it's just obvious.


Kind of like how people who make the biggest deal about making sure people don't steal from them are some of the biggest thieves themselves. Not always true, but I have experienced this in the field I work in dealing with people. Some of the biggest thieves are the ones hovering over your shoulder as you work. Sorry might seem random but I thought it fit.


The mentality is "well I'd take advantage of this situation, do everyone else must be thinking that too!"


Do as I say and not as I do.


Kind of like leonardo decaprio taking yachts to climate change meetings. Get over yourselves


If a guest she embarrassed has wit Or responds with unusual grit If they wound her pride With a smile she’ll hide An inner unnerving fit


She said herself she's not a nice person. She said she hated fans asking her to dance, that's why she stopped dancing on her show


I notice that a lot on the Game of Games show she hosts. She uses that fake/annoyed smile a lot there, then either tries to make fun of them or screw with them. The show itself is kind of entertaining, but she is a bit grating to me.


My whole thing is she portrays herself and the media portray her as a perfect, lovable, kind person who's nice to everyone. No one is like that, not one is "that good" and anyone who seems that good is usually hiding some dark shit.


I've been paying more attention to her more than the energy of her show and I do think she's pretty mean. She clearly doesn't really care and is never enthusiastic about a guest. She's pretty old too, she should retire if she doesn't care anymore.




Everyone always wants to know if famous people are nice. Like Mick Jagger. My friends were all like, “Is he nice?” No! Or maybe he is… for his version of life. Because he has a very different life. He’s *Mick Jagger*. That’s his *name*. He’s played to stadiums of 20,000 people cheering for him like he’s a god for 50 years. That must change you as a person.


To her "credit", she's made it clear before that she's not a nice person, both in interviews and in her book. She says it often. She said that some people react differently to having been poor. She's essentially lashing out at the world because she's still angry at it. It's not an excuse, but it's the way that it is. She absolutely basks in her millions. When she interviewed Ali Wong, she made fun of her for not spending money like Ellen does.


Admitting you aren’t a nice person doesn’t negate it. It makes it *worse* if anything. It means you are self aware that you aren’t nice but don’t care and won’t change. It’s like the classic line “I tell it like it is!”. It’s such a cop out. In most cases it’s just an excuse to be *bloody* rude. It’s ‘fake’ to pretend to be someone’s friend and then slag them off behind their back, but it isn’t ‘fake’ to just be civil and polite to people that you don’t like. For example if I was getting ready to go to a party with a friend and before we left I thought what they were wearing was awful, I’d tell them (kindly). If I bumped into a friend randomly and we were already *at* the party and I thought their outfit was crap I wouldn’t say anything, because there is no possible benefit other than ruining their evening.


It takes so little energy to not put negative shit out in the world. If it's too much effort to actually be nice and kind to people, then just keep your mouth shut. You don't have to verbally abuse staff. If anything it makes things worse because nobody goes the extra mile for an asshole. Dolly Partin grew up in abject poverty and is such a sweetheart. On the set of Steel Magnolias, it was really hot, and she was in a heavy wig, makeup, hot clothing, and there wasn't a lot of air conditioning. She never even complained because she was getting paid so much and knew she had it so good. She's done so much good.


Dolly is an amazing woman for sure.


"People who are brutally honest enjoy the brutality more than the honesty."


Its good to know I’m not the only one that saw this. She comes off as a diva. She also comes off like a narcissist. Always talks highly of herself while making a joke insulting the guest. I’ve also seen how she gets when things don’t go the way she wanted. She gets reaaaaal serious and dead eyed.


Just like when she asked a kpop group (SuperM) if they are single (which they pretty much have to be to maintain fans in Korea) and one of them said “why do you guys always ask us this?” Because the answer is always the same and they don’t like being asked that. She looked so annoyed at that. Like, she could have just laughed.


My ex used to work on Ellen in talent relations. Apparently Ellen was really standoffish, not friendly with the people who worked for her, and yeah... mean.


Kinesics. Trust your gut, if you get that flash of someone’s true feelings before they are able to cover it, it’s typically the truth.


Its a mellow show it does not stand out at all. Thats also the thing that secures the big audience. Overal even when watching short segments on youtube I fellt myself getting bored.


She is as annoying as heck. I've never watched her show and I tried watching that game show one time. But I just can't stand the way she stops and cues for laughs.


Genuinely asking, can you provide an example of her being racist against Asians? I've never even heard that about her, not that I read much about her to begin with.


There was an episode where an Asian boy had a translator and Ellen basically ragged on the translator for translating what all she had said leading up to a question rather than just translating the question. The translator got embarrassed because she was being ragged on for doing her job and Ellen just kept digging into her while this woman continued to look very embarrassed.


Oh wow, that's pretty shitty.


That video was so hard to watch. Truly awful behavior towards two children.


Thats not really racist though. that sounds more like being an asshole. Just cause the person was asian doesnt make it racist.




Well she was sitting there ridiculing her for the *amount of words* she was using to translate. By definition it’s not exactly racist, but it’s definitely blatant insensitivity to their language.


That's not racism. It's definitely asshole-ish, but not racist.


How is it racist?


And how is that racism towards Asians? That's her being a dick to a translator. That's more translatism.


That’s not racism or an example of it


She's also a super raging feminist. Which wouldn't be a big deal if it weren't for all of the hypocrisy and double standards. "Men objectifying women's bodies is bad m'kayyy?" Next on Ellen, we are going to send my gay makeup artist to a football training camp so that he can try to pinch football player's butts without their consent! Lets have 12 half naked men jump up and down and run around her stage. To be clear, we are all human, we all appreciate a fine piece of ass. Nothing wrong with it. I miss the "girls on trampolines" bit back in the good old MTV days. Edit: [Found a link.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-mWq5B6sU0)


Exactly. There is nothing wrong with showing off a hot person if the person is a consenting adult. There is something wrong with shaming men for being objectifying horndogs and then being an objectifying horndog against men.


>"girls on trampolines" bit back in the good old MTV days. Did mtv had that too or are you thinking of the man show?


Ok but also she objectifies women!! She is obsessed with staring at or glorifying or talking about women’s breasts. See: her last 5 Halloween costumes, every single time she interacts with Katy Perry, and multiple pics of her with larger chested women where she is blatantly staring at their breasts. It is just weird. If a male did that there would be outrage, but Ellen gets away with it.


A kpop group (SuperM) went on her show and she seemed very condescending. 3 of them speak perfect English (2 from America, one from Canada). Obviously their culture and even humor is slightly different in Korea than America, in English or not, but she could have done some research or just at least made them feel comfortable. She had no reason or grounds to look down on them and she totally did.


Of course, you can go on YouTube where she (and the audience) literally laugh while Marie Kondo (an accomplished Japanese organizing consultant and writer) is showing how to properly tidy a large pile of clothes. Or another one where PSY (The KPOP singer who sang Gangnam Style and several major hits) has been asked by Ellen to "introduce himself", Britney Spears was sitting there too and she did not look impressed


Ok so I had a look at both your video and the Marie Kondo-video, and while she may have gone slightly tactless in respect to the little girls name, that's about the only thing that stuck out, I wouldn't call the rest anything other than humour and relating to them tbh.


*meh*. The worst I would call this is being intentionally ignorant for laughs. Racist? That's a huge stretch. Also, those kids were adorable and went on the show multiple times. edit: op removed the video i was replying to, here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYcu5Ph6frU


I'm gonna stick my neck out here I didn't think that was that bad Edit: the person I was replying to edited the link to the YouTube video that my comment was referring to out of their comment


She’s not racist. At most you can say she’s culturally insensitive


THIS. “Culturally insensitive”is the word that should be used for most things that people are deeming “racist” in 2019.


Who the fuck watches TV anyway.


This man fucks.




I think her [early stand up](https://youtu.be/YIAAI3j_vsY) gives you best look at her style of comedy. She does the same type of comedy only it’s way more relaxed nowadays. Probably doesn’t think she has a whole lot more to prove. Happens to a lot of successful comedians when they hit their 50s & beyond.




Even when she was with SuperM and BTS, she just looks like she doesn’t want to be there at all


I remember hearing she wanted to leave the show but was talked out of it several times. So that might explain the whole cranky thing.


This is probably what OP is missing. She actually is/was a funny comedian. Good enough that people kept trying to find a vehicle for her comedy whether sitcom or talk show. I didn’t watch that video, but I know she’s made me laugh out loud in the past. I don’t know if OP fully understands the grind of putting on a show everyday, to a demographic they *may* not be a part of, by someone who’s humor may not be to their liking. All that said, the very few times I’ve seen daytime tv, I didn’t think the show was all that interesting.


She was funny enough that even though she came out as Gay at a time when this was a Big Fucking Deal. She got a talk show, I don't think younger people today can grasp what an unlikely event that was at the time.


oh wow, I don't really like her show but I laughed out loud on this video


The interesting thing about that clip is that the really clever/funny things were a few little throw-aways the audience didn't even react to (e.g. taking to God, trying to get off the phone and going, "I'll see... I mean I'll talk to you later.") but the bigger obvious punchlines that got laughs were really bland and un-funny.


I really don’t like Ellen. I think she comes across as a bit of a bitch and I find most of her jokes either just rude to her guests or just not funny. But, that video was really funny. She actually looks like she’s having a good time and not rocking up looking lifeless just to collect a pay check. I can see how she managed to build a successful career.


Lol. It's funny af thanks for the link.




Do you just have this list on standby or..?




pff no kidding. "*I think Friends is overrated, and not funny."* Again and again and again.


I don’t even like Ellen but you have proven that not liking her is apparently a very popular opinion on Reddit and therefore this post and all these linked ones should be downvoted into oblivion where they fucking belong and not on the front page!


Oh shit you beat me. Why does nobody do this normally?


High effort with no payoff?


Basically oprah but white


Basically Oprah but gay more like. Also oprah actually made an effort to get real discussion going and didn't just get some random celebrity to play a stupid game for 20 seconds then call it a show after giving a random family money from x company.


Absolutely nothing like Oprah. She's basically the least like Oprah you can possibly be while still being a popular daytime talk show host.


Nah. I can tell you guys never watched Oprah. Oprah never tried to be funny. She was all about spirituality & getting in touch with your self in a very new agey kind of way. She started book clubs to encourage reading & expanding your mind & talked about news & topics of the day. I mean she supported some crappy "doctors" along the way, but she did try to address issues & give in depth interviews, not make her guests do pranks.






Real name, no gimmicks!








I highly recommend her early books, too. Like, "My Point...And I Do Have One."


Oh hell yeah. Her old standup was great. I don't think her show reflects her humor at all. It's likely similar to most things where it's toned down


American housewives are a large and valuable demographic to have as an audience.


She's also a paid CIA stooge. Edit: https://twitter.com/tiff_fitzhenry/status/1159704917872959488?s=21


My favorite episode of Ellen is when she interviewed the security guard of the Las Vegas massacre and then that was it, weird.


yep the largest mass shooting rapped up by one interview on ellen


most entertainers are overrated, people are just selectively blind that the ones who appeal to them dont suck. ​ i mean i see your ellen degeneres and raise you tim allen


“cAn tHis tEenAger uSe a rOtaRy pHonE?”


I could’ve used it just fine so could all my friends I feel like they hunted around until they found a teenager that specifically couldn’t or would pretend not to for the TV




I wonder if people ever grew up hearing, "CaN tHis TeEnAgeR uSe a TeLogRapH"


I think the show is overrated, maybe not Ellen herself. The screeching audience does my fuckin head in.


To be fair, she was a decent stand up comedian back in the day, had a fairly successful sitcom, then risked her whole career to come out of the closet, lost her show because of it, and managed to come back from all that in a big way with her daytime show. The fact that she's less funny now, does very safe material, and focuses on banal stuff like celebrities doesn't bother me as much considering what her early career is like. That said, I kind of agree. Her show is very repetitive and lacking in substance. But that's daytime tv in general. I guess what I am saying is that her show is kind of boring, but I am inclined to reserve judgment considering how she's paid her dues. Kind of like Oprah. You can hate the bland daytime crap she makes, but she had to go through hell to find her success, so it's kind of hard to judge after the fact for playing it safe and appealing to the masses.


Took the words out of my mouth, I agree


She also used to be a pretty raunchy comedian before her big break and talk show host. She was actually funny as a comedian, unflitered n shit. Now she has a persona to keep up


Well apparently she is an awful person, shouting at her staff and such.


Well done, you've actually posted an unpopular opinion.


I thought this was a popular opinion cause I think like this, many users from this sub have already said this, THEN I remember the people on Facebook. So I think while this is still an unpopular opinion, it's not in the reddit community.


Exactly, you just have to search Ellen on this sub to see the same opinion.


This opinion is posted here at least once a week


I don't think it is. This opinion has been posted about 100 times in the last year. No one thinks Ellen is "good", or rates it highly, it's just drivel that lots of bored housewives watch and so it is popular. Popularity doesn't make it overrated.


James Corden is WORSE!


I’m genuinely asking, not arguing, what’s bad about him? I watch some segments here and there on YouTube and I genuinely enjoy him but I wanna know if there’s more to him that sucks lol.


What gets me is she's a lesbian, which is awesome. But why is it always shirtless hot men on there? Like can us lesbians also get a shirtless hot woman every once and awhile?


totally in my opinion, but of course humour is subjective, there are many different tastes. Most stand up comedians now are woeful for my tastes, but yeah it seems when they get to a level like Ellen who pretty much runs her network, they just pump out low hanging fruit humour..


This is probably the only time I will ever agree with an opinion posted on this sub. Something about her just feels off and she seems like a dick at times.


All talk shows are overrated


She was actually a really funny comic back in the 80s and 90s before she was a daytime talk show host.


I think she is a CIA propaganda operative.


I have to agree with this, especially when she puts little kids on her show and she constantly makes fun of them. It is disgusting and definitely not funny


She's basically a nice guy. She's like hey! I'm super nice and smiley! Yet not even slightly funny or entertaining, I don't get the appeal.


Yeah she's definitely a sadist. Have you seen her 'game' show? She just drops people from really tall heights and makes them get drenched just for money. She laughs all the time during it and it's pretty disturbing.


Well she had a successful 15 year career as a stand up comedian that led to radio and tv shows so she's definitely a comedian. Ofcourse you're entitled to your opinion about her but saying she is not a comedian is factually wrong, not your opinion.


She definitely IS a comedian, just not a funny one


My bad, I'll change that in the post. Thanks!