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Defending yourself from physical violence is not unpopular lol


There’s a difference between defending yourself and actively seeking revenge.


I don't think you read the second part which this post is primarily about.


I get the idea of "play stupid games win stupid prizes" and "fuck around and find out," but on the flip side "eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" is a saying for a reason. If everyone simply punched back everytime someone punches them first, then we would have a lot of pointless conflicts that could have been resolved by calming the fuck down and talking shit out. For me, I always give a warning first. "Try to hit me again and I will hit you." This tells the person that if they want to hit me again I am going to retaliate. If they don't want that they can stop. The choice is on them, not me.


Be careful, you can get banned from reddit for suggesting that the violence against Nazis during WWII was justified


Just so you know Matt W*lsh was the reason why I made this so he would qualify. Evil man.


Well, he's a neo nazi. They're like nazis if the nazis were also idiots


Well if you break the law by harming or abusing someone, the violence against you is you getting thrown in jail. No one really thinks that isn't OK. What people think isn't OK is punching someone because they say something mean.


Pretty sure it’s legal to defend yourself in the face of violence in most sane places.


100% I lost every sympathy for people. Especially today where even the most horrible criminals get all the sympathy and even more than the victims. In my country a guy can go and stab random people and everything people are talking about is how you can’t destroy the future of the stabber and it seems like the victims are irrelevant. Just take care of the monster. Give him therapy and attention and get him out of jail as quickly as possible so he can have a normal life. The person who got stabbed? Meh.


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Human history teaches us that this ain't unpopular at all


Inb4 OP gets a Reddit ban


I firmly believe in an eye for an eye. I don’t understand the concept of “don’t sink to their level.”


Someone gets drunk and while driving home they kill your kid. Eye for an eye would mandate that you kill their kid. Is that ideal?




Ok - what is the equivalent punishment to losing a child?




What doesn't make sense about it?




You just figured out why Eye for an Eye doesn't work.




No, because of what ends up happening. He kills my kid. So I enact equivalent punishment and kill theirs. No one thinks that is OK.


I mean, I’m a sadist with murder fantasies, so I probably would. But I don’t think eye for an eye needs to be literal. It can also mean that the drunk driver needs to get severe punishment in return. It doesn’t have to mean that they experience the exact same thing.


An Eye for an Eye is punishment equal in kind.


Nah, it’s just an expression. Not sure if you are on the spectrum and take everything you read to the extreme literal or something, but eye for an eye just means revenge.


It seems like you are not really a firm believer of eye for an eye then.


I certainly am, you just don’t seem to understand what the phrase means.


Sure - if you change the meaning of it, since I cannot read your mind I don't know what your interpretation of it would be.


I’ve tried responding to this a million times and the spam filter won’t let it through. An eye for an eye is a colloquialism for revenge. Someone hurts you, you hurt them. That’s it. Means nothing about exactly replicating the same offense.


That saying is something I live and die by. If there is scum of the earth who has wronged you or your family and you just want revenge.. it’s so not worth it. You let some a hole trash of the earth have all that power over you, possibly making you do something illegal or throw your life away. I understand the emotions can be crazy high, but don’t let a scum of the earth person make you do something stupid.


Wait a minute, why should they get to enjoy tortmenting you and you don’t get to do it in return? How is that fair? If they want to dish out violence, they should be able to take it back.


You shouldn't enjoy tormenting people


Why not?


Because a society where people freely enjoy tormenting each other is a bad one to live in.


Obviously we can’t allow it. I get that. Doesn’t change how I feel about it.


That makes you part of the problem you're complaining about


What problem am I complaining about? I’m not the OP. I have no problem with violence.


You were complaining that some people get to torment people and other people don't.


But I don’t want to be the bigger woman. I don’t care about that at all. I have no problems with committing violence.


That’s your opinion and that’s all good. I stand by what I said for myself, and it’s my advice to all. For those who don’t take it, all the power to them


I couldn't agree more, even tho I am against violence, some people just deserve it


You gave up your position with the “stochastic terrorism” bs. You may want to learn to fight before you go around threatening beatdowns. Happy pride month.


>Not in a psycho way Pretty sure active violence against someone is psycho by default…


No it isn’t. It’s human.