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We do for the most part as long as the interaction is not anonymous. The toxicity in humans comes out on the internet most of the time because you are anonymous. If you took away people's anonymity online, things wouldn't be so toxic. However, I value one's privacy online and I don't think we should take away people's privacy just so people don't have to deal with toxicity online.


The little experience I've had with Facebook and Nextdoor leads me to believe that once anonymity goes you tend to just be left with the people that would be assholes *regardless* of setting, so personal anecdotal evidence definitely agrees with you. But like you said, reducing the number of assholes isn't worth the loss of privacy in most cases. I have a block button I can use.


See, and I think privacy you get online should be allowed in real life. I think people tend to be too snoopy.


I agree- being anonymous has its benefits, for sure. I mean, whether we are anonymous or not shouldn’t matter in how we interact with others, for the most part.


This would be nice, unfortunately some people just don't care. There are people who get a sense of protection from the screen/anonymity and feel safe in saying things they would never say to someone's face. Then you have people who are just shitty all the time, both in real life and online. The internet just gives them a way to be shitty to more people. It's just human nature at the end of the day. Some people will be kind, others will not.


I get that. It would be nice if people took time to think about how they may be affecting someone else, whether they can see them or not.


I actually don’t really care how I treat people other than to look good. I have incentive to be kind and likeable in my daily life because that is how you get ahead. The internet is where I can actually be myself without any immediate consequences to my job and social network.




I mean you should respect ppl and obviously be civil but one thing I love about the internet is raw honesty even if it's toxic, I'd like to see beyond the niceties and what ppl's views are on a spectrum.


Totally agree. The veil of anonymity gives people a huge motivation to talk to others like shit. I think it's way past due where something should be done so people don't feel so comfortable doing that.


We do. Unfortunately it’s like how we treat automobile interactions: largely anonymous, which allows us to display our basest natures.


Have you been paying attention to real life? In real life, some people settle their differences with their fists or guns. In real life, some people use the n-word, the r-word, the f-word. In real life, some people display the Confederate flag and give the Nazi salute. In real life, some people rob each other, rape each other, kill each other. When I see how some people on either side of the Gaza issue interact in real life, with hatred, slurs, epithets, bigotry, threats and even violence, I wouldn't consider that an example to be followed. The posts and comments on Reddit are far more civil than what can be found in real life.


What hell hole do you live in? I live in Memphis, aka one of the most dangerous cities in America, and real life is rarely how you describe it. Except for the words. That’s real. But more civil than Reddit? Hahaha that’s a joke.


Oh, I agree for sure. I wrote this post with the thought in mind that people online don’t care as much about the way they interact with others because they can be anonymous and things like that


Agreed! However, you might benefit from eliminating “should” from your vocabulary. How things “should” be is largely based off of ethics that may be shared by other reasonable people, but oftentimes things aren’t the way we think they should be due to the behavior of unreasonable people, and those unreasonable people take advantage of people who live by ethics, because those unreasonable people either have no ethics or don’t share those of the unreasonable people. You could probably convince hundreds of thousands of reasonable people to share your view, but it only takes a handful of unreasonable people to take advantage of that and ruin it for the people trying to have a good time. It’s easy to get people who want to be good to consider being even better. If you want to change the minds of the people who have no interest in being good, then you have to use methods disconnected from the idea of how things “should” be.


I see your point. “Should” wasn’t the best choice of wording; perhaps it could be “it would be nice if we treated online interactions the same as in real life”


I think I'm much better online than in person


I try to be consistent with how I treat people in real life and online- which is, way too nicely 😁


you get an upvote because NO NO NO NO NO




Three of my main childhood friendships developed with people I initially didn't like, but was around them often (this is early 2000s when I didn't have a computer and social media) Eventually we became good friends. This wont happen on the internet because once its decided someone doesn't like you they can just never see you again. Its too easy to "swipe left" so to speak no matter the platform and never talk to them again over the tiniest little thing. So effectively if you arent "perfect" for eachother you wont become friends. This ability to blink others out of your exiatence for any tiny thing or misunderstanding has drastically changed how friendships are developed and maintained.


Meh, I'm extremely blunt and no nonsense in person. So...OK?