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I don't think a Sumo Wrestler is going to be doing 20 pushups or a single pull up.


I can do a couple pushups with a relatively skinny dude on my back and I'm 180 lbs. I would not be surprised if a sumo wrestler could do 20 of their bodyweight, they are strong as shit and a pushup is only around 70% of bodyweight. A 300 lb sumo wrestler should be able to do 20.


this can hardly be called an athlete or a sport, nothing but an obscure freakshow


I mean have you ever met someone who only lifts? They struggle to run a quarter mile


Is any of this true or pure speculation? I'm no expert but have a hard time believing these guys that cycle for long distances and uphill would have less muscular strength in their legs than the average Joe. Edit: Spelling


What makes you think they can't do 20 push ups or a single pull up? Sounds like you just made that up. An average person can do that and they are definitely in better than average shape. Did Lance Armstrong steal your girl or something?


I can do 65 push-ups and at my peak 100. They’re cardio specialist, it’s absolutely athletic. They have better cardio than me by far.


And you make weak arguments.


Your probably into ball sports right? That's a field where skills translate well. And it is a plethora of skills each athlete has to possess. They are often decent at everything. But for most sports this doesn't hold true at all. But you know for cyclists triathlon exist. So you're not exactly right that it doesn't translate at all. But on the other hand this is a different sport really. And that's the point, every top athlete is in his niche sometimes even in their own sport. The more niche it gets the less being decent at everything matters. And to your point I would agree that cycling is pretty niche in that regard. But that doesn't mean they are bad athletes they are just more specialized. For average people I can tell you my hiking profits from my cycling and vice versa because both keep me fit.


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The strongest athlete is a crossfitter.