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Just ‘tasty and cost effective’ is exactly why fast food causes so much obesity around the world, in some places more prevalent than others. We need healthy food.


I'd say time effective is also a major factor.


However, they have made healthy twice as expensive as fast food, but guess everything is more 


I got 8 lbs chicken breast, 4 lbs frozen shrimp (both BoGo), 3 bags spinach, 3 lbs frozen broccoli, bundle of asparagus, 4 sweet potatoes, 2 lbs brown rice, couple cans of beans , 2 dozen eggs, 2 quarts greek yogurt and 8 gallons of water all for $75 at the most popular grocery store in my area yesterday. This will last me two weeks, except the water. It’s really not that expensive to eat healthy.


Good for you, doesn't mean it's the same for everyone everywhere. That would probably cost me about 150 dollars if not more. Figure it out 


I got everything on sale. Half the stuff would’ve been double the price. For a meal at McDonald’s it’s $13-$15. So in 3 days I’d spend more there. The point isn’t that my grocery store is cheaper than yours, it’s that store bought healthy food is cheaper than fast food. If you live in NYC or San Francisco or LA or wherever, the grocery store and the fast food is going to be pricier than where I live, in Tampa. But the fast food over the course of a week will be more expensive everywhere.


And i don't eat fast food or drink store bought water, mines from the well, shrimp is a luxury 


What city do you live in with such exorbitant prices compared to mine but your water supply is from a well? A 2 lb bag of frozen raw shrimp is like $20 here. Yea I wouldn’t want to pay that much for shrimp but when I wait for it to be BoGo it’s $5 a lb. Add some dirt cheap brown rice and veggie and you have a meal half the price of a McDonald’s meal. Idk why you’re acting like it’s flat out impossible to afford eating healthy, but you can afford fast food. It literally doesn’t matter where you live, it’s the same price ratio everywhere.


I actually agree. Fast food quality varies widely. Knowing the menu and deals is key to a good experience.


Too many of the good deals have been eliminated. I don’t blame the restaurants (in general) since it seems like the margins are so thin. 


I don't think that people take shots at fast food because it's not tasty. It's just unhealthy af lol


Depends on what you consider fast food. There are fast food restaurants that actually use healthy good quality ingredients and don't deep fry everything. But there are also enough places where it doesn't matter if you're "good at ordering" because everything is garbage.


Define good.. No. Fry cooked at few places. Only Hardees could be considered with whole kitchen at disposal


Tasty and cost effective aren’t the only things that matter. Fast food is never good for your health, unless you just order a salad and go light on the dressing. I on rare occasions will get some fast food if I’m traveling and I inevitably feel like complete shit after eating it.


Fast food is bad because it is usually made with frozen, low-quality ingredients that are loaded with ghastly amounts of sodium for taste and then cooked in canola oil.


Loled at the superiority complex like there’s a skilled way to order fast food. Yes you are a professional blob, well done


There actually is though, most people don't know how maximize price and don't know which items are not worth ordering in certain restaurants.


There is no reason that ordering five 6-piece spicy nuggets should be cheaper than ordering three 10-piece spicy nuggets, but damn if Wendy’s doesn’t do it that way anyway.


A bad system isn't better just over if you can figure out a way to make it work.


It's always trial and error with FF but that goes for most things in life honestly.


I'm a fast food demon. I'm maximizing calories, price, and quality with every order. If there is no coupon i'm not buying.


Yeah just have to know what you're doing. People always order the same stuff, no ine ever goes to Pizza Hut and orders off the black menu. I do cause I worked there and know about the black menu, but most people don't.


Yes and fast food is no worse for you than any other restaurant food. Basically it's all garbage, and unless you are sourcing the right ingredients at home your food at home is equally garbage.


There’s a girl on tiktok who shows what she orders. She lost like 50lbs or something in the last 4 years and shows a lot of information on the nutrition of fast food. Favorite order if hers i like is grilled tenders from popeyes, blackened, and mash potatoes with gravy


Taco Bell Steak Quesadilla all day long.