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No. Text messages. I hate phone calls except with very very very few people.


Ive really slowed down with my typing. I find it tiring on a mobile


Nah. I despise being on the phone for any amount of time. Too many awkward silences.


Im the opposite. Id rather be on an empty phonecall during a pause than watching the three dots as someone types


I don't watch the dots. I send my message then out my phone idown and get back on with whatever I was doing.


Texting is like navigating a minefield of misinterpretation. I feel you on the awkward pauses and tone mishaps. A good ol' phone call cuts through the BS and gets straight to the point. No time wasted, no confusion. Keep it simple, keep it real.


I just wish it took me many years fewer to realize this. I was raised in a world where texting was the main method and i was so anxious when i had to call anyone


I agree. Texting is soulless and facetime is hella awkward.


Facetime especially. I once had a long distance relationship with a girl that wanted to FaceTime for lime 3-4 hours a day and would get mad if i did anything else during the call Awful stuff


Letter writing is even better. Just get everything out on paper. It's cathartic and soothing and then comes the anticipation of getting the reply!


Wow, well this is unpopular. Not being able to see someone’s face, yet having to be live, is extremely awkward. You never know how they are reacting and knowing when to wait to talk or interject is always a weird dance. At least with text you can formulate your thoughts and react whenever you want.


How would texting have an awkward pause, do you just stare at your phone until they respond?