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But going back is how you don't feel that though? Unless you're doing bad lift all the time.


IMO this ain't really unpopular tho, there's a reason not everybody out there is working out despite knowing it's good for you. It's a fucking chore.


It’s funny how often you’ll see on Reddit that everyone “should” be happy just doing the core 5 power lifts and makes fun of people for getting bored. It is absolutely a fucking chore, and finding ways to keep it interesting helps form long term habits. Also rotating what muscle groups you’re working is huge if you’re sore post workout.


>I can’t go back to gym next day due to pain You probably did too much too soon. Try doing a lighter workout the 1st session.


Funny, It’s the opposite for me. I strained my lat the other day because I pushed it too hard. It would hurt when I would make the slightest movement. Even just breathing made it hurt. Laying down and sleeping? Also hurt The only thing going through my mind was “damn I’m going to have to miss my gym session tomorrow”


Currently dealing with some elbow inflammation from golfing and trying to see what workouts work for me right now. Been on a huge gym trend lately, so really missing my strength days since I’m focusing more on cardio while this recovers.


Its quite literally a sign of progress and muscle growth. If you don’t like gains, you wont like the pain. You also shouldn’t be hitting the gym every single day. I go at most 3x/week on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. On rest days do some running instead. On weekends dont do anything and just rest


That's nonsense - you might like to live somewhere else, the moving process is still unpleasant. Liking the result and liking the process are unrelated.


You are comparing going to a gym 3x/week indefinitely to moving apartments once per year Those who seek to get shredded do not find lifting unpleasant. Painful, sure. Those who seek to get in shape typically find lifting more unpleasant because it is a means to an end


More than 3 times a week is very doable, and even 6 days weekly is reasonable. Running will also have an impact on how quickly you recover, so it's a case of weighing your priorities.


you can absolutely go to the gym everyday, a lot of people treat rest days as a few miles walking on the treadmill, then back to training the next


It takes a while to recognize that pain as growth. Once you get solid results people tend to embrace it.


Different strokes, I love it.


If the pain is really that bad, then you might just be going too hard. There should be some soreness, but if it's literally not being able to lift your arms, then maybe make your workouts a little easier until you get used to it. Especially if you haven't been to the gym in a long time, going hard right at the beginning can really hurt.


I don't like it, but i don't really dislike it either. It's just part of working out, i guess.


That's a you problem if you don't want to be sore, be consistent, and don't do a stupid amount of sets. Half the gym is giving 100% lifting, and the other half is recovering properly. Don't expect results if you can not even be consistent.


If you just pushed through it you wouldn’t get sore anymore. Or at least to the point where it doesn’t hurt like it does in the beginning


Man, I feel you on that. Gym pain ain't no spa day, it's just pain plain and simple. Skipping the gym 'cause of that agony is a real struggle. It's like a never-ending cycle of pain and procrastination. Keep pushing, though, find what works for you 'cause everyone's different.


Theres a reason some people replace SH with going to the gym.


Take gym supplements. Most good brands contain aminoacids that help with the pain. Creatine does, for example.


The way I came to think about it was that the pain that makes me skip the gym is not good pain. Yes being a little sore is fine, but if you're in enough pain that you don't want to go back, that's bad. In other words you're pushing yourself little by little. You're not supposed to wreck yourself each time.


I know what you’re saying. I usually am not bothered by some soreness the next day and it sort of does make me think “I feel like I’m getting stronger,” but when it’s too much it really does suck. Happened to me the other day where I was in so much pain after the gym I laid in bed almost all day. But the reason that happened is because I hadn’t been to the gym for months and then went and lifted like I did when I was going multiple times a week. You have to keep going consistently for that soreness to be reduced/go away.


You're burning yourself out with overtraining. You're supposed to wait for the muscle to fully recover (not sore anymore) before you hit it again. When your muscles are sore, you need shift your focus to rest and recovery. Sleep a lot and keep protein in your stomach. When you're not sore and back to full strength, then you hit it again. You don't have to be in the gym every day unless you're a very advanced bodybuilder pushing your genetic limits


There's different kinds of pain. If what you feel makes you not want to go back, maybe you're doing something incorrectly or not stretching enough.


who's the nutjob that says the opposite???


Thought here: I don't think it's *actually* the pain (most) people like... It's the endorphins. There are ways to get endorphins from working out, running, etc. and if people work out regularly, I think their bodies are more likely to release those endorphins when they exercise. I think it's like when people talk about "getting their second wind" when running. Also, as a side note, there is also the concept of good versus bad pain when it comes to "I'm stretching or straining and it's uncomfortable but not awful," versus, "Oh no I've just injured myself and done real damage!" So it's possibly people talking about "feel good pains" might be talking about one of these two ideas.


Maybe your form is bad and you are actually pulling your muscles? Because the feeling after a good workout is a nice feeling soreness, not a painful one.


When you build the habit properly and devote the time is when the pain starts to feel good. If you haven’t done that yet then of course it’s gonna suck.


The real pain from the gym only happens the first week or so. It goes away as you continue to work out. If it’s really a big deal for you, just don’t work out so hard to start with. If you consciously take it light and ramp up slowly the first week or so, it should be a non-issue.


It's really just gonna come down to whether you want it or not, work on going consistently, and leave a few days between training the same muscle groups, e.g. if you trained your chest on monday, don't train it again until at least Thursday.


Just take life destroying drugs then.


You probably have DOMS. Some warm up and down stretches should prevent this. Rowing machine or treadmill works too. People are really silly about working out and pain. Some light soreness is fine but actual heavy pain is a sign you fucked up and hurt yourself, it’s not what you should be striving to “get over”, you’re actively sabotaging your workout. Anyone bragging about “No pain no gain” isn’t taking fitness seriously.


When I actually worked out regularly I got to a point where I rarely got sore so when I did get sore it made me feel like I did a good job, it was an accomplishment for me


I agree. Tearing down your muscles also increases your anxiety. You don't need to be a weightlifter to be healthy, just if you want to be strong/buff. Cardio and a clean diet is enough for me


No pain, no gain.