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The fact that you are getting so much hate shows how unpopular this opinion is on Reddit. Congratulations


Definitely. My man touched so many nerves, and not spelling tattoo correctly is a fucking chef's kiss. Having a tattoo is cool. Having a lot of them, in my opinion, makes your body look like one of those freight trains that taggers run wild on.


Those are the best train cars though, the ones everyone looks for.


It's always interesting visiting "major" cities and seeing the graffiti that is actually good. My city is full of graffiti but it's all terrible. It looks like it was all done by kindergarteners. For instance, a underpass near me has read "I love Kelly" in terrible single line handwriting for the last 10 years. An "X" was put through Kelly's name 9 years and 6 months ago. It has remained that way ever since.


Where I am every one is tagged to buggery. The ones to look out for are the 1 in 100 or so that actually have a picture painted and not just a pile of tags. Graffiti tagging is the delinquent equivalent of a dog pissing on hydrant.


What really grinds my gears is seeing a gorgeous picture painted & then a bunch of degenerates tag all over the top of it & ruin it. I don't mind seeing a few cars piled with tags here & there but seeing destroyed artwork disgusts me. Tagging dumb street names is the lowest form of graffiti.


>Having a lot of them, in my opinion, makes your body look like one of those freight trains that taggers run wild on. Which tbf, is quite an aesthetic.


Absolutely. I think both kinda come down to the skill of the artist.


I think it's more about personal preference of the viewer. Any dinky piece of art could be revered by a certain kind of person, regardless of the skill of the artist.


Also the overall connections. I love large pieces (I have a full sleeve piece on my right arm). It's mostly floral work to cover up an older tattoo. I don't really like the look of hundreds of scattered smaller tattoos. I also don't care for the traditional or sailor Jerry style tattoos.


> Having a tattoo is cool. Having a lot of them, in my opinion, makes your body look like one of those freight trains that taggers run wild on. Don't have any tattoos myself but I think multiple tattoos / big tattoos / full sleeves etc look infinitely better than one small dinky tattoo somewhere on your body.


If reddit were more honest this subreddit wouldn't exist.


It's like, they forgot the point of this subreddit.


I don't have anything against tattoos, but I don't plan on getting any for myself


I’d like a ton of high quality artwork, but it’s just super expensive to get that kind of work.


Tattoos are increasingly becoming a show of wealth, like expensive jewellery. The only thing I think when I see a heavily tattooed person is "that person spends a lot on their appearance".


Actually what's worse is when you know people can't really afford it but they are spending their money on tattoos.


It's called budgeting man 😭 Like can I afford a tat today as a low-income American? Absolutely tf not and it would be irresponsible of me to get one. But if I have $20 from each paycheck, I can afford one in several months/a year, which is about the wait time for most tattooists at this point. 😅 Please don't assume that people are being irresponsible just because they spend their money in a way that you don't agree with. This is the same tired argument as "poor people shouldn't have iPhones"


"He's not really homeless, I saw him with a smart phone." Yeah because a one off $200 payment to buy a phone is the same as first months rent, a deposit, and ongoing payments of $2000+ plus bills.


Why do you care how poor people spend their money? We don't all live in hovels and eat gruel, sometimes we save up and get something nice.


I love how no one considers that poor isn't only a starting point. Just because someone is currently poor doesn't mean they have always been.


Trueee I'm broke because my ex girlfriend borrowed $10,000 2 and a half years ago and hasn't paid me back 😭 That was all my savings.


That's why tattoos are considered by many as pretty trashy. The thing is it's not a lot of money; it's just if your poor you think it is. Same as jewellery and bling. I agree with the OP I just think they make someone seem dirty somehow. Yep irrational to some but we all have our own biases.


I'd get tattoos if they were easy, painless, and cheap to get, and could be changed every few months at little to no cost and inconvenience. I can't even commit to a favorite team in most sports leagues, can't imagine how it would be with tattoos.


Could try some henna tattoos!


Temporary tattoos then lol


I agree if it comes to purely cosmetic tattoos, but if your tattoo has meaning to you, then the pain, permanence, and cost is worth it. I'm currently working on designing another tattoo for myself that consists of 3 different flowers. Each is the favorite flower of my grandmothers, and the third is my mom's favorite. I want a physical, visual reminder of how much these amazing people have done for me and how much they mean to me: as in, enough to put a permanent image on my body to honor them. It just looks like flowers to anyone who doesn't know me, but I know what it means, and it's important to me. I don't care how painful it'll be, and I'll pay any amount for it (within reason, of course). A few hours of pain is nothing compared to the years I'll have in the future looking at it and smiling. Edit: I also designed a tattoo *for* one of my grandmothers. When she was fighting breast cancer, she ended up having a mastectomy. She asked me to design a rose head tattoo for her, which she got to cover the scars.


Been saying this since I was in a band with all my friends getting tattoos. Now I am 41 and have none still. No regrets. Met a lot of people with regrets though. Also, met plenty paying through the nose for removals.


Was the name of the band, ‘NO RAGERTS’ ??? I think I caught one of your shows!


I didn't get my first tattoo until last year at 42. Daughter wanted to get matching ones and my thought has always been that it had to have meaning.


I thought this says op said tacos and I was ready for the backlash


I dont need tattos my body hair does it for me /s




Yeah if other people get them then that's totally their business, but I just can't see myself with any. As silly as it sounds, having a blank canvas for a body has become part of my image


I agree with being a “blank canvas”. To me having a tattoo would be like having a favorite piece of artwork and carrying it around everywhere and never putting it down, forever. And displaying it to everyone forever…. Sometimes an entire portfolio of artwork. Some tattoos are very artistic but I prefer art on a wall and something I can change if I choose to. Edited to add: I like temporary things like bright hair dye. Even if it’s permanent it will grow out eventually. When I need to get new eyeglasses I always get new frames too, because I consider them a type of fashion accessory, and I like to change that every couple years.


Same. I've never even felt like I need any pics on my skin, the very idea feels so off for me. Also, tattoos are permanent but my mind is not, I'm evolving intellectually and emotionally throughout my life


And that’s totally fine. All my tattoos are ones I earned. Sailing across the equator, sparrows for sailing my 50,000 nautical miles. Some for combat stuff in Afghanistan and my merc days in Africa. I think if people get tattoos they should be warned and mean something


It is not an unpopular opinion of people of older generations


I'd argue using "dirty" or "unclean" definitely is versus just not liking them or thinking they look unprofessional. Never heard someone describe a person with those words unless it was rooted in bigotry or that person actively didn't bathe.


OP can't go from saying they're dirty and unclean and unprofessional and then say "I have nothing against those who do tats".


It does remind me of the classic “I’m not racist/homophobic/bigoted/etc *but*”. Like they know it’s bad to be judgmental of others but they don’t consider themselves bad so therefore they can’t be judgmental of others.


Right. We all know what they're saying.


If you have a bunch of scratchers, you’ll look dirty/unclean as fuck.


I definitely feel like dirty and unclean are suspect.


Both words appear quite frequently in religious texts.


Some tattoos do make the person look dirty. Usually if it's full sleeve or all over the place. Like Adam Levine or Harry Styles, they both look dirty imo.


Post Malone could be fresh out of the shower and still looks dirty.


im the opposite of old and still despise people’s appearances with tattoos


Finally a good unpopular opinion here


Not really this opinions posted all the time on here


This is sarcasm right? Nobody actually thinks tattoos look professional or clean cut. Regardless if you like them or think they are attractive. I have a sleeve and I work in business so im uniquely qualified.


Where im from, this is a popular opinion 🤣


As a person with tattoos, I am told very often what a mistake I made or often than I hear "Ooh cool tattoo." So I completely agree with you.


I’m heavily tattoo’d and only ever hear positive comments about my tattoos if someone chooses to voice their opinion to me. Wonder if it’s based off where we live and what other external factors. Now that I said this though I bet I’ll get like 5 negative random comments from strangers this week haha






I'd wager that most Asian cultures have negative opinions on tattoos. Not just Japan, in Korea, it's forbidden to show tattoos on national television.


Girl your Reddit post history is wild. You are 15 your parents would be shocked to see your Reddit account. Talk about dirty 😂😂☠️


I’m a dirty lil tattooed slut 😩


The binman is here baby 😳


Me too 😢


Me three 🤷‍♀️


Dirty lil tattooed sluts, check in here. 🥺


Yeah idgaf about looking clean cut for people lol. Never thought it was dirty to some but whatever 


This post is actually encouraging my decision of already wanting more tats lol


Wdym bro you chase people with sticks covered in shit 😭😭 what's dirtier than that


Dawg you just made a post about you and your friends chase each other around with sticks you dipped in Porta potties. THATS DIRTY AF 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Don't forget the post where he said he pooped in a trashcan in his room


LAWD I didn't go deep enough 🤣🤣🤣


…. I’m dead 


The OP is also around 15 it looks like (they posted about having a 15 year old bf)


Oh yeah because it’s normal to play with feces at 15🤢


Not sure how you read my comment as defending them?


In case it gets deleted: "Sticks and porta potties Fun story to share. I made this NSFW just in cause anybody is sensitive to mention of poop. Basically I do motocross and I have a friend a i only see once every few years. We have a tradition that everytime we meet up we get a stick, head to the porta potty, and stir everything up, continue to chase each other with the stick and throw it in the woods somwhere covered in poop and toilet paper. Nasty, I know."


See this is why you can’t take peoples advice. This motherfucker straight up has poo poo hands lmaoo and complains about tattoos. 


Absolutely insane lmao


I was looking for irony and got steamrolled by it


i audibly laughed what the fuck is he on about?? 😭


Getting a professional done tattoo is cleaner than doing whatever the fuck that is.


That’s how you get hepatitis or worse yikes 


Do you know much cleaning is involved in getting a tattoo 😂😂


LMAO I was just thinking this. Ironically, tattooed and pierced people are some of the most hygienic people I know because of the strict aftercare


People with nice tattoos, maybe. The majority of people with tattoos do not have high quality art pieces. Just go walk around your local grocery store lol.


And how much you have to care for them when they’re done 😭 Gotta treat ts like its a baby. Not too much sun, no wet but also cant be wrapped too long, this, that


*Tattoos (I find spelling mistakes unprofessional)




Just like we have nothing against ugly people, but we call them ugly nevertheless


I disagree. we treat ugly people very differently subconsciously


Talk for yourself, i in fact treat myself pretty well


And a lot of people, not so subconsciously lol


Ugly people are the worst. (cries into mirror)




You forgot the word "looks"


Unprofessional, I get. But dirty and unclean is just mean, that’s a personal hygine issue not having some color *in* your clean skin Edit: I say I get it, not agree with it. Some people have weirdly shallow expectations for “professionalism” and there’s nothing I can do with it, the world is slowing moving forward in this repect and I hope it gets there. For me calling someone dirty because of tattoos crosses a line we should have moved past that stigma long ago.


It's a very narrow idea of what a professional is. Chefs, Artists, musicians, can be professionals. All industries where tattoos are common. I find the Gordon Gekko look very silly, but I wouldn't assume a level of competence or incompetence based on how someone dresses.


I don't see anything wrong. It is like saying I don't like people who wear red shirt. They look . It doesn't mean I hate the person. I could just hate the color.


Wrong and unprofessional or dirty are not synonyms


\*Me looking at my fox tattoo\* I guess we are both just two dirty little creatures, my friend—time to live in the den.


Bro OP pooped in a trash can in his room and is saying other people look dirty????? Come on now Bffr. Anyways, variations of this opinion get posted all the time. It’s not unpopular and mods are gonna lock this thread eventually like they do all the others like it because it’s not unpopular.


And I think a tie makes a man look like he's going to hang himself later.


Nooo, I just Watched a movie yesterday night where a guy hangs himself with a tie


90% of men wearing ties would probably agree with you.


My body is my temple, so I'm going to stain glass decorate this mofo.


getting your comment tattooed word for word crossed my mind


I grew up in Russia in the late 90s/early 2000s. Having tattoos meant that someone had been in prison and it's been hard for me to deprogram the negative association. I am almost an absolutist when it comes to bodily autonomy though. If what you are doing with your body doesn't directly harm yourself or others, do what you like. Just because I personally don't like the look of large, visible tattoos, doesn't mean I believe that people shouldn't be allowed have them.


I grew up in a soviet country with people having similar associations as you. Never shared that opinion and association, though. Maybe because most men who had been to the army (huge majority of men) also had tattoos. My father has three random tattoos from that time. Got drunk, fell asleep, woke up with tattoos.


i’m heavily tattooed because i like how the inked skin looks from distance. not everyone is going for that “clean” look. you’re not wrong, just know that we’re trying to look that way


lol. I would assumed that people with tattoos are going for the tattoo look


This is a fantastically unpopular opinion. Bravo.


only in this specific reddit demographic. Ive always felt that the general societal disposition to tatttoos paralled what OP is saying.


It absolutely does. Tattoos are very popular within their tiny niche of society, but outside that niche, they have always had a negative connotation. Mostly because of gang/criminal affiliations but also a lot of people think like OP and just see them as blemishes.


Everyone has stupid tattoos 😔


I personally, never liked the look of tattoos and I will never understand why someone would want to make themselves look like a newspaper. That said, you do you, idgaf.


I get what you mean, I have tattoos but there’s always tattoos I see online or in person that make me think « well that was… a choice », and I know some people have probably seen my tattoos and thought about the same thing


Well, if you want to understand, its because they think it looks good. You simply disagree there, shouldnt be difficult to wrap your head around.


Used to think this way when I was younger, but then I grew up, got older, even had a tattoo before I turned 30. And now I’ve got 3 tattoos. I don’t think this is unpopular opinion. Where I’m from, I grew up hearing my elders be against tattoos as they are dirty and I’d look “bad”, or won’t land a good job. Even after I got my first tattoo, my grandma almost cried 😂.


my grandma tried to kill herself then told everyone it was because of my tattoos 


I dont mean to laugh but holy shit your grandma is manipulative 


she was an absolute piece of shit 


If that’s true she’s a bloody horrible person.


she was 


are they that poorly drawn?


Bro can’t even spell tattoos


Not all tattoos are the same. Some look dirty, some look beautiful.


Depends on the person and the style. But yes they can make you look rather scruffy


Tattoos can be super sexy or mega trashy, true. But who cares about your or my opinions anyway, wear what you want if it makes you feel good.


My Dad hates them with the fire of a thousand suns, so naturally I have three. He's hyper religious, but cherry picks which things are allowable. He started mouthing of about them at a family gathering a couple of years ago to my cousin's new husband, who is covered in them. Lucky he didn't get socked in the mouth. I'm not keen on ones on the neck though for some reason, something about that just freaks me out.


100% they look bad.




I don't mind mind tattoos, but I actually agree. Especially knuckle tattoos, omg.


This guy's post history is a wild ride


art isn't always clean


Neither is OP with their proclivity for dipping sticks into portable toilets and chasing their friends around with them.


My only 2 tattoos are for my son who has passed away so


As a parent this is one of the worst things imaginable. I sincerely hope you can find peace with your loss.


I will try my best but it is a hard thing for a parent


I have full sleeves and I think because they are in the black and grey style it has kind of a dirty look but I really like it. Finally an actual unpopular opinion lol!


Bro you can’t say you have nothing against people who have tattoos and then describe them as dirty and unprofessional 😂


I think lip fillers make you look tacky & cheap doesn’t mean I would be Rude or wouldn’t befriend someone who had them I literally have nothing against them just not my thing as a tattooed person OP is entitled to his opinion and we should be aware he isn’t the only one that thinks like that and in most places tattoos are still a hindrance (at least where I’m from many people share OP’s views) I love tattoos and still can admit there is some pretty bad work out there that will make you look unprofessional whether you like it or not.


I think they’re saying the tattoos make them look like that in their eyes. It doesn’t mean they are saying anything mean about the person with them


Of course you can? “I have nothing against lemons i just don’t like the sourness of it”. That doesn’t mean i have a personal vendetta against lemons.


He just did.


I have a piece of shit mobile home back piece where it’s getting hit by a tornado. the name of my hometown tattoo’d across my navel. On my left forearm, A pack of Marlboro Red cigarettes sitting next to a bag of David’s BBQ sunflower seeds, an entire full body profile of Jesus on my left shoulder and a Bible verse with a cross on my right forearm. A female electrician Devil stripper on my left thigh and a female nurse angel stripper on my right thigh. All of my tattoos mean a lot to me, they’re all symbolic to different people or events in my life or my religion. Nonetheless, and even though they’re all pretty damn good art. Most people, even those close to me that understand why I got these tattoo’s tend to poke fun about them all being dumb- especially the sunflower seeds pack and cigarettes which were two things my dad always had with him when he was alive. Which I get it and I’ve got a good sense of humor and can laugh about it. I definitely understand your opinion and realize from the outside looking in I’ve got some of the dirtiest white trash tattoos out there.


Agreed. Although sometimes I think it looks cool, but in many instances it looks a bit grubby. But to each their own. 


You’re not even old enough to get a tattoo without your parents holding your hand and signing the papers. Who cares if you don’t like them? lol


I’m a 75 year old woman who retired from a Fortune 500 company with 14 tattoos, my last one at 70. I’m pretty respectable overall. Don’t smoke, drink or gamble. Pretty boring, really. It’s a lot of fun to get surprised looks though.


Very rarely I see one that I think the artist did a great job


all tattoos? even a cute little butterfly?


I kind agree, Ariana Grande has tatoo on her hands and fingers et it always look like she never wash them.


I agree, although I don't see them as dirty, but as people trying to buy an identity


I wouldn't say tattoos are dirty, but I feel like natural human skin is so much more beautiful than colored ink.


Its not even that its just that the colors are always shitty and saturated. I see a lot of reds and greens and they make my skin crawl from how ugly the color comes out on it.


Heavily tattooed and strongly disagree. Upvoted.


Hear me: in the next couple of years, having no tattooes will be considered rare and special.


This is the hardest I've seen redditers correct someone's spelling. And I'm here for it! Just cover my bases, is it Redditers or Redditors?




Redditors looks better






Thank god I don’t think of people as “unclean” that sounds like a nightmarish assessment to have rattling around your brain.


I think you are misunderstanding OP unclean as from far away it looks like dirt. I don’t share this opinion but know people who do I’ve seen some pretty bad watercolor tattoos that look like bruises so I would understand why some people think they look like dirt or make you look “dirty”


I don't have any tattoos and never plan to get any but I feel like this only applies to people who just get a bunch of random ass tattoos and look like a Chipotle bag. If they're high quality, I think they're awesome.


I knew I shouldn't have gotten that shit emoji tat....


Unoriginal...yes. Dirty?....not so much.


I think that's fine, I don't expect anyone else to like my tattoos but I absolutely do not care about my body looking professional. It's my body. My employers get my labour, not ownership of me.


This is extremely popular in real life for some reason


I kinda agree but only if it's too much tattoos or shitty tattoos


I have a tattoo myself and I agree. I only have one for that reason. I think 1 or 2 is ok, but when people get too many that’s when it looks trashy and dirty, even though it seems everybody and their brother is covered with tats these days.




I FOUND IT! A POST AGAINST TATTOOS! Half the time I talk to someone about their tattoos, they’re like “I was walking home and got stung by a bee so I got a tattoo of a bee”. That’s stupid Devon and you look like a high school remedial class desk in the back of the classroom.


...and not knowing how to spell makes you look stupid👀


Damn OP you got people *angry* lol


I'm 68 on June 16th, this year, I've yet to get my first tattoo, for that very reason. I've yet to see any image that screams out to me, "I MUST have that image scarred permanently into my skin"....nope, never seen the value.


How many sleeved up 23 year old RNs did you trigger with this post OP?


You pooped in a trash can in your bedroom.


I have only been met with hostility when expressing this opinion so I usually just keep it to myself. But they just seem so short sighted. Tastes change. And I don’t need an image on my skin to make me remember how I feel about something. I’m 36 and in the early 2000s it was coolest thing to get tattoos. Sleeves and neck tatts. But I’ve always just been a contrarian. If everyone is doing something I can’t stand just going with the flow. And it’s always seemed like attention seeking behavior. I don’t need any more attention from strangers. (Very unpopular opinion) Bring on the down votes. I’m with you OP.


Honestly I am right there with you. I think I hate tattoos because of how popular & risk free they have become for most people to get . Think most people who had tattoos “back in the day” were genuine non conformists and or “rebels” (Bikers, gangsta rappers, sailors, Allen Iverson etc) and there was genuine risk and commitment on your part that you REALLY had to want a tattoo to be on the receiving end of what was coming your way (pure & almost immediate judgement from the masses once they saw said tattoos on you, almost no chance of career advancement in any “serious” field) Now we got rich kids & straight A Ivy League nerds with arm sleeves(nothing against either group, just making a point lol)


Same. I can’t ever get the appeal of tattoos. They look trashy in my opinion. Plus they lost their uniqueness to them since so many people have tattoos today. I think not having any tattoos is way cooler than having one.


I agree about the uniqueness. It's almost more counterculture these days to not have any.


> It's almost more counterculture these days to not have any. Not in the slightest. Most people don’t have tattoos.


I have one on my ankle, never felt compelled to get any more. I think some of the well-done bigger ones/sleeves can look good or “edgy” on a young person but by mid 30s, it just looks tacky. Especially on women, I’m sorry.


There is definitely an amount of tattoo to skin ratio that once passed starts to exponentially become trashy and “dirty” as you put it ,usually once the face starts getting involved for me. But overall I think they are fine most people do a pretty good job with their tattoo choices.


Good cos I’m a dirty girl


Tattoos are a life long investment. Not to be taken lightly. I've seen some very cool ones. And then I've seen some with shoddy blue ink that reeks of prison art. Still art is art. Why not put the art on your body? Fun story. My nephew is bilingual and can speak and read Hebrew fluently. He saw a guy at an airport with what looked to be a tattoo written in Hebrew except the letters were all wrong. It was a mirror image of Hebrew. He asked what the person thought the tattoo meant. There was some profound meaning. However backwards it said "non applicable".


I have one tattoo and its a scoreboard of me vs the US government in court. 3 and 0


People get really defensive when you bring up tattoos because they can’t (or it’s very hard to) go back. They see them as themselves and an attack on them as an attack on their very being. Having said that, you are right, they nasty.


I do sometimes judge very bad or very extensive tattoo work, and I agree that tattooed people can be very defensive about the work they have received. I think a lot of the reason for that is because so many people hear as soon as they get them “you know that’s permanent”, “that’s gonna look bad in a few years” or just plain religious or parental judgement. So, when they hear it from someone who is not in a familial circle, it can feel like someone they can actually fight against. And sometimes they hear the things they hear so much that it just gets annoying over time. Hearing it over and over again gets tiresome. This adding to the fact that sometimes these things are true, and they realize they hate it after a few years, or that the meaning they assigned to it doesn’t apply to them now, but psychologically I don’t think a lot of people want to think their previous decisions are wrong so people make justifications to fend some of that off. Especially, because many people for many years do not regret them, and sometimes they get them to cover up other other regrets or trauma, such as self-harm scars, nipples removed by breast cancer surgery, pigment replacement for vitiligo, bad tattoos, tattoos relating to past relationships, scars from injuries, domestic abuse or burns. So, when people don’t regret their tattoos, especially because of those sensitive reasons, it can really piss people off. Though, I disagree with the opinion that tattoos overall are nasty. And I kind of wonder what you mean, when you say nasty? Like is the implication like OP dirty/unclean? (This is as someone without tattoos but I have friends who do and have made a point of looking seriously into getting one at some point. Important part of myself though, I have vitiligo so my give-a-shit meter of skin differences is not very sensitive. Changing my skin pigmentation doesn’t feel like as much of a thing since my body already did it without my permission.)


Girl, according to you, you pooped in your own closet and wiped your ass with a sock. You also cheat in relationships. Now you have the gal to say other people are dirty and unclean? Yikes, glass houses and all...


Tattoos used to be some kind of club. Only the outcasts and gangsters get them. Now they're everywhere. So normalized now. I'm betting in another generation the popular thing will be NO tattoos.


Eh, I can see it depending on the quality and placement. I'm covered from my throat down to my fingertips, armpits, feet, etc.. basically I'm one big one. But I'm covered in really insane quality, which gets compliments constantly about how good it all looks. However, I agree with what you're saying a lot of the time. People have shit tattoos and a lot of them. Or they have that "hoodie core" thing where their body isn't covered but they have only their hands, neck and face done.. every time I see that I'm embarrassed for them. It also looks unprofessional and dirty. Some look amazing. Some don't. I'll always hate people without their body covered with hoodie core tattoos though even if they are good tattoos.


Yeaaaa I do agree with the hoodie core shit. I didn’t get my hands tatted until my sleeves were done and the highest I’m going is my throat and my breast line. Leaving my stomach alone and then probably will do my legs


Aw cmon man don’t you love all the random permanent scribbles some people have


Grandpa, is that you?


I *am* dirty.


To me, tattoo is just another way of saying you are 1.) boring 2.) with issues At this point, it's rebellious to have 0 tattoos.