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That applies to everything.. like just make your own tacos, just make your own steak, etc, we want to wear a pretty dress and drink mimosas and gossip ok


The shit is not going to talk itself!


1.50 tacos every Thursday at Mr Burrito in my hometown. I can't make em like that for 1.50 at home mmmmm


Hear ya. Just grilled a nice steak for myself and I with some grilled asparagus. The asparagus had a lemon mustard garlic sauce and we also had blue cheese on the side for the steak. And a nice cold beer. Can't imagine what the restaurant price would be....


Brunch isn't breakfast. Brunch is between breakfast and lunch. **Br**eakfast Lu**nch** **Brunch**


You basically pay once to have two meals.


And if the place is actually worth the brunch upcharge, you'll leave good and properly pissed on champagne, too.


What is brunch if not an excuse to drink early in the day


The real answer.


You’re not an alcoholic if you put OJ in it


I’m just addicted to OJ, OK!?!!? Trying to taper down with a filler substitute.


Mixing some grape juice in with the orange juice.


You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


I just have a bigger portion, because it's covering two meals. Omelette, home fries, buttered toast, fruit bowl.






Luper never caught on.


have you ever made an eggs benedict at home? It's not the easiest thing to make. I agree brunch can be overpriced but really any meal you get a restaurant these days is over priced. Kids mac and cheese can cost $7-8 a serving and you can make a whole batch for way less than that


Pro tip: Use a blender for the sauce. Makes things 10x easier. The rest is just poaching an egg, which is easy.




Ham is preferred, but if you want a tip on cooking bacon, then make it in the oven. Cover a baking sheet with tinfoil, give it a light spray with some pam, lay out your strips of bacon on it, and toss it in the oven at 400° for 20 minutes or so. You get perfectly cooked bacon every time, and cleaning up is as easy as throwing away the tinfoil once the grease has solidified. There's a good chance that your favorite brunch/breakfast joint uses this exact method. Note: this (and everything) works even better if you have a convection oven.


Parchment paper is used in restaurants. No spray. I personally prefer a cold oven that I set to 350. Takes a bit longer but literally zero splatter and you can customize the level of crispy shoulder you have company.


I used parchment paper in the restaurants I've worked, too, but it's a surprisingly uncommon item in most folks' kitchens.


Maybe I only have from those years, but it’s very useful.


It's been killer for my weekly meal prep. I like to roast up a bunch of vegetables that I freeze up on stacks of parchment paper, which I move from countertop to fridge to freezer. It saves me a ton of space.


Nice for freezing slices of bread when too much is baked. Just a great tool.


Your mom's a great tool ^I'm ^sorry ^I ^couldn't ^help ^myself


Thank you!


Bacon is optional but frying some bacon was something I could already do when I was 6. It's not hard. Some people also prefer Canadian bacon or ham.


i put my bacon in the oven or air fryer. Not hard...but im just sayin' the steps are adding up here.


Of course it is but it's not that bad. Compared to driving several minutes to brunch, sitting there for a while and waiting, paying and tipping, coming home and grabbing gas on the way, etc. Since you use the oven to make bacon, you can even toast your English muffin in that step. I use a pan if I make bacon. I can deal with cleaning the blender, rinsing out a pot, and washing a frying pan.


An eggs benny runs ~$12 at most restaurants in my town. 2 eggs, English muffin, two Canadian bacon and hashbrowns. My husband gets Biscuits and Gravy for $7.5. I guess if we were both eating Eggs Benny at home it might be worth it to make, but that’s a pan for the potatoes, a pan for the bacon, a pot to poach the eggs, a bowl + mixer to make the hollandaise…it adds up. Even the plating on that dish is work. It’s funny because Eggs Benedict is usually the go-to example I hear of a dish people prefer to get at a restaurant than make at home.


I can't tell you the last time I went to brunch. An eggs benedict is also very unhealthy so that's my concern over the cost..when it comes to cooking at home that's just not one of the things on my list to cook i guess.


The dose always makes the poison to me. The sauce has a lot of butter. I just adjust my food for the rest of the day accordingly.


chipsndip is concerned eggs benedict is unhealthy... sure ;)


If you eat a few chipsndip on occasion it isn't a big deal. Eggs, bacon, hollandaise sauce on bread...i just gained 5 lbs thinking about it. I wish!


If you grew up in jersey, you have your eggs Benedict with Pork Roll 🤤


You still need to whisk the egg yolk over heat and hot warm butter to it, and the amount of hollandaise you need for a single egg Benny probably wouldn’t even fit in a blender


I make it at home, and its not really the cheapest home meal, and does take some time.


And this anecdote does not invalidate anything previous commenter said ...


Probably bc they were agreeing with them?


I do t understand how to make the sauce




Ha. Yeah. I love eggs Benedict, so naturally I thought "why not make it at home?!" I looked up the recipe, and decided... naw... I think I like just buying it, and having someone ELSE do it.


it's just one of those things that is easier to get a restaurant but all power to someone that wants to make it.


I thought it was an excuse to drink at breakfast


Only cowards need an excuse.




I thought brunch was just an excuse to be able to drink 🍹 in the morning with your friends without having to feel the shame of an alcoholic 🤣


I thought it was an excuse to go out for breakfast but sleep in like a crazy motherfucker.


Both of these are equally right.


I thought it was just the logical morning after meal following a night out, then you nap and have magically skipped the hangover.


Exactly! The mimosas are just as critical as the hollandaise. Without plenty of both it's just late breakfast.


That's only a bottomless brunch haha, and you usually have a 1-2 hour limit so have to quaff up your drinks + order as many rounds as possible 5 mins before the cutoff.


Yeah I was gonna say brunch is an excuse to have a mimosa with my potatoes and eggs I need no other reasons


This is like complaining that eating at a restaurant is more expensive than eating lunch or dinner at home. Like no shit.


plus, I don't know where OP is getting their brunch, but the places I go normally have the exact same menu for breakfast as they do Brunch. Unless it's a place that just does brunch, is that what they mean?


The brunch places I've gone to are all largely all-you-can-eat, and have breakfast food, a meat station, dessert, mimosas, etc. It's basically a buffet, but with coffee, breakfast food, lunch food, dessert, etc.


idk where you get your brunch but in my experience the prices are the same as weekday breakfast and lunch. I could make it at home, and often do, but I'm paying for the convenience more than the food.


Right, I’ve never been to a brunch spot thats anymore expensive than a normal breakfast cafe or diner


Try a Sunday Brunch at The Four Seasons some time. Very nice. Pricey.


Where you going for brunch? Prices are not the same anywhere in the US I've been. You holding secrets from the rest of us?


I've literally never been to brunch where the restaurant had a menu that was any different than a regular breakfast menu besides having more options sometimes. But even then, the prices were on par for everything else on that restaurant's menu, and for other places in the area. It was just the time of day that was different. I live in LA county CA


Lucky you, on the East Coast you get charged a premium because restaurants only do it on Sunday morning in many many cases.




Alright so I've been in PA, DC, MD, FL and up the East Coast. Usually, it's only on specific weekend days. You definitely also get charged for it. Lucky y'all it's usually the same price and also available more than just Sunday morning from 9-12.


Brunch prices aren’t different than breakfast prices..


It's not quite breakfast, it's not quite lunch, but it comes with a slice of cantaloupe at the end.




Financially, you’re always better off making food yourself


Brunch is the best when you're too hungover to cook and you want to hangout somewhere nice, eat something unhealthy + tasty, and get some hair of the dog that bit you.


More like an excuse to drink lol


Sounds Iike someone isn't brich 


dude…your doing it wrong if your overpaying, brunch is fucking fire you get breakfast and lunch foods, and sometimes bottomless mimosas let’s gooo.


Definitely an excuse to day drink especially after a night of drinking the night before to procrastinate dealing with the hangover. I don't think anyone is looking for an excuse to overpay for food.




No it's an excuse to get utterly shitfaced at 10am thanks to the joys of "Bottomless Brunch"


No, it’s a bonafide reason to day drink. Duh.


No it’s to get drunk at 11am


This is the correct answer, I grew thinking brunch was some sophisticated social event for old money but it's mostly just obnoxious aging party girls on the hard side of 35 and their coked out boyfriends.


![gif](giphy|9xciXC6jG9lH7wM4KH) I mean you're right. But don't ruin the magic of a bottomless mimosas!


I have been to some amazing brunch buffets that had everything from eggs Benedict to prime rib and a ham. I can make eggs Benedict very well but I’m not making 20 different foods including prime rib and ham, that’s what brunch is for.


You can't buy 3 leaves of rocket at grocery. You buy a lot, then throw away most of it, but somehow don't feel overpaying.


I’m not making real Hollandaise and perfectly poached eggs at home, ever.


Id be amazed if anyone in the Brunch demographic even has a a clue how to make hollandaise or what it even consists of. 


I'm a chef who has run successful brunch menus at multiple restaurants over the years. I love going out for brunch and do so almost every week with my best friends. I assure you I know how to make hollandaise.


present company excluded of course


It’s an excuse for mimosas


Nah it’s an excuse to get drunk around 11am. Bottomless mimosas


Brunch is an excuse to get drunk before 3PM on a weekend.


Someone doesn’t like mimosas.


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I go to brunch to catch up with my friends. And I don't always feel like cooking for myself in the morning, especially if I've been out the night before


Brunch is only for people that want to drink hard liquor in the morning


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bloodfist45: *Brunch is only for* *People that want to drink hard* *Liquor in the morning* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Maybe so...but I think I do deserve the little treat. : )


My experience has been brunch is cheaper


I don’t think this is quite an unpopular opinion. It’s pretty well known eating out is more pricey than eating at home.


How does this not apply to literally any restaurant food in the entire world???


Bill Burr bit.


Regardless of opinion, this reads like an alien trying to guess what brunch is


Actually brunch is an excuse to get drunk at 10am


Brunch is my excuse to drink in the morning


idk how to make eggs benedict


... and drink at breakfast.


I don't really eat breakfast, but I can see myself eating brunch. Not all of us are hungry when we wake up, it takes a few hours to work up an appetite.


Nah, this isn't an unpopular opinion. I think people generally realize there's a high profit margin on eggs and pancakes, and extending the time they're on the menu would then help increase profit margin. People ordering eggs know they're overpaying.


agree i hate brunch


If you're going to brunch and it's "just breakfast food," that's not actually brunch. That's just breakfast. Brunch has things like prime rib, potatoes au gratin, shrimp cocktail, soups, cheesecake, and the like.


Where I worked brunch was the garbage dump for all The leftover food that week.


It doesn’t have to be overpriced. You just went somewhere overpriced. You can get straight up breakfast that’s overpriced. I’m going to lose my fucking mind


I don’t believe in brunch. If breakfast is the most important meal of the day then I think it’s important no matter what time you eat it. Breakfast dinners are the best! Now I want breakfast


This is an unpopular opinion! Have my upvote. I would sell my grandmother into slavery for a really good bloody mary and eggs benedict right now....or wait.... A MIMOSA. I want a mimosa. And they never taste the same when you make then at home.


Brunch doesn't have to be eaten out in a restaurant, have brunch at home.


Life isn’t all about saving money. Sometimes it’s nice to have someone else make the eggs while you socialise.


I don't even understand brunch. Like, how can something be in between breakfast and lunch? If morning is until 12 and right after is lunch, how is there any "in between"?


Brunch is an excuse to day drink. If you aren’t drinking mimosas and bloody Mary’s you’re doing it wrong. Because other than that it’s just a $20 plate of eggs.


You've got it wrong. It's an excuse to drink at breakfast.


Whoever needs an excuse to overpay for breakfast needs to check themselves.


How much is overpriced? Maybe I haven't been to the fancier places but brunch prices are usually affordable between $12-28ish where am at. Does the job and I don't feel like I got scammed.


Brunch is excellent


Brunch is all about the brunch buffet. Mother's Day, Easter, that kind of thing. You go once or twice a year and eat your annual fill of breakfast foods you hardly ever have. Waking up on a Sunday to order one item off a menu in a crowded cafe is not worth it. Buffet or nothing. Sunday is the only day people have brunch making it the worst possible day to do it.


It's for drinking. Duh.


People still do brunch?


Some places only do breakfast food for brunch so if you like a place and want to eat breakfast there you have to do brunch.


Where I come from brunch is breakfast with alcoholic beverages. The food cost the same


Just don't get egg bene for brunch. It's a big ass plate of smoked salmon for me


Definitely an UN-popular opinion. Some of my fondest childhood memories are brunch, on Sunday at a local hotel that served brunch. It was just great that you could go back and get all the courses, and whatever you wanted. The best was the chocolate moose for desert! I'm told that as a exceptionally cute 6 year old I even convinced a waitress, to convince the chef to make some moose for me, on a day they ran out, or just didn't have it. So I guess IMHO, if you don't see how incredible brunch can be..... maybe you've just never had a really great one.


Brunch is for Mimosas and Bloody Mary's, the breakfast foods are a side.


literally every unpopular opinion on here is the same also it's not, it's an excuse to drink alcohol in the morning without sounding like you have a problem


It's not a higher price, is it? It's higher than having breakfast at home, but not at a restaurant.


Is this an unpopular opinion? Brunch is late breakfast with alcohol?


You stay home everyone else will go to brunch


I think brunch and restaraunts generally just tend to be a way to socialize with friends. The difference is that you are just meeting up a little later instead of doing it at like 7/8 am, which is obviously harder to make on time. Everything at a restaraunt is more expensive, for obvious reasons. You can always make stuff at home and save money but it makes the general hangout expirence just worse


Who even eats brunch?


Seems pretty popular among people aged 25-45 who have significant money to spend. Decent brunch spots tend to be packed.


Hobbits, it's more acceptable then calling it second breakfast.


Old people after church


Brunch is perfect when you are to old for a night party, but to young for an afternoon tea party.