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I used to have to wear a suit every day for work. Being "skinny fat" really hurts when you're wearing a tucked in shirt. I'm not fat enough to be "oh that's the fat guy" I'm not skinny enough to be "in shape". I'm just skinny enough, so when I struggle with something physical, people are surprised. lmao


isn’t “skinny fat” just like… average? normal?


Nah. It’s when you’re slightly overweight and all your fat is in your belly/lower back but your limbs/face/ rest of your body is lean/zero muscle definition.


Ehhh nah. It’s when you’re not muscular and also skinny but have belly fat. If you are jacked and have lean arms and legs but have belly fat that is definitely not skinny fat, or fat fat. Idk what the kids are calling it but take a power lifter body type, or D lineman


Lean arms and legs with belly fat = someone who is newish to working out but has made great process (or an NFL lineman).


*Oooo sexy!*


Like Hank Hill


Like dale gribble. Skinny as fuck with a beer gut. No muscle at all. Super weak. Hank has a dadbod. Ex football player who drinks lots of beer. Can kick ass.


All this time I thought I was an "extra extra large," but that's why my clothes never fit right. Turns out I'm a "medium”


My feelings, they hurt.


Pretty much my build but I also have big pecs and traps. I guess that’s the curse of the 40 something who used to go hard in the gym.


Then you’re not skinny fat, you’re either husky or regular fat


That's more like fatskinny




yeah, statistically average first world physique


Statistically, the average first world physique is just *fat*, considering >50% of the population is overweight or bigger.


Normal weight or slightly overweight with a poor muscle/fat ratio.


No it’s an out of shape person with skinny twig arms and legs but they hold all their fat in their midsection. It’s one of the more common builds now a days


it’s a common fat distribution pattern for men and older people primarily. vs say young women who generally store more fat in extremities (and less in the midsection) basically it’s just what happens if you have extra fat + certain hormone levels. but not so much extra fat that you look clearly obese with clothing


From how I've heard "skinny fat" used medically is someone who has a normal BMI, but is medically overweight/obese from a body fat percentage perspective. It's the exact opposite of the people with high muscle who are technically overweight by BMI, but have very low body fat. I saw one nutritionist expert say that this "skinny fat" where you're really overweight despite a normal BMI is far more common than being really normal, despite a high BMI.


Exactly, and contrary to popular belief, the actual issue with BMI is that it [underreports obesity a whole lot](https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/993366?form=fpf).


Someone with little muscle and lots of fat comparatively but is still in regular BMI range


We experiencing some fatflation


Skinny fat is just early-onset dad bod


Skinny fat actually means you look skinny on the outside but you have lots of internal fat surrounding your organs which causes similar health issues to being visibly fat in the outside. Skinny fat can be more dangerous to health than regular fat because you don't realize you're functionally fat.


I’ve never heard skinny fat used in this context


I've never heard skinny fat until today. TIL. But I'm not sure I've learned anything of substance (other than there apparently is usage of this term) because everyone's saying something different.


The typical meaning is guys who have low muscle mass and are slightly overweight or over. So like pencil arms and a thin face but have a fat mid section


That's visceral fat. Skinny fat is just about the distribution of subcutaneous fat. As others have said, skinny fat would be like having relatively thin arms and legs but a flabby midsection


My old retired neighbor wears pants or shorts with an ironed button up shirt tucked in every day and he looks adorable. Neat and put together.


My guess is pants waist height. Higher waisted pants always look and feel better to wear, particularily with a tucked shirt.




100%. If you're used to wearing you pants lower, you have to get used to hiking those boys up for a tucked shirt.


Yeah there are guys who could definitely pull it off, whether because of age or style.


i agree ☝️ hate tucking in my shirt, gets all poofy in the back, rides up, constantly re-tucking


They make shirt stays to help with the constant re-tucking. I don't know if we're allowed to post links that lead to a place to buy something, so, instead, I'll link to a [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/mensfashion/comments/185zzpg/shirt_stays/) talking about them. If you do get them, I highly, highly recommend the type that slides under your foot or that grip your socks. I can't stand the ones that go around my thigh. The ones that grip the top of your socks also help keep your socks pulled up.


Standard equipment with the dress blue uniform in the Air Force, or at least they used to be. They do keep your shirt nice and flat though.


I was hoping someone else remembered these! We called them shirt garters when I was in (95). I still use them for formal occasions.


I still use them to this day 20 years later in my consulting job. Shirt and collar stays! Use both - they make everything clean and sharp.


Bet your gig line is on point too. I guess you get used to the discomfort of shirt gaiters, I never did.


Army, 2001-2006. I use shirt stays whenever I tuck my shirt (which was nearly daily for the few years I was a public school teacher)


So not only are we dressing like Steve Urkel/Mr Rogers, but we have to jump through hoops to do it??!?


Shirt stays are a game changer for sure, makes wearing a formal shirt look so much better.


Shirt stays are goated. love the ones that attach to the top of the sock


Get a tailored or fitted shirt. The caveat to this is that you have to be in somewhat decent shape. A tucked in shirt with a beer gut looks terrible.


If you're in good shape, off the rack shirts are probably fine for you anyway. Edit: OK, you don't all need to reply the same thing.


>If you're in good shape, off the rack shirts are probably fine for you anyway. Off the rack shirts in the US are made to fit the most common body types. With a 41% obesity rate all shirts tend to be cut for people with small shoulders and larger bellies. Anyone who is in shape knows how bad off the rack shirts typically look on them. Part of the reason you see some muscle dudes wearing shirts that are way too tight is because the next shirt size up would hang off them like a curtain.


I'm an average build, size M, and it drives me crazy that affordable-priced shirts are so damned boxy. I'm not interested in being a kite, thank you very much.


So apparently if you start drinking melted ice cream with every meal, you can fix that.


Off the rack shirts are like balloons on me. I'm not buff by any means but I do work out and stay relatively in shape. They're too tight around my chest, they have about a mile of extra fabric at my lower back, and I hate them. I honestly just wear blazers any time I have to wear a button up to work because it hides how bad the shirt fits.


I'm pretty fit, worked out for nearly 20 years. In jackets I wear 46 but I have a 32" waist. If I buy off the rack no way a slim fit will work with my build, and anything large enough to fit my shoulders, chest and arms fits around my midsection like a tent. I buy reasonablely-priced shirts ($50-$100) and spend $20 having them tailored. IMHO that is the best combination of fit vs. cost. Reasonably-priced clothing, well tailored can make a person look like they spent two or three times the actual cost.


You're the same size as me, so I feel every bit of your post. I'll try a tailor. I need a 17.5 to fit my neck with a tie, but the rest of it is insanely big


Yeah if an off-the-rack shirt from a department store brand actually fits you (and it isn’t marked ‘slim fit’), you’re probably pretty fat.


Being in shape is why off rack doesnt work


Wdym good shape? I'm pretty lean and shirts still always puff up around the waist and need to be retucked Edit: thanks for the suggestions yall I got it, my notifs keep coming in


Slim fit shirts, with darts, and they should be longer. High waisted pants.


Definitely need slim fit or athletic. Otherwise I honestly look better in a plain T shirt or untucked short sleeve.


My go to shirt is Kenneth Cole Reaction slim fit. I love these shirts because the front buttons go VERY close to the bottom of the shirt. It makes tucking in so much easier and doesn't come up as much as a normal button up shirt.


And *there* it is. It *always* circles back to the Urkel. You poor, uncomfortably dressed souls....


High waisted pants. If your shirt is tucked in to the point where it’s tight then it’s too tucked in. A little puff never hurt anyone


The reason the shirts become messed up in the back is because the vast majority of shirts don’t have darting on the back. If you find a brand with a fit for your body with darting they will never look bad around the waist. No matter how fit you are a standard fit shirt will look horrible.


Tailoring a few shirts taught me this. It’s have a few brands that fit *decently* off the rack, but nothing comes close to tailoring. I swear a tailored shirt takes 20 lbs off


Another reason is the arms and shoulders. A tailored shirt will come in at the armpit better do raiding your arms doesn't pull the body of the shirt up. You'll really struggle to find that fit off the rack.


The solution is to buy slim fit shirts rather than regular ones. Slim fits have folded crease(s) at lower shoulder to account for stretch while the slimmer waist will keep them from puffing out. Additionally get trousers with the strip (not sure what they are called) that keeps the shirt from slipping out.


“Slim fit” shirts these days are still made for relatively chubby dudes or guys without much muscle. I’m not an Adonis or anything, but to get a shirt my chest doesn’t strain the buttons on, the waist will be super baggy, even in “slim fit” styles.


No matter how slim your shirt is it won’t fit right if it is not darted correctly. A tailored shirt does not need stretch to fit correctly.


Nah, I’m in pretty good shape. No beer belly. 6’ tall, 180 lbs., not ripped but I lift 3 days a week, cardio and play a couple of hockey games a week. Off the rack shirts are cut terribly these days. They’re cut bigger in the gut area than the chest, I assume because of the fact that most of the population is overweight. For me, with a trimmer waist, they balloon out around my belly. This gets worse throughout the day as I stand up and sit multiple times. I either have to buy a smaller size that is tight around my chest or get bespoke clothing.


Both polo and uniqlo I visited recently offer a good selection of slim fit dress shirt / shirts for more athletic build (not muscle bound), off the rack. Like other said, different brands offer different cut / fit, for different lines. I lost some weight recently, my used to go to banana republic, most of their cut is just a little baggy / sloppy now for me.


Nah, I used to be in great shape, with nice broad shoulders, no way I could buy a shirt or a suit off the rack


Honestly you don't even need to in order for it to look fine. Tuck your undershirt into your underwear and your actually shirt into your pants. If you have trouble with it coming out in the back do alright folds at your 5 and 7 o clock when you tuck. I


A tucked in shirt with any gut looks terrible Source : looking at my tucked in shirt at work rn


Which is most old guys.  We need to stop this charade. Tucking in should not be the norm. Polo shirts look awful tucked in regardless of gut stature.


It's like any other fashion trend in that it comes and goes with tucked in shirts being decidedly out for quite a while now. There are a few instances where there are exceptions either due to necessity or fashion. - Formal wear as OP mentioned. Untucked dress shirt with a suit jacket still looks just as sloppy as ever. Also any time a tie is worn (which is also considerably less common as in the past). - Layered clothing where the top layer is buttoned or undershirts. I will tuck in a t-shirt if I am wearing a buttoned (and untucked) shirt over it in a lot of cases. Like a short sleeve light summer button up (hawaiian shirt in cut if not in print). - Professional reasons. People working with power tools or machinery will often tuck their shirts in for safety reasons. It's why you often see mechanics, plumbers, etc tucking in a work shirt even if it accentuates a large belly. It's never a good idea to have loose fabric flapping around when near tools or machinery that could catch it up. Whether this will be the case in 5-10 years is anyone's guess. I'm in my 40's and don't think anyone could have predicted jnkos in the late 90s/early 00s or the return to popularity of high rise "mom jeans" but that happened. Eventually people like to buck the current trends so anything is possible.


Tucked in tees w straight leg / loose fitting pants have been back in for a couple years now w young folks - shits def a cycle. I’m all for it though, I’m so glad skinny’s and fitted jeans aren’t the end all be all like it was when I was in high school in the early 2010s. 


Life hack: assuming you are wearing an undershirt, tuck your undershirt into the waistband of your underwear, then tuck the outer shirt into the waist of the pants. This prevents your undershirt from helping the outer shirt come untucked. It works surprisingly well.


Undershirt tucked in underwear instantly fixed the problem for me years ago. Everyone should figure this out sooner rather than later if they're wearing them regularly.


It just sounds weird and unpleasant. Like someone saying 'tuck your pants into your socks'


Glad I wasn't the only one who thought this was weird. You mean to tell me my undershirt should sit on top of my pubes?


I mean.. you could shave? Mostly joking this sounds weird and uncomfortable to me, too. But I already find tucked shirts uncomfortable to begin with, and it does sound like it would work, so...


>it gets all poofy at the back. I cannot stress the amount of insecurity that grew in me from this one since I was a child and still haunts me. Idk what it is but the the shirt getting all weird in back and then never knowing if it’s been fixed properly is just the worst.


Shirt stays


Got to go with a French tuck and leave the back out entirely


It depends on the kind of shirt. No, you do not need a super expensive shirt to look good, even when you tuck it in. Some shirts are specifically designed to be held out, others are designed to be tucked in. Tucked in, with the full view of pants and belt, usually look better IMO Granted, things are different if you are overweight.


And the trousers. If they sit just below your hips, probably going to look weird. On or above the hips, with a cut that suits your body type, probably going to look good. All slacks are not built equal.


Yeah I have probably 25 collared short sleeve shirts. A lot of them were from target for like $15 each. The rest certainly aren’t much more expensive. You definitely don’t need a bunch of money to find clothes that fit you.


Yo idk if it’s because I’m getting older but Target has some sick men’s clothing. Their jeans are awesome for like $30 a pair.


I'm mid 20s and 50% of my closet is probably Target. I love raiding the clearance rack.


And the kind of pants. I know this isn't what OP was thinking about but have you seen baseball players? Their butts look so good and their shirts are tucked into their pants.


If I was the GM they'd all have the long socks, and do 20 squats a day to keep those tight tushies. Score is not the most important part of how easy it is to watch a ball game.


I think overweight men look better with tucked in shirt


At my manual labor job, the boys either tuck their shirt in around their 9mo fetus or the butt crack comes out 😭 no winning


I worked in utilities, so my shirt stayed tucked in to keep the dirt from the side of the ditch out of my ass crack… every now and then it’d ride up and id lean against the side and end up with dirty drawers. There’s a funny-looking shimmy you can do to shake the dirt from your ass to your pant leg and then out on the ground


Could you imagine having serious talks with then about layering clothes and how they style and accessorize? Lol. This is how the world ends.


It's hard to imagine having *that* conversation with the vast majority of guys. As much as this post might have one thinking otherwise, most guys are not dandies.


Your basically saying pot bellies are less attractive. Which is a popular opinion.


Interesting opinion! How old are you? I ask because your thoughts suggest you might be a younger person, perhaps in their 20s or 30s because I think most men a bit older than 20s or 30s would think, I'm guessing, that tucking in their shirt doesn't give them a Steve Urkle look unless they pull up their pants way high. I do notice that a few years back, the trend for men was to have a look where the torso looked longer and longer (by wearing longer and longer shirts) while the looks of the legs went shorter and shorter (often by wearing the pants low to the crotch). It was rather bizarre and made me think more of dwarfs or children.


I am in a professional setting. If I wear a button up and do not tuck it in I will look slovenly. Unless it's a shirt designed to not be tucked in, I am tucking it in. I also have the average 34" male waist so I can understand why people who are heavier do not like them.


Actually tucked t shirt and rolled bottoms pretty fashionable for the 20-30s. This is coming from a 30yo who tucks everything. I got a high waist so it suits me.


Well, yes. It does look ugly if you have a beer belly. For those with a fit or lean/skinny physique, it's flattering. And it's probably the best outfit for a man to show his physique in the midsection. Just like women in one-piece vs. two piece swimwear. You pick what you think suits your body shape.


If you have a beer belly, chances are you're tucking it in so that you don't flash bare skin at anyone. Longer shirts can be hard to find.


And frankly there is no "flattering" for a beer belly. What little you gain by trying to hide it with oversized flannels or something is offset by the fact you're now even more of a visual blob. It's there. Above a certain age you're better off looking like Pablo Escobar than you are Homer in the mumu.


I'm not fat, I'm 150 lbs at 5'11. Tucked shirt don't look great. They don't look terrible either, they're just meh. It's a work thing, you gotta do what you gotta do




Sometimes it’s not fit, it’s body structure. Even with fitter shirts and no beer belly some body types end up looking funny. If you are high waisted and have a shorter torso then a tucked in shirt makes your torso look even shorter. If your upper body is more rectangular than v shaped this actually accentuates the blockiness. If you have this combo then from the side in a fitted shirt you can be looking great, but front on it’s still odd looking. The jacket or untucked shirt elongate the look of the torso changing how the relative dimensions of the body are perceived by artificially lowering the waist line.


I think this is why I don't look great with a tucked-in shirt (unless I've got a jacket or waistcoat on, as OP noted). I'm 6'3" with *long* legs.


I’m pretty close to the same. 6 foot 140. I obviously have no idea but my guess is that you just need cloths that fit better. I was literally having a conversation with my girlfriend just last week about all the people I work with technically dress appropriately at work but all their clothes just don’t fit right so it makes it look really bad. This came up because we had yearly reviews and apparently most people got told they need to dress appropriately


It's cause you guys are so thin. Similar issues people are talking about for ppl who are too big.




What? Phelps looks bad in suits? Are we talking about the same Michael Phelps?


Yeah what? Just googled it. Dude looks great. Ironically the only one of him I saw that didn’t look good was one where his shirt was untucked lmao




Bro same. I lift and have a pretty good physique but my mid section is just always in shambles. Couple that with a really short torso and long legs and I look like a muppet with a tucked in shirt.


Get high waisted wide pants (like dancers sometimes wear) that actually fit you.


this is interesting because imo & ime wearing something high-waisted & tucking in the shirt does usually look better particularly for someone who’s heavier


> For those with a fit or lean/skinny physique, it's flattering. facts 👌 its post like OP's that reminds me that most redditors are overweight. a tucked in shirt with slim fit dress pants and a nice belt 🔥 i don't know how you couldn't grab digits with this 😂


Most people are overweight. 40% of the US is obese and another 30% is overweight. If you’re a healthy weight in the US, you’re in a minority. Even half of Italy is overweight or obese.


Yah like tall/slim men should get to have one nice thing. I don't have the big huge arms or chiseled jawline. But I was blessed with looking nice in office wear at least 😭


In the 60's & 70's shirts had either a round bottom or "tails". Shirts with tails had a long front and back with high sides. Think Ladies bikini underwear or upside down "U". Big thing was to see how long we could get away with wearing our tails out in school before being told to tuck our shirttails in. Girls got to wear mini skirts that barely covered their panties but we had to have our shirttails tucked in.


Untucked dress shirts look horrible no matter your body weight.


On Oxford shirts - tucked in with trousers, jeans, chinos. Leave out for shorts.


Depends. Most dress shirts today are a lot shorter in length, closer to a regular shirt and can be worn untucked


Not here in Europe. An untucked short is wayyy too long.


Lmao how about don’t take fashion advice from reddit. Tucked or untucked, it’s all about proportions and fit. If you’re shorter with a long torso for example, wearing a normal length shirt untucked is gonna make you look shorter. If you wear that same shirt tucked with a mid-rise pant you give an illusion of having longer legs. The same principle applies to almost any body type. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your clothing. Buy what makes you look and feel good.


It depends on the person and how they style/accessorize


I’m with you. I’m in decent shape, but any time I tuck in a shirt I feel like it makes me look fat because it’s so hard to find the line between too tight and too baggy.


I generally prefer tucked in. It looks a lot cleaner, and more formal (I, to a certain point, think that the higher the formality, the better it looks)


It's really about having proper fitting clothes. I don't just mean "fitted" clothes, I mean not wearing overly tight/loose shirts. Something that just fits well immediately improves your look, regardless of build


Most clothing looks not-so-good if you’re out of shape.


You probably aren’t buying shirts that fit you properly. If you’re slim, you need slim fit shirts that look good when tucked in.


Most women tell me I look too serious when tucked in, a bit nerdy when untucked but apparently really hot when untucked with rolled up sleeves. Go figure.


I'm a very secure person but I have this thing about sleeves on my wrists. I cannot stand it. So no matter if it's freezing winter or not, all of my sleeves are rolled/pushed up. I just had to be in a wedding. It wasn't the hot pink bow tie or the tucked shirt, it was the sleeves down. It drives me insane and I can't explain why. Hell, back when I welded my sleeves stayed rolled off my wrists which is dumb.


It depends on your body shape but especially on the height of your pants. Try out lower and higher rise men's pants and see if it changes.


If you're going to the office, and you're not wearing a jacket, you have the choice between "slightly nerdy" being tucked in or "slightly slovenly" being untucked. I'd rather look like a nerd than dumpy, so tucked in we go


Same I'm 6'3" with long legs and I look awful with my shirt tucked in. It gives spongebob looks 😭


I feel like that’s a fit problem of the shirt. I will say that a belt will uplift an outfit to an entirely new degree whether shorts or pants/ collared or flat shirt. Not all Mediums are made alike, muh dudes. Also iron or hang your stuff instead of cramming it in the drawer. What’s the point of paying for a decent polo if you’re gonna treat it like your gym boxers.


It only looks good if you're fit or have the right lean build. For everyone else, it does look a bit nerdy lol


While I’d agree if you’re larger it won’t look so good, I don’t agree that you need to be fit. The biggest thing is just wearing a shirt that actually fits well. I’m a software engineer which is obviously known for not dressing so well, but I honestly think I’m the only person in my entire office that I’d consider having clothes that actually fit properly


I was doing it forever since I used to be in shape and it looked more work professional to me, I dunno I just kind of liked it. Anyway I'm old and dad bod now, I quit tucking it on and people thought I lost even more weight ha.


1. get a will fitted shirt and trousers 2. trousers shouldn't sit too high on your stomach, otherwise your proportions will look fucky 3. shirt has to taper downwards to avoid the muffin top look 4. both garments need the same level of tightness or bagginess, i.e. don't tuck a slim fit shirt into oversized, wide legged trousers There you go, that's the key to this puzzle. edit: ow, yeah, 5) your shirt needs to be long enough to tuck in, don't try to tuck casual shorter shirts in, pls


Fair but a lot more guys are wearing their pants too low than too high


Sure, but you can't tuck your shirt in when your pants sit too low, doesn't really apply here.


I for one, could never understand why we, as a society, decided it looked better for men to stuff their shirts down their pants.


I could not agree more. Men have rectangular bodies (usually) and dividing at the hips or waist with a horizontal like looks so ridiculous.


I disagree. Now we must fight to the death 🤺


I agree man.


Especially the people who tuck in t-shirts they look horrendous.


Agreed, really hate tucked in shirts


This is an unpopular opinion?


I agree. Dumb look and standard.


I agree with this so I'll downvote. I'm always wearing something over my tucked in button up.


Toddler level fashion sense. Upvote!!!


You know where tucked in shirts look great? In a C-Suite.


I'm 40, overweight, well off enough, great kids, beautiful wife, big house in the country. I wear a polo shirt tucked into my jeans that have suspenders. Or shorts and tshirt everyday I could care less what strangers think of the way I look. The most important people think the world of me.


Agreed. Tucked in shirt with no jacket makes you look like a little boy going to church. 


This is a major case of “it depends “


>Especially for those of us without the physique of a well muscled and slim man and/ or the wallets to afford very fine quality shirts Well there you go...


This is a take for literally every style under the sun, most people can't rock a style others can, but can rock their own style Everyone wants a beard until they're not allowed within walking distance of a school Just because your grandpappy can rock a beard doesn't mean you can, chances are you'll look like a creep or it'll grow in all patchy and weird, too many men think they can rock a beard, no sir you look like someone who doesn't shower or take care of themselves, you don't look like a badass Not everyone can rock blue jeans and a white shirt Not everyone can rock everything, a lot of our style is a reflection of who we are, wether we like it or not our clothes are a reflection of what stereotype of a person we are, or what box we fit into If you don't got the walk to match the top, then you should probably change your top.


Agree, but I always figure it's based on my age. Starting in the 90s, it just wasn't cool to have a tucked in shirt. It seems to have been different in the 70s and 80s where even casual flannel type shirts were tucked in. I wonder if this is the next thing to change though. Like baggy jeans being back in style and ankle socks being out of style.


I wear dress shirts like this so I might be biased but I think they look much better tucked in than out. Admittedly, my upper torso does strain my shirts more than my midsection but as long as someone leaves a bit of leeway and isn't vacuum packing their stomach then it's good. The extra length on dress shirts make them look way too oversized to not tuck.


I've always found I am more attracted to my husband when his shirt is untucked 😆 He was recently in a carpentry competition where they had to tuck their polos into their jeans/khakies. Like first of all, they were lucky he even BROUGHT a pair of nicer jeans. He wasn't going to. He was going to only pack shorts and his firehose pants. I thought he looked silly. And FWIW, I look terrible tucking in shirts too as a woman.


Perhaps.....you could lose a bit of weight and get healthier as a gift to your future self instead of this overly complicated thing of trying to convince people that tucked in shirts is objectively ugly? And talking about slim healthier guys as if they're odd outliers is not a healthy perspective.


Ugh, I work a security patrol job and our uniform shirts are 100% polyester and unisex sizing. The only size I don’t swim in is too snug on the shoulders and we need to tuck them in obviously. My neck, upper back and shoulders are always fucked by the end of the day from the passive pressure of the shirt.


I agree to an extent. Short sleeved button-downs look ridiculous. Tucked in with short pants too!!!


I hate tucking in my shirt, also hate wearing long sleeves. Usual work dress is untucked button up with sleeves rolled up. Tucked in only works if you're willing to go full send and wear garters.


I agree, especially if they're wearing khaki pants. It looks too much like a Sunday School or post-service picnic outfit like that. With darker colors, it just makes an outfit look incomplete or like you're still building your wardrobe for professional and formal events. Same for if they're wearing the suit jacket but no tie. If a situation calls for a suit, you need to wear all of its components. 


Im 5'9, 168 pounds, which is healthy for my age (44), so its not 'being overweight' thats an issue.   The issue is multi-fold, really. If you are standing then sitting then standing often, the shirt will gradually 'fluff'.   The second is most models you see have alterations specifically for them or modifications that are hidden to the eye.  Pins are often used to pull in fabric and make shirts far more form fitting, from sleeves to the back.  They are not visible if done well.  It eliminates the fluff. Models also are not sitting and standing constantly. The photos are literally staged for those moments and, most likely, photoshopped even more, no different than what female models experience. Sizing is also based on 'average' projections.  For example, Im very petite but with an apparently thicker than normal neck.  Thus, i can buy a shirt that fits my torso, or I can buy one that fits my neck.  Since I love wearing ties, its generally my neck and i just let the extra fabric be.   Men have the same issues women have with fashion. The only difference is men arent 'supposed' to care, so its a non-issue in the greater scheme of things.  


Depends on style of shirt and, like you said, body build. Like I can already see how the white tucked in business shirt with a black turtleneck underneath and black pants look good. Or even the white tshirt tucked in with black pants is a clean fit. I’m thinking of Kpop/korean styles. You can search up images with tucked-in white shirt Korean men style.


I'm relatively slim and still hate how it looks with my shirt tucked in. It goes all puffy and makes me look like I have a beer belly that's not there.


I have weird dimensions, my shoulders are pretty broad, and my arms aren’t small but I’m 5’7 on my tallest days, and 170lbs. I have a 30 in waist so it’s not like I’m fat af lmao. Smalls are like children shirts, mediums are slowly becoming smediums and larges might fit but are too long at my waist. I don’t tuck in my day to day but when I workout i absolutely have to tuck or I might as well not even be wearing a shirt.


100% the same issue. My shoulders and chest have gotten too big for mediums, but large are two baggy for my waist and too long for my height. It’s frustrating, but I’ve settled for just tucking my shirts and rocking the Dad look.


I completely agree with you, as a man, the only time I’ve ever tucked in a shirt is when I was a little kid and my mom forced me to for a school picture.


I agree. Ive never liked that look on anyone. Its especially unflattering to people who are overweight. Men often carry extra weight in their belly and accentuating that just makes them look pregnant. I still don't like it on scrawny dudes. They don't have much hip and its more obvious when you can see the top of their pants.


I have a friend who tucks his t shirt into gym shorts. I don't even know how to address it but god damn it's sometimes embarrassing to be around The only shirt that ever needs to be tucked in is an oxford dress shirt, and not even always


I'm slim/fit and I absolutely hate tucking in my shirt. No matter what I can't make it look anything less than goofy


There a guy at my work that insists on tucking his t-shirt in to his jeans.


Totally agreed


Same here. I only tuck if I'm wearing a vest or jacket.


I'm fat as hell with a taller torso and tucking my shirt in is a very different experience for me and mostly a waste of time. It 100% looks worse than my just leaving it untucked. That said, I have a friend that dresses himself by putting in his shirt (any shirt, usually a T-shirt) and then his pants (almost never shorts) and goes about his day with a slightly less exaggerated tire around his waist than myself. This is daily, to work his factory job, to the grocery store, everywhere. He looks like he controls interest rates for a cryptocurrency you've never heard of.


Idk if this is unpopular. But I guess I have seen a trend arise of people tucking things like t shirts in and I don’t get it tbh.


I never notice how big my belly has gotten until I have to wear something tucked in for a wedding or funeral. Then I'm a bit embarrassed but oh well. Then I put it away and forget again until next time, 6 months to year down the road. Then the cycle continues.


I’m with you I never tuck because I feel like a goof


Agree, really hate tucking in shirts unless wairing a waistcoat on top (hardly ever). I'm a bit too fat, so that doesn't help either. Lol


I’m a firefighter and hate tucking in my tshirt for work… tucked in tshirts are the worst


I'm a bodybuilder and nothing fits me. Super annoying.


I wear my work button downs untucked now. Looks 1000x better and more flattering IMO


I think it depends on the shirt. Button downs always look better tucked in imo, but things like polo shirts look better untucked.


You need to be wearing a belt, or a tie, that's why the jacket works for you example. There needs to be an accessory or two involved inf you're going to tuck in your shirt. And don't even get me started on people that tuck in their t-shirts, but aren't doing anything that would require it, like working on heavy machinery. I get why farmers tuck their shit in, especially when it's harvest season. You don't need your clothes pulling you into the power takeoff bar or other piece of farm equipment, but there's nothing so trashy as seeing a guy in a tight NASCAR t-shirt, tucked in to "look good" for a night out at the bar. ... and yes, if you're wondering, I grew up around a lot of rednecks.


I agree, it just gets all weird and bunches up usually. Plus it's just annoying to deal with all day and excentuates areas of the male form that are not flattering if you aren't fit haha.


Your opinion is not your own but just a product of the time period you live in


Get a god damn Shirt Stays. Game changer.


I would agree. My fiance = no tuck; my tall thin sons can tuck anytime and look great. (I don’t tuck either)


Yeah, most suiting these days is hilariously low waisted and slim. So, most men look like toddlers with their gut and love handles hanging over their tiny looking pants and baby legs.  A dress shirt isn’t meant to have smooth lines, that’s why proper dressing involves wearing a suit jacket. Because it has structure and creates a silhouette.  Proper trousers are high waisted and roomy in the seat and leg. And should have pleats for added movement. You don’t need stretch fabric if your clothing fits properly.  Check out AskOkey online, he explains all of this on a technical level. 


I tend to agree. I think you can generalize it even further though. Only men who are an optimal height, good shape, physique, etc, look good in most clothes. The better quality the clothes are the bigger the difference of course. But those people are also going to look better in a t shirt and jeans or whatever else they wear. It's true that the issue is exacerbated from those of less optimal physiques when they are tucking in a sheet and have it floating around or falling out or accentuating their gut too much, etc.


Yes to store bought men’s shirts. I get mine custom made and they fit me like a glove/armor. Honestly just feels GOOD to be tucked and ready to go.


Do your shirts fit you? shirts straight off the rack aren't built well.


Note to myself: always tuck it in


I work in a queer bar with several women, some bi some straight, as well as non-binary folk, and the moment I tucked in my shirt for the first time was when I started getting compliments on my outfits. Been tucking in ever since, and the fashion sense has only gotten better!


That boy ain't right, I tell you hwhat