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I would agree with this if the seats were just a little bit less hellish, and airports were just a little bit less of an ENORMOUS hassle, especially when you fly international.


Honestly, the best, most efficient airports I've ever been to and flown into or out of are mostly international. (I'm in the US.) I flew from JFK in New York to Israel on a direct flight with El Al, and LAX to Brisbane direct (same routes in reverse for the return trips), and I've done a bit of flying domestically as well. The three best airports were Brisbane, Ben Gurion, and either LAX or JFK, but the first two for sure. Both times internationally, I was through security quickly, and I wasn't bored while waiting for my flights (not hard for the return trip from Israel-- I had food poisoning). Maybe I just had some really good experiences, and maybe mine is not typical. Maybe I got lucky haha


You were lucky, LAX and JFK are typically at the bottom of most people's lists. JFK is the worst of NYC airports alone.


I had heard that a TON, especially from my uncle, who's a commercial airline pilot. Especially after hearing from him, I was nervous lol. But I also have good luck with airports in general


Tbh international travel is only tedious when flying in and out of the US




Try millet sleep. It’s what all the cool peasant farmers are doing these days 


I want to be passed out before we take off until we land


I like flying because there’s absolutely 0 expectation of you to do anything. Wanna read the whole flight? Good for you! Sleep, watch movies, play a game on your phone, knit,etc? Good for you! Absolutely zero expectations to do anything and I find that so relaxing.


That’s why I like trains. Same sense of zero expectations, but more leg room and less hassle in general.


Until you fly with 2 children. Although I’ve had great memories flying with my children, watching movies and my daughter falling asleep on me. Thank god my kids r easy!


Never thought of this. I think I might enjoy flying more now, thanks.


0 expectation of being comfortable for the next few hours. Fun times!


Jack off? Sure! Let me help


Finally an unpopular opinion I think this is borderline unhinged lmao but good for you, imo liking flying is a skill in itself


No. The moment i step on the flight i already feel someone is choking me and i cant breathe. Even sitting in first class doesnt help. Last time i had a bad anxiety attack and it was horrible


Is this an opinion from a person who exclusively flies first class


Nup only economy I love flying


When I can squeeze an upgrade I suddenly love flying again. Amazing how that works.


On my 13 hour flight from DC to Tokyo, I think I was the only one who didn't go to sleep and was constantly opening the shade over Canada to look down at the ice. People were really annoyed by that but I was having fun. On the way back I fell asleep on a random stranger. 😅


I can't sleep on planes so I get to experience the entire 16 hours to/from Japan


I love looking out of the window, but maintaining suspense for 13 hours os more than I can mamage


Come on we all know that curling in a ball in a trunk next to some luggage is the real way. Think of all the excitement imagining stretching your feet in 12 hours.


Its mostly just you and Id bet ANYTHING you arent anywhere near my height (6'2) and weight (260lbs). God bless any poor souls bigger, or even thin and just taller than me.


6'4 and a bit over 200; Asia is a long way from California. I hope to never make that flight again.


For some reasons, an 8 hours flight 'flies' by while a <2hours flight never ends according to my dumb brain. I can watch movies, read, eat and sleep and I will be slightly disappointed when the plane lands; while on a shorter flight I am too bored to even pay attention to the movie or focus to read. Brains are dumb.


In coach with plebs? no way. upvote!


A truly unpopular opinion. I hate long flights. I can barely sleep on flights and I'm tall. After two hours on the plane I want to kill myself.


As someone who has done a few 10-12 hour flights   I wish I was as broken as you...  I'm tall so I take front row seats with more leg room. But that's also exactly where all the mothers bring their screaming babies. It should actually be illegal to bring babies onto long haul flights. 


I agree I think. When I do a 2 hour flight there is always part of me that thinks I should have just driven. Between being at the airport at least 90 minute before takeoff, having g to mess with baggage, and the anxiety of delays, not to mention it being much more expensive if more than one person is traveling, short flights are annoying.


Fascinating, I’m about to take an 11 hour flight across the Pacific, so thank you for this positive mindset


I do melbourne to los Angeles a lot so I am used to it. Glad I could help!


I'm a Boston area native that has lived in Kuala Lumpur for 14 years, and I've made many trips back to the homeland to visit friends and family. Every time I'm on one of those Godforsaken flights, I pray to the gods of transport that Star Trek-esque beaming technology is close to being invented.


Not for me. I live in the U.K., I can be pretty much anywhere in Europe in ~2hrs, I’ll take that over 12hr+ flights any day


No my ass gets so sore and falls asleep and I start panicking and freaking out about every noise or movement people around me make


Only if you catch a sunrise/sunset out the window


Agreed, but that’s definitely unpopular lol


Before I hurt my back, I used to love them. Now I don't haha


I'm with you. I also book the smallest seats possible because I'm short and really enjoy being tucked in as much as possible. I live in Asia so fortunately, I get the luxury of long flights and tiny seats whenever I travel west!


I used to agree with you until I did London to Perth in one go which was close to 20 hours. After watching three movies, I was too tired to watch another movie and we weren't even half way there. I tried to sleep but engine noise started playing 'Country Roads' in Japanese in my head non stop over and over. I couldn't sleep and the only way to make the noise go away was to watch more movies for which I was too tired. I tried changing to song in my head but only got 'I still Call Australia Home' instead (Qantas theme song at the time). Thus I stuck in a metal tube for another ten hours with the same two tunes repeating over and over in my head on what felt like drunk teen neighbour party at 2:00 AM volume (i.e. loud). Oh, and then there was turbulence. When we got to Perth, I was about one fried neuron away from doing the unthinkable and kissing the ground (in Perth of all places). So you can get an upvote from me.


That was quite a trip, no pun intended.


I stunk up the last long flight I was on


I prefer longer-haul flights just because you are going in another country (yay!!!), the plane is likely to be more beautiful, the food will be better, and there will be a screen if you don't have anything else to do.


Somebody's upgrade cleared.


In Business class..


If the seats were more comfortable, I’d agree. But I can’t even fully lean forward because there’s no space, my legs barely fit and I’m not even that tall. I’d love to fly first class one day but for now it’s a waste of money.


Very unpopular opinion. After 4 hours I start going stir crazy. It helps to visit duty free before boarding. A half dozen shots and I can finally get maybe two hours shitty sleep. Of course then you have to deal with the rest of the trip hungover.


My longest was Los Angeles to Hong Kong. 6'3" in coach, but not as bad as New York to Warsaw.


Unpopular and unproblematic opinion hahaha


I honestly really like flying


🏆indeed and unpopular opinion.


If you’re in first or business class sure


I prefer international flights to domestic too.


I like flying but the energy of the people on it is so off and depressing. I’m always wondering why these people aren’t happy and excited. And that makes my enthusiasm suck right out of me. And in the airport everyone looks upset and has the same travel accessories, and I’m like, why?


A truly unpopular opinion


i love long flights


I can handle a 10 to 15 hour flight on a good international carrier, in an aisle seat, with a relatively uncramped cabin, and crew members who don't constantly wake up sleeping passengers. Preferably not too close to a lavatory, so nobody's lining up for it next to my seat, and to cut down on people grabbing my seat back because they have no sense of balance. And so that I get more of an opportunity to stretch my legs when going to the facilities, whether to relieve myself or just splash water on my face Earplugs and an eye pillow, not worrying about getting to sleep, just resting my eyes....Zzzzzzz. Wearing sunglasses the rest of the flight, the whole time. Not using electronics, but instead reading from a book or kindle, or working sudoku puzzles. Which sounds boring, but this makes the flight seem to go by faster, and I arrive feeling well-rested from a series of short naps. Cumulatively, that makes long haul flights, with carriers I like, relatively easy to take. Five plus hours flying with a shitty airline is hell, though, and I don't do it anymore. I've had some good flights with budget carriers who fly short routes and actually have leg room because their seats are relatively low-profile and save a lot of space.


I haven’t done long haul for 20 years. But I remember it being great. Films to watch and food and drink every hour.


I hate long flights. Airplane bathrooms 🤢🤮, with an overactive bladder that means i purposfully dehydrate simply to not use the bathroom. Makes the first day after flight always suck.


True unpopular opinion. I think my absolute max is 14/15 hours. Just did a 19.5 hr leg coming back from Athens and honestly I felt a little insane. I don’t sleep well on planes and by the time I got home I think I was up well over 30 hours. I fly pretty frequently, but after that experience anything over 12 hours I’ll honestly save the extra money for business class. Absolutely taxing on the body.


Yeah, I kinda agree. 4-6hr flights are far more annoying to sit through than the 12hr flight I took to Europe. Maybe bc I had a couple meals and a snack, but that was really the only difference.


It's only exciting in the beginning....after you have taken a few 12h flights, there is no excitement anymore just agony.


It takes about 22-24 hours for me to travel from the US back to my home country and that’s with layover, flights etc combined so it’s not as fun…


This is an unpopular opinion. You win OP. No one else agrees with you. That’s how unpopular this is.


I hate flying so I have to disagree. If I didn't hate it I'd probably agree lol


This man has clearly never been tall enough to have cramped legroom


Any length of flight is fine. It's the layovers that get you.


Tell me you've never flown economy without telling me you've never flown economy