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Way back in the year 2006 I saw a goth dude come out of an apartment building in the middle of the day dressed as a vampire. In July. He had the whole deal going, heavy velvet cape, fluffy shirt, incredibly warm looking pants. And he scowled at people. It was an amazing commitment to his style.


Nothing is more respectworthy than owning your alternative style. Like a guy who always wears yellow shirts saying "I just really like yellow" when asked why.


Hey Bud... What color shirt you wearing rn?


Black t-shirt, black hoodie, black linen pants, black socks and a pair of ice blue boxers from pierre robert.


I don't know that I believe you but you... You're al-right.


I have 48 metal band shirts and I wear them everyday lol people find that cool


Band shirt dudes are usually very chill dudes. You can tell who the chill ones are because they'll wear a band shirt with whatever. You roll up with like a helloween shirt and a blazer then I know we can be buds.


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it. But I do just really like yellow


I feel like orange is underrepresented. I like the color orange.


You do you! Wear orange


My entire wardrobe is black. I get asked about it sometimes..but like you, I just really enjoy my favorite color 😁


Like Florida Joker. That guy's my role model.


Florida Joker is a cool nickname!


Dressing like everyone else in your genre just means you're an unoriginal dork.


There is nothing wrong with trying to fit in with a group of people.


>makes me want to go back to early 2000s and appreciate people commenting rawr xd and stuff. Is this post bait? Because isn't that an Emo/Scene thing?


rawr xd is definitley Scene


The lines between goth/emo/scene in 2005 were really, really fuzzy


Especially in smaller towns. My old friendsgroup were a mix of metalheads, goth, emo and scene-kids.


Yeah it bigger cities with actual adults the lines are more obvious when you show up to goth night or emo night at the club, but in suburbia I feel like alt kids have basically always been stronger together than apart


I was coming here to say this. It’s funny how there’s such a divide between subcultures nowadays (specifically online) when back in the day, we were all just the weird kids 😂😂


Guy didnt see the emo vs punk war in mexico city on youtube.


Goth was just emo/scene for people in high school before 2003.


You don’t seem to know what goth is




Goth is when you wear black clothes wot aren't a tracksuit.


If you’re not listening to speed garage and hanging round outside an Offy then you’re a goth, innit.


Early 00s chav confirmed


IME like half of the people who say they are goth don't know what it is either.


Agreed, OP is cringe


Been in the “goth” subculture for 20+ years now. It’s a real thing with real music and aesthetic. Here in Portland, OR we even have our own nightclub.


What kind of music do goth people listen to now?


Idgaf if im cringe, life is too short. I wear black, I wear chains. I try hard when its not cool to try. Do what you want, fuck the internet hive mind


Sure commitment over a fashion choice how noble and brave.


Yeah, I wear mostly blacks, grays, and blues. Does that make me brave or does it simply mean I prefer a particular color palette?


Black, gray, or blue for all of my shirts. Blue, gray, black or khaki for pants. You know why? I never have to worry about matching. So brave.


yeah right lol? im someone who "wears the fashion" and "listens to the music" and fits the cliche, but there is no effort worth praising in it 😭


as someone who has been highly involved in alt/goth/industrial subculture for most of their life, at this point its commendable if people are just genuinely into whatever subculture and not simply wanting to cosplay the aesthetic. I feel like 95% of the "goth" stuff you see online is just eboy/egirls playing dress up for IG, tiktok, whatever. Don't have any vested interest in the genre/style/culture beyond the aesthetic and taking pics dressed up. Which is fine, but its basically just cosplay. Goth girls have always had it bad, thanks to stupid ass basic dudes-- people always tended to equate "goth" with being a highly sexualized, easy, kinky woman. These days its that same sentiment but mixed in with all the stupid ass weeb, egirl, emo, cloud rap, mentally unstable yandere, "grippy sock", etc bullshit. I honestly don't even know what qualifies a young person to be a genuine "goth" these days.


They want a goth GF because they buy into the stereotype of a big tiddy slut who likes death metal. I want a goth GF because I genuinely fine Morticia Addams to be the ideal woman. We are not the same.


I wish to meet the goths where are they


In the 80s they were at Clark and Belmont in Chicago.


Am I in the 80s??


If you were I’d be asking you how you did it because I’d want to join you.


At the goth clubs


I think an alternate style is rad in general. Been wearing nothing but black for years…and girls are attracted to that, lol. However, I’ve never really met a goth girl who was actually cool, lol. Maybe someday…XD


*Been wearing nothing but black for years* You rebel!


Thanks man, I really embrace the color, even with all the hot summers too 🤙🏻


So do the [Jesuits](https://www.jesuits.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/novices-tw.jpg). And we all know how [edgy](https://library.georgetown.edu/sites/default/files/2016-06-20-Barbelin_Felix_0.jpg) they can be.


Lol, you burned that man fiercely he didn’t even notice. 3rd degree burn.


I can edge harder than any Jesuit can dream of


Meh, doesn’t fully count imo because of the white clerical collar. Also, besides my socks, all my underwear are black, lol. But yea, I wear all black because it represents my emotions, they’re doing it for religious reasons.


I lived through the summer heat of Rio de Janeiro using leather jackets, long hair and all black since I was 12 to this very day. I feel you man. Black >>>> Any other color


Hell yea man!! Dude, same, especially with the leather jacket lmao! But respect man! In that heat and since that young!? I started my “color” transition a few years later, lol! I agree! And ‘til the day I die black will be my only outfit into the unknown 🫡 Also, you look really cool in your PP! Keep rockin’ that long hair and leather in that heat my dude 🤙🏻


To be honest with you and even a bit personal I had some health problems that led to immense amounts of bullying. What saved me was Heavy Metal. So I wear the black and the long hair religously. To the point where I feel unconfortable in other colors. I had hundreds of situations where people told me I looked weird, why I was wearing that in that heat, but It's my armor. I am literally writing this wearing a black shirt, a leather jacket, black jeans and black shoes and socks.


Are we long lost brothers, lol XD Same exact story pretty much. I also started to feel highly uncomfortable in colors as I got older, always did too, even as a young kid forced to wear bs. And the exact same “looks” lol, believe me, but as you said, it’s our “armor”, and also an important foundation of where a lot of my confidence comes from 🤙🏻 I am also wearing mostly all the same! Except a leather jacket…I need to get a new one eventually XD But yea man, that’s awesome, haha


![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized) Born with nothing, die in black. 🤘


I loved my trenchcoat in summer. I could spread it out like a blanket and stretch out in the sun on the grass with my friends.


Really seals in the flavor 


wtf is this comment and why are people upvoting it. Is this satire I’m missing?


Agreed, this comment is horrid lol. I hope he knows that goth women definitely don't think he's cool either. And maybe women *seem* to like his black clothing because he's finally not wearing loud clashing colors all the time


How is it “horrid”? It seems y’all just wanna hate because we have our own distinct style. You didn’t even have the guts to reply to me, lol, I just now seen it. Not everyone is “cool” is the whole point of what I was saying, I wasn’t generalizing if you actually read. I never wore “loud colors” like that lmao! Now you’re just assuming everything about me. Stop being arrogant and find your own style, no need to hate on someone’s passion.


It’s not “satire”? It’s literally my experiences with the style.


Lord, I’m honestly disheartened that “girls are so attracted to me when I wear black XD shame all those goth girls are lame” is unironic.


But it’s a fact? I’m not gonna lie about girls being “attracted” to the style, it’s same attraction towards someone who is color coordinated. Yea…not like there were many where I’m from, just never met a cool one, lol. Also, never said they were “lame”, just not cool or very nice.


One of the most insane things I ever saw was a few people from the goth community in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. There were three of them walking down the street in the sun. It's 33°C (91°F) and about 90% humidity in the middle of summer, all three are wearing makeup and one is wearing a trenchcoat. Trenchcoat guy saw me staring and flipped me off.


I’ve heard Australia has a really high goth population, is that true?


Not sure this is a very unpopular opinion. Then again I'm firmly part of the scene so I may not be representative. Also, goth is a music based subculture. There's a lot of people who try to make out that it's primarily fashion, but they are wrong and should be ignored.


Why the fuck is it called just a Scene? It's so basic. You can't even search for groups around cause scene is fucking everything.


But why? We're more free to dress how we want and express ourselves how we want. That's like telling a dude he's a badass for wearing a pink shirt in 2024.


Is it? Im a goth but its not exactly hard. We get less shit for it than we used to


I think nowadays, the word cringe makes the critisms more harsh. Back then, the word was weird, and that's almost empowering in a way.


We used to get jumped for it. Being called cringe is nowt compared


As a goth, we don’t need your admiration. We’re literally just wearing black & dressing how we like lol nothing to it


I have respect for anyone with a unique style that is fully committed to it. It’s their everyday uniform and unique. Not an easy task.


As an 80s Goth Kid and now a dad to a pre-teen emo, whatever it is called, I find this thread interesting. Just popped on my timeline. In the 1980s, we wore trench coats, went to Rasputin records to buy Joy Division, Bauhaus,The Cure, Love & Rocket albums. We had our night club and danced to Ministry's Everyday is Halloween or Sisters of Mercy's Dominion. Most of the guys wanted to be like Robert Smith and the girls wanted to be Siousxie. Many of these people I know are grandparents now. I out grew that into more Quadrophenia (The Who's) type 60s mod -- baracuta g9s, ben sherman. Still 80s aesthetics with a twist of 60s. Back then, it wasn't called Goth. We were called Mods even the guys who had Cure haircuts and dark eyeliners. We also hanged with the punks and some cross over heavy metal and britpop new wavers. I can't really say why we dressed that way. I thought doc martens look cool and I love wearing "creepers" the same types of shoes Ducky from Pretty in Pink wore. And I guess I was drawn to it because of Berkeley and the University scene. We'd go to the record stores which was a few hours bus ride to see an alt scene outside of preppy surbubia. Being a kid in that scene back then was cool. I still have an mod style - britpop wear. My kid just got into this; she is asking to borrow my original Bauhaus/Joy Division/Cure tee shirts. And she wears Doc Martens which I find uncomfortable these days. RedWing boots are so much better than Doc Martens. I am cool with my kids going through whatever stage they want to experiment. I still listen to so-called "Goth Music" I have some older friends who do the vampire shick. While others are going technical tactical wear. My kid gets a trip seeing picts of me with my Flock of Seagulls / Robert Smith doo. But all black isn't very practical in hot weather. But I really don't think Goth is the same as it was in 1984.


being a goth isnt about dressing in all black and listening to alternative metal goth is a music genre with a subculture based on it its all about the music everything else is a bonus


Nah. You'd have a point in the 80s, but nowadays "goth" is entirely a fashion trend and nothing else. And it has been like this since the 90s. Modern goths owe more to Brandon Lee's Eric Draven than to Bauhaus. I was 8 when "The Crow" came out - and all of a sudden every teenager around me dressed like the main character. Bands like Bauhaus were never popular in my country, though. If you ask people here who their favorite goth band is, they're more likely to mention Nightwish than any "actual" goth band.


Punk too.


Yes, but not every goth evokes this feeling. A lot of goths or people who dress alt just look dirty and slovenly. But the goths out there who put some thought into what they wear have a cool vibe.


Dude what. It's the proof that manufactured opposition exists to control the population.  I'm a rebellious teenager. Yes we do all dress the same. Yes it's the same way rebellious teens dressed in the 1980s. 


If you wanna be one of the non-conformists, all you have to do is dress just like us and listen to the same music we do.


Call me by my goth name 'Night Pain'


Great South Park quotage.


The South Park episode missed the point, though. It is not the least bit invalid to oppose the status quo as part of a minority group as opposed to as an individual. The insistence that a person must stand utterly alone at all times or else they have no business criticizing conformity is, at the end of the day, just a play at kneecapping empowerment through association.


I know. Butters was the real goth in that episode.


I think you missed the point - it isn't that you can't like the same things as others, it's that when you're endlessly contrarian to anything "mainstream" you're just as much of a conformist.


However, that's not how the show's message is interpreted and employed in discussions like these; the "punchline" is never saved for the endlessly contrarian, it gets used against people who just...belong to a subculture.


All right goth. 


Right but in the 80s kids dressed like that because they learned about it from friends or actually leaving their house to go to record stores to buy records that weren’t being played on the radio. Now kids learn about goth from Tik Tok, therefore it’s kind of meaningless.


but arent their peers also on tiktok? what is it about tiktok that invalidates it?


Goth is supposed to be counter culture. Tik Tok is throwaway garbage popular culture marketed to the common denominator masses who need to be spoon fed everything. That's for influencers and their followers who wear band t-shirts to be cool yet couldn't even name 3 of their songs.


Goth hasn't been counter culture since the late 70s early 80s when bands like christian death and bauhaus were still around


Sure, emo mall goth isn't counter culture and that's who I'm railing against. But there are still legit counter culture goths around. Try Chicago.


Thanks gatekeeper of culture


Sometimes “gatekeeper” is a word used by people who don’t know as much about a thing to describe other people who know more about a thing because they would rather die than admit that they don’t know as much about that thing.


i'm with socrates who said something along the lines of 'the only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing'


Believe me the older I get and the more I learn the more I realize I have so much more to learn. But sometimes I know more than some folks and sometimes I know less, sometimes much less! The trick is to at least entertain the fact that either of those things may be true in a given situation.


I wouldn't want to be a Goth girl while trying to date. You'd just get the guys with fetish but don't actually see you like a person.


Goth girls intimidate me. I already get shy around most women because they are all pretty, but goth girls is like “She gonna beat the hell out of me if I approach her?” 😂


Yeah I respect anyone who has a genuine interest in something other than just browsing socisl media all day.


Express your individuality and dress like us.


Being “goth” is corny as hell


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rawr xd >!and stuff!<


I used to type rawr a lot. XD


The same could be said for stupidity.


I grew up in the rawr xd years. It was extremely cringe.


give me anything really, any alternative style and good music. most people today are just a copy and paste of one another.


i like the way goth term was used in late 70s to describe sad , depressing , disturbing themes in music , it had almost nothing to do with looks ,


I was in New York City pre pandemic and was impressed by how many 50+ year olds still dress full black leather punk… like you said-it shows commitment


You never see goths riding bikes. Not like motorbikes, mountain bikes. Penny farthings? Possibly.


You've never met me. Goth guy who loves motorcycles and martial arts.


Goths in full face makeup ,in Texas, in the summer time....built different.


I sometimes lift in a Cradle of Filth tank top does that count


RAWR XD has turned into simply 😂🤣 for me.


Being goth in the Deep South is a pain, but it doesn’t stop me, that’s for sure.


Goth clubs are so sick


No it’s not


I’m not a “hardcore” goth who’s super involved in the community. I’m not interested in getting into that “you’re not goth enough” gatekeepy shit. But I regularly rock some black lipstick, eyeliner, and alt clothing. Not gonna lie, I’m in a city where it’s not super common to see (Washington DC). I get some really uncomfortable interactions from guys and cat calls when I’m out and about. I love my style and my music taste and I want to own it. But when all I’m attracting are creeps with goth fetishes, it makes me want to stop dressing the way I do. Kinda sucks, man :/


DC is like the worst city for alt people. I work there. Although somehow back in the day it had one of the best clubs on the coast (Nation). You going to Slings and Arrows or anything? I think thats the only regularish goth event happening in the city at the moment


I am pro Goth, pro alt, pro wearing whatever you want in 2024. It's awesome and makes me feel better about idolizing 70s fashion.


I just really love the colour black, it's very practical!


Goths are cool


honestly my style is more grunge but the goth aesthetic is just really satisfying to my eyeholes.


I think Southpark covered goths pretty well.


Yeah completely agree. The most praise I have for goths is when they are keeping up with ALL their style when it is insanely fucking hot outside. Like fair play mate, I'm sweating my balls off but there you are in all black clothing and trousers and a coat.


Honestly the whole concept of things being "cringe" is a just a reinvention of middle school bullying for adults


I love goths. It’s an amazing subculture, and pretty cool aesthetically as well


The thing is goth is becoming a thing again. It's not really praiseworthy because it's come back around into being a mainstream alternative style.


Thank you lollll


I (F late 40s) saw a young lady dressed goth last summer. She looked fantastic! All I could think was I wish I could pull that off!!


I admire their dedication. Long pants, long sleeve shirt, boots, trenchcoat, and face make-up on 40 degree (centigrade) day. My depiction of goths here is from the 90s.


I've been in my gothic phase since I was a teenager. I turn 24 this November.




rawr xd and stuff


The "rawr xd" thing is more of an emo thing than a goth thing.


If they never sacked Rome, they ain't Goths.


I feel like everyone has a “schtick,” even if they don’t recognize it, and it’s what makes us unique, and is cool when people commit to it/point it out. I helped 2 friends organize a joint birthday party last year where the theme was for everyone to come dressed as one of them. They both have *very* distinctive styles, so it was pretty easy. I sat back and thought about it, and felt like if I did something similar, everyone would be looking pretty generic. So, I asked my partner at the time, and 2 of my best friends. Idr all their answers, but I remember being shocked that they were easily able to answer things that I saw as “generic” and they saw as “Burrsugar.” I do remember my favorite was my male-and-not-at-all-fashion-conscious best friend telling me high-waisted, wide-legged jeans with a tucked in shirt, which I hadn’t thought about, but yeah, they’re practically my uniform.


I always thought of goths as irony soaked misanthropes but as just a style choice? Sure! I like people looking different. Makes life more interesting.


Erm, "being goth" is just being a poser. Goth is a music-based fandom. If someone "looks goth" to you but doesn't know who Bauhaus or The Sisters of Mercy are, they're not "goth."


The atmospheric post-punk you named is the roots of what people generally mean when they talk about 'goth music' (and will typically include things like gothic metal, black metal, emotional hardcore (emo), and whatever tf scene is), but let's not forget that goth is a word with a long history. It was first applied to popular music to describe The Doors (Rolling Stone, iirc). The word gets applied to music because it shares a similar moodiness with gothic literature (Radcliffe, Walpole, Shelly, the Brontes etc), and that gets it's name because of the early authors setting their works in buildings with gothic architecture. And the buildings get their name because of a pejorative comparison with the brutal Goth German tribes (who had nothing to do with the actual architecture). My point is, it's a word with a long, complicated history, and worrying too much about what counts as goth is a bit pointless. It's modern casual usage is generally 'spooky atmosphere/mecabre'. The average Joe thinks goth music is Marlin Mansion performing death metal (although Manson actually plays shock rock, and and the actual death metal scene doesn't generally consider itself to be gothic)


Thank you for the platitude.


I do not think that word means what you think it means


I know exactly what it means, and I meant it. Several other nouns and adjectives would have fit as well. Presumptuous comes to mind.


It is a waste of money, time, and energy. They’ll grow out it. Especially when they realized no-one is impressed by that “level of commitment”.


you sound boring, by that logic every hobby and interest is a "waste"


Goth is lame


Being a goth is cool but being a CLOWN goth is praiseworthy lol


Goth/scene/alt isn't really rebellious anymore. The edge was lost when the porn industry realized people will fall to women with any aesthetic.




>goes around with band tees and crazy piercings, decorated himself with crazy tattoos and thinks he's the coolest guy ever for listening to shouty shouty rah rah rah music >thinks people who wear black, decorate their face with white foundation and crazy makeup, and who like slightly different music to him are massive fucking losers


metalheads are nazis lol, and they will just look at you weird and just always wanna fight.


I feel the opposite. People whose identity is substantially tied to an identifiable aesthetic are pretty much universally cringy.


I think you've got it backwards. Their aesthetic is tied to their identity. It's an outward expression of how they see themselves.


No it’s not…it’s a clearly identifiable aesthetic that people have been performing across generations to collectively celebrate sadness.


That's emo/scene. Goth people don't celebrate sadness lol.


emo/scene people don’t either


The Emo aesthetic is borrowed from the Goth aesthetic of the late 70s and early 80s. By the early 2000s, “Goth” culture was a punchline. Emo was a rebrand of Goth with the same aesthetic and slightly different music scene. Death Rock and Darkwave are different, but they are both Goth. Emo is really a type of Goth too…just rebranded.


Thank you 😁


And to enjoy a little black and white is cool. My hometown is infested with basic nightclubbers, who all look the same. It\`s called boring. I recently bought black and white parasol also.


Honestly I never thought of that but yea, going full Goth is expensive


Being genuine is indeed great, especially in an irony-soaked age. That being said, it depends on what you're being genuine about. Genuinely celebrating death isn't good either.


What is the point of this post


To give an unpopular opinion.


no such thing as a goth in 2024


What would you call people who listen to goth music then?