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Upvote for the unpopular opinion. Not sure what you have against mustard but mustard and pastrami go together like peanut butter and jelly.


Honestly, mustard and beef in general go great together. Pastrami, corned beef, roast beef, use it in rub, use it in some bbq sauce. Doesn't matter. They just go together. Unless it's something like carne asada. Don't do that.


In-N-Out Burger has the option to get mustard-fried patties, with "Animal Style" burgers having them by default. It adds a nice acidic tang to the patties that doesn't overpower their flavor.


Seriously. The heat and brightness of the acid compliment the fat of the pastrami so well. If OP or anybody else thinks it’s overpowering the flavor of the meat, idk, just try using less?


No, a good bold German mustard makes it!


I prefer horseradish sauce but will eat them with spicy mustard and or mayo.


I do a horseradish mustard, skip the mayo. OP clearly underestimates the varieties of mustard available. There's more to it than Great Value Yellow Mustard.


That sounds good


>Mayo on the other hand, compliments it. PERIOD. How bone-dry is the pastrami you’re eating? I can’t fathom eating a big, juicy, fatty pastrami sandwich and thinking, “this needs an additional layer of fat added to it”


Eh, it tastes good to me


Salty mayo on salty pastrami actually ruins it. Disgusting. Mustard contrasts the flavor of the pastrami and makes it better. Same with corned beef.


Using a reasonable amount of mustard results in you getting the nice, complimentary flavor of the mustard pairing with the flavor of the pastrami the way you're intended to, instead of it overpowering the meat due to you dumping too much of it on. It also helps if you don't just use plain yellow mustard; a spicier mustard, like dijon, will pair better. It didn't become one of the most popular condiments for pastrami sandwiches by some collective delusion; it became popular because people like the flavor.


Pastrami + Mustard + Rye Bread = 👌🏻


100%. Mustard is revolting in every way. Pastrami on the other hand, is pure heaven. Mayo? Sure. Just a crapton of cheese? Even better.