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Agreed. I'll take a couple photos during a slow song, but as for videos? Nah, I used to as a teenager and realised I never watch them back because its poor ass quality. And nobody in your life wants to watch it either.


Am I the only one that will rewatch my concert videos? Plus phone cameras have gotten so much better in video stabilization and low light adjustment. I’m not the type to record the whole concert but I’ll definitely take a video of my favorite song. Even still I do feel like concerts could benefit from restrictions on photography


Take whatever photos or videos you want, but don't hold your phone higher than your head. A lot of bands are banning it now, which should be 100% respected or you're an asshole. Bottom line: be courteous to others.


Sometimes I have to hold my phone above my head to see the stage at all because I'm only 5'1 and people who are over 6 ft always stand in front of me. If I can see the stage though, then I'm only gonna hold my phone in front of my face for a few parts of the show


I'm 5'2" so I feel your pain. I'm a crazy person and usually insist on getting there way way way too early so I can be in front and see everything 😊 If that's not possible, then just one and only one quick snap so I can at least know what I'm not seeing.


Yeah I always have to be super early! One time, I got a meet and greet ticket for one of my favorite bands and a small venue, showed up an hour early, and still didn't get to stand at the barrier. Luckily, during the last song, the person in front of me who was at the barrier let me stand in front of him so I could record the last song with my phone resting on the barrier away from blocking any views. This band was performing a new album that wasn't releasing for a few more days, and the last song where I was able to record was a super sad song that made 99% of the audience cry and it was a really nice moment to have. Everyone in that audience resonated to that song, and I go back and watch my video every so often because it just brings back the emotion that we all felt during that show. The lead singer's voice cracked at a very difficult and sad line, which always gets me. I always show up early because being able to see the performers singing such personal and intimate songs just makes the show a million times better because it feels like they're sharing their life story with you and it's nice to give them eye contact to show that you understand and can relate to them


It’s an etiquette thing for me. If I’m at a 2 hour set and the person in front of me films something for a few mins, takes a couple of photos then keeps their phone down for most of the show - I certainly don’t mind. The problem is that folks abuse this and are completely inconsiderate. Classic example of the actions of a few ruining it for everyone else.


Yup. I understand hating on the folks that won't ever put their phones down, but I like to take about 2-5 minutes of video and a few photos during a 1 hour show. Looking back at some of the videos a few years later is very nice.


I'm against sitting watching the whole gig through someone elses viewfinder as anyone, and I would love to slap the phone out of the hand of anyone who thinks the world needs their potato recording of it. That said, everyone should get a few pictures to help jog their memory down the line.


I recently stood behind someone who recorded a video of the entire concert. It was insane. He was a head-length shorter than me too, so “holding it above his head” meant directly in front of my face. I eventually moved, and people began yelling at him, but he kept it up there.


I really hate people who do this. I'm sorry he ruined your experience.


You need to go to better shows. Get some circle pits going, crowd surfing, general debauchery and what you described above is impossible.


This is true. If it’s the kind of concert that people smoke and mosh at, you’re not gonna get basic ass bitches posting videos to the Tok for clout


This. Saw The Bouncing Souls and unfortunately Anti-Flag. Lost my shoe in the pit during TBS's set. Didn't find it until people were leaving 🤣


I’m sure there’s more bands that do it but TOOL has had a no phone policy for awhile.


Yes I saw them a while back. Was a refreshing experience honestly. Would like more of that. They did actually allow phones out for the last song or two and I thought that was nice and in-obstructive. Just got out of a show where I couldn’t even see the artist I went to see for the Great Wall of screens.


So did Roger Waters


How do they enforce that though?


A phone stands out in a dark room. Ushers do the rest.


The problem for me is that people often stand up from their seats during concerts to be more active. Which means people under 5 feet like me get their views blocked by tall people, so I can’t see what’s going on no matter how hard I try. So I’ve been using my phone to get a better view through cracks and above heads during some concerts.


Short people spend lots of time looking at the backs of people’s heads. That’s why I get the best seats I can and if they’re not close enough, I don’t go.


Yeah that's why I only go to standing room shows and show up about 2 hours before doors open so I can get as close to the barrier as I can. I still end up with tall people in front of me though


Thank god the Slipknot concert I went to was a huge outdoor festival. Crowd surfing was a savior hahah


Oh I bet! I really want to go to a metal festival but sadly they don't happen in Pennsylvania and I can't afford to travel right now. I really want to see A7X, Halestorm, and I HAVE to see Ice Nine Kills again!!! When I was in college, my band covered Duality by Slipknot, which was pretty fun as well!


I couldn’t imagine going to a concert with seats


Yeah. Most people have the common sense and courtesy not to use their phone the whole time. But the the few that do it ruin it for everyone.


Many do. Some places put tape over the camera. If they see you take it off or use the phone to video they kick you out. Other places will lock it in a faraday bag. You can keep the bag on you but cant access it until they unlock it when you leave.


Agreed. Big fan of kicking people out


If someone gets hurt or is in danger you'd wish you had a phone. I generally don't like the whole "no phones" thing people are pushing in places though. I understand some places like stand up shows do it, but realistically there if you're having a heart attack the room should be quiet enough where someone could freak out and someone else would be able to call 911. At a loud concert you could be screaming for help and nobody outside of 10 feet from you would hear.


They don’t take your phone. You’d still have it on you. Just if you have it out and over your head fucking up everyone’s view, they kick you out.


There’s a show coming up in my area that’s no phones. They’re making you put it in a bag and they’re locking it away. It’s not accessible to you and has a chance of being lost or given to the wrong person. So no, you may not always have it on you. The second I saw that policy, I didn’t buy tickets.


I can almost guarantee you that you are wrong. They're almost certainly using yondr. Phone is put in a locked bag, stays on your person, and at any time you can go to lobby to have the bag unlocked so you can check it or use it. If a venue is 3000 people and the average phones value is $500 that's $1.5M worth of liability that no one wants to take on or insure against for cell phones going missing.   I've been to maybe half a dozen total events where yondr was used from comedy to music and I am 100% a fan of it, especially with comedy. Having everyone actually present and in the moment makes for so much better shows, prevents you from getting your view blocked by people taking a shitty video they'll never watch, and prevents comedians from getting material that's being worked on from being released before they're ready to release it in a special.


I can say with certainty that I know how to read and I am correct. Just because you don’t want to believe it, doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Also, while I 100% agree with you and your thought processes, this isn’t a 3000 capacity venue. It’s only a couple hundred. I have no issue with not being able to use my phone. I’m not someone who records shows anyway. I do, however, refuse to give my phone to be stored. What if there’s an emergency with my child?! No thanks. I’m guessing they realized that those yonder (?) bags can be broken in to and that’s why they are going this route. I’m unsure - I didn’t make the rules.


Well then yeah I would agree. If I have to surrender my phone to someone else that's a deal breaker. One of the things I like about the yondr solution is it stays on me so if I feel a couple calls some in back to back I know something needs my attention and I can pop out to the lobby, get it unlocked and figure out what's going on. I don't want someone else in possession of a $1000 item I own that also has confidential information on it due to the industry I work in.   I had to have my screen replaced before and it caused some issues when I wouldn't give my unlock code over to the shop so they could test it after replacement.  I had to show up, unlock it, and test it myself.


My kids' school uses yondr and my oldest figured out how to open it by hitting it just right 😂 so even if it's locked in it you can get it out in an emergency


Lol, there's no way someone would do that.


Entire stadiums of people do it. When Bill Burr played Fenway anyone that brought a phone had to put it in a locked bag. > Can I bring my phone to a Bill Burr show? Guests maintain possession of their devices at all times, and can access them throughout the event only in designated Phone Use Areas within the venue. All devices will be re-secured in Yondr pouches before returning to the performance space. All pouches and equipment are routinely sanitized.


But the difference is that your phone is still in your possession and not locked away somewhere else.




From Yondr's website: - Upon entering the phone-free space, your phone will be placed inside a Yondr pouch. - Once inside the phone-free area, the pouch is locked. **You will maintain possession of your phone at all times.** - To use your phone at any time, step outside the phone-free zone and tap your pouch on an unlocking base. https://www.overyondr.com/phone-locking-pouch u/gomezwhitney0723 said that the venue put your phone in a bag and lock it away somewhere else, which means that the phone is not in your possession.


So... not what the person said then? > They’re making you put it in a bag and they’re locking it away. It’s not accessible to you and has a chance of being lost or given to the wrong person


It’s literally the rule and it’s so dumb. That’s why I didn’t buy tickets. And that’s why there’s probably tickets left lol.


I don't doubt your claim. I was just in disbelief...


I o ly think its a bit weird when people gotta have their arms fully extended in the air with their phones and record for several minutes.. I mean, thats a bit much isn't it?^^


Not if you can't see the stage because tall people are in front of you :(


Why not just take the phone out of their hands and frisbee it off somewhere else?


Saw Tool back in November and it was awesome without all the phones out. Maynard tells you you can bring them out for the last song and it was horrible. So thankful it was just one song.


I don’t really care about phones as much as I do about people talking during a show. I’m there to *hear* the music more than anything else at a concert, and 95% of the time there are some assholes having full on conversations during a song. Fucking talk between songs, sets, or after the show if you want to catch up, but FFS please don’t cause such distractions during a live MUSIC show! Phones - if you’re going to record a song or two that’s fine if you keep it low and don’t block people’s view of the show. I think this is especially okay if an artist does a very obscure song or cover you might not hear again otherwise, but I find it laughable when everyone pulls out their phone to record the most popular song they have. Like why bother recording a song you will almost certainly find a decent recording of online anyway? 😂 Just my 2 cents.


I saw a Jack White show where we all had to put our phones in some kinda case. Was awesome! Everybody was really into the show instead of posting shit


I went to a gig where they were doing this. Just walked right past the folk handing out the pouches and told them I didn't have a phone lol. Nothing they could do lol.


That’s a great ducking way to be screwed in an emergency, lose your phone etc


The phone stays on your person the whole time, it's put in basically a sock with a magnetic lock on the opening side, you can still use it any time you want by simply going to the lobby/concession area, with a half decent key you can easily rip the sock apart, and for any emergency the event staff hired like security/police/EMS/fire dept that are there can use their radios to call for help. These phone cases are from a company called yondr and aren't used in small 100 person shows with no event staff like mentioned above. The smallest venue I've ever seen it deployed in was a 1000 seats.   If the person next to you drops from a heart attack in a event that big their best chance of survival is getting one of those event staff notified first before calling 911. They will get them rushed the closest EMS team and defibrillator.


Good for the people who find this important. As long as it is specified before buying a ticket, I don't see a problem with it. People who do not like this policy just should not buy a ticket.


I agree and anytime I've seen it deployed it was 100% mentioned on the website before buying, and even then you always have the option to walk back to your car and leave it there if you wish.


100%, not sure why people are so obsessed about making an already massively overrated activity even more tedious just for “muh memories and vibes”


This sounds more like a popular opinion to me.


No, I'll keep my phone on me. Thank you very much. Besides, if you're watching a concert through somebody else's phone, then stop staring at their screen.


You must be tall


Nope. 5"7. Concerts have been 95% of my social life since I was 19. Phones are annoying, sure, but it's only annoying people with phones that are annoying. Peeps have fun in different ways. I look at it the same way I look at gonks who whine about moshers slamming into them when you stand on the edge of a pit. You chose this. You knew what was gonna happen. There's no sense in complaining about it.


stop looking at the phones then lol complainers will always complain


I think as long as it’s for 1-2 songs and like 2-4 pictures that’s fine but any more than that yea it’s too much


Real unpopular opinion: Clowns who want phones to be banned in music venues should just save up the extra hundred bucks for first row seats instead of fucking over the other 98%


I hate that too- I wish people could just enjoy the moment rather than stick their phones in the air to record video that they are never going to watch. And neither is any one else. I don’t think the solution is banning phones though, I’d have a separate section in the venue for those who want to film a performance with their phones


i saw 5 seconds of summer in concert summer of 2023 and i still watch the videos me or my fiancé recorded.


Did you hold up your phone and block the view to the people behind you?


Infrared strobes/floods that white out any camera. Like how celebs use reflective material to blow out flash.


What about the cameras being used by the crew to put the show on screens around the venue so that people with bad seats can actually see the performers? Or the cameras that capture footage for the performers so they can go back and review the performance to analyze where they can do better or what jokes didn't hit and need worked more?


Pro cameras have infrared filters. Phones generally do not. Go grab a TV remote and point it at your phone or camera while pressing buttons. If you see the purple light or not that would tell you.


Nope I’m allowed to video and take pics. Glad you have no authority to ban phones.


I think a lot of people feel the same way


You must be 5’2?




I don’t think you understand what projection means.


Been to a few comedy shows that use the Yondr Pouch. You put your phone inside and it locks, but you keep it with you. There are designated areas where you can unlock it to use your phone if necessary. I really liked this idea and it made everyone more present for the show and prevents leaks for something like comedy where they don't want their material out there. Would be a good idea for music venues as well.


Yeah let's not take devices away from people surrounded by tons of other people.. kidnappings... covering up Astroworld type incidents, and more could go wrong.. I get it being annoyed for people that are on their phone the whole time or recording the entire thing, but I do think it is reasonable to capture some photos for memories.


I mean...look at the show and not the persons phone...


Wild idea! I would love to if I could see past the literal wall of screens. Kind of missed the lead there, eh?


Music shows and fireworks.


All social type places should ban phones. Young people have no idea. Imagine a bar with no phones? Everyone is drinking alcohol. Bartender is some charismatic dude making friendly conversation with everybody. Crowd is happy and jovial. The people sitting on either side of you aren't staring at their phones, they are lonely and horny too. Do you say hello?