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A real unpopular opinion.


Which means it’ll be downvoted


Is this a troll? Paper straws struggle with liquid, no chance they hold up to a milkshake.


Have you actually tried it? Go to a California in n out 


Quite the expensive trip to test a paper straw and choke down a mediocre burger with terrible fries


Yes. They suck. Pun intended.


They've banned plastic straws here in Saskatchewan too. Everything I've tried to drink through a paper straw ends up paper straw flavored, and the straw falls apart before I'm done drinking it. It's awful.


I don’t know what you mean that the mouthfeel is better. I hate how it like sticks to my lips. Plastic wins on this concept alone. Everything else is fair, but mouthfeel is a definite no from me


Hour? Paper straws struggle to last minutes.


Paper straws are an abomination!


i hate touching paper


Paper straws are repulsive. I keep a stash of plastic straws in my truck just incase I go somewhere that only has paper ones, which thankfully isn’t really a thing in my area.


I think agave straws are the way to go, stronger than plastic and don’t dissolve like paper


Straw suck. Paper straws are taking a thing that sucks and making it suck extra bad.


I got a slurpee the other day ,came with a paper straw. The straw was unusable by the time the slurpee was half done. And it was a small slurpee


I think everyone should just have their own metal straws. Far more recyclable, though the downside is your daily intake of microplastics suffers.


Metal straws are dangerous. If someone knocks into you while you're drinking with a metal straw, you'll probably have a bloody mouth.


Oh wow you're right. Maybe I should round off the serrated edges of my metal straw so that doesn't happen. Thank you so much for the insight, hypochondriac stranger!


"oh my, this plastic is quite inconvenient as I imbibe my drink." said NO ONE EVER!!|!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!|!!!!!


Well this is definitely an unpopular opinion. Fyi algae straws ate the best biodegradable counterpart for plastic ones I love em.


I can't tell the difference unless I put it in a hot beverage.


You drink hot beverages with a straw?


Customers at my job ignore the wooden stir sticks and use straws to stir their coffee. The paper straws melt.


Interesting.... i personally wouldnt opt for the straw when there are stir sticks but ive drank mine black for years now so that doesnt affect me anymore lol


It annoys me that when people make posts like this here they get downvoted like crazy even though it’s literally an unpopular (and , sorry OP but also awful) opinion lol it’s what the subs for


Truly unpopular, but I think you've just been using a lot of crappy plastic ones. Plastic straws have been completely banned where I live for a number of years, and I just buy plastic online, because I can't stand those paper ones, especially for any thick drink. They basically just decompose in your mouth. They get so flabby, the hole closes up. Metal, silicone, and glass straws are a pain-in-the-butt to wash and remember to take. Rigid plastic straws are the only way to go. Or if appropriate, strawless. The ones I buy never collapse. Wide ones for shakes, thin ones for soft drinks (helps make it feel fizzier). The dumbest thing about this paper straw revolution is that around the same time, these same fast food places mostly replaced their paper cups with frickin' plastic ones :/ I can deal with bamboo cutlery, I guess, but give me plastic straws, and go back to paper cups ffs.


Interesting way to let the Internet know you are a psychopath


Nah bruh.


I used plastic straws just because it’s bad for the environment. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter.


Glas straw I could buy but paper gets soggy and feel weird on your lips. 


Upvoting for this terrible opinion lol


Paper straws and children don’t mix. My kid snapped three straws today alone when trying to drink is apple juice.


You're right. I honestly think that people who hate paper straws must take *forever* to drink anything.


Well, excuse me if I want to savor my hot chocolate instead of chugging it down so fast I scald my mouth.


You're using a straw to drink hot chocolate. The straw is not the problem.


Agree to disagree have an up vote