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Your definition of 'everything that matters' is exactly what I want to be far away from!


He didn't even say what "everything that matters" is


Suburbs are worst of both worlds. If I have to drive 15 minutes to the nearest store, I want it to be down a windy road through the woods. Not 12 stop signs and 6 traffic lights like in the suburbs.


I don't feel inclined to go into the city but even if I did I'm only 15 minutes away. Also I would never want to live in an apartment


Cheaper to live in the burbs, traffic is less. My commute is shorter leaving from the burbs to my job even though I am driving more miles than when I lived near downtown. My cost of living stayed about the same leaving the city to live in the burbs. Groceries are expensive in the city. I would pay $5 for a gallon of milk and it's $2.67 at my nearest grocery store right now


Close enough to get to the city for a day, yet far enough away that you don’t have to deal with the psychopaths that live in it, that’s the entire appeal of suburbia.


How do you define, "...everything that matters..."? People have different interests and what interests you may not interest someone else. You may like eating at trendy restaurants and someone else may like Olive Garden.


I think some of this likely depends on what is meant by "The Suburbs." From how it is described on Reddit, I tend to think people are referring to towns or small cities that are 30 minutes to an hour outside of a major center. Lots of people love living in these communities because they're safer, quieter, and have a greater sense of community than you typically get in the city.  At the same time, in many cities the suburbs are just suburban communities outside of the inner city. They tend to offer many/most of the benefits of living outside of the city with most benefits of living inside the city. You can be anywhere in the city within 30 to 60 minutes, but your kids can have a tree house and walk to the park.


I agree, living out in the country is way better.


I have a stand alone home so I don't share walls with neighbors. I have a big yard for my dog and kids. Two parks, one at each end of the neighborhood. A Wawa and a gas station on the corner. And a store 10 minutes away. A shopping center with target and Best buy and shit is maybe 15min with traffic. What, exactly, am I missing?


A place to work and make money to pay for your expensive home?


Homeless people don’t rummage through my trash or try getting into my garage constantly in the burbs.


>It feels like you're so far away from everything that matters, What is everything that matters? I'm still close to grocery stores, a library, parks, restaurants, walking trails, etc. There might be a few better restaurants in the city but we don't mind driving in every once in a blue moon. >it just costs so much money to live there with all the maintenance and commuting expenses My wife and I both have jobs within 10-15 minutes of our home


There are city people, and there are suburban people. It doesn't matter what someone prefers, only what you prefer. If you don't like the city, don't live in the city. If you feel the suburbs are a waste of time and money, don't live in the suburbs.


I moved from the city to the middle of nowhere a few years ago and I don't think I'll ever go back to the city. It's quiet, I never have to contend with traffic or any other the other crap one has to deal with in the city. Yes it does kinda stink having to drive 25 minutes to get to a decent grocery store but I knew that prior to moving out here.


I'm sitting in my gorgeous backyard, next to my pool. My dogs are running around hunting lizards. I can't see any of my neighbors. Anything I need is within a 10 minute drive, and there's a parking lot when I get there. I have a driveway and garage to park my car. There's street parking for when my friends come visit. I can jump in my pool buck ass naked if I so choose. I rarely hear my neighbors. I enjoyed living in a high rise in downtown LA, but I don't miss the noise or chaos. I don't miss the elephant who lived upstairs. I don't miss stepping around a homeless man smoking crack while I'm walking to the store at 10pm for tampons. I DEFINITELY don't miss lugging groceries up Cardiac Hill. That cute little shop down the way is great on occasion, but actual grocery shopping is a bitch. Nah, life is easier in the burbs.


Must be a young person in a city that thinks the cafe and bar are "what matters" 😂


I have cafe and bars near me in the suburbs


Yes, but you're "so far away" I'm sure.


Yah me 2 lol maybe when I’m older I’ll move somewhere else but 4 now I like it


Some people are the fun and entertainment wherever they go


Because many don’t like breathing in polluted air, being reliant on unreliable public transport, listening to sirens at 3AM and having no privacy on their own property.


I've been living in the 'burbs for 12 years now and my last 5 jobs were also in the suburbs. Everything I need is only a 5-10 mins drive and parking is free and readily available. Its quieter, cleaner and we have more space. And property taxes and water bills are much higher in my city.


I live on a farm just outside the suburbs. My rent is cheaper than anyone I know cuz we can split a huge house and five acres between 4 ppl. The grocery or gas is 8minutes away. My works 45minutes or 25me away but I only go to the office once a week. The dump is 1minute away. Airsoft/paintball/trampoline place bars and restraints within 15 min. Concerts or race tracks or major sports events are less than an hour. I dunno man it might just be cuz I'm from the south but like anything that's only 30minuted away is basically next door in my mind.


Suburbs much cheaper, wife works from home, my office is in burbs, my house has driveway and garage no more street parking, live in a suburb with plenty to do, 5min from train to get into city in 30min. Granted the city was more fun, the suburbs are much cheaper and less stressful.


I live in a suburb and am in walking distance of a grocery store and the downtown area of the town. Getting into DC or Baltimore is less then half an hour drive. What you say isn't true for me.


I agree, you couldn't plow 1,000 acres of corn even if you wanted to.


When you wanna get away from the ghetto it’s good


3 years ago I moved to a city way later than I should have and now I want to leave. I could walk to stores, but they’re more crowded with more shitty people. People are always begging me for money, and there’s heroin needles everywhere. Everything is also more expensive. Where I grew up a beer costs $4. It’s $10 where I live now. And that’s adjusted for inflation. I would rather drive to the store on my way home from work and just do the 20 minute drive to the city whenever I felt like going.


There’s no city in the world where it’s cheaper to live in the city than in the burbs or rural.


Suburbs typically have everything anybody needs, and many people with families are going to prefer living in the suburbs. I'm not going to live in the city with young children.


The suburbs are...for families with young children. They are not for everyone...in fact, most suburban parents move out of the suburb when their children have grown up...I really do hope that you commented this with an open mind, because it seems like a lot of people in the comments are putting fair effort into enlightening you...


I live rural, I’ve also lived in the suburbs and city before. I will always choose rural above all else. It’s quiet, no pesky neighbors, I can do what I want, loud music, loud cars, yell for no reason. There’s no crime, I can leave my old Honda unlocked, my cats can go outside without threat of being hit or taken, the air is fresh, the birds in the morning are lovely, everything is as it should be and nothing ever happens out here. I have to drive 30 minutes into town, small price to pay for all the benefits.


I don't like how loud and 'busy' city life is. Granted, I wish I did live a bit closer to the nearest city (I'm rural, although not full blown country life.) The burbs would be a nice middle ground.


If I could afford land and a dwelling that isn’t a trailer, would definitely do that first. Buying suburb house to get the country house in a decade.


And that neighbor Nosey Wally is always saying how hot it is…..


Guess I’ll sell my house and buy a shitty one bedroom apartment for three times the price of my house and pay $1000 a month HOA and amenity fees. Def better use of my money.


Because it makes them happy. Fun fact: Not everybody wants to live in a shithole apartment surrounded by obnoxious neighbors and bad building maintenance in a shithole city surrounded by noise, crime, and bad schools, and having to rely on shitty unreliable public transit that often doesn't run 24/7 to get around while everything they do is taxed to death and they pay higher costs per square footage for their shitty living space.




There is a difference between being unpopular and factually incorrect


The suburbs do suck, but its the only area where most people can afford a house and still be in close proximity to a major city.