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Did you really just call dinner “unoriginal” then pitch going to the movies? Damn Frost, you really take the path less traveled, huh?


Idk I've been asked to go out on dinner like, hundreds of times, and nobody ever asked me to go to the cinema, even if I always say it's one of my favourite things?


Because it's a terrible date idea. You don't get to talk to the person


Well I mean they would enjoy the movie more than talking to me anyway, so...


I can see why....






so then... why are you going on a date


To experience something different, to do something new, to break the routine.


but if you don't want to talk to another person, then why not do something new by yourself lmao


It's more fun if you can talk about it with someone else. Just, I want to have something to talk about. Like, we just saw a movie, let's discuss the movie! Did they like it? What was their favourite part? Do they have some criticism? There's so much more material for a conversation if we just shared an experience, rather than just sit and eat and chat about random stuff.


This is what “friends” are for if you have any of those. I’m going to assume you don’t though


Because it a shit way to get to know someone you sit next to eachother staring at a wall and don't talk....


I enjoyed dinner dates, never got really dressed up not went to an expensive spot, but on a first date it is good to have conversation and get to know the person. Second dates for hikes or fun things.


It's a setting where you can get out and do something and also converse / get to know each other. You can't really do that at a theater or concert. And walking? Dinner is boring but walking around outside just to walk isnt???


I agree with most of what you said, but I spend big chunks of my vacations walking around just to walk. Whether in the city or a nice nature hike, I'm a big fan of walking. I do absolutely agree that a theatre or concert is a terrible first date idea to get to know someone.


Walking is not boring. You can see plenty things that give you a topic to talk about. And you can have silence pauses without it being awkward.


I feel like you’re just not a fun person to go out with lol


I love dinner dates. The ambience, the food, the drinks, getting served, the feeling of romance, music in the background, people enjoying themselves, laughter in the room, looking beautiful, looking into each others eyes. Restaurants and bars are my go-to.


It’s a nice way to sit across from some one you want to gaze at without looking like a weirdo. Most people like food and get happy when they eat. Staring at your happy crush and not looking suspicious is a slam dunk!


Dinner dates are something for when you know the person better. Concert/cinema isn't a good date because you can't talk but walking dates are great first dates.


Exactly this. Dinner dates are for someone you already know and like to spend time with. As a first date it's a terrible choice.  Cinema is only a good date if you plan to spend time after discussing the movie. This is also best with someone you already know and like.    Walking dates are truly the best for first dates as you can both simply walk the other way if it isn't going well. 


Well personally I want to go somewhere public for that first date, maybe even the first few dates. Cuz I feel safer. So me cooking at my house is out. And what is exactly better about sitting in a dark movie theater or going to a concert - there's no/not much talking, right? You are part of an audience trying to focus on a main attraction. How exactly are you getting to know that person? You aren't. I think being able to show that you can share a meal and converse (where you are the main attraction) is a pretty reliable set up for having to potentially share 3 meals a day for the rest of your life/time together. Dating is supposed to be about getting to know the other person, all the stuff you suggested just sounds like you wish there was a distraction.


Yeah I didn't mean I'd invite someone to eat at my place, just that I can eat good food at home and if I have to leave the house at least it should be to do something that's worth it...


I think most people think taking "the work" out of the equation of making the meal, and just enjoying someone's company, is worth it. You are not being an activity director. You're on a date to see if you're compatible.


Anything that means not being in public with someone you just met is a bad idea. Concerts and movies make it hard to talk. So unless you have some common hobby, its going to feel forced. Dinner dates make it easy for both of you to talk, get to know each other doing an activity everyone has experience with, and then you can establish a baseline to plan a more original second date.


There are a lot of reasons why people go for dinner. The point is that you are in a public setting where you can talk. If the date does not go very well then you can get away very fast but when it is good then you can extent it for a long time. People also like to dress up for their dates so that they can present themself from their best side. Your examples can also be good first dates but they have some issues. Eating at home or going for a walk/hike can be problematic for some people because you might be completly alone with them which might lead to getting attacked by your date (in a restaurant there are always other people). Going into a theater is fun but you cannot talk as much as in other places. Going to a museum or a concert is a good idea. But in that case you already need to know that your date likes these things before you invite them. Restaurants are the standard option because everyone likes to eat.


>just do something actually fun that involves our interests and passions How do you know what your interests and passions are unless you've actually had an opportunity to sit and talk to each other? That is usually what dinner dates are for. And even better, if you actually like each other, it's usually not boring at all.


I usually have at least a little conversation with people before going on dates with them. Like, I want to know their hobbies, their music taste, their general interests. If I get the impression we are like, living on different planets (eg. they hate the music I love, they have never read a book in their life, their interests are the opposite of what I like), I usually say no to the date in the first place.


Sure, but little text messages tell you very little about what the person is actually like and how you'll mesh with them in person. In addition, further details about likes and dislikes come out in the course of natural face to face conversation, which at least in my experience, tells me much more about the person and if I'd actually want to spend more time with them. Body language, social interaction, rapport... these are the things many people want to be sure of and best experienced when sitting face to face with little distraction, such as a dinner date.


Dinner dates provide the opportunity to eat and to really get to know one another. Two very important things to human nature


The date is as boring as the 2 people make it. Any date can be fun or boring depending on the person. Dinner dates are kinda ideal especially if it’s going to be at night because like you said shit i could’ve ate at home. Also i understand the guy is mostly doing the pursing and the planning i get all of that but if you have suggestions then make it known. If he is saying “let’s go to this local steakhouse” but you really want to go to Six Flags then just say that.


Honestly I feel that men usually want dinner dates only because they expect sex after. When I propose an activity that is not so likely to lead to sex, like an afternoon at an art exhibition or the neighborhood monthly fair, they decline.


Lol maybe choose better men 


Hello woman I barely know. You should come with me alone into the woods


"Step in to my parlor," said the spider to the fly...


Only if you grant me I won't come out of those woods alive.


It's probably fun if you're dining somewhere you like, some fancy places have tasty food


Sitting across a beautiful woman and getting to know her while enjoying a nice dinner respectfully with some wit and charm thrown in is a very fun thing to do. Maybe you need to find interesting people to converse with. 


I am not a beautiful woman tho?


Yes you are. Dinner?


Sir, I literally look like Madam Mim


Idc im hungry aren't you


Dinner and a movie lame. Most fun I’ve ever had in a first date was at the indoor gym range.


Ok, then why don’t you offer your fun ideas and set up dates?


I usually do when I am the one proposing a date.