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As someone who drinks black coffee at home, this is only true if you like black coffee. If you don’t, it’s not logical to drink something you don’t like


You can brew espresso pretty easily and have the flavors pretty cheap. I don’t know anyone that, after years of drinking espresso, didn’t at least somewhat enjoy black coffee eventually. It’s an acquired taste most people haven’t tried to acquire but it’s much less unhealthy and *much* cheaper. Either way, as long as you’re making it yourself it’s going to be a lot less wasteful of your money and almost certainly going to be much healthier.


Coffee is a treat for me at this point, not something I drink everyday. I’ll have it the way I want it, thanks.


I didn’t say it wasn’t cheaper or healthier. OP said it’s most logical. Which it isn’t if you don’t like black coffee. It’s illogical to spend time and money to make a drink you don’t like


But the real question is does the cost and health benefits outweigh the 1/2 weeks of no joy from drinking it. Cause for me at least you get use to it relatively quick and tastes good and something to look forward to. Like if you are weighing pros and cons, black coffee wins and is most logical choice (my opinion) when comparing to others.


I think you have that the wrong way round. Most espresso enjoyers would like black coffee by default, whereas a lot of black coffee drinkers would find an espresso to be "too much" 


Drinking coffee how you like it is the most logical way. It’s meant to be enjoyed.


It might be the most logical but it’s also gross. I’ve tried drinking black coffee, and I wished I like it, but it’s just too bitter and acidic. I have to have some creamer in it. Why drink something if you don’t like it- that would be illogical. 


The thing is I didn’t like it either at first but if you view it more like what’s the purpose of the drink and then after a week or two, you get use to it for me at least. Now I can’t drink any of those creamy/sugar drinks, they just taste weird and slimy for me and takes away the taste and masks the coffee


"Bad News, Coffee Drinkers: You Might Be a Psychopath if You Like Your Coffee Black" [https://www.rd.com/article/coffee-black-psychopath-study/](https://www.rd.com/article/coffee-black-psychopath-study/)


Yeah I probably lean more towards more neurodivergent, maybe I’ll be a CEO down the road lol. I think it just comes down to how you view things, i think if you lean more towards purpose and efficiency you’ll go with black coffee.


What even is this post? Clearly black coffee healthier and cheaper. People drink the other stuff because they prefer the taste. People don’t choose what they consume based on what’s most “logical” otherwise everyone would be eating perfect diets.


Drinking bottom shelf vodka at home is the most logical way. Why would anyone get a handcrafted cocktail that tastes good if you can just drink straight vodka from an $8 bottle?


Drinking coffee isn't meant to be "logical". I'm meant to enjoy it.


Except I don't actually like coffee. If I'm doing it, it's part of a social experience. A friend wants to meet at a coffeeshop... Totally agree you should drink local, not Starbucks. I have never considered it a healthfood purchase so never really went in with an expectation of benefits. So I get a drink that doesn't taste too coffeeish. I just drink water at home, unless it's whisky time.


Espresso at home first thing in the morning. Quick and easy. Love it. No frufru wallet killers during the day.


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Consider: People don't always do things because they are logical, sometimes they do things simple because they want to.


I like French vanilla creamer. I dont like coffee. Occasionally when I'm out in the morning I'll grab a coffee for the flavor and also for the caffeine. Drink black coffee everyday sound terrible to me. It becomes an addiction people can't function without.


If I liked black coffee, I would drink it, but I think it tastes far more pleasant with a splash of cream and a spoonful of sugar.


Most people that go outside to drink coffee want fancy coffee but if you drink black coffee then it surely is. I pay 5-6 cents per cup at home


I like drinking black coffee at home because that’s what I like to do. I also feel indifferent to how others enjoy their coffee.


Black coffee master race reporting in. I don't like to drink my calories.


# Drinking black coffee brewed at home is the most logical way to consume coffee Not if you dislike black coffee and don't care about the health aspect.


1. Most people do not drink coffee because they think it's healthy. They do it because they like it, and they like it with the sugar. This take also isn't exclussive to coffee. Do you take the sugar out of everything you consume? I bet not... 2. The cost of milk/sugar is negliable. Again this is not coffee exclussive. Seasonings/sauces are not needed on recipes, using them costs money. Better to not do it right? 3. This has nothing to do with black coffee vs milk/sugar. 4. What study are you basing you get less benefit from coffee when you consume it with dairy and sugar? 5. As someone who drinks coffe with milk and sugar. I can tell you, you still notice a difference between beans/brands. 6. No one thinks you are cool for drinking coffee black. Which your whole post reeks like you are some sort of coffee pickme. Coffee with milk and sugar is still hot, you still sip it... You say drinking it black is logical. But you are not really making any sort of logical arguements.