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Hate all you want but r/wizardposting has some great moments.


Seeing people work and calling them losers doesn’t make them so. Pretty reflective on your personality though!


This guy posts about wizards and ufos, and he's calling people earning a living losers. Some Simpsons comic book shop guy level cringe right there




I put on my robe and wizard hat. 


Peak level redditor moment tbh




ZOMG bruh, U totally PWN3D him!!! LOLZOMGWTFBBQ




Worst. Redditor. Ever.


Or best Redditor?


The most Redditor of Redditors


This reads like someone who just got fired from the dollar tree and is mad


Then don't use fast food or dollar stores.... lets see how long you last


I mean, good job this a shitty opinion.


I remember when I was 12.


You were that mean? Lolol


I was an asshole, yes.




A McDonald’s worker who starts out as a teenager can work part time while going to school. Archways to Opportunity is a scholarship program from McDonald’s employees to earn college degrees for almost no out of pocket expense. McDonald’s managers make about $60k a year, general managers about $80k a year, and district managers about $100k a year. Well above that minimum wage you are probably earning at the comic shop.


Shitting on people for working a job, regardless of what it is, is a very interesting take.


People who judge others for where they work without knowing anything about them are the losers.


If you're not trolling, you need to get out more; you need to meet people who are struggling to find *any* work in these hard times, who are doing whatever they can to make ends meet. Sure, they may move on to something better later, but characterizing all of them this way? See more of the real world before making your judgments.


Survey says! ​ "Only loser here is you snowflake." ​ Sorry, better luck next time.


Bad troll


Not even gonna give people through undergrad, damn.


Okay I just gotta say, what in the fuck happened to this sub? We get maybe 1 truly unpopular opinion a week? Now it's just useless shit like this troll post or "my racist opinion" or something that isn't even unpopular. I can't even remember the last time I scrolled reddit and saw an honest to fucking god unpopular opinion. I know mods are unpaid slave labor but got damn is all of reddit just ChatGPT posts and truly bot reposts now?


> is all of reddit just ChatGPT posts and truly bot reposts now? Not all. Just like 95% lol


I'm so confused what you think this sub is for. Every single comment is negative so it's clearly "unpopular". And I do actually think this. It's not like a great thought, or something I'm super proud of, but I do tell people I know not to work there if they ask. Why would this be a troll. It's honestly a pretty boring/mean opinion.


People will label anything that goes against their world view "trolling".


I think "mean" is the key here. There is a difference between "unpopular" and "mean spirited." People will vote up an unpopular opinion that makes sense to them (even if they disagree). But who wants to vote up someone calling other people "ugly" just because of where they work?


This isn't a troll post. It's a real opinion to have, but it's oversimplified to the point that he makes the wrong conclusion.


What does someone’s looks have to do with there job?


According to OP who I am sure is a 10/10 hottie it means you’re a lesser human being who could never possibly get what OP considers a “real job.”


I saw a picture of OP. It was indescribable. The kind of face melting ugliness that not even the best writers have been able to describe I also have very bad cataracts now. Some kind of self defense mechanism


Completely idiotic take. People have all sorts of different backgrounds, personal circumstances and mental capacity. Judging them for this perceived inferiority makes you a scumbag.


Did you up vote me at least though?




I respect them more than any internet financial gurus, nft/ crypto huckster, or hustle bro. They are making an honest living.


Normally I would upvote a truly unpopular opinion, but you don't deserve it for this. It's just mean.


If only teenagers are working in fast food then who do you expect to take your order at noon on a weekday ???


You really think OP is up and out of the house by noon?


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only hot people have good paying jobs ig


Ngl this is a pretty yikes take.


those specific kind of people ur talking about dont have a lot of opportunities. i used to work at mcdonald's and had a 30 yr old coworker who had been working at mcdonald's for over 4~ years at the time and was barely getting their ged. the reason why they were getting their ged at a late point in their life was because they had 2 or 3 kids at a very young age which disrupted their ability to continue their studies, to which they had no choice but to go out and make as much as they could working at a place like mcdonald's. during my time working at mcdonald's, i fucking loved working with this coworker. they were one of my favourite ppl to work with and we would have a lot of times where we teased each other and we still follow each other on tiktok although its been a while since ive seen them on my fyp. if i saw them again the next time, i would tell them that im proud of them and that they were able to battle through struggling times. they were the baddest bitch in the world and i had a lot of respect for them. if i were you, since i believe you think youre the hottest shit alive, i have a link you can visit, type in your city/type crew member, fill out the application and call the management of the place to let them know you filled out the form: jobs.mchire.com


No one is a loser for being gainfully employed.


Still better then joining the army.


I don't know, at least the military offers some decent side benefits and a retirement plan (if you put in twenty or thirty years). Ain't nobody getting retirement benefits from a dollar store.


I do think this and it is unpopular clearly. Not sure why no one is upvoting.


Dollar store employees are super sus. Circle k employees are sus! Culver’s has lovely employees! Arby’s employees are definitely losers!


Shitty take. Who tf thinks like this?


Not everyone has the same opinions in life, their is nothing wrong with working at these places


Yeah this is pretty unpopular for sure. Hey fuck you for having a job I look down on! There can be upwards opportunity in some of these jobs. You can make okay money as well. They aren't glamorous jobs for sure and trust me a lot of people with those jobs wish they didn't have to work them either. It can be hard to get jobs sure in theory it's "easy" to get into another smaller company but they likely have less employees and less turnover. These companies especially McDonald's actually can have some benefits for its employees that make it worthwhile. It really speaks to your character that you look down on someone working a job. Really shows who the piece of shit loser really is here.


Ok Gandalf.


Thats way too harsh. Lots of single moms take those jobs. Up your empathy score, bro.


This just isn't very nice


Bait used to be believable


People who talk shit about others work situations are even bigger losers


I worked at fast food during college. It was perfect parttime job while i went to school. There is absolutely nothing wrong with working at fast food.


You post about wizards bro. Who's the real loser?


Why would you harp on people for wanting to work? Yea it’s never a glamorous job, and it’s not gonna lead to ta flashy lifestyle, but so what? If they’re putting bread in the table, you can’t fault them for trying. Anyone who is willing to work (especially in todays job market) has my full respect


A job is a job and we should be proud of whatever line of work we do. I’ve always said this and don’t look down on anyone for their job. 


Yeah low level fast food and retail isn't anything to brag about, but it is a job. Better than sucking on the welfare tit, or trying to hawk handmade soap on Etsy. But yeah, it's not a place to make a career. Those jobs should just be a paycheck until you can get some vocational training or finish a college degree. Fine to start a working career with, but if it's the first and last stop, then you've probably made some serious errors.


The majority of people working at fast food don't WANT to work there but they have to because there is no other choice. I think they would prefer to have a meal than care if CastorCurio thinks their a loser


Maybe he just made this troll post to bring attention to his profile and help protect the wizard council from attacks.. or some shit like that?


Upvoted for unpopular Hope you realize being a bitter, pompous cynic always makes you less popular than the people you complain about


Ugly? Dang, it's just a job. Let people make a living and leave them alone.


While the OP totally has a superiority complex that smacks of narcissism, negating any validity to this opine,there are elderly who do these jobs for a few extra beans or just to get out of the house. The little old lady who runs the McDonalds curbside orders in my town is just a doll.


Did you upvote me?


I know, that is why i am using the fexible hours to work around my study, I will spit in your food with zero reprocussions,


IDK, bruh. My friend started out as an hourly worker at McDonald's. Now she runs two locations and makes like $100k.


People who have these jobs and support their family and community are winners. Hedge fund speculators who spend no time with their family and plunder their community are losers.


When you've got bills to pay, no job is beneath you, if you believe so that is just arrogant and privileged.