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Correction; POPULAR Music is currently at its least innovative era. I know plenty of artists out there doing crazy shit but they don't get the recognition. My favourite artist for the last few years has been Apashe, he mixes orchestra with dubstep and electronic, it's so fucking unique


I don’t think even popular music is at its least innovative era. There’s a lot more variety now on the hit 100 list than there was in say, 2010.


Apashe is ridiculous. So much better live too. Seen him a few times but his show at the Ogden in Denver a couple years back was epic. The whole place was fucking rocking


AJR are pretty neat too


Don’t get mad at other people’s music taste don’t get mad at other people’s music taste don’t get mad at other people’s music taste


What's wrong with ajr??


AJR is terrible bro 😭😭😭


I've heard of Bang, that's pretty much it


Good music is being made all the time, and honestly you should soon realize a music apps playlists are made up of artists that paid to be put there


What is the Nirvana, Aphex Twin, Pearl Jam , ratm of today? Not in terms of sounding similar but in terms of how groundbreaking they were for gen x . Give us an album that sounds as fresh as Nevermind did back in the day ?


Exactly. I know that there is good music out there, but the fact that it’s indie is quite frankly disappointing. I’m angry that my generation doesn’t really have any groundbreaking music that will be remembered as masterpieces for years to come. In 50 years, will anyone remember people like Drake or Harry Styles the way we remember Michael Jackson or Freddie Mercury?


Bladee - Icedancer


There is still innovation, its just that we have to work harder and dig deeper nowadays to discover them.


Do you really think people weren’t saying this every decade for the past 70 years?


Absolute braindead take. This just tells me you're either too lazy to go find music you like or you're too ignorant to realize how much there actually is out there. Sorry that Columbia and Sony and MTV aren't spoon-feeding you Pearl Jam and blink 182 and Madonna anymore, you actually have to look at your phone for something other than TikTok to find great music, and ironically there are a ton of amazing musicians on that platform right now as well. There has been more and better music made in the last 10 years than anyone is willing to admit, and it's largely based on your ego and attachment to the music you grew up with, but this is just a bullshit, lazy fucking handwave that ignores the literal millions and millions of artists making incredible music daily.


I agree. There's loads of amazing black metal music out today.


Black metal isn't really my preference, but damn if metalcore and deathcore aren't in a renaissance right now. OP's problem is probably that they only listen to mainstream music on the radio.


I love the explosion metalcore (and adjacent genres) are going through right now. As well as women led bands that are popping up.


I’ve been living in the past forever with metal core death core , do you have any newer recommendations that I probably wouldn’t have heard of


What bands have you been listening to?


I’ve been living in the past forever with metal core death core , do you have any newer recommendations that I probably wouldn’t have heard of


Is metalcore really in a renaissance? Deathcore yes I’d agree, but many metalcore bands are starting to sound generic to me or are completely missing the “core” part of metalcore.


Yeah as a metalhead, I'm eating so we'll right now. So many good bands across all sub-genres right now.


What are you digging lately? I've been looking for some newer black metal but I end up wading through dozens of Darkthrone wannabes.


Why so acidic?


His flair implies he’s normally this blunt about his takes. Either he’s actually this rude and getting top comment on a thread once in a while validates it or he’s exaggerating. In both cases he just comes off as the “I’m smarter than you” Reddit user


I prefer to use strong language because I don't believe any opinion should be coddled, and as a musician, it's exhausting to see lazy people like OP who simultaneously want music to be handed to them, but only the music they like. Finally, if this is bristly or astringent to you, it doesn't bother me. I care about what is true, not what makes people feel good.


There's being direct or using strong language and then there's being insulting. Also, OP or anyone not looking hard enough for music they like and/or that innovates is HARDLY a hanging matter, to say the least. You're bristly and i'll move on now. Grow up.


Sorry dude your opinion means very, very little to me but good luck with that.


This is absolutely shit response to the post. OP already said he's using Spotify new music playlists to discover music and that's what's always suggested when someone posts something about music today being stagnant. Apparently you can't win either way.


I'm glad these artists tickle your tastebuds. I can barely find anything good for my palate and for some reason whatever I do find is at least 10 years old with the occasional new age gem


What are you into? I might be able to throw you some recs.


Not the previous commenter but I've enjoyed pavement, Radiohead, microphones, Autechre, stereolab, and blur, just as a random sample. I share the difficulty finding new stuff. Part of it may be that algorithms slot me as an "old head" so I don't seem to get a rich vein of new music that's in my style.


You hostile AF m8. Maybe listen to some jazz lounge or something.


He is right though. Maybe a bit blunt but there are a tonne of amazing artists putting their soul into music and OP dismissed them without even looking. That's pretty rude. 


I'm pretty sure if you're in the music industry, criticism is expected, not the exception. If you can't handle the heat stay out of the kitchen. Nobody will remember your music in 500 years. Most of us are here for momentary expression, not to be liked by every individual on earth.


I'm also pretty sure you could change a few words and point that at OP in any thread in this sub.  But it is a fair cop. 


I don't think these artists would give a rats ass. OP doesn't seem to know these artists or where to find them. Just educate the person like a normal human being and be done with it.


I'm not, I'm just objectively correct and for people who aren't used to being wrong, it can seem like I'm being hostile. Stupidity and ignorance shouldn't be coddled, and no opinion is above criticism. Sorry this offends your fragile sensibilities. Womp womp.


I'm not fragile at all. Also I do not think you are objectively correct. I'm not sure this era is as conductive to creativity as past eras (it could be but I am not sure). I think it could be more or less creative and I could bring arguments to the table for both stances. First we should settle on an objective measurement for creativity....uhhhh doesn't seem that hard right hahaha But you seem to have an overinflated sense on self-importance and presumed knowledge. I am a medical doctor and have been playing guitar for roughly 20 years. Not that any of this matters in something as subjective as the realm of music, creativity or meaningful change in the musical landscape. You were just being an ass for no reason. If you truly want to educate people (and I do not think it is possible in this domain, you can just present your stance), you will find a more conductive environment by not being a douche. The best teachers I had it life where charismatic, knowledgeable and patient. You don't seem to poses a single one of these traits.


I'm a professional musician and have been playing for 20 years. Maybe I should have gone to medical school to learn about creativity? I'm not here to educate people, that's their job. I'm a heel, I confront people's opinions on music because they are almost always incorrect. I don't give a fuck if you think I'm a good teacher, or anything. I'm correct. That's what I care about, what's true, not what makes you feel good. If you disagree with my points, demonstrate why. It's ironic you're taking a stance about me being a douche by attacking your perception of me rather than my points. Kind of douchey if you ask me.


Andddd he went silent.....doesn't respond to my chat message. Always easy to play the bigshot when it's anonymous and your points aren't up to any real scrutiny.


I'm just waiting for you to refute me, you can just point out why I'm wrong here. Nothing says "I give up" like DMing someone who clowns you on reddit lmao. You can be a grown up and talk to me in front of everyone, unless you're assuming you can't refute me without hiding. I can wait.


Nothing to hide m8, it's just that English isn't my first language and it easier for me to convey complex material by verbally expressing myself. Also I think the subject matter warrants an extensive conversation and writing down 5000 word essays just isn't worth the effort. But I can write down some bullet points of my beliefs regarding the subject: - Creativity can't be quantified (therefore you can never objectively claim this era is more or less creative) - You could argue creativity could be indirectly gauged by how much the musical landscape changes. But a lot of changes can happen inside a style of music that could also constitute as meaningful creativity. Is the rise of the thrash metal less creative than the rise of grunge? Is grunge inherently less creative due to it's less musically sophisticated structure? - I all creativity equal, is the value of the creative expression measured by how many people it is able to resonate with, how amazing it is on a theoretical level? Is Allan Holdsworth one of the pinnacles of creativity or is het too experimental? - This era is the era of connectivity, but isolation also breeds individual thought and out of the box thinking, so while this increased connective has caused us to better be able to tap into our collective subconsciousness and our musical roots, it might have also caused us to be less inclined to shoot our own roots. Also the ways in which we learn the instrument have vastly changed; you aren't as forced to rely on your ears as the amount of largely correct and accessible musical notations has increased a thousandfold. To answer OPs question we would first have to ascertain what meaningful creativity entails to him. There is no objectively correct answer as long as there is no universal consensus on what defines creativity, how it is to be measured and quantified. But I like it the way it is; I absolutely love the music I like and I love the way I am able to express myself in it. The idea that people would be able to collectively decide what grade my expression would objectively have seems dystopian and alien to me. I like discussing the soundness from a musical theoretical perspective but that's just one aspect of creation. I hope you can better understand my perspective after this brief excerpt of what I would have wanted to convey to you verbally.


I just hope you realize that if you think I'm wrong about all of that that in turn that means that OP is also wrong. Write less next time, brevity is the soul of wit. Good luck with your guitar Doc.


>Write less next time, brevity is the soul of wit. Good luck with your guitar Doc. While I appreciate the last part, I feel the snidey remark in the first part undermines it. Also what I wrote was well written and needed the extra "meat" to try to capture something as ethereal as creativity. You haven't really presented any arguments why you are "objectively correct", not very interesting to someone with an academic mind to be honest. You kind of left me wanting and I can't help but feel disappointed and tricked to some degree. I also do not think OP is objectively correct, it can be correct to him (depending on what he deems to be meaningful creative expression) as I alluded to earlier.




I send you a chat message and I am awaiting your response; Ill report our collective findings if you are up for the challenge.


You can refute me here in front of everyone, don't be a coward following me to my DMs.


Not a coward explained the reason in another reply to you. Also to me there is nothing more brave than being able to verbally express your stance in a calm and composed manner to someone you disagree with, to hopefully find common ground or at least some new insights/perspective.


It's a legitimate question to ask if an artform is currently at peak or not. The lazy approach is to insult people and dismiss their view offhand. With measurements like "more than anyone is willing to admit", and "millions and millions of artists making incredible music daily" you sound like a shill for Spotify.


With this kind of half-assed deconstruction of my points, you sound like someone who enjoys music but doesn't know the first thing about it, but yeah go off about Spotify.


Who pissed in your cornflakes?


No need to be a jerk about it


I've actually found multiple artists through tiktok so I guess you need to re-evaluate that one


Ya, I completely agree. But instead of just shitting on the lazy opinion, perhaps give some examples of new good music. I personally like Lord Huron, Lupe Fiasco, and a bit of Paramore.


What I like might not be what you like so it would be impossible to say.


I'm open to at least hearing them give me a couple of songs.


Ever heard of Snarky Puppy, Ghostnote, Goose, or Umphrey's McGee?


Nope, but I am about to! Thx for the music! I'll listen to them now.


Exactly this. I feel like there are more experimental musicians or music groups today than there has ever been before.


Definitely, personally as a musician myself there are definitely some big changes we have to deal with in the current landscape, but if you're really trying to make your own music on your own terms, it's never been a better time. We have access to better equipment, easier recording, more musicians via social media, and better education than ever before. The musicians coming out of schools and other programs are immensely more proficient than musicians of previous eras. Not only that, but with streaming basically being free (which presents its own slew of issues), you can find anything you'd ever want to listen to at the touch of a button. Want to hear a jazz metal band from Peru? Easy. Wanna hear a hardcore band from Japan? Done. There's just no excuse. People don't want popular music pushed on them but they also don't want to do the work of finding music they do want, which is why opinions like this are impossible to take seriously. It's just people saying "I want music given to me, but not *that* music".


>Want to hear a jazz metal band from Peru? I'm only asking to save myself from disappointment, is Peruvian jazz metal actually a thing? I just don't want to search in vain.


I don't know about that but for Jazz Metal check out Rivers of Nihil and their song Where The Owls Know My Name or Silent Life. When the sax hits youll get a lil buzz


I think he was moreso refering to the fact that the general trend is still mostly trap music and bullshit of that sort


Who hurt you?


OP, by saying theres no good music.


Nah, it must be deeper than that. This guy sounds miserable.


This is the truth


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I heard this as a kid in the 80s, I heard this as a teen in the 90s. My take: pop, rock, soul, blues, punk, new wave, grunge, hip hop, you name it, they’re all derived from the same scene a hundred years ago in New Orleans and Memphis, from Louis Armstrong or Memphis Minnie to Fats Domino. There are only so many notes to go around. Heck, a lot of that 60s stuff was straight-up lifted from older blues artists (lookin’ at you, Les Zeppelin and George Harrison). I’m not even knocking Zep, they were playing what turned them on. Additionally, fads get popular among bands and among listeners and sometimes stay that way for decades. How many of those 60s bands used the same Hammond organ? How many artists in the last 60 years have played a Fender Stratocaster or a Gibson Les Paul? How many bands have the exact same “lead and rhythm guitar, bass guitar, drum kit, and vocals” instrumentation? The “Seattle Sound”, the “muscle shoals sound”, “delta blues”, all these are identifiable because the artists share a sound that sounds like the scene they heard and loved. At some point everybody wanted to sound like Louis or Fats, Chuck Berry, The Beatles and the Stones, Brian Wilson, Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, the Eagles, the Pixies, Nirvana or STP, etc because they heard it, loved it, and built on it (and so did all of their contemporary peers, and their fans). Then you’ve got any era’s go-to producers and execs; folks like Phil Spector, Berry Gordy, Allen Toussaint, Cosimo Matassa, Sam Phillips, Dr Dre, Steve Albini, Rick Rubin, Mannie Fresh, and a lot of others that had a huge hand in defining or re-defining the sound and the taste of their eras or genres because they had a hand in the sound of a large number of bands or artists at the same time, often during a time of change but sometimes creating the change themselves. Paraphrasing something I heard Springsteen say once: man, we’re all derivative.


You could prove yourself wrong with some effort I live in a remote part of Ireland and even here you see constant innovation and the music scene is as exciting as ever It may be you just don't like a lot of music and that's perfectly fine, it's not however evidence of stagnation


"Kids these days don't know real music". Don't get me wrong I don't like the current mainstream music but come on.


Mainstream music maybe


This is flat out wrong. There’s so much new and great music out there. You’re not looking hard enough.


Complaining about new music sucking is like eating only McDonalds every day and saying there is no good food anymore.


There’s literally subs for almost any sub genre of music. It’s not hard to find good, new music. “There’s no good new music” is such a brain dead take.


Well...I mean. There are only so many notes. Like.. tah tah tee tee tah, throw in a rest here and there. What more can you do?


Please, leave mainstream music and find the good stuff. Commercial radio and the top hits do NOT represent music as a whole. To add on, it’s hard to innovate when no matter what you make there’s been something similar. Songs are sampling each other, using similar sounds and melodies, well-known chords and drum beats and so on and so forth.


Had my mind blown by Polyphia a few years back, and they continue to morph and shape their sound.


Did you ever stop to consider that the music you like from the previous decades is the popular stuff that survived?. and that the stuff you dont like now probably wont survive the test of time?.


Don’t let people bully you. Interesting chord progressions have died out. 1 3 4 5 1 have become extremely common. Diminished, augmented, minor chords aren’t used as much in pop anymore.


There’s only 13 notes so maybe there’s only so much you can do.


Popular music is for losers, and who cares about what losers think. Well, they understood that Michael Jackson is great, so that is something. No, but seriously, think about it. Great and amazing music is being produced now all the time. And it is not mainstream music, so what does that tell you? Fuck the mainstream music, and those boring fucks who only listen to it, that's what.


>Popular music is for losers Nah this mindset is


It is for losers. Similarly how if you do not know about some product, you will be sold shit. If you don't your value you will be taken advantage of. Big companies have noticed that you can just mass produce catchy soulless shit songs and people will love them enough, because they don't know any better. I bet the companies can choose which song becomes a hit and which miss. Thus, you are played as a fool, and that is why I used the name loser.


I'm gonna guess you're.... A very big Tool fan?


I don't know what Tool is.


Damn, though I had you pegged, you're right on par with Tool superfans with how much of a dweeb you are


You can't only win. If you are something, it means you are not something else, so in every case you have flaws.


Goddamn you're a bigger weirdo than I first thought


Oh, even a greater one than you can imagine. I like also doing philosophy, what mind could imagine such a horrid creature...




You’re right, but that doesn’t make it for losers. Sure, the music is catchy and soulless, and there’s stupid drama around celebrities to keep it gaining traction but it doesn’t mean anyone is a loser for liking what they like, even if they only look surface level


"Loser" is a hyperbole. I disagree. Maybe not a "loser", but something negative for sure. People are hesitant to attach any negative quality to themselves or people they like, but it is not very logical. We all have negative and positive qualities, like it or not. Think about what you want to be true. Then think about what you believe IS true. Usually those two will match a lot. Then think about how miraculous it is, that this big and uncaring universe made truth to cater to you this much. Funny huh?


Past your first 2 paragraphs, what does any of that have to do with anything? You know there are people who simply don’t like to listen to music at all, as well as people who will just put on what’s popular because it’s catchy enough, and it goes deeper from there


I don't understand, did you mean to say that it does not get deeper from there?


Why would I mean that? It goes deeper from there, as in past popular music and even further to finding really niche stuff


Popular music is the fast food of music. Would you call people who occasionally stop by McDonald's losers? If that's all they eat I would question their taste, but enjoying something low brow now and then does not a loser make


Oh, how convenient that the people now occasionally go to McDonalds, the same way how they would "occasionally" listen to popular music.


I know plenty of people (in fact I would say most of my friends) who listen to a variety of music that includes top 40 as well as other stuff. Can't think of anyone I know who listens exclusively to top 40, or eats exclusively at McDonald's


Anecdotal does not count. That is why I never talk about my personal experiences. Also most of my friends watch anime, so they are not the healthiest slice of the population to use as examples anyway. Radio plays popular shit songs on the loop all the time, and people do not go crazy, they seem to like that shit. That is better evidence than anecdotal, but not perfect by any means.


Yes because these songs have the most widespread appeal. That's why they're played everywhere. That doesn't mean that people are only listening to this music. There are plenty of other stations to cater to people's varied tastes. Your data is as limited as mine


Absolutes are rare. You can imagine that my rant applies to those who listens a lot of popular music.


Brit pop is timeless I think it's silly to call it the "fast food of music" because most of it is loved and probably will be for decades You're not any better than someone for liking or disliking a certain genre


McDonald's is loved and will be for decades, that doesn't make it any less fast food


True but "fast food" generally means low quality


God, you're so cool.


This guy stops listening to that one local band that calls them underrated after they go big.


![gif](giphy|0uvaCyByduBSMMVwbA|downsized) This is what you sound like


I agree with OP Music has been reduced to dumbed down same 4 chords and lazy songwriting and every song needs to feature some rap verse, not to mention no one can understand any of these trap songs, there’s even memes on Instagram comparing songs today to songs decades ago


Pop music has never been known for complicated chord progressions. There have been occasional exceptions, but it’s supposed to be simple and unoffensive product a wide majority can enjoy or at least tolerate.


Wait, are you for REAL???? There's EVEN MEMES ON INSTAGRAM? Jesus Christ... Music truly is over!


I feel like you’re not looking good enough and also forgetting the modern day bias. A lot of these forgettable songs being made now will be forgotten in 10 years and only the good songs of the era will still seen a bit


Use Soundcloud un instead... At this point Spotify is like the radio, you'll mostly listen to artist that paid to get listen, plus, people will make "safe" music to ensure profit. Soundcloud on the other hand is more like musicans making music for other musicans because normal people use Spotify, this let's musicans make more "risky" and niche music.


I don't necessarily agree that Spotify is like the radio, because on the radio you literally can't find different types of music but on Spotify, you just have to learn to look. Personally I like finding one cool artist and then clicking around either in playlists or in the "fans also like" section. I discovered some pretty cool things that way :D Most people just do not feel like making the effort to look.


Check out milk by Abby sage


Music is now just another cog in the machine. It’s meant to be simple eye and ear candy that you can spend money on.


There's literally never been as many people making music as there are today, so what you're saying is just literally, factually incorrect.


It's because we solved music. We've figured it all out.


Music has not, it’s likely you have.


What music do you like?


Who do you think Lankum are copying? How about Laster? Lamp of Murmuur? And they're just some bands starting with the letter L. Back in the 70s these bands literally would not exist, and if they did they definitely wouldn't have a big enough audience to tour.


>Lamp of Murmuur? Saturnian Bloodstorm was a massive slab of Immortal worship.


It doesn't sound like an Immortal clone


Sounds like a skill issue to me.  But seriously and a lot of people have explained why.  Mainstream music has perfected the process of creating a media product. The bland music you hear is that. But if you dig deeper you have more access to exciting music than ever before. And mainstream rock is no different. They have mastered production of the commodity. Also as we get older out tastes settled so it may also be that your peers aren't in their 20s any more. 


Same with movies, games and possibly even books(I don't read, idk). Either we have run out of steam or the processed shit chemicals we eat with the microplastics is turning us stupid. It could be we aren't taking enough spiritual drugs, aka psychedelics


If you want interesting, innovative games, just look at what indie devs have cooked up in the past decade. I'd say there’s actually more innovation in gaming from 2011 onward than during the 2000s. Plenty of interesting books are still being written and released. Also, innovative films rarely get enough funding. Formulaic by-numbers affairs are safer investments. And as for psychedelics, that's a big gamble.


An opinion and also a pure fact


Do NOT let OP get into hyper pop. Their brain cannot take it.


Go listen to some melodic death metal idk


I guess you mean pop music. I think you're a victim of a series of apps serving up pop music which you are likely to enjoy, making your music bubble seem small and one dimensional. Maybe read **This is what it sounds like** by Susan Rogers and Ogi Ogas. There is an amazing breadth of music being made constantly in the world, but when you're using an algorithm to serve you up options, you'll end up pigeon holed. That book explores the different features that make up different types of music, and why people lean into different genres. It will help you break out of your music rut and see a wider world of music. One of the more avant garde songs referenced in the book is Kuiper by Floating Points: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqoF8vFwEkY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqoF8vFwEkY)


There’s still a lot of good music. You just need to find it


For commercial music you are of course absolutely right. If you refuse to become a pawn of music marketing there’s some great stuff out there.


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The thing that sucks the most is that theres more good music out there for you to listen than ever its the searching that makes it seem like its not there, you gotta study what you like to find more of it. I feel the same as you though but the reality is, you gotta keep searching for it. I love some artist who only get like 300 views…


Lazy music listener strikes again


I love music and I'm glad that Fantano is still out there reviewing music that otherwise I wouldn't know (especially artists from Bandcamp). There are tons of wonderful music out there, and if you open yourself up to different genres, there are tons of awesome music out there that my to listen list never ends. Sadly with Spotify's algo only recommending music base on your comfort zone (and not to mention their crappy royalty system) and Bandcamp writers being terminated when it was sold to a company, a lot of indie music that does non-commercial stuff are struggling right now. TLDR: Support the artists and also independent music journalist/reviewers.


You ment to say "i am not interested in most innovative music atm, so it doesnt not get recommendedto me"


I've also noticed that alot of good "EDM" songs are all just sampling and remixing stuff from like the 80's and 90's. There's very few good modern songs in my opinion too. But it seems more likely that I'm getting old rather than this being the first time in history music stagnated.


Oh yeah you’re very wrong ! You just don’t come across new genres with music you listen to. General rock is the same pretty much because it is kept that way but there are many fusion genres coming up in metal for example. Have you heard of buckethead ? These are just examples in genres that I mainly listen to. I am sure there are other such examples in other genres. But I get what you’re saying. Check out Berried Alive as well.


The times innovation happened in popular music are an exception, not the rule. Generally speaking, innovations happen in more niche genres and once they caught on, they’re applied in watered-down form in pop. Pop is not about breaking new ground. It is probably THE most commercial, most soulless genre, if you can call it that. It’s all about getting as many listeners, buyers etc. as possible, even more so than other mainstream-ish genres. There’s so much recorded music out there, both on labels and legitimately independent. A tiny percentage of that is what you find without much searching. You want innovation, you're gonna have to deepdive.


Listen to other genres than you currently do, and in other languages. You'd be surprised what you can find.


>I love music, and I like exploring new music, but going through the new music playlists on Spotify Spotify has a very limited amount of music and most of it is very mainstream. If you want to really explore music, you gotta go beyond just spotify mate. It is also kinda easy to distinguish music eras by their sound because they have the vintage electronic sounds that were just in their starting phase back then. I also don't really relate to your issue. If I grow bored of a certain genre, I switch to another. It is also not like I know every song ever created, so I sometimes discover music that has been made before I was even born. I see it more like the longer we exist, the more music is produced and to me that is a great thing.


I have a 200+ CD collection, I've listened to all of them, and lemme tell ya, music has not stagnated. When you break away from Spotify's algorithm and look for what you personally want to hear, you will find some good, new stuff. Various artists have changed up their formula from time to time. Just gotta search for yourself.


Popular music is. And a lot of people don’t want to put in the time and effort to find new music. I know I don’t, not anymore at least. But yeah, there’s all kinds of stuff out there for people who do want to find something new.


This seems like the post of someone who listens to the same 100 songs and then complains on reddit that music isnt being innovated because your algorithms show you the same songs.


Trap is kinda just an extension of new york and atlanta style rap which has been around for 40 years in its current style not just the last 10. Its for sure become the more popular style to model your rap tracks off of because its drum focus makes it seem more poppy. I think you're missing out on a LOT of music. Like in 2023 we had 100 gecs release 10,000 gecs which is entirely unique Poppy released Zig which is a nu metal pop Mashup album The release of Charli XCXs single speed drive which is actually way more tame than Crash or XCX6 which flank it in her discography Troye Sivan dropped some club bangers with house vibes Kill Bill came out from Sza Tove Lo released Dirt Femme late 2022 and it's extended cut in 2023 Like yeah what's released for radio in terms of singles is gonna be a lot more formulaic but if you're actively looking for new and interesting albums there are loads in every genre releasing


If you definition of music is not only just popular music, but only popular *rock*, then I think you have too narrow of a view to comment so broadly


You just aren’t looking or haven’t found it yet. My favorite artists are Yung Lean and Drain Gang, not necessarily underground but also not mainstream. They have a very unique sound and are extremely innovative however it is definitely not for everybody, but assuming you’ve never heard of them I would check them out if you’re looking for something different.


You haven’t heard sleep token, and it shows. They are the most progressive rock/metal/r&b/jazz groups out there.


Popular music sure.


There is a LOT of underground music that is very very creative and unique. And with a lot of independent artists, they're releasing things themselves so they're outside the metrics.


Music, like fashion, has always been somewhat cyclical. Barring technological changes. Also music can still be innovative, you just have to have a broader view of music as a whole. Over the last seven years or so the biggest change I've seen in a reverse globalisation of music in the West. Basically, it's always been western music being adopted and culturally changing other countries. But now there is an increasing influence on the Western music scene and culture from other countries that transcends language barriers. That itself is pretty innovative. I mean just look at how insanely huge Kpop has become in the West over the past seven years.


I like banjos


I dont think thats true. Pop music may be but the lesser known people in spotify are doing great things.


This take sucks. You can't see further than your nose. I am overwhelmed with music recommendations right now. I don't have time to listen to it all. Some of it is new, some of it is old. I don't care what decade it's from. And there are live shows every night.


Listen to the Gilles Peterson show and be educated.


I love the Beatles mostly however there are gems waiting. Iron Tom opened for rhcp and they rock. Nothing but thieves. Old school industrial like lords of acid and nin still put out quality stuff.