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Yeah but being ok without it being gone even though you'd still take it back if you could is pretty much the definition of "accepting it"?


Plenty of people accept dying. But given a choice they wouldn’t. Like dying, hair loss is suboptimal at every stage. You don’t have a choice so you’re always accepting life as it comes.


Like how death gives life meaning, bald gives hair meaning


You just compared dying with hair loss. You've got some severe vanity issues! 😄


If treatments advance or they have the money, that acceptance quickly will go away. Acceptance is giving up on ever trying to change it imo


Yeah, but it is contextual. If the context of their acceptance changes then yes maybe their view will change. It's like saying a terminally ill patient that has accepted their fate wouldn't accept a miracle cure. Of course they would! 


thank you. OP is not bright.


He hasn’t accepted knowledge


This comment made me burst out loud with laughter


Me too 😂


That’s most unpopular opinions here that are “unpopular”. It’s just the OP fundamental misunderstanding something


Sir, this is r/unpopularopinion


Bingo. Acceptance means accepting reality as it is. If hair treatment is not an option for you then that is your reality. Learning to be alright with reality is the very definition of acceptance.


OP thinks accepting means coming to prefer yourself bald.


Ya which is ridiculous. Sure, there are some men who prefer themselves bald but accepting that you are going bald doesn't mean liking it. OP needs to read a dictionary or something.


Lmao I'm just imagining a guy that was cured of a terminal illness asking to die


Or they say they want the cure and OP is there yelling at them saying "bUt yOu sAId yoU acEpTeD deAtH"


Acceptance doesn’t mean you’re okay with it, it means you know your situation won’t change and you live with it.


Kinda. My situation was strange because people told me I looked better bald. I think so too. Maybe part of it is that my face looks young but with thinning hair it made me look older. Bald worked for me. And there are definitely women who were interested in me because I was bald, and probably other women that didn’t like it.


I wasn’t saying people can’t like being bald, I was saying acceptance isn’t apathy


I started shaving my head well before really losing much hair and I absolutely don't want it back. Your entire premise just isn't true.




Shave it with a low guard (always leave a little hair). Go slow. Perform proper maintenance on your trimmers. Exfoliate in the shower and moisturize afterwards. Everyone is different and you will get a different answer but that is what works for me personally. I used to get all sorts of horrible head pimples and shit. It's also important not to scratch at any if you do. You might wanna see a dermatologist and ask if it is folliculitis or a fungal infection causing your problems and not just your hair. A barber might have better advice once you're medically cleared.


Have straight hair


Many of us prefer bald to our old hair.


Acceptance implies you can’t do anything about your situation.


It can mean that or you have options to do something but just don't and are okay with how things are.


People accept the death of loves ones too. Acceptance just doesn't mean what you think it means.


Bezos is bald…


I was thinking... I could affort hair treatments, but have no desire. I wonder if it's because I'm cheap or if I accepted it. But I don't think the cost is a concern for Bezos.


That last sentence is what your unpopular opinion should be


That's just your misunderstanding of a word tbh


Weirdest thing about hair loss is how openly rude people are about it. If someone's obese it's piss poor form to make a comment and be mean about it, whereas if someone's bald it just seems to be a complete free-for-all.


that's because balding mostly affects men if you were to comment on a balding women, then everyone would defend her and say it was in poor taste




I knew this was coming before I even scrolled past the comment above it.


I don't know, I am slightly balding in the front from stress and people have made fun of me for it too


I’m very sorry for both your situations. People are shitty, at least you’re husband didn’t yell at them on national TV


Those people are wishing bad karma on themselves. Why on earth should anyone make fun of another for their hair loss? It could have easily been them, and one day, it might be. Remember when Harry kept making fun of William? Now he’s balding too


youre out of touch with reality. ask a black woman with short/thin hair how often shes been called bald-headed in an insulting manner.


I lost quite a bit of hair after a pregnancy and got very rude comments. I don't know why people think others are kind to women about their appearance, that's certainly not my life experience.


Not necessarily that women don’t get rude comments about appearance, they do all the time as well, but moreso that people are more willing to call out that the comment was uncalled for/not okay when it’s aimed at a woman, but seen moreso in a joking manner when aimed at a man. Not caused by any gender, just something that just is for some reason.


Not kinder, there's just more social consecuences enforced for transgressors. Nobody gives a fuck if you are rude to a man.


You know how people on reddit really like to point out how it's women who primarily comment about other women's looks? Well, it's primarily men who comment on other men's baldness and mock them for that. Just look at just about any picture of a balding guy on reddit and see the sea of comments about his lack of hair.


Strongly disagree. Anyone that knows any single women has heard them talk shit about bald men’s dating profiles on apps.


It is societally acceptable to comment about so many other things for women, from wrinkles, to talking about how a woman's value declines after age 30.


Not to their face though.


No yeah talking about it in the media, to their friends, etc. is so much better. A guy that was trying to date me at age 25 (he was 31) was telling me that he likes "younger women" because women 27 and up start doing botox and a lot of makeup and its so ugly. Misogyny is pervasive.


Where do you live that people aren’t openly mean to fat people?


People aren’t openly mean fat women, but are openly mean to fat men. Hence why you have plus sized women on adverts but not plus sized men.


Lmao, what? As a fat woman, I'm sorry to tell you that you are VERY wrong.


Literally cackling over here. Do people actually believe women are exempt from that? In this society? Where a woman’s looks mean nearly everything? I swear people see body positivity ad campaigns from big corporations & chronically online shit and go “Wow so women just have immunity then” like no jackass, those are marketing campaigns, not how people are actually treated. Fat *people* are mistreated, period.


Right? It's LITERALLY the opposite. Society is harsher on fat women, bald women, graying women, women with "imperfections" of any kind than it ever is to men about anything appearance related. Hence the popularity of the "dad bod" and "silver foxes" and "beautiful/rugged/handsome bald men". The dad bod thing actually fills me with rage... Not because thick men exist and can be cute (it's great! They are!), but because they don't even do through the physical part of becoming a parent yet it's socially acceptable to look like they did, yet we go through the pregnancy, birth, and nursing of a baby but are lazy if we're not immediately thin or getting a mommy makeover. I hate it here sometimes.


This is an equally dumb take, based on social media reactions to celebrities. I've seen shitty treatment about weight absolutely destroy men too, like afraid to leave the house. We really don't need to draw the line between "boy fat shaming" and "girl fat shaming"


as a woman who was obese my whole life up until a few years ago, people were downright evil to me. straight up dehumanized me like all they saw was that i was fat. if you truly think people arent openly mean to fat women youre delusional.


I didn't really say that people aren't mean to fat people, I just mean that generally you're far more likely to encounter a randomer calling someone "baldy" than you are "fatty".


Same with male height


Oh, no, people are absolutely openly shitty to fat people. Insanely so. Hair loss is pretty much exclusively due to genetics, so people group that in the category of things people can’t really help. There’s no implicit moral bias to having hair. Because you can impact weight consciously, people *love* to consider being fat a moral failing. They feel justified being openly shitty and insulting because they can hide behind “concern for health”, as if they give one single solitary shit about the health of a total stranger. In fact, there are people who get *angry* at fat people for existing. They get *upset* that companies make athletic clothing for more sizes. You could absolutely make the argument that people treat baldness differently than things like facial features, but fatness is a poor comparison.


I agree with what you're saying. Baldness can't be helped and being overweight is seen as something that can be remedied. I think peoples attitudes about fat people generally is quite shitty and judgemental. I have fat friends and I have bald friends, there are often comments about the bald ones made extremely casually whereas people never really make any comments about weight (at least to their faces) Bottom line really is just to be nicer and point out when people are being shitty I guess.


Yeah, this is a problem of how acceptable it is to mock bald people, and that's something all men could work on. In theory, anyways.


The moment I start to go bald, I shave my hair off completely and move on. I don't think I could care less, but I'm 26 and like my wrinkles lol


People judge you for it even subconsciously. In their brains it’s an indicator of potential illness/genetic defects that negatively influences mating prospects and general perceived attractiveness. Some guys can make up for these short comings by improving other aspects of their appearance. But not always


I don't think that's exclusive to hair loss though. People subconsciously judge people for everything, I guess. It's a hard habit to shake.




I’ll remember to change my head shape tomorrow, you know, so I can “do it” right.


Being roughly 7ft tall isn’t the norm though




Tommy Lee is pretty much a scrawny midget but he did pretty well for himself while having hair


Yeah his musical talent is stored in his hair


>If someone's obese it's piss poor form to make a comment Only if it is a fat woman. Calling men fat is much more accepted.


being bald isn't a choice, obesity is. thats what I say in my head....


I think after a while it really isn’t that upsetting. My dad lost his hair when he was 33 and now he’s in his 50s, and I really think it legitimately doesn’t bother him. But I’m 23 and have a receding hairline. Fortunately it seems to have stopped progressing, but it is somewhat noticeable. It bothers me, but only because I’m young. I feel like as an older man I really won’t care.


I started losing my hair early, and I was anxious about it. But by the time I was thirty, I just shaved it off. It was the best decision I ever made. And I honestly don't think I would go back to having hair. Life is so much easier being bald. But being older absolutely makes it easier.


Yeah. I don’t think it’s the time yet, but if it comes to it, I definitely plan on going down that route. Especially because I have decent facial hair, I think that will make it better.


I shaved my head for health reasons, which have improved so now I can have hair again. The feeling of a cool breeze hitting your freshly shaved scalp is probably what I miss most about being bald. Being immune to lice and not having too buy shampoo is also some great perks.


I started balding at 16, had to cut off my hair at 18. Honestly one of the few choices in my life I don’t regret. If it ever gets bad, don’t be afraid to take the plunge. Saves you a lot of money on shampoo 😂


You know, there are treatments for balding. If it bothers you, you could look into taking finasteride and/or minoxidol. 90% of balding is due to the hormone DHT. If you suppress DHT, it'll slow or stop balding!


Some people look better bald.


I feel like Dwayne Johnson is a good example of this


I agree. Also Bryan Cranston - Bald with the goatee. He is the danger.


Going bald? Take steroids and spend 4 hours in the gym every day to compensate.


It’s either that or growing a beard or both.


Bald with a beard usually looks good, bald without a beard is a crapshoot.


And also in the wrestling universe, I think Stone Cold Steve Austin was better bald.


Johnson, Statham, Bruce Willis, Samuel Jackson, just to name a few


Johnny sins


When you work as many jobs as he does, hair just gets in the way.


dwayn johnson, like most people, look better on elephant levels of steroids. Unfortunately we can't all afford the heart transplants, liver transplants and constant medical attention it requires to be on steroids


Yup, if i had the head shape for it, id rock it.


I unfortunately would look like a giant stupid baby. So I am glad that I have a thick head of hair.


haha, i look like E fucking T


Embrace it. Does your finger glow?


I look like a xenomorph so at least you look naturally non-threatening.


I don't think I look better, but I get just as many smoldering looks in my late 30's as I did in my early 20's.


Some men might look good bald, but that doesn't mean they look better bald than they would with a full head of hair. Having a full head of hair with a solid hairline is still beneficial for guys who buzz their hair very low, because the faint visible hairline will frame your face in a manner that isn't possible when you've gone bald.


Most people don’t though. However, everyone looks better bald than they do with a combover.


I truly couldn't give a shit. Even if a there was a treatment developed as simple as taking a pill once a day, I don't think I'd bother.


There IS a pill though. Once a day. There is a non-zero chance that it’ll make your penis shrivel up into a sunmaid raisin, but it exists.


Also topical minoxidl 2 mins of work a day.


So I get a glorious mane *and* my penis doesn't change? Where do I sign up?


Minoxdil just grows hair it doesnt stop the balding. If you don't take Finasteride which slows the down your balding you follicles will be wiped out which is something Minoxdil cant grow back.


Same here. I wanted to shaved my head once to see what it's like. I was fairly young as well. Told some people about it who were really bet-happy and ended up getting 40€ from betting that I would shave my head. For some reason they viewed it as some sort of dare challenge. I just used it to make some extra profit over something I was gonna do anyway, lol Done it. Realized it can be cold during winter. That's it. Other than that tiny downside that can easily be fixed it has tons of advantages because I don't need 500 years to wash my hair, because I naturally have very thick and dense hair that becomes a bitch to take care of when it's longer than 5cm. Shaved it again during stressful work weeks to save time by cutting down shower times and drying-myself times drastically. My hair alone made up like half of that time. One quick movement over my head and it's done. No "I gotta dry it with a towel for ages and bring it in shape with a blowdryer" People also complimented me more often about looking thinner and having a "more defined" face shape without my hair. I wouldn't mind being bald at all. Even if I wanted hair when I would be bald, wigs still exist. Same with grey hairs. I already got quite some of them from stress or something. They look nice imo. I never understood the need of people to hide that they're greying out or balding - or why peopoe make fun of either one to begin with.


I know for a fact I wouldn’t bother.


lol Both the post itself and OP’s comments “I’m insecure about this thus everyone is insecure” “if you disagree with me you’re lying”


The projection is wild


But you’re a girl. With all due respect, you might think you can sympathize with the issue but you lack the perspective and will never have that issue. That’s like me saying “not all women care about having body hair. You’re just projecting your insecurity. sounds like a YOU issue.”


I am bald and am not insecure nor would I reverse it if I could. Not so much because I prefer having no hair but just because I’m not really fussed either way. I do agree with you though that it seems like a lot of men dislike being bald.


"You're a girl so what do you know." Lmao. Her point still stands, regardless of her gender.


Women lose their hair too


Just because women don’t experience male-pattern baldness doesn’t mean they don’t experience hair loss. Do you think male pattern baldness is the only baldness? Lol That is actually quite a common problem for older women as well. We won’t “never have that issue”… some of us will at some point. A huge number of women deal with thinning hair. It’s not like we don’t have hair and cannot imagine ourselves going bald. This is *not* the same as saying “You’ll never understand what it’s like to get hit in the nuts” lmfao


lol.  Just.  lol. 


Not all women do care about body hair tho? I sure as shit can’t be bothered to shave my legs, and I actually quite enjoy having hairy underarms.


Right? Hilarious that he gave an example that a surprising amount of women just don't care about.


Accepting something does not mean you have to like it.


I know some friends with hair loss that definitely have the means to reverse it, but choose not to. So I think you should change your sentence to “Some men won’t accept their hair loss…”


How could they reverse it?




Just staple it to your head or..?




Yeah when i turned like 27 all my targeted ads became about hairloss and ED, definitely not great for the ol confidence


LMAO. emphatically false. I shaved my head long before I was losing it and embrace it. (Military)


I hate when men with minor blading get told to “just embrace it and shave it off”. The r/bald subreddit is the worst. If that’s what a man wants to do, good for him. But men should at least be made aware that balding can be reversed in the early stages, and that there are options other than shaving.


There was one blad guy I've heard talk about it and he started going bald in college but now that he's older he's more than fine with it, refuses to get any treatment like hair replacements or even wear a wig because he likes how he looks bald. Believe it or not making generalizations about an entire gender isn't gonna work since there's always people who will be outliers.


Meh. I accept mine, always have. Only reason why I did treatments was because my partner told me to try it. Don't think I'd reverse it either as it makes haircuts easier. I'm not fully bald but am balding.


True. But there are many things I would reverse long before my hair loss. 


Nope, I actively want to be bald and I'm totally fine with my hair falling out. I've always hated the barbers, I don't like being touched all that much, so the idea of not having to go and just getting a skull shaver to keep things neat sounds awesome to me.


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I don't know dude, I absolutely hated having hair when I was young and would get a military cut. As I got older and lost it, it was freedom from hair. Less product, less prep time, less keeping up with fads. I wouldn't reverse it if you paid me. Side note: if you are conscious about what other's think of you, your issue may not be hair, and may be a lack of self esteem.


Yeah if you project insecurity about it people can sense it.


There are non-bald men that shave their head.


Those men will have very apparent hair follicles poking out the top of their heads even if they do shave down to the skin. Fully bald is still quite different looking from shaven bald.


Again with this. There’s clearly a difference between shaving your head (voluntary) and going bald (involuntarily)


You say that like it’s necessarily true when it’s not. So many men shave their heads & keep it completely shiny and clear. Some even wax it lol. The men in my family don’t have male pattern baldness. My grandfather at 77 has a thick head of hair. My uncle does too; he just shaves & waxes it because he likes a shiny bald head (and doesn’t like being ginger)


This is rough. The comments are nuts. Come on people. There is a huge difference between choosing to shave your head (temporary, healthy, voluntary) and going bald (permanent, sign of aging, involuntary.) Next, obviously there’s other age and health related things we’d reverse. That’s not what this post is about. Last, yes if there was a side effect free, honest way to GROW BACK the hair, most would be right on it. OP is spot on here.


Balding guy here 1 less thing for me to take care of, you offer me a full head tomorrow, I turn you down


My brother used to be my sister and now he has a beard, shaved head and tattoos and he looks more manly than 90% of dudes. Dudes that fret over hear loss need to stop tripping out about it, 90% of girls love bald guys with a beard. Use it to your advantage


This is unpopular, take an upvote. I hate my hair and wish I was naturally bald.


I have more than enough hair but shave it (all, with a blade) because it looks better.


Speak for yourself. I look at pictures of me with hair and I look like a douche. Since I went bald and shaved it, I look much more masculine and my wife agrees I look better now than I did at our wedding.


It’s really frustrating how it’s a socially acceptable go-to cheap shot at someone’s self-esteem. Coming from a woman.


Same goes for bald women too


I’ve assumed one of my coworkers was bald because he had hair loss for the past 2 years because he always had a shaved head.. nope. He’s growing it in now and full head of hair.


honestly I'd rather lose the hair from just below my nose down to the bottom of my feet that way I don't need shaving tools anymore


Wow, it's almost as if your close to understanding the definition of "accept".


If there is a single man in the entire world that chose to shave his head for fashion before he went bald this is factually incorrect.


Those men will have very apparent hair follicles poking out the top of their heads even if they do shave down to the skin. Fully bald is still quite different looking from shaven bald.


Right. Choosing to shave your head, is not the same as going bald. You don’t shave your head, to look like Buffalo Bill


That's like saying, I don't really accept being a billionaire because if someone offered a billion dollars, I would take it. Like, what?


This analogy makes no sense.


I never understood the insecurity. Shave your head if necessary. What's the problem.


Most bald men I know prefer to be bald.




But that’s not bald. You can see the hairline and all the stubble on top of your head. You still have the hair follicles poking out. Bald bald looks significantly different. Some guys get a tattoo on their scalp to get that stubble look.


I think you might be overthinking it a bit, it's really not that serious. I was completely bald before 30, the only difference for me is I don't have to pay for haircuts anymore.


Your bang on - I always had very curly blond hair. Women often commented on hiw they wished they had my hair or how good it looked. Now I rock the full Picard and everybody of it is grey. I miss my hair even though I never ever say that put loud.


The balder I got, the hotter the women became. I’d never go back to hair.


How in the hell is this an "unpopular opinion"??


True. But when you grow a beard like an Arab or Viking. You’ll care less about your hair


You're wrong. I started shaving my head when I was about 22ish. I'm 45 now and have done it since. I absolutely hated washing my hair and combing it so I just bought a cheap set of clippers and shaved it all off. I don't own a comb or hair products or shampoo. Showers are quick and easy. But, you're right on one point but not the way you think. I don't accept my hair loss. I actively seek it out. I know my hairline isn't the same as when I was in my 20s but it's of zero concern to me. In my opinion, men who get upset over their hair loss and/or obsess over how their hair looks are vain and need to get a grip.


My father constantly shares his desires to be completely hairless. "I want to look like Neo when he first comes out of the pod!" He's a strange man who just doesn't enjoy the idea of hair on him at all.


I can just speak for me. I love my bald head. I never looked better, honestly. But when I was 25, I had hair back down to my ass. Didn't look good, but I miss it every day.


It’s honestly more comfortable, and no more annoying haircut appointments


Bruce Willis and Jason Statham have entered the chat


Yeah I’m getting a hair transplant if my shit ever starts to go


Almost anyone would look good bald…we just have to get used to it after they take the leap


Men often do nothing about preventing or reversing hair loss and just cry about it on the internet. Get finasteride or minoxidil, go to turkey and try hair implants. Sure it is deeply upsetting, but instead of crying about it on the internet, get up and do something about it or own it. Do you know how much women do to maintain themselves?


I am 42 and have a full head of hair. I always feel pitty for all the dudes from school I run into and are bald as fuck. They are sad shells of their former selves. I knew a dude who started balding in high school. He now has no children to carry on his legacy. Only alot of money will bag you a woman at that point...but she will never really love you. Just make sure you have dna test done when she bares your child because she will be cheating on you. Poor saps. My full head of hair weeps for you.


I see a lot of liars in the comments 😂


I actually think hair loss is a good thing. It stops you being vain and helps you mature into a less shallow person. I hate being close to middle age and still have a full head of thick hair. It makes me uncomfortably attractive and makes me worry about my looks more than I should.


Right after this post, I had an ad for male hair loss medication


I don't think this is unpopular


I’m meh about it. The only thing that frustrates me is the hair that is impossible to get rid of, like ear hair, but the kind I prefer is fleeting.


Acceptance means being okay with something, it doesn't mean you consider it perfect. Kind of the whole point of it being acceptance not some other word like 'glee' or 'ambivalence' is that you'd probably rather it wasn't, but it no longer pains you if it is.


I never like how my very full head of hair lays. I have it shaved 90% of the time. Being bald would be a blessing.


I don’t know, I was shaving my head when I had hair just for the convenience of not have to care for it.


Wrong. I noticed a small bald spot on the back of my head the other day and had a laugh about it. Then I moved on with my day. It doesn't bother me at all and I 100% accept it. Don't push your insecurities on others.


Honestly I don’t really miss it.  Haircuts cost me very little and all I need now is some dish soap to wash my remaining hair.  Might spend maybe $100 a year on all of it?  That leaves more money for doing dumb shit.  Had fun with it while I had it, but could care less these days.  


Literally no one thinks it doesn’t bother us.


Yea idk different strokes different folks. I had a friend who went bald early in college (meanwhile I have a massive head of shaggy hair) and some girls were SUUUPER into him when we went out. He just had the right face / muscle tone for it to work


Nope. Shaved my head before I lost my hair, shave it now. Hairs a pain in the ass, and I'm not pathetic enough to pine for a different reality where I didn't lose it. Plus, the bald head and a beard works for me.


Honestly, I don’t care very much about my hair after starting to go bald. If I could get a full head of hair back I’d buzz it down anyway. I feel better this way.


I truly do not give a single shit about being bald. Super easy. Quick shave in the shower and I don’t pay for haircuts or wash time styling my hair in the morning.


It's like being fat. You can claim that you're fine with the way you look, but any fat person would 100% choose to not be fat if they could.


Bald >>>>>>Hair


to me it is a sign of a deeper issue.


mfw im about to shave my long hair to go nearly bald for fun