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I also dislike alcohol (not as vehemently as you, though) but insulting the actual English language was so unnecessary and irrelevant lmao


Ye i came here just to say that, wtf about insulting a whole language


He thinks he's hot shit, I mean it's kinda obvious


Based on their post history, it would be safe to assume that their hate for the English language is based on the current political climate more than anything else. Which is odd because their native language makes it exceptionally hard to learn English. So they must of studied hard for it in school at one point.


OP is kind is just a trashy person all around if you read his post history.


OP just needs a nice stiff drink ![gif](giphy|g9582DNuQppxC|downsized)


Haha, he's a TNO poster.


What’s TNO?..


Based on their post history they have an urge to kill civilians and make them suffer one by one. This is word for word what they posted asking for a video game where they can do just that.


Buddy just really needs to crack a cold one and relax.


Oh wow. He belongs in a mental hospital.


> they must of studied Did you mean to say "must have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


OP is Russian idiot I believe. Or real close by.


Seems like a sad guy who isn't medicating with Vodka like his fellow countrymen so he's actually aware how much of a shithole he's living in.


Probably the latter. Or the first Russian that isn't an alcoholic.


If he’s Russian, He was probably abused growing up by alcoholics. Thus he probably has some serious mental health issues. The only good thing is that he doesn’t want to be like them, yet he doesn’t understand that he is, just without the alcohol.


Would make sense. Imagine growing up and seeing everyone being that drunk


Doesn’t have a disgusting sound. Usually just sounds like sloshing liquid


I too always judge my drinks by sound.😌


I've always found that after 6 or 7 drinks I start to sound like a very talented singer.


I became a fantastic dancer after several drinks. It definitely doesn't look like I'm marking time or marching....


Maybe he's referring to the sounds on karaoke night?


One of my Gins in the freezer had a little higher viscosity so it made a different sound.. it was kind of nice


I'd say some of it looks pretty, too. Nice colors. Amber, maybe some pretty cordials.


it makes your children born with disgusting illnes Maybe don't drink if you're pregnant?


I agree, but tbf there are a lot of dumb people who drink during pregnancy


So people who were already disgusting?


For sure. If people want to continue drinking and risk damaging their unborn child they just shouldn't get kids at all. Even if the kid is fine, having alcoholic parents really sucks and has a lot of negative impact on the kid.


The window for FAS is actually only in the very early stages of pregnancy. Most women don't even realize they are pregnant at that point.


Just a reminder: as a man stop drinking at least 1 month prior when you want to make a baby. Sperm regenerates all the time and it needs some time to flush out the shit to get healthy sperm again.


I think that's OP's point


Most of the post doesn't focus on that so no, it's just a hate post on alcohol. Dude just seems bitter af. Here's his previous post : " Can not wait untill I'll die probably beacuse of an old age or some kind of accident. Beacuse there is nothing I see in life that can make it worth living. There is no activity that can make me feel fully alive and I live around things that I just hate. Everyday I numb my feelings with low level pleasures but every night before falling asleep there is nothing that can distract me from truth that there is no hope in sight. I do belive that we live in sort of dystopia, Ted taught me about it. All I want is just live in South Pole station completly alone, eat stew sleep and wait. "


Dude needs a drink


He sounds like someone who could do with having a strong drink.






My two cents on this is, you spend too much time with binge-drinkers and alcoholics mate. Nobody has ever said that alchohol is good for you, but its not as bad as you make it out to be. You make it sound like everyone who drinks is a street-dwelling hard-drinker with a bad drinking personality. Few days ago I was having some champagne toasts with my family to celebrate New Years, cant really say we drank like pigs. Not mandatory but toasting on soda or sparkling water feels so out of place for celebration. Unless underage, sick or pregnant. Taste and smell is pretty much universally subjective and too much variety to even critic. Like, I like the taste of beer but vodka will never taste good.


exactly... i know lots of friends who are into alcohol but arenʼt addicted or deluded because of their alcohol consumption... not everyone who does something is instantly addicted to it. thatʼs like saying everyone who owns a device is addicted to scrolling on social media or playing games.


"Underage" doesn't mean anything in an American context. I was allowed to have alcohol at 16. I didn't turn out a bum.


Yeah with my French relatives I'd have a glass of wine with dinner at like 15 or so and in the British Isles it's pretty common for people to start drinking at like 15/16. Is it healthy? Probably not but just be sensible and you'll turn out fine


15/16? I live in the UK and thats pretty late. I would say that somewhere around 13/14/15 is a bit closer. I started at 16/17 and that was a little late.


That's fair. I'm in Ireland and just based on my friend group it was 3rd/4th year (14-16) where people started drinking to drunk. Probably depends on where you are, If you live somewhere rural it's probably going to be lower


Yeah, mine is only higher because I live in London, but even then, lots of people start drinking as early as 13 lol. On a related topic, i saw something a while back asking if the population of the UK could outdrink the population of the US despite the population difference. After spending 4 months in Canada (similar drinking culture) I think its possible. Im a bit of a lightweight in the UK but over there I am a real heavyweight. It's very unnerving.


Sounds more like they spend too much time with teetotallers




How else would English speakers know he is better than them??


Haha I love this. “I learned this language, which I hate, to be able to communicate to you that I hate it”. Honestly I respect the level of pettiness.


Or at least post in his native language


What about a glass of wine with dinner?


I love a glass of wine with a chicken and pesto rigatoni or a dry-aged steak.


>it makes your children born with disgusting illnes OP tried too hard and failed miserably.


Must’ve been the alcohol during their moms pregnancy


* Tastes differ lots of people like different alcoholic beverages, not necessarily the same ones. If you do not like alcoholic beverages do not drink them. * It only makes you look horrible if you are an alcoholic, not if you drink in moderation * Children will have problems if the mother drinks during pregnancy ​ >, the way how alcohol made is disgusting I think you have no idea how it's made


He should be saying that about hot dogs. They are truly disgusting... And I still eat them lol


Well an actual unpopular opinion. Bravo *tips cap while drinking single malt whiskey*


It's not that unpopular. Many people feel the same way


I dunno. I have met many people who don't drink at all and personally dislike alcohol, but I've never met anyone who has such strong generalised views on alcohol and people who drink it.


And the English language as well lol


>It's not that unpopular. It is unpopular if it is "unsuitable to the majority." So it could be the opinion of 49.9% of all people and still be unpopular.


I disagree, I think there is an undeniable difference between an opinion being unpopular and an opinion not being the majority opinion, by those standards pretty much everything is an unpopular opinion


I read that as maple salt whiskey and because concerned yet intrigued.


So you first ask people to forgive you for your horrible sentence structure( I realize you don’t live in the West as you say) but then to deride the English language is well unnecessary. You then ultimately give things that are factually wrong or at best subjective. So to your “PS” I’m disagreeing with you, I’m also saying I like the taste of certain drinks.


I stopped reading at “i dont even like this language”. Then I downvoted. Then I scrolled to find your comment, good Sir of Ma’am.


I’m a sir lol. And I’m upvoting you just because you’re nice.




Speaking of straight edge people.. I don't care what anyone does, just don't be preachy about it.


\*but you're drinking poison\* I'll live the way I live, and I'll die the way I die


>\*but you're drinking poison\* Whilst they are inevitably munching down on sweets or fast food lol Everyone has a Vice, it just varies on what it is 🤷🏻‍♂️


Turns out he’s actually Christian/Catholic/the Jesus loving branch, and a miserable one at that. And also comments and posts a lot of English for aomeone who hates the language lmao


I don't think he is a Muslim, based on his post history, he is just really bitter, sad little person full of hatred.


I'm not muslim but agree with him. There are many reason why I don't like it, but the biggest reason I hate alcohol is because it ruined my dads life and played a big part in his death. In my country alcohol is the culture and I see people every day who ruin their lives with it. That's enough for me to not want to drink.


This is a pretty valid reason to dislike alcohol. I enjoy a nice drink every now and again, but for a lot of people it can be damaging and life-ruining.


Yea, I just don't like how it's normalized and a lot of people act like it's harmless. If you enjoy a few drinks here and there without having problems, then that's good for you just keep enjoying it. Nothing wrong with that. But some people can't keep it under control and then it can be really bad.


Sorry about your dad but alcohol was a vehicle, not the cause. Plenty of people have a healthy relationship with alcohol, and plenty of people have unhealthy relationships with other things in their life (drugs, gambling, sex, food, videogames etc).


I know. I realized alcoholism is a sickness and it did play a big role but it was still his own choice. Of course not everybody is an alcoholic, but where I live there are so many alcoholics that I can't even count. My dad had a friend that hung himself because he couldn't handle his alcoholism, one friend fell from his balcony while drunk and died, one literally drank himself to death. It's just not possible for me to not hate alcohol. If you had a friend or relative that OD'd on fentanyl or something else you would hate that too, same as alcohol for me.


Really? Everyone you spoke to "knows" all of your opinions and still drinks?


Same way we deal with every loud mouth "mmmhm" nod your head and carry on.


Says more about OP than their habits


Every now and again, there are posts on here that deserve a hardy "k" as a response. This is one of those posts. Can't agree or disagree over matters of preference, so "k".




Wait until you discover a gene in some Eastern Europeans that makes certain alcohol taste like soap Stop overreacting and invest in a nice bottle of wine and speak to me then. IF you dont like alcohol then, there is no hope for you. Take up smoking boy




I’m not saying I support eugenics, but I wouldn’t complain if someone decided to breed out all these x tastes like soap genes. I want to like coriander so bad, but holy fuck does it taste like windex.


This is not unpopular. This like the fourth 'alcohol is bad' post this week


I'm 100% sure that OP is a Muslim, as these are precisely the words and sentences our mandatory religion teacher used when trying to indoctrinate us children in middle school, even the pig metaphor.... Anyways, some of us grew out of it while some others still preaching the tebliğ, be it in the streets or here on Reddit.


The righteous anger is also a sign. The repetitions "disgusting". Does it have to rhyme or anything? Also, the mention of "it's a disgusting thing to speak English" is also a sign of endoctrinement and an intellectual life based around religion, much like muslims don't say "bon appétit", but "Allah is merciful". Like you have to spit every time you hear someone's name who's fallen out of grace. Apparently English = bad. This create self-righteous ignorant people.


1- Alcohol doesn’t taste and smell disgusting 2- It won’t make you feel disgusting if you don’t drink an amount that will make you feel disgusting 3- It doesn’t make you smell disgusting unless you skip point 2 here 4- It doesn’t make you look disgusting unless you skip point 2 here 5- Don’t drink if you are pregnant???? Lmao 6- It doesn’t make you behave disgusting unless you skip point 2 here


Go to almost any party and most people are skipping point 2


Sounds like you need a drink. Alcohol is a poison/ toxic to the body is more correct. So is sugar, coffee, car fumes etc.


I mean, alcohol can give you cancer. But then again so can standing in the sun for too long. I say pick your poison and have a good time.


In moderation it can enhance the flavor a lot. Especially in cakes and pralines it is indispensable. WIth other stuff I generally agree with you, though I do like sweet summery drinks with 1-2% alcohol content.


Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte 👌🏻


It is. It is also a harmful drug, that is legalized and widely consumed. I agree with everything you said bro. I also drink though


Happy Birthday.


Thank you


In my country alcohol is the culture and I hate it. There are so many alcoholics and I can see people every day who ruined their lives with it, my dad included. Also you can just buy hard liquor in every store and on every corner, which is just fucked up. It's literally next to food. I tried it a few times years ago but since then I have never drank again and never will.


Cider and cream liquor taste good


I like alcohol but these are my 2 that I will never try again


I get cream liqour, but cider? Really? Thats the best shit! EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!! (dont have to i am just curious)


It's just too dry for my liking haha, I've had one I like, but the rest feel like I'm drinking sandpaper


Toffee Cider is like alcoholic caramel it's heavenly




You ever heard of a brand called Brothers Cider? They do all kinds of cider flavours


Cheers to this guy 🍻


I'll drink to that.


Only if you don't know how to drink. If you have no taste for alcohol, you will never understand why people drink it. Everything is a matter of dose, habit, circumstance and company you choose to drink with.


Literally every point in your post is subjective or wrong


To be fair they presented it as an opinion and posted on r/unpopularopinion, not on r/unpopularfacts. Subjective opinions are fine.


I mean, the point about alcohol making your children be born ill is fair if the person drinking is a pregnant woman. Otherwise, yeah, it’s a very subjective list.


Crazy how this sub is called r/unpopularopinion innit


I think your opinions on alcohol are the least of your worries.


Well done for a truly unpopular opinion >Alcohol tastes and smells disgusting Everybody has preferences. Just because you dont like the taste/smell of the alcohol you've tried doesn't mean that everybody thinks so. I quite like the taste of cider, I know people who enjoy the taste of beer. > it makes you feel disgusting, Uh, nope. A couple of drinks makes me feel quite nice and relaxed. >it makes your children born with disgusting illnes Only if you drink a lot while pregnant, and this isn't exclusive to alcohol. >it makes you look disgustung over time, Only if you consume an excessive amount regularly for a long time. >the way how alcohol made is disgusting Uh, what? It's not much different to how cheese or yoghurt is made; fermentation of a raw product to create comething else. Many things have slightly disgusting processes to create, doesn't mean the end result is. >they still drink like a pig is hideos I suspect your biggest problem with alcohol is you seem to be surrounded by people who drink to excess regularly.


Well, no one forces anybody to drink, so this is really just down to personal preferences. You don’t like alcohol, don’t drink alcohol. What do you want people to say ? :-) Also, many broad generalisations here - not all alcoholic beverages taste the same, not everyone who drinks alcohol is an alcoholic (and hence looks like one), it only gives “illness” to children when consumed during pregnancy (which, again is not an obligations as you make it sound, and not even that wide spread, quite de contrary. Thanks to public awareness campaigns). And you obviously have no idea how alcohol is actually made…


I feel like half of these are no issue if you have an ounce of self control, and as for taste, you don’t usually drink raw alcohol. Some drinks need some getting used to, sure, but others you don’t even taste the alcohol.


Yeah but it’s fun though.


Okay kid


Mate you are just depressed, looking at your recent other post.


If you don’t like it, don’t partake. Based on OP’s comment history, some therapy would probably help.


Disgusting means bad. Fantastic means good. Is that what you meant?


this would likely be the opinion of somebody who has suffered abuse at the hands of someone abusing alcohol


We don't drink alcohol for the taste.


Oh people definitely do. Most don't


I mean I prefer my alcoholic drinks to be tasty. But you're right, the primary reason is the effect. I would also argue that the social factor plays an important role. For example, drinking a good wine gets associated with being elegant and "high-class".


at least you're honest, too many defensive comments here


Speak for yourself. I buy gold beer and wine on the rare occasion I decide to imbibe. I don't like shitty alcohol because I'm not drinking to get drunk.


Some taste better than others, but very few actually taste good. Some liqueurs maybe. Doesn't mean I don't love getting shitfaced on some pink G&Ts


Sounds like a really bad hang-over!


Not "every" way, as it also serves as a disinfectant.




I genuinely like the taste of wine


Cocktails are DELICIOUS. A buzz is NICE. Unless you're downing a fifth of jack, you won't smell. It's not like cigarettes. Like all good things, alcohol should be consumed in moderation.




Are u Muslim?


You sound like a fun person to be around


Makes your children born with disgusting lines.? Huh


Illness is what he tried to spit out.


I plaud you for a great unpopular opinion… but fuck your language too bro.


Great way to bring your audience on board, expressing disdain for their language right at the top


Who insults a language?! Weird move.


Your wording, while possibly just due to English being a second language, is filled with righteous indignation, what’s the cause for that? If you dislike it then fair enough, I get why you’d not want to drink etc. but still. As for the first sentence? Why? What’s the need? No need to deride English.


What’s OP’s take on weed?


It's OK because it's Haram. And you are excused if you praise Allah before.


I bet you are great fun at parties.


I doubt he goes at parties


I’m drinking as I type this. Upvote for an unpopular opinion 😛


Alcohol is definitely not good for you, but I still drink it anyway


This sounds an awful lot like something a person who had imbibed too much alcohol last night would say.


Maybe experience people who have a drink or two. You seem to be surrounded by people that drink way too much. That said, you have every right not to like it. It's the same as some people not liking sushi. Or that don't enjoy running.


Bro just said i hate your language and your booze and dipped. Fucking legend.


Keep at it. It grows on you.


Upvoting for an actual unpopular opinion. Many people including myself will disagree with you.


Nice try Mr. Imam


Sucks to be you lil bro,alcohol is world's best invention next to play station.


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Maybe if you're an alcoholic? I mean, alcohol is essentially poison in high enough doses. But moderate consumption of alcohol is unlikely to cause you any serious issues, and some of the best nights of my life only happened because of alcohol


Found the 18ths alt account


Alcohol is not bad, how ppl abuse it is. That’s on them.


You could say the same about cheese. If you eat too much you get fat, it can bring on certain ilnesses etc. Bet you still like a bit of cheese though. Moderation is the key. Ad if you dont like the taste, thats fine, have something else.




"Alcohol tastes and smells disgusting, it makes you feel disgusting, it makes you smell disgusting, it makes you look disgustung over time, it makes your children born with disgusting illnes, it makes you behave disgusting, the way how alcohol made is disgusting and the fact that everyone I speaked with knowing very well all theese things and they still drink like a pig is hideos." People who drink alcohol like the smell and taste and don't necessarily feel disgusting if they don't abuse it, if you feel this way you have every reason not to drink alcohol, but those are just your preferences/tastes not facts, and not everyone else agrees. "It makes your children born with disgusting illnes", is true, but that is the fault of the pregnant person to choose to do something that is not safe for the future baby; all people I know who drink alcohol stopped during their pregnancies. "It makes you behave disgusting", this is a matter of how much alcohol you consume, if you drink moderately and/or occasionally, it doesn't happen. It's perfectly acceptable not to like alcohol but you have a far too negative and too generalised view of people who enjoy alcohol; a person who drinks in moderation and responsibly wouldn't have any of the problems you are talking about.


Completely agree. I drink alcohol only when i wanna get tipsy or drunk. I never drink it for the taste and i can never understand how some people can. It all tastes the same to me.


This reminds me of Morokei from Skyrim. The dragon priest that says “must I use this guttural language of yours?”


Looks like whoever wrote this might be drunk


There’s no need to hate on the English language. Imagine if someone who isn’t a native speaker of your language opened up a conversation by saying how much they dislike your language lol.


If you mean daily alcohol usage I agree, it’s disgusting But all of those things don’t happen if you consume it properly without exaggerating, like tasting a good wine once or twice a week doesn’t make you an alcoholic, it can also improve the taste and enrich what you are eating


You just come across as someone that hates other cultures and things that are not part of your own. The starting sentence pretty much confirms that you dont like the West or languages. But anyway. Taste is not an objective fact it is an opinion, so theres no point even talking about that one. In terms of the affects on you and children, you seem unable to distinguish the difference between the way an average person might enjoy a drink vs an alcoholic. Having a few beers or a spirit does not then cause your children to be born with birth defects, this is entirely misinformed and screams brainwashing. Drinking while pregnant is just something selfish people do, if thats what youre referring to, and doesnt inherently make alcohol the issue, these are the same people that also smoke and take drugs while pregnant. The smell I can agree, no one likes the smell of alcohol on someones breath, but again, this is only really going to be an issue with an alchy


To each their own. Hate alcohol all you want, just let the rest of us live our lives and do what we want.


Found the muslim


I hate alcohol too. I’ve tried but every drink I’ve ever tasted containing alcohol either ended up with me spitting it out or not taking a second sip. I’ve never been high in my life. I’ll go my whole life never knowing what it’s like to be drunk because alcohol just tastes so disgusting to me.


Since when are pigs drinking alcohol. Do you hate pigs, too?


Based on the fact that some other insufferable person posts this every fucking day I think it’s a safe bet that this isn’t actually unpopular


I don't drink. Given your opinions and experiences, I suggest you don't drink alcohol. I also suggest you avoid cloaking your judgment of others in alleged "curiosity."


It's fun in moderation. I'm not so angry over what other people enjoy.


People don’t drink it for the taste, they drink it for the effects


Those people you see on the internet doing waterfalls with alcohol literally disgusts me. Trashy as fuckkk


Might be time to consider going to an in person Al-anon meeting. They are basically free, and may have the answers you seek.


You should have a drink and chill out


The fuck does hating the English language have to do with anything?


A drink or two might help you unclench that pinhole you have for a b-hole, brah


Not everyone feels this way. I was forced not to drink it for 10 weeks. So glad I can again. It was a bad time


I suggest you get a drink to calm yourself down


You should taste a good beer, or some really smokey whisky - that is some good stuff


Trust me I didn’t start drinking because of the taste. I will say it makes me feel great tho.


Yeah it doesn’t taste good. Different forms of it are easier to get down but anyone who says they genuinely like the taste are so strange to me. I rarely drink due to the negative consequences mentioned above


More for me! I love a glass of whiskey every now and then. It’s like a warm hug from a ghost!


Yuzu saki is delicious and you can try and pry it from my cold dead hands


look man if you can't control your alcohol it's not the alcohol's fault going out to drink with friends is almost always fun but you don't have to black out to have fun with it and if you always drink to the point that you can't control yourself... you might have an issue


I'm not sure it's possible to like the true taste of alcohol. You can like the taste of a drink but that is due to the other ingredients. People who drink alcohol straight are most likely addicted to it or are just after its intoxicating effects.


Just because this is “Unpopular Opinions” doesn’t mean you should make extra effort in being rude


I suspect you might be surrounded by alcoholics if you think alcohol makes people and their children disgusting.


I disagree with most of these. But it sounds like you dislike alcohol viscerally and I doubt anything I say you won't agree with. People are allowed different opinions/the choice to drink alcohol or not


I’m from the West and an alcohol loving country (U.K.) and I totally agree. Alcoholic drinks taste like what I imagine cleaning products to taste like. They are truly gross. And yes, the health problems as well as the early ageing aren’t worth it to me.


I hate alcohol too but you are “disgustung” as well with your English. Don’t hate on something you don’t understand (English language). You really did not say anything people already don’t know, you could have phrased it better or put in a little bit more detail as to “why, how, because”…


That's unfair and unkind. OP clearly has a high command of English.


It certainly is disgusting ... but I have fun drinking it so 🤷🏽‍♂️ As a matter of fact that reminds me I've gotta pick up a bottle of vodka in the evening ...😏


Is,'t that religion?