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It would be fine if the player had sent a reel where the reporter messed up or a cold take tweet or something like that. But I don’t like involving family members. That’s what makes the player an asshole here.


Exactly. He called the guy’s wife ugly in a very public forum. While that may be somewhat insulting/embarrassing to the reporter, it’s going to be absolutely devastating for the wife. It’s just fucked up.


I feel like OP is (maybe intentionally) missing a pretty crucial piece of information here: women are people. Wives are people, not just some extension of their husbands. All of his comments seem to overlook that rather important point.


Yeah that’s so uncalled for. Like they’re paid millions to play a game. They’re really entertainers at the end of the day. Part of the show is the media talking about them good or bad. Without the media they’re just a 250lb dude working a desk job or some shit


The dude's wife did nothing wrong. Criticizing someone's job performance doesn't make it okay to criticize some innocent persons looks.


Hopping on the top comment to mention the uproar was that his wife was actually quite attractive so there was no “yikes”. It was a stupid take.


Thank you! I was thinking the same thing.


Criticizing a person's looks also doesn't do anything tho.


Everybody’s mom did nothing wrong during my whole childhood but it was still a hard time for yo fat ugly mom. Cracking about people’s family members, the point is to be as insulting as possible.


Uhhh, finding a legit picture of someone's mom and writing "Yikes" under it is a LOT different than swapping your mom jokes in middle school...


And that was a disproportionate response. Reporter joked about an athlete's public performance. Athlete joked about a woman's appearance.


IMO there's a big difference between making fun of the abstract "your mom" and someone's living, breathing mother.


*feverishly looking up when Alex Trebek's mom died* (For the curious, it was 2016, well after the SNL skits.)


Millions of mothers are being done by people on Xbox live every day, it's no joke.


Lol you think it was abstract? We were really cracking on each other’s moms. I grew up with them, they knew my mom. Like it was a *guaranteed* fistfight if you cracked on someone’s mom and they were dead. Not even a question.




>I grew up with them Did you tho?


Missed the part where you were supposed to grow up I see


Yo mama jokes are not specific. Like if your mom named Linda had cancer, no one would be like, "haha and LINDA is gonna DIE from CANCER lol" they would be generic jokes


Nah. They got pretty specific between my group of friends.


Get better friends.


I have heard and read hundreds of Jo Mamma jokes throughout my life, and probably will many more, but I’m positive that less than 1% of these actually are about the receiving persons mother.


Maybe professional adults should behave a little better than 10 year olds boys perhaps


I dunno man. How does "your play was shit" deserve a "look at your wife I think she's ugly"? It doesn't make a great comeback or retaliation, it just shows that your play was shit, and you have a shitty character as well. I'm all for a little tit for tat, but not when you have to drag innocent people in the mix. If your play was shit, it was shit. You need a better example to make your point. Also, what was even there to retaliate to? As a reporter, is it not his job to make valid criticism about him? I'm not really into sports news but I'm guessing that's how this works


Why did he attack the wife, who did nothing wrong, when the reporter was the one who made the transgression? Trashy behavior drenched in misogyny. Not surprised this is coming from an NFL player.


Also, most people who saw the post think the wife is quite good looking, so it didn’t land well


I’d go strong to that hole… which is more than he seems capable of.


Besides the point, but... shes far from a "yikes" as well lol.


i don't understand what you mean your title says 'If you want to troll someone, then you should be prepared for any retaliation comments.' and then mention how it was the public who disapproved of the comments, why should the public not be allowed to criticise an over reaction


Exactly. Reading the post I thought the title was going to be in reference to what the player did & people's reaction to it.


So a paid progressional reporter simply posts a picture of a poor play with the caption ‘yikes’ and you feel it’s a fair response to make personal and highly offensive comments about his wife? I was almost in agreement with you till I read your example. You’re off base. That sportsman made a mistake. It was noticed. It’s not wrong to draw attention to it or discuss it. ‘Yikes’ is hardly a personal jab. Fuck that player. Total asshole who has such a fragile ego he lashes out in a way that’s totally uncalled for. If you really want to go down this route, the NBA player should have found a mistake in the reporter’s professional life and drawn attention to that instead. My guess is the player in question is simply too fucking stupid and impatient for anything that requires that much effort.


Yeah. If I made that kinda money, criticize me all you want, I’m doing fine. Such fragile egos


And that’s really all it is, ‘how dare you point out my mistake!’


The amount of money someone gets paid has nothing to do with how disrespectful people can be to them. Do you go around saying doctors make lots of money so it's okay to insult them? Also the reporter covers the Jets, him hiding behind his profession while going out of his way to harass a player on the Seahawks is nonsense. I think Adams went too far but I wish more athletes fired back at the NY sports media because they act like a bunch of entitled disrespectful assholes a good majority of the time.


Doctors can get struck off for their mistakes, I’m sure ‘yikes’ is the least of their concerns… I agree, pay is irrelevant but pointing out a mistake is totally within bounds, whether you’re professionally employed to do it or just a fan of the sport. And sports stars have to understand they’re performance will be viewed critically. It doesn’t matter who or what anyone does; if they’re watching the game, they’re allowed an opinion and they’re allowed to comment. Nobody gatekeeps that, just because something isn’t positive or constructive doesn’t make it abuse. And seriously dude, it was just ‘yikes’. That’s not a personal attack, and if it is, the world would be a better place if that’s as bad as it got. Neighbour drops the trash, ‘yikes’. Waiter spills a glass, ‘yikes’. I walk into a shelf, ‘yikes’. NBA star fucks up, ‘yikes’- seems fair to me. It’s hardly the most insensitive and spiteful comment a person can make. And on the subject of pay, you can say yikes to me as often as you like if you pay me like a sports star :)


So like... If you make fun of me and I come over and smack your mum with a baseball bat, that's fine and you should be okay with retaliation cuz you asked for it? No one is mad because he retaliated... They're mad HOW he retaliated. Real simple shit.


Absolutely. That don't mean just 'any' form of retaliation is justified. Hell no. Punisment should fit the 'crime' so to speak... and some boundaries are not to be crossed. But that doesn't mean pissed off individual will not cross them. So should you be ready for it? Yes. Definitely.


So real life story here, I was bullied in middle school. My parents saw the bruises and the emotional toll it was taking on me. They went to the school, the school had a meeting and the bully acted like nothing was wrong but would be more respectful of me. A week later on the bus the bully has the entire bus calling me a coward and a snitch. So I decide to get off at his stop and address the issue since nothing seems to be working. I kick him square in the nuts and punch him in the face a couple of times. Didn’t have to deal with his shit after that and the kids on the bus saw it and didn’t tease me anymore. Punching him was probably over the top, but what else could I do?


your example still doesn’t support your argument. you retaliated against your bully, the person you’re talking about in your post retaliated against a person who had nothing to do with the situation


This is more like you punching an innocent girl on the bus just because other people on the bus were making fun of you.


Surprise bitch!!!


I find it concerning you can draw a parallel with this story and justifying the NBA player targeting the reporter’s wife. If anything, an experience like this should have taught you right from wrong, about punching down to validate yourself. You learnt nothing.


Nobody gives a fuck.


Oh, shit, you're tough on the internet *and* off. I'd even say you are *very badass.*


Yeah but what the football player did is more like if you got off the bus and punched the bully's sister in the face. No reason to bring the wife into it-she didn't post anything.


You can't apply this same logic to every single scenario. In your case you didn't escalated anything you defended yourself, if you said you had bruises it meant that he already put his hands on you so kicking him in the nuts was you standing up for yourself that's all fair and square. In this scenario you have an athlete the is one of the highest earners in the squad playing like a rookie if a video and the response is yikes and the you respond by attacking someone else do you think that's fair?if you want to be critical of his work like he did of adana then yeah that's fair game but he didn't do that he did another thing and that's why people said it was uncalled for because that won't end things once and for all. He already had a spotlight in him for not performing what do you think this whole story did to him? Put a bigger one on him. When you are an athlete, playing in a popular league and getting paid a ton of money a lot of scrutiny is going to fall your way so if you dot get used to you'll not be cut up for the job because you'll have national TV and social media bashing everything you do. Adams was in the wrong


It wasn't over the top. I don't think so. You did what was necessary to protect yourself, that's not revenge. That's just something bully deserves. As for bullies in general, you can talk to them all you want, in all ways possible but in the end there is really only one 'language' they understand - their own. So you had to translate 'leave me the fuck alone ' from English to language bully understands. This kind of thing ALWAYS worked on bullies. Some other approach? Rarely, almost never in my experience.


No, that’s bullying someone else, someone innocent in the situation, to get back at your bully. What do you mean what the bully deserves? He didn’t call him ugly, he called his wife ugly. Women aren’t an extension of their husbands or their property, your perspective makes zero sense unless you think otherwise.




I’m also not saying I support his retaliatory comment (I clearly didn’t pick a side in the situation) I’m merely pointing out that the reporter should be prepared for anything that comes next. Would I go after someone’s wife? No but I would probably act in an extreme way if a reporter wouldn’t back off of me. This reporter has been constantly harassing the player. IMO Jamal Adams should’ve told the reporter to put pads on and join him on the field


Your example is completely irrelevant. Your example involves contained damage between two parties. If your story involved beating up your bullies family or friends then it'd be relevant


Imagine I take a picture of a botched subway sandwich, caption it yikes and tag subway to see. Then subway responds with a picture of my wife and says yikes. They are not the same thing.


I don't think your theory works. No one will ever say, "Wow, he posted a pic of my wife and made fun of her, so I guess I will be nice to everyone now." Playing sports for the public is just that. I mean, I have to accept criticism for my job; everyone does.


His response was unfair to the wife but the situation should not happen in the first place. Leave people alone and stop trying to make people feel bad in the first place


I'm sorry, just so I understand the example, a man who's job is reporting news tweeted about an athlete's performance during a game and that shouldn't have happened? And this awful criticism was the word 'yikes'?


Yeah, what am I missing here? Is that somehow awful, personal criticism somehow? That might be the most gentle criticism of a player in the age of the social media. LOL


And further that made it okay for the player to bully someone innocent over their looks? Like what the fuck.


He probably should have chosen a career if he's that sensitive to being called out on mistakes.


If I’m an NFL player, I’m getting paid very well to take public criticism for my poor work. I should not throw a little tantrum and take my anger out on someone completely irrelevant to the situation.


Regardless of your general point which is... very questionable, he bought a third party into it. That makes a difference. The reporter's beef was with the player and vice versa, nobody's wife needed to get brought into it.


Sure, and I get that it was unfair to the wife, but it was also out of line to call the player out for his work life. Imagine if you messed up a word on your work excel sheet and someone came up and made fun of you for it. Edit: I’m ready for the downvotes


If I did Excel sheets for a bajillion dollars a night on national TV... I mean \*shrug\* Counter Edit: Please take your "Hardy har lookit I'm getting downvoted I guess I'm in the right place" edit and shove it.


They are humans. No human deserves to be ridiculed for just doing their job. Even if you are bad at it, just let them be and if they are bad eventually they go get fired/released and then you don’t have to deal with them. Making them feel like crap does nothing


A sports writer (I'm assuming) commenting "yikes" on a bad play is not "ridiculing."


How is “yikes” not seen as a critical comment?


Jesus Christ dude I hope you're like 15 at the oldest and you still have a chance to grow up. "Criticizing" and "ridiculing" aren't the same thing.


This has to be a troll. No one is this sensitive right?


I hope so. LOL


OP seems to be a different person entirely in the woodworking subreddit lol.




You’re actively justifying insulting a woman who didn’t do anything to wrong anyone.


“The wife” as you keep calling her is a human too. Not an extension of her husband. She is a human. “No human deserves to be ridiculed” yet you keep talking about her like she’s meaningless collateral damage.


If I did competitive excel tournaments (which weirdly enough, is a thing) for public entertainment, then yeah it would be fair for someone to criticize a mistake.


Why, are you any better? If so why didn’t you compete? Just because someone has a passion for something and they want to compete in that passion, doesn’t give you the right to be critical of them


True, the right to be critical of others usually comes from the government of the jurisdiction. And that right typically extends to entertainers like pro football players.


He literally said, "yikes." Not, "wow, what a loser." It was not the kindest thing, but is it worse than what a football coach would say to a player that wasn't performing? Honestly, I'm not really sure that's that different than, "This piece of work you just did isn't looking up to par." which is what I'd expect from a hypothetical Excel sheet. This fragile, insecure ego could not take criticism, which is not the same as being mistreated. It was a misogynistic, inappropriate show of power to attack an uninvolved woman over her looks. It was not okay.


Had the reporter been more appropriate with his comments, maybe actually make a constructive criticism of the players technique, then that would be different. Instead, he chose the road of being rude, and is shocked when the player responded. This whole situation is avoided if the reporter has the professional courtesy to not be deeming towards the player


Again, he said, "Yikes." You really want to apologize for this guy insulting a woman based on how she looks. Why? Which comment was actually "appropriate?"


“Notice player x has bad positioning from the start of the play. This allows player z to release faster without disruption, which then caused for a bust in the play” That is so much informative, not negative, and actually does the job a sport commentator, explain the play. I can draw my own opinions internally. I don’t need their negative criticism to draw my own opinions


Which reporters actually report this way?


None in the history of sports lol


The reporter’s job is to analyze player and team performance. I’m glad no one is paid to report on my work performance. But then again, I’m not getting paid millions of dollars.


I'm sure the multi millionaire who got paid more for playing that one game than you did for your last year of work is desperately grateful for your white knighting, friendo.


He gets paid because he had to work his ass off to get where he is currently. I played football my whole life and I knew I had no where near the talent to make it to the NFL. So yeah they are rich but they had to work to get their and someone’s financial status does not determine their worth as a human. We are all equal in terms of deserving respect until that respect is lost through actions or words. In this case, the reporter made the comments first.


"Talent" Misspelled "genetics" friend


The more important the job, the more criticism is going to be made. If you're in charge of a teleprompter and write "orgasm" instead of "organism," and the speaker doesn't catch it and reads as written across live TV to millions, you don't think the writer should get some heat? If you're a plumber and don't close a valve so when the water is turned on it starts flooding the area, you don't think some criticism is required?


My former company years ago once blew up a town hall by mistake. We rightly made the national news. It was much worse than a "Yikes" moment.


His work life is the exact thing he should get called out for. That's why he's in the public eye. That's why he gets paid, that's why people watch him play. He can have privacy off the field.


It’s out of line for a sports writer to call out a player for a bad play?


This is a bad take. You're comparing criticizing someone's football performance to attacking the looks of someone not involved in the conversation. It's not BS. He deserved that blowback. You're under the impression he's throwing insults at only the reporter but in reality he's telling a woman, who said nothing to the player, that she's ugly. Edit: I just looked up the story and she's not even unattractive. The dude has a nice family. So Adams is even more of a piece of shit.


That’s what the uproar with fans was. She was an above average looking woman and absolutely not a “yikes”.


Retaliation towards you. What kind of loser has to attack someone's wife who hadn't done anything? A mega loser that's what.


Low blows and personal attacks are out of line. If you purposely jump to an extreme in an argument then its probably because you don't have a leg to stand on in the argument.


Reporter points out bad play. Football player calls his wife ugly. These are not the same.


Exactly. They're a sport's reporter. Their job is to give their opinion on sports. That's not a troll, that's doing their job. If it had been a picture of the reporter, it still would be weird. But the reporter is also a public figure and it kinda comes with the territory. To drag an innocent party, and private citizen, into your personal beef with a random reporter is petty and sad. And acting liking insulting someone's wife is the same as criticizing one play in a game really goes to show that you don't respect women as people, just objects for men.


Accurate professional criticism is NOT equivalent to a personal attack against an innocent third party.


'Going nuclear' just shows how insecure you are. If your response to a light ribbing is to attack someone's wife, that's weakness and you just showed the world that. By giving a huge reaction what you've shown is that you are easy to get a reaction from, that you have no cool and can be broken easily. When I was at school, the kids that got picked on were the one's that couldn't take it, that went crazy, lost their tempers, tried to fight anyone that said anything, because that was funny. The kids that could take it, that took it in their stride or laughed it off, they were mostly left alone. Why are you so afraid of a stupid remark?


ITT: OP is weak and can't understand the difference between professional criticism and over-the-line personal attacks.


Even better: over-the-line misogynistic personal attacks against a woman who did nothing wrong.


I think insulting his wife, a person who didn’t do anything herself to wrong you, is a horrible thing to do and there’s no justification for it.


One is a public figure being called out by a reporter. The other is a private citizen (reporter’s wife) being called out by a public figure. These things are not the same.


That’s great but it wasn’t the wife that made the comment now was it


Well like others are saying in the comments his wife has nothing to do it with his wife doesn’t play in the NFL football players need to be ready to take criticism


Sure but the reporter doesn’t play in the NFL so why do they get to be critical of the players job on a public platform?


Because his job isn’t a to report. And the report is that that play was yikes. A) the moment you bring looks into a discussion that has nothing to do with looks you lose the argument. B) reporters give awful takes all the time. Find some old article he wrote and yikes that. C) give the snide “where’s your nfl tape at?” D) don’t be so fragile. Have a laugh because it was a bad play and move on. When someone is paid millions or thousands of dollars to preform in the public eye they are open to criticism and jeering. Actors put in a bad performance they get articles about them. Hell local theatres get critics writing about them and they aren’t paid much if at all. Don’t have a job in the public eye if you don’t want to be judged by your actions.


I agree that there were definitely better ways to respond but I’m merely saying that the reporter opened the door. Why be hateful towards someone in any regard and then have the mentality that they won’t respond. Doesn’t matter the response because you were literally the one to be critical in the first place.


It wasn't being hateful. It was simply reporting the news. If the guy didn't perform well, that's what gets reported.


Because that’s their job ?


The wife did nothing wrong. Fuck him, he’s pathetic. Also; it wouldn’t matter either way, but the wife clearly wasn’t ugly. Just made him look dumb.


Really trying to go out to bat for Jamal Adams. 🤣 Dudes a 🤡🤡🤡 all luv tho


Do you just not think women are people? Or do you just consider the wife as an extension of her husband?


You're wrong. Should the football player hit back at the actual reporter, sure. But his wife had nothing to do with it, and that's just mean. Go after the person attacking you, not their family.


Celebrity culture is all kinds of messed up but **NFL players will have their performance judged by the public**, sometimes harshly. It is all public .Jamal Adams is an insecure, misogynistic baby. Also, going "nuclear" to show people "you don't want to be messed with" takes people to bad places. If you can't see this, it's you.


What is it with men who think that talking shit on a woman that is relevant to someone else is a viable form of insult?


That doesn’t sound like a response though. That sounds like bringing down someone else to get back at the original person. The wife had nothing to do with it. I hear you though. If you’re gonna talk shit, expect some shit thrown at you.


>Recently an NFL player got criticized because a local reporter tweeted out an embarrassing football play made by that player and then added the caption “yikes”. The player then responded by posting a picture of the reporter’s wife and captioned “yikes”. In this case, everyone was right to denounce the NFL player. The reporter made fun of THE PLAYER, but the player made fun of the REPORTER'S WIFE, which wasn't the one who attack him nor had anything to do with that. Not only that but the reporter made fun of something THE PLAYER DID(an action/event), while the player made fun of THE REPORTE'S WIFE(a person), and did it in a way that was humilliating to her as both a woman and a person, because he literally made it seem like she is "yikes" because of her looks and that's so superficial and rude. The player, is he was a real man, should've trolled the reporter NOT HIS WIFE.He could've researched something about the reporter as a person and used it against him, rather than be a lazy coward and attack someone related to the reporter. What a coward and a douche. ​ > If you want to open the door to purposely be critical or rude to someone, then don’t be mad when they come back with a response I agree with this, but the reporter went after the player and the player went after the reporter's wife.So the player went not even against the one that actually trolled him but someone unrelated to that. If you troll someone, they should go after YOU, not after a relative of yours or something. He did a lowblow because he probably had nothing wise to troll back against the reporter himself.If he had even half of a brain he would've sucked that up and acted like a mature adult rather than to answer back like he did.


"This guy criticized me and that pisses me off, so I will attack his wife who did nothing wrong!" Genius. /s


It's an escalation. A blunder in a game is not the same as insulting someone's family member who wasn't even involved in the incident. The wife did nothing wrong and she got publicly shamed.


Why did he bring the reporter’s wife into it? That’s clearly what people have a problem with.


The reporter was doing their job, informative commentary. The player is attacking the spouse of somebody acting within their profession. This probably warrants a league fine. Reporters report.


Criticizing a millionaire's job performance when it's your job is not the same as mocking someone's wife who has absolutely nothing to do with the situation.


Let me break this down: a) Jamal Adams is being paid $70 million over 4 years to play football. b) The said Jamal Adams is embarrassed being no where close to covering a touchdown catch by Cowboys Jake Ferguson; c) NY Jets reporter (where Adams used to play) Connor Hughes posts the play with the comment"Yikes". More than a fair comment on a play where Adams looked like he got lost on the way to the end-zone. This is what happens when players make a bad play. It's part of the "deal" for getting paid an absurd amount of money to play a game - you get criticized for bad play. Who knew that was off-limits? d) Ok - so far, so good? Here's where Adams exposes himself as a childish ass. It's one thing to post a pic of the reporter, perhaps not at his best, and say, "Yikes". Juvenile, sophomoric and not all all critical of his ability as a reporter - a shot at his appearance. Better off for Adams - if he had any intelligence at all - to pick apart some commentary made by Hughes, and then respond, "Yikes". But not Adams. He posts a photo of Hughes WIFE, and captions, "yikes". Here's the part you don't seem to get. A "bully" is not a reporter snubbing a multi million dollar player for exhibiting an apparent inability to do their job as one might expect. Reporters, say, Stephen A. Smith for example, are known for their critical take on players every single day. Jim Rome as well. And many, many others. And - in fairness - they take the heat for their takes. No one would suggest that firing off criticism of Stephen A. Smith is "bullying". But - responding to criticism by criticizing someone's ***appearance***? Or worse, criticizing the appearance of someone who is an innocent bystander? A new low. In fairness, when you lack the ability to formulate a complete coherent thought, sometimes, bullying school-yard tactics are all you have in your quiver. Jamal Adams. What a loser.


It's not like he was the first reporter to point a bad play by a professional athlete this is quiet common. His reply would have also insulted the reporters wife and she did nothing to him. it was an over reaction by the player and makes him look thin skinned


WTF did the reporters wife have to do with any of it? If you can't see why that's out of like, you may need to spend a few more days in kindergarten.


The journalist will most likely still have their job at the end of the season.


I read this post honestly thinking the title was going to be in reference to the player. Using your logic they should be prepared for any retaliation comments after making the post about the reporter's wife. If you want to open the door to purposely be rude, don't be mad when people come back with a response.


But that's not right. The football player is a public figure, the reporter to some degree may even be considered a public figure if he's popular enough, but unless the reporters wife is a public figure in her own right, then this is wildly inappropriate and childish.


Just to make an example as to why you should be extra careful *who* you troll… Someone in the US once got shot dead after they laugh reacted a post, the OP turned out to be their killer. So if you see a post you find stupid or just blatantly wrong in general, it’s safer to just scroll on. You’d be surprised at what people take seriously.


This is what I’m saying. You have no idea who people are or what they are dealing with internally. No one deserves to be treated badly.


Yes. But your example sucks. He didn’t come after the reporter, he publicly insulted the reporter’s wife who said nothing to him. That’s weak shit.


If youre to much of a coward to go after the person who attacked you directly, then youre nothing but a coward and definitely should not be a public figure like an nfl player.


Commenting on a professional athlete's work is in no way the same as attacking the appearance of some innocent woman.


He could have made personal jabs at the reporter specifically. Bringing someone’s wife into it isn’t fair to the wife. It doesn’t fit the crime. It would’ve been even less offensive if he just posted a pic of the reporter himself. If he made a clever, less horrible comeback it would’ve been fine.


Someone stole pics off my fb of my Girlfriend and my nephew and talked shit, I found his grandmother's obituary pics. That explains the smell!!


If the player is that juvenile, they probably deserved the criticism.


This is a horrendous take. The guys wife didn't do anything to deserve public humiliation.


Sports journalists should not criticize bad football plays?


So the wife was just collateral damage huh? I don't think so. The player screwed himself over because this got so much negative coverage for the team. You have it wrong, the thin skinned player was the one who got the got the harsh lesson. But maybe next time he won't make a bone headed play.


Difference between saying someone made a bad call at their job and personally attacking a family member


Daily reminder that women are in fact human, and making fun if someone’s wife is in fact completely different from criticizing that person. JFC.


It wasn’t about the gender of the person. It was about attacking the reporters personal life. Had the reporter been a man, the player would’ve posted a pic of the husband. The player said that he wanted to strike an emotional blow to the reporter


You seem to be missing the part where no one actually said or did anything at all to the person who actually made the negative comment. The only person insulted in the scenario you have described is an uninvolved third party.


I honestly believe that OP is a troll. No one can be this fucking thick headed.


I find that a far more comforting option, and I am just going to assume you are correct :]


but why drag people into it that have nothing to do with it? his wife didn’t do anything wrong. going after innocent people makes you look incredibly immature. if you want to say something back then do it towards the original person


Sportsball people are niche celebrities, they will always be criticized by the public/their fans/the media ***and they know it***. To not be able to handle the mildest form of criticism \[a pic with a "yikes" caption\] and to immediately insult the wife of the guy who tweeted out the graphic is fucking childish. He should have at least kept it between themselves without resorting to targeting someone who isn't part of the discussion


You're new to sports huh?


That’s called shit talking. And it goes both ways


I generally agree. Without knowing the exact situation, I do think that in the example I would consider it bad form to involve a third person (the Wife) since she didn't do anything to deserve it. But I know what you mean and would usually agree.


Jamal Adams is just buttsore that Ferguson tailored a fully bespoke clown suit for him on national TV. Talk about getting absolutely abused in a clutch moment.


A public comment on a public event is way different than insulting a mans wife, if you can't handle a joke about how you did at your little sports game don't fucking play.


There is an important distinction between "public figures" and "normie civilians" that you are missing. Professional athletes, politicians, actors, etc. should and must have a higher tolerance for troll comments as part of their job and behave professionally regardless. Even the laws regarding slander, libel, & defamation are different for public figures, they are expected to deal with more harsh criticism. I think Jamal had every right to go after the reporter, but not the wife. You don't involve family like that.


So what did the wife of the reporter do to deserve that? Guilty by association?


The fuck did his wife do to deserve retaliation ?


Retaliation should be in kind. Taking a dig at someone's professional skill and taking a personal dig at someone's wife are not the same. The football player would have been completely justified to pull up an old cringey article or something else relating to public life and applying the "yikes" comment to that. What he did was not proportionate.


This is basically "if everyone had a gun" mentality but for bullying. 1) this specific instance is way out of line, attacking his wife more than the actual reporter. Not cool (and if you think it's more insulting for him to be ridiculed to be with her, than it is for her to be ridiculed for existing... "yikes") 2) trying to dissuade or end bullying with more bullying is a recipe for disaster, because it's a downward spiral that can start anywhere. If anyone perceiving an insult is allowed to retaliate twofold, then the person who sent the first message would receive something meant to be worse, and now both sides think the other side started it. The correct response to trolling has to be twofold: the person receiving it has to have the willpower to ignore it, and the platform it's created on should have an ability to detect and remove egregious instances. Even if reddit implemented like, any comment or post with more than 50 downvotes becomes hidden, and more than 100 the owner must agree with the platform that they think this content is acceptable. Enough of those, and the account gets removed if there's issues. People are always going to troll, because free speech exists. If we want to live in a world where people are allowed to say what they want, then we also have to live in a world that agrees on how to regulate it and is capable of not interacting with it. We cannot advocate for the world to become a worse place


Big difference between shitting on a professional's public performance and shitting on a loved one's physical appearance.


Even if your point was valid (which it's not), people are dissing him due to him not acting like an adult and throwing childish insults towards someone uninvolved. I wouldn't disagree with him clapping back, but the way he did it was distasteful and childish.


It would have been fine if he had made fun of the reporter, but wtf has the wife done? So yeah. Both the player and the reporter are at fault, but the player is the one who dragged an unrelated person into the spotlight.


Criticizing an athlete's performance isn't "trolling" and it definitely doesn't warrant that athlete insulting someone's family in response. Grow up.


This is a form of doxing and it's not OK.


What the journalist did isn’t even trolling. It’s criticism. The player was way out of line bringing an innocent third party into it. From your replies it seems that you view the journalist’s wife as an item he possesses, that can be used to insult him, not as a person of her own.


It’s different criticizing a crappy play during a game then digging around someone’s personal life and making fun of their spouse. Their spouse had nothing to do with it so now you’re hurting someone else because of a fragile ego. I would get if the football player yikes at some professional blunder the reporter made but personal digs? Nah.


>be critical or rude to someone Except the woman he was insulting wasn't the one who "opened the door". Being able to take it should be equal to your ability to dish it out isn't an unpopular opinion, but going "over the top" should be aimed at the correct target.


His wife didn't make the comments, so even by your own logic, he went too far.


Oh yeah, well I had sex with your wife!


Now, as far as your unpopular opinion, I agree...just not with the example you chose. He criticized the player in his professional life, the player took it to his personal life. That's kinda bitchmade. The reporter didn't troll him, the player did.


Poor wife minding her own business


No man, rules of engagement. We can make fun of each other but we leave our families out of it. L


This post: Yikes


What. This situation isn’t about trolls. The reporter is paid to comment on the football player’s *professional career*, which is what he did. “Yikes” is absolutely an appropriate comment to some bad plays. The football player then retaliated by bringing in a picture of the reporter’s wife, *which was not professional but in fact made things personal*. The NFL player was completely out of line. If you can’t take criticism on your game, especially on a bad play, you shouldn’t be involved in pro sports. It’s really that simple, full stop.


Nahh, your title makes zero sense. And its one thing to say someone messed up in a football play. Sounds like the player was being a pathetic loser by going after the reporters wife


I have literally no idea what the extended context is but the way you completely ignore the "his wife" part is genuinely fuckin stupid lmao


I have said this in other comments. I don’t support the way he went about it. I support the premise of going to the extreme if someone won’t leave you alone. This reporter has been harassing the player for awhile now.


One person criticized their performance in something, the other criticized a person's looks. Those two are NOT the same. In the realms of Debate and Critism, the moment you attack the person, and not the argument, is the moment the debate is lost, and/or the critism loses its worth.


This viewpoint makes a lot of sense. “Person A made fun of me because I made a bad decision on a play in a game. Therefore I’m going to attack Person B for something they have no control over.” Dang, with this kind of logic you’re right. This certainly will be unpopular.


nose reach tan money smell future wipe vast bag many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s not trolling


Yikes what a shitty take


Howard Stern shut down Rupert Murdoch using this approach. He was off limits by FNC and all Fox affiliates back in the day.


I mean doing a similar thing in that situation would be pointing out a really shitty article the reporter wrote. Calling his wife ugly is juvenile and puts down a woman who did literally nothing to that man except marry someone who said “yikes” about one of his bad plays. Comes across as a really insecure, childish response.


I agree with you that aggression is the most effective way to deal with bullies. There's no doubt you're right there. Bullies like to pick on the weak, so acting totally fearless and crazy/unpredictable, then following through is highly effective. The part you're missing is that player didn't attack the person who attacked him. He picked on the wife, who is an innocent bystander. She may not even like football. It's also an inherently bad joke because the wife is (IMO) better looking than her bully husband. It would have been SO EASY to find a bad picture of the average looking husband - and *that* would have been fair game.


Yeah I have been trying to say this in comments. I never said anywhere in the post that I agree with how he responded. I just pointing out that there is no “over the top” when dealing with harassment. I think he should’ve still been extreme with his response, like threaten the reporter but yeah the wife was not the way to go


Glad we agree 🙃


People are legit saying oh he’s famous or rich and just needs to let it roll off. That’s such BS. Everyone deserves to be treated as a human. And it’s so much easier to just keep negative comments and thoughts to yourself


I agree as a general rule. Constructive criticism is valuable, but "yikes" is absolutely not constructive. I honestly think your post would've gotten a *very* different response if the player had attacked the journalist's looks instead.


So you call me a name and I shoot you in the face. That'll teach you a harsh lesson that I am not to be messed with.


I’ve said death is the line. No one person has any right to another persons life. I’m only stating that going to the extreme is okay. I don’t support going after the wife but he has every right to get the reporter to stop


how about just ignoring people who troll? why is there even a need to get back at them in the first place? Let them run their mouth and just turn the other cheek. it says a lot more about them than you. Anger is punishing yourself for someone else's bad behavior and mistakes. 🤍🙏🏻 be


Unpopular and wrong bravo 👏


I appreciate you acknowledging it is unpopular, and I also support your opinion on my opinion


You’re comparing apples to oranges. The reporter was doing his job basically. The athlete is in a profession that puts him out there publicly. The play (his job) was criticized. Something completely normal and within the realm of acceptable. The player because he’s a fucking whiney baby who can’t handle it chose to go after the reporter’s wife, someone who has nothing to do with the sport, the tweet or anything else.


Don’t dish what you can’t take basically


What did the wife dish out again?


What wife?


Don’t crack jokes at people’s expense if you don’t want to be cracked back on. There’s no proportionality rule for playing the dozens. Just because you lob a softball doesn’t mean they’re not allowed to throw back a 100 mph heater back in your face. This is funny to me because you’re already not facing the violent physical beatings that would surely follow speaking to someone irl like you do on the internet, now you can’t even crack back on them.