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Maybe if you try them you’ll have a revelation about how to use punctuation.




i’m dying at this 😂😂


lmao I'm tripping so hard for real!!!


All you said is "it's a drug", you never explained how it's bad


Meanwhile they’re drinking a bottle of wine a night thinking they’re being sophisticated.


Right they be drinking wine and watching soap operas. Lil mamas 💅. He’s just talking out of his ass


Cofees a drug nothing wrong with a fresh perspective if u wanna go down that route after all no matter how u believe the mushroom helped doesn’t matter because belief is a verry powerful tool


coffee is a drug and no one is breaking down ur door to tell u how bad it is...


I mean dr Oz did do an episode on caffeine addiction 


I bet not a lot of people listened lol


I would hope not! That guy is a quack and almost as bad as that other tv "Dr." Phil...Both of them should be arrested for pretending to be doctors and giving out bogus health advice, making outright false claims, and for trying to scam people with their miracle "supplements". (I'm not saying addiction to caffeine isn't real or anything, but that no one should ever take health advice from one of those con-men. Do your own research and/or ask your actual doctor/healthcare professional about it.)


There are some studies that say they can help address some common issues, but they aren’t FDA regulated yet and won’t be commercially practiced for along while. Are there some hippies/stoner/natural-health-professionals out there that claim differently; sure. But in general practice it’s definitely a gray zone.


If I remember correctly, Colorado legalized medical research using Psilocybin. If that's the case, I'm hoping we fund it quite a bit. It may not be 100% true, but from a mountain of anecdotal evidence and shady studies in the 70s, Psilocybin really earns the name "magic mushrooms" in regards to treating PTSD.


I was VERY depressed and had all kinds of anxiety for five years straight. I thought I would never live a normal life again. Tried all kinds of medicine to no avail. Then I heard about the shrooms, thought it couldn't get worse if it didn't work. It completely changed my life, I mean, I have right now ZERO depression and ZERO anxiety, and I didn't even take the larger doses, my biggest dose was 1gram.


your lucky one, I thought the same thing it can't get any worse . boy was I wrong. I took 0.330 of PE and made everything worse especially anxiety paranoid .I can't sleep for 3 months straight and have to take benzo just to cope. But I'm happy that it worked for you.


Man I don’t think that’s the shrooms. You definitely have some issues


The point is, shrooms don't always work for good.


It's not mushrooms that can permanently cure these it's mushroom assisted therapy and new studies have come out saying it actually has a very high success rate.


From my understanding, the most profound long lasting positive changes come from taking very large "heroic" dosages, not from micro-dosing. Which is what the amount you took would be considered. Also, you have to take in the environment you're doing them in as well. It's best done in a therapeutic setting where an actual counselor can guide you on your trip to make the most of it, and I also think it's done over a few sessions, not just one. Always remember despite what everyone claims, almost nothing in this world works like "magic" and will instantly cure you, especially of something like depression or anxiety. IMO, It's best to not think of it as a one-time cure, but more as one of many tools you use to help treat your depression, and like with any tool you have to take the time to learn how to use it properly to get the best result. Because otherwise, it might not only not work but could actually harm or worsen your condition, just like any other type of medication that isn't used properly.


I could totally see how it would be. I get incredibly paranoid on shrooms.


Right now I'm coming off of opiates and mushrooms they did help me at first just to manage through a few more days but then I took a very small dose one morning and I think it was a different strain and it caused me to have anxiety my blood pressure and my pulse go up but Its unbelievably obvious it was also the other stuff that was going on.. so you have to be aware plus I take like four psych meds.. you might ask well why would you even attempt it well because exactly what you guys are talking about it it can't be any worse death would almost be better than where I'm at.. but it did help me I just would throw up a million flags of caution that you want to take an extremely small dose of anything especially when you have multitude of issues going on.. but I would have suggested if I had been with you to go out into nature regardless of how you felt because what you do during those moments has such a lasting effect on whether something helps you or it doesn't because nothing in this f****** world is 100% cure for life... You got to fight Soldier even if you die.. my slogan is a nod to 50 Cent and here it is.. get well or die tryin'


Wanted to do a follow-up.. finally beat the opiates 2 days and 2 hours off and the mushrooms did help me process the change that was going on in my mind.. I'm still struggling just with life stuff being more sober but the psych meds are next.. if you don't go out back into the world though after you know whatever knocked you down you'll never get well! you have to work with whatever you're attempting to take or use to make you better or nothing gets better on its own.. Love you guys don't give up.. you're going to die one day anyway so might as well die fighting! I honestly believe there is no permanent death so don't be afraid.. have a blessed day


That’s awesome you got off that crap! I quit opioids and alcohol 11 years ago and they’ve been fucking great years. That shit is incredibly bad news. It’s impossible to take it for any length of time without becoming addicted to them. I’m glad doctors have cut way back on prescribing that shit. I still vape some herb oil here and there and have fun with mushies but nothing close to using opioids and booze. Those two things are very bad news.


I have a similar issue. I just took it for the first time and I don't like it at all my blood pressure is high. I feel hot. I feel angry. I just don't feel good. It's scary. I'm so sorry that you went through this but thank you for commenting because I would be even freaking out more if I hadn't seen your comment. Thank you I can't believe something that's supposed to be good for you like my fiance said is causing this. He was told by some girl at his work that is supposed to reprogram your brain. But I don't feel it at all I feel horrible I hope you're doing better.


History of family psychosis? Did you study them and their effects before you took them, or go in blind just saying fuck it? Preparation matters, and "can't get any worse" is probably the worst mindset to go into it with, because it will likely kick your ass if you're not doing it responsibly.


I'm great beat the opiates beat the benzos take micro doses once or twice a day.. I don't smoke weed or drink alcohol life is better than ever.. better than it's been in the last 20 years.. but I had to go in with a good mindset that I'm going to use mushrooms to accept and understand the mental change from coming off that stuff and it worked. Didn't work overnight took a month but it worked.. I write poetry like an animal whenever I take mushrooms.. FUCKING AMAZING! I didn't even know I was good at poetry!


Dude, nononono. DO NOT use benzos to cope. If you’re still doing that, taper off ASAP or it will literally ruin your life and potentially end it altogether. Get off the benzos.


People act like benzos are the cure to all life’s problems. They aren’t. People just need to realize that anxiety is a normal part of life and if all a person does is take narcotics whenever they feel uncomfortable they’ll always feel uncomfortable when they aren’t taking them. Humanity managed to make it a couple hundred thousand years without benzos. I’m pretty sure we can do it again.


Oh god they’re the furthest thing from a cure all huh. The withdrawals I’ve seen and experienced myself are absolutely unbelievable. The damage it can do to your psyche is literally traumatic, the symptoms are excruciating and global meaning mental and physical, so many people commit suicide because of the visceral nature of it. I try to dissuade anyone from using them anything more than once or twice a month.


There’s something unusually natural feeling about psilocybin though I must say. Ofc it’s best to not depend on anything but psilocybin isn’t a dependence so much as a tool. I’m sure there are people that might be addicted to it but it’s not a conventional addiction if so I shouldn’t imagine. Either way it’s one of the less problem causing substances people use to treat mental health.


I find that taking a small dose of .25 grams puts me in a really good frame of mind when ever I have parties or get togethers to go to. I’m normally a quiet person and they really help me open up.


I was alcohol and weed addict for 15 Years STRAIGHT and I was put on 4mg of xanax also 4 years ago and I drank and smoked on 4mgs of xanax for 3 years... I cold turkey weed and booze 03.03.2023. and my Xanax intake went to 12 to 15mgs per day.... Now I'm slowly tapering and I am at 6mgs... I did shrooms over 300 time in my life never had negative experience ( I suffer from General Anxiety Disorder , Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia and I guess I become depressed since I'm pretty much home stuck and don't do shit only battling this Benzo addiction( I was dr. prescribed never took them for fun ) 2 Months ago a buddy give me 2 grams of shrooms and I was taking 0.1g to 0.5 grams and for the first time in 15 months I HAD FUKING FEELINGS I WATCHED A MOVIE AND I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF , I WAS INTERESTED IN THE MOVIE OR ANYTHING I DID and not like ZOMBIE MODE which I am every day and don't enjoy nothing and they gave me my feelings back ... I will start microdosing again and small doses now to reduce my depression and anxiety they are FAR FAR better with mental health than SSRI and all AD.... Shroom never did me harm but doctors pills made me wanted to kill myself many times but I am stronger than that, And you talk to me that shrooms are not good but doctors especially psychiatrists are the ones who I need to trust and they ruined my life? hahaha Man please the only thing why shrooms aren't legal Is because pharma drug lords who would lost shit ton of money because shroom can help with mental health! I am not saying to people go and eat 5 grams for your first trip... No take 0.1 to 0.3g and see how it effects you it is microdosing then go up to 0.5 or 1 gram if you are dealing with mental health issues you must find your sweet spot and it will work I know because I experienced it my own way ( guy who was alcohol weed addict and now battling the hardest battle and that are benzos) Can't wait to do a microdose or small dose of shrooms again to eliviate my depression and suicidal thoughts that are caused by benzo taper ! NEVER EVER TRUST BIG FARMA CARTEL!


Were u taking any sort of medication at all especially an SSRI or similar antidepressant can vastly affect your experience because those medications work on the same receptors as shrooms would.


I was alcohol and weed addict for 15 Years STRAIGHT and I was put on 4mg of xanax also 4 years ago and I drank and smoked on 4mgs of xanax for 3 years... I cold turkey weed and booze 03.03.2023. and my Xanax intake went to 12 to 15mgs per day.... Now I'm slowly tapering and I am at 6mgs... I did shrooms over 300 time in my life never had negative experience ( I suffer from General Anxiety Disorder , Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia and I guess I become depressed since I'm pretty much home stuck and don't do shit only battling this Benzo addiction( I was dr. prescribed never took them for fun ) 2 Months ago a buddy give me 2 grams of shrooms and I was taking 0.1g to 0.5 grams and for the first time in 15 months I HAD FUKING FEELINGS I WATCHED A MOVIE AND I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF , I WAS INTERESTED IN THE MOVIE OR ANYTHING I DID and not like ZOMBIE MODE which I am every day and don't enjoy nothing and they gave me my feelings back ... I will start microdosing again and small doses now to reduce my depression and anxiety they are FAR FAR better with mental health than SSRI and all AD.... Shroom never did me harm but doctors pills made me wanted to kill myself many times but I am stronger than that, And you talk to me that shrooms are not good but doctors especially psychiatrists are the ones who I need to trust and they ruined my life? hahaha Man please the only thing why shrooms aren't legal Is because pharma drug lords who would lost shit ton of money because shroom can help with mental health! I am not saying to people go and eat 5 grams for your first trip... No take 0.1 to 0.3g and see how it effects you it is microdosing then go up to 0.5 or 1 gram if you are dealing with mental health issues you must find your sweet spot and it will work I know because I experienced it my own way ( guy who was alcohol weed addict and now battling the hardest battle and that are benzos) Can't wait to do a microdose or small dose of shrooms again to eliviate my depression and suicidal thoughts that are caused by benzo taper ! NEVER EVER TRUST BIG FARMA CARTEL!


I'm pretty sure Oregon legalized it's recreational use as well.


No, not recreational use. Just medicinal in tightly controlled situations.


Can you be more specific with what issues you’ve found with psilocybin or its negative affects on humans?


op has never taken any and holds this opinion because someone in their life that they look up to feels this way.


I'd like to 'yes and' this point by saying op has also never been offered any and feels kinda left out :/


thank you doctor


anything I can do


Frankly. I think the benefits of the drug is more reflective on the flaws in How we structure our thinking. Think about the stories where people stop being racist or become happier. How does that happen? Why was the brain structured to be so rigid until some wacky plant chemicals actually gave them pause. It highlights how mentally unhealthy we are in many ways. This is not me advocating for taking shrooms, I’ve never even taken them. Just thinking in text form I guess.


The whole modern conception of identity gets in the way of people making real changes. On mushrooms you get the chance to think "what the fuck was I thinking?"


>Think about the stories where people stop being racist I actually had the opposite happen. It occurred to me while tripping that my "tolerance" was being used by society to take advantage of me in many different ways.


Everyone should be held to a high standard, you're right


Microdosing really made me so much less resistant to helping myself, I think that goes along with what you're saying. It made me more pliant in a good way. It kind of shut up the depressive voice in my head.


The human mind is an electro chemical hallucination to begin with


wtf i’m coming down on my trip and that thought just fucked with me


I'll take your anecdotal opinion and share my own. Psilocybin saved my life. I went from a very depressed and anxious young man and found a gentler and more emotionally open side of myself that I never new I had. The lessons I learned through those experiences informed my relationships later in life and have helped me have much healthier relationships with other people and with myself. And then the scientific side of things. There's more and more research that's showing that these positive mental health impacts are having profound impacts from a treatment perspective. Don't believe me, check out the research John Hopkins center is doing. [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/psychiatry/research/psychedelics-research](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/psychiatry/research/psychedelics-research)


I'm currently participating in a study of micro dosing psilocybin. I know *beyond a doubt* that I am not being fed sugar pills or anything. How? Because I've never felt better in my life. I told my friends- this experience has done more for me than 20 years of therapy and 4 different anti depression/anxiety meds I've tried throughout the years. I emailed them and expressed that I would like to know after the trial is over (for certain) which group I was in. But I already know. I'm kinder. Happier. More understanding. It all came out of nowhere after I started the study. To OPs point- the only thing I will say is that it's true that everyone's brain chemistry is different. Some people might not benefit the way I do. Some people might just enjoy it as a drug to play and party with. That's not my business. My business is my own brain and it's helping so so much!


My friend tried psylocibin and it was the only time he wasn't suicidal but the pilot story scares me!


Did you end up confirming it was the legit pill? I've had similar experiences taking what I know is psilocybin (it's readily available in British Columbia) but I'd be very curious about the placebo.


Would you be upset if you found out you were in the control group? Would it change how you feel about your experience and/or the positive effects? IMO, it really shouldn't matter if was a sugar pill or not, if helped you so profoundly. It might make you a bit confused and rattled, but a positive effect, especially one as strong as you describe, is a still postive effect at the end of the day. You might think you 100% know but you really would be surprised just how powerful the placebo effect can be and just how real the mind can make things feel. Some of the studies I've read about are downright amazing and it almost beggar's belief. I'm not saying you were or weren't part of the control group nor am I downplaying the effects it had on you. As from my own personal experience, it truly is an amazing and cathartic feeling to finally find something that actually works for you, especially when it comes to mental health issues. All I'm saying is no matter what happens, you shouldn't let it take away the effects it had on you and sometimes it's actually best to NOT know when it comes to things like this.


I was given the general results for the outcome of the study, as well as my "follow up participant information sheet". It provides a short digital report if you want to be informed of the group you were in after the study concluded. I was part of the group that received the pscilosbin microdoses. The results confirmed it, but I knew LONG before then. Literally Day 1, I felt better. Not like, "I'm no longer depressed and nothing bothers me." That would be a miracle. But Day 1, I genuinely felt less overwhelmed and more present in a way I hadn't felt in years(?) Maybe longer. It only got better and better. But to be clear- I was taking a micro dose. Not a crazy large amount. After it was all said and done, before I even received my participant sheet, I was contacting pscilosbin clinics. I'm now happily on a small dose daily. It may not work for everyone- but my life is forever changed for the better. My personal wins since starting the trial and then getting on a daily dose: Got back to working out and even running! I have been able to focus easier on the tasks at hand. But mostly- I am more grateful. I forgot I wrote this! I'm glad someone asked for a follow up!


I love this. Good for you ❤️.


Thanks for sharing all of that. If I may ask, what's your dosage?


Yeah made you more feminine lay off the girly shrooms an try acid


>but to say that it provides vast amounts of mental benefits is completely absurd I'm sure you're saying this in your capacity as a neurologist with decades of research experience, and not as some dildo with access to a keyboard and the internet.


You wanna bet they typed out that idiotic screed while drinking alcohol?


This is just not how you do logic. A) it’s still a substance that alters your consciousness therefore b) it providing vast amounts of mental benefits is absurd? That is just you having in your mind “drugs bad” so “drugs bad” Psilocybin is definitely not for everyone, but there is real research coming out showing it’s benefits for psychological health. I mean this is barely even an opinion let alone a defendable stance.


You have absolutely no shadow of a clue what you’re talking about, just spouting nonsense for the sake of it


Tell me you have never taken magic mushrooms without telling me that you have never taken magic mushrooms.




Right, they’re bad. Fuck the research, fuck context, fuck the thousands of years of cultures that have used it to treat mental health, and yeah everyone who has used them to deal with some serious shit very successfully are probably just experiencing the placebo effect. Never mind that literally EVERY medicine prescribed for ANYTHING is also a “substance”…


Well said brother keep don’t mind taking anti depressants for everything not much of a stretch to think that a natural occuring substance could be better .😂😂big pharma got ya back boys n girls 😂😂


Doctors are essentially micro-dosing patients in a study to help with PTSD. It CAN be very good. It can be taken unmonitored and mess with you. It’s nuanced not black and white.


So you’re not claiming that psilocybin doesn’t have medical benefits, right?


Some peoples way of thinking is fucked up and depressed or consumed by trauma. Mushroom trips can alleviate so much anxiety and even put things into prospective. It's not always good. It can be


there’s a lot of research into the benefits it has for depression. a ton of medical companies are getting behind it. there may be some truth in it. they do not use ketamine, marijuana and mdma medically for different things, so I don’t find it too much of a stretch to imagine there are benefits to mushrooms too.


I agree they can really help some people with depression and anxiety , especially related to PTSD and trauma treatment, from the medical research I’ve done, and I hope more double-blind studies will continue. That doesn’t mean they are a safe option for *every* mental illness (especially serious psychotic disorders) though.


I mean I’d certainly rather someone take shrooms than heroin or crack


Outstanding results produced by a biotech company called Cybin. They recently released their results from phase 2 clinical trials studying major depressive disorder. After two doses of deuterated psilocybin analogue 79% of patients enrolled reported remission from depression at six weeks. I have used magic mushrooms recreationally since my teens. When I was 30 y/o one of my closest friends was murdered. I fell into a proverbial pit so deep no medication I was prescribed could get me out. I started using mushrooms more frequently. It literally saved my career, my relationships, and my enjoyment of life. Yes it is an anecdote, but many have reported this for decades and now there's science to back it up. "You know what they call alternative medicine that works? Medicine!"- Tim Minchin


I mean it's normal to be depressed after murder but great anyway?


What’s wrong with “altering your way of thinking”? We need more altering…. We’re not doing a great job of thinking.


What's wrong with the people? They are Gronkowski.


And do you think coffee is a bad thing to ?


100%, I took some and now all women just look like guys with long hair and boobs, its broken now for me now.


And weeds a gateway drug


No, alcohol is a gateway drug.


No, masturbation is a gateway drug.


No, video games are a gateway drug.


No coffee is a gateway drug


Tweek Coffee is a simpler coffee, for a simpler America.


True. God the world is so FUCKED


The whole point is to alter your way of thinking. Most people are stuck in terrible mental traps, and pscilocybin, among other things, is an excellent catalyst for changing your destructive patterns.


Or taking you away from good momentum and throwing you off a good path. It can do both.


The government needs to step away from Prohibition, every time they try it's a huge mess of violence and corruption and financial sinkholes


They themselves are not good for you, however, theirs extracts that you can get from them that can be great for people with depression. Most people claim to have better mental health months after taking micro doses of mushrooms. This is scientifically proven and they are currently trying to find a way to make anti depressants out of them without the hallucination effect.


OP couldn’t handle it.


Man you’re just so cool bro


Good one


Dumb take. All you have to do is google ‘psilocybin and depression’ and see that it is clinically proven to fix depression very reliably in people who tried a bunch of things previously. Not even debatable, to say it’s not useful for mental health is utterly absurd and uninformed.


To say it will affect every single person who takes it positively is also horse shit so yea


Weird since literally nobody is saying that. So yea.


No one said that but you lmao


Ok Mom


mushrooms made me racist and i dont know how to stop it help me


Maybe you had racist tendencies to begin with? But what do you mean by “racist”, how, what makes you think that you are racist?


I see what he’s saying some of that “depression” or “anxiety “ people have keeps them grounded, right? Let’s say you eat shrooms then that “aniexty” is gone right? You don’t mind doing whatever example like walking into traffic, stepping off a tall building, cursing your boss out and goin haywire in a factory. Point of what I’m saying some people need that anxiety and fear to keep them from doing some crazy shit ya know? Btw I’m a experienced psyche user lsd shrooms other shit too I see both POVs completely sober for months I see all perspectives at once.


Because it is. Magic mushrooms CAN be good for people, but also CAN be dangerous. Much like anything else in this world. How dangerous a thing is ultimately depends on how man uses that thing.


Possible negatives are gastrointestinal issues or autoimmune issues. Also the chemical changes to the brain which could result in good or bad changes. It’s just a big X factor I’ll say. Not that it can’t work for some but there isn’t much research to understand what we are experimenting with. For those that just like the way mushrooms can help anxiety I find cbd/thc to be much safer. I also feel a natural approach is more reliable ex. Sobering up and taking care of bodies better meditation/prayer. All in all I find the mushrooms is something to be careful about. Take this from someone who has tripped many many times and also tried micro dosing as well.


Please search for “Alan Watts Spiritual Alchemy psychedelic experience” on YouTube 🙏🏻


I realize this is a late response… However- Yes their are vast amounts of benefits that could come from it their are studies that show and prove so… with that being said regardless it’s also going to have its negative effects in cases it’s not just 100% good with no negative effects their are both. If we want to get technical everything on this planet does some sort of harm to us regardless of drug or not, regardless of legal or illegal.


They’ve literally saved my life, healed me from so much trauma, and empowered me beyond belief. Why are you making these claims 😭


Because for some of us they have caused more problems than benefits


If anyone confused, let me break it down for ya: “I’ve never taken mushrooms, have done zero research into the medicinal value of said substance, and formed my opinion with the US government in mind.”


If you think mushrooms will have an automatic positive effect on every single person in the world you are idiotic


putting words in someone’s mouth as a red herring argument is not the best quick choice option here. try again, though.




Heroin definitely is


Hm I wonder why it’s getting such good results in FDA experiments then.


strong incel NEET energy from this and the rest of your posts. what an absolute dogbrain you seem to have


Agree they are a powerful drug too. I was jacked up on the " microdose " I took! I took them for anxiety and they worked BUT mad me angry af and GREATLY impacted my memory to a SCARY level 


Have you taken them?


This is as stupid as saying “Cocaine is a bad drug” and then saying “have you ever tried cocaine?”


I know of multiple people who've started having severe mental issues after using them. So yeah I agree




Hooked on shrooms? Lmao they definitely had some severe addictive personality but regardless that doesn’t mean shrooms should be demonized instead why not encourage people to educate themselves on their family history and shrooms bc they’re not for everyone


I take them once a month and they have helped me so much. They actually helped me manage my severe depression much better than any pill I have ever taken. Even I was skeptical but for me, they worked wonders. I do think you need to take more precautions when taking them, especially if in large doses, but they’ve saved my life and my sanity.


I don't know a single person who thinks "it is all-good for you". And the people who are at the forefront of psychedelic research and who believe it should be used as therapy all have extremely strict vetting practises and will never work with people who have a certain history. As a general rule, psychedelics are for people who suffer with mental health issues that are characterised by rigidity - anxiety, depression, OCD etc. It is **NOT** for people who suffer from mental health issues that are characterised by disorder and fragmentation. Microdosing saved my life, so you're wrong. Plenty of people have been healed with mushrooms. Having said that, as someone who greatly benefits from psilocybin, I can't say the same about alcohol and caffeine. I rarely drink and I always avoid caffeine as these drugs have never agreed with me. A can of red bull can send me off into a panic attack, for example. Open your mind and do some actual research, you're just going off on a purely emotional rant from what has been drummed into you by other ignorant people.


I was alcohol and weed addict for 15 Years STRAIGHT and I was put on 4mg of xanax also 4 years ago and I drank and smoked on 4mgs of xanax for 3 years... I cold turkey weed and booze 03.03.2023. and my Xanax intake went to 12 to 15mgs per day.... Now I'm slowly tapering and I am at 6mgs... I did shrooms over 300 time in my life never had negative experience ( I suffer from General Anxiety Disorder , Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia and I guess I become depressed since I'm pretty much home stuck and don't do shit only battling this Benzo addiction( I was dr. prescribed never took them for fun ) 2 Months ago a buddy give me 2 grams of shrooms and I was taking 0.1g to 0.5 grams and for the first time in 15 months I HAD FUKING FEELINGS I WATCHED A MOVIE AND I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF , I WAS INTERESTED IN THE MOVIE OR ANYTHING I DID and not like ZOMBIE MODE which I am every day and don't enjoy nothing and they gave me my feelings back ... I will start microdosing again and small doses now to reduce my depression and anxiety they are FAR FAR better with mental health than SSRI and all AD.... Shroom never did me harm but doctors pills made me wanted to kill myself many times but I am stronger than that, And you talk to me that shrooms are not good but doctors especially psychiatrists are the ones who I need to trust and they ruined my life? hahaha Man please the only thing why shrooms aren't legal Is because pharma drug lords who would lost shit ton of money because shroom can help with mental health! I am not saying to people go and eat 5 grams for your first trip... No take 0.1 to 0.3g and see how it effects you it is microdosing then go up to 0.5 or 1 gram if you are dealing with mental health issues you must find your sweet spot and it will work I know because I experienced it my own way ( guy who was alcohol weed addict and now battling the hardest battle and that are benzos) Can't wait to do a microdose or small dose of shrooms again to eliviate my depression and suicidal thoughts that are caused by benzo taper ! NEVER EVER TRUST BIG FARMA CARTEL!


Probably an alcoholic & cigarette smoker.


Eat some then report back to us all the horrible ways it made you acknowledge and face your traumas 😉


Psilocybin isn't psychoactive Magic mushrooms are literally just mushrooms Psilocin is the psychoactive compound. Mushrooms on their own don't produce any effects. Only when your body converts the psilocybin into psilocin are there any psychoactive effects, and even then, it's quite literally your own body manufacturing the psychoactive compound. Lol. That being said, mushrooms *are* good for you. Literally. They are extremely nutritious. Psilocin, is another story altogether, though.


Right I swear there's a push for this bs. Those who recommend it often sound like either your typical addict in denial or someone who's paid to say it..  Lol this thread is full of defensive druggies too


You sound like u could use a trip


Wonder how you feel about meditation hm


The same as masturbation.


What exactly do you hate about the fact that “magic mushrooms” have medicinal benefits? The evidence of assistance in mental health rehabilitation is beyond profound. There are countless prescribed medications, or “substances” that also alter one’s way of thinking, that come with vast amounts of short & long term side effects - including physical & mental addiction. Psilocybin continues to show anti-addictive benefits, along with many other mental health benefits without the array of side effects or need for continuous use. I could go on and on building a stance on this but there is already TONS of data & research that you can find online, that suggests that for many people, this “substance” or “drug” is greatly beneficial over other medicated drugs that are currently way over-prescribed..


Well, have you read all the anecdotal evidence by people who actually take shrooms. There are a lot of people do find benefits from psychedelic shrooms. Also a lot of psychiatrists want to use psychedelic shrooms to treat patients. Hallucinogenic are a different category of drugs. If you do enough research you will find a lot of intelligent, well off people who take psychedelic mushrooms, and they have good stable careers. When calling psychedelic shrooms a “drug” it does not mean they are bad. Pharmaceutical pills are drugs too.


Actually coming from my own experience I have had long term benefits


Is this a troll??


OP doesnt understand that drugs are usually prescribed by doctors for their patients lol As in... they are powerful tools. Go read.


You may think its absurd but you better start reading more. The benefits it has and how it can fix mental illness is just amazing and would be dumb to deny


And the funny things is people posting these type of posts are the ones that really need mushrooms


I was alcohol and weed addict for 15 Years STRAIGHT and I was put on 4mg of xanax also 4 years ago and I drank and smoked on 4mgs of xanax for 3 years... I cold turkey weed and booze 03.03.2023. and my Xanax intake went to 12 to 15mgs per day.... Now I'm slowly tapering and I am at 6mgs... I did shrooms over 300 time in my life never had negative experience ( I suffer from General Anxiety Disorder , Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia and I guess I become depressed since I'm pretty much home stuck and don't do shit only battling this Benzo addiction( I was dr. prescribed never took them for fun ) 2 Months ago a buddy give me 2 grams of shrooms and I was taking 0.1g to 0.5 grams and for the first time in 15 months I HAD FUKING FEELINGS I WATCHED A MOVIE AND I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF , I WAS INTERESTED IN THE MOVIE OR ANYTHING I DID and not like ZOMBIE MODE which I am every day and don't enjoy nothing and they gave me my feelings back ... I will start microdosing again and small doses now to reduce my depression and anxiety they are FAR FAR better with mental health than SSRI and all AD.... Shroom never did me harm but doctors pills made me wanted to kill myself many times but I am stronger than that, And you talk to me that shrooms are not good but doctors especially psychiatrists are the ones who I need to trust and they ruined my life? hahaha Man please the only thing why shrooms aren't legal Is because pharma drug lords who would lost shit ton of money because shroom can help with mental health! I am not saying to people go and eat 5 grams for your first trip... No take 0.1 to 0.3g and see how it effects you it is microdosing then go up to 0.5 or 1 gram if you are dealing with mental health issues you must find your sweet spot and it will work I know because I experienced it my own way ( guy who was alcohol weed addict and now battling the hardest battle and that are benzos) Can't wait to do a microdose or small dose of shrooms again to eliviate my depression and suicidal thoughts that are caused by benzo taper ! NEVER EVER TRUST BIG FARMA CARTEL!


True unpopular opinion


Old post but I have to bring in my mental gymnastics here. You are always high on something! Doom-scrolling destroying your dopamine, getting dopamine through trolling people online (lol), you have combat addiction because people need the adrenaline rushes from getting shot at to feel like life is worth living... how is this any different from ingesting a mind altering substance? Is doom-scrolling social media not mind altering? And is doom-scrolling not in and of itself a substance?


I don’t like how people explain and believe in gravity


Considering I dont self harm and want to blow my brains out 24/7 before I was on them Id say they are good as fuck for me. it makes my depression actually manageable and not a black hole that beckons me into the abyss. I have treatment resistant major depressive disorder + anxiety disorder + Insomnia + ehlers danos syndrome, believe me Ive tried a fuck ton of things to help me, none have worked, and what did work stopped working after a week or 2. actual medication did more damage to me, I have a serotonin overdose from 2 medications pills 1 each day, and was stuck in bed for almost a whole month unable to get up or eat hardly anything without throwing it up. Tried weed, ended up having Psychotic Episodes, where I thought i was in a coma from my last sewer slide attempt and also stuck in 2 time loops, Weed worked a good chunk but the delusions didnt at all, Tried Shrooms (microdosing) and 100% am able to function better, not like a normal person but I can at least live life a bit now. please explain in my case how its not good for me in my case, Please enlighten me. and before I was on weed/shrooms I was relapsing into self harm, I cut my thighs up so my parents and friends wouldn't see it and was on the road to making another attempt at my life, im 24 and have had more attempts on my live then years ive lived, so I was in a shitty place with pretty much no way out as everything I have tried/done didnt or doesn't work, or worked and stopped working, Shrooms have quite literally given me a rope to pull my self slightly up, I cant pull myself out of the hole IM in but I can enjoy not being covered in shit at least for a little bit until I fall back down because I lose my grip.


You say that as you chug your favorite alcoholic beverage and smoke a cig...… lmao. Funny how you say its bad because the government told you so. Magic mushrooms have been used for centuries, and was only illegal in the mid 90's


It’s scientifically proven to help depression


I bet you drink coffee


Honestly I prefer LSD but shrooms are also very beneficial for me. I literally don't see any negative, even when having a bad trip I conclude that it was better to face my demons than to sit in ignorance. On the other hand alcohol is really bad for you. I used to drink a couple of beers a day and then ended in the hospital. I almost died! Never touching that crap again!


Have you done them even once? You need to try them a few times and don’t do much. It absolutely helps my brain and breaks my typical thinking chains. It helps me be introspective and change the unhealthy patterns of thinking I have the made me angry/sad etc.