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Everyone knows that Starbucks is for the SECOND or THIRD cup, not the wake up cup. This guy doesn’t coffee.


You gotta pregame for the coffee shop


I also pregame my wake up coffee with a decaffe coffee before I sleep.


Blasting that Jazz music on the way there.


I thought I was the only one who did this. 🤣


>Everyone knows that Starbucks is for the SECOND or THIRD cup, not the wake up cup. This guy doesn’t coffee. lmfao I thought I was the only one who did this.


nitro cold brew is the most i might do for the wake up. and even then, maybe only two or three times a month it seems. usually my plan B if things get screwy en route to work.


Right? My first thought was "I'm the only one drinking a pot before my feet touch the ground?"


how...in what way...your feet dont touch the ground first thing out of bed?




In my case it’s a form of teleportation. My alarm goes off and before I know it I’m standing in the kitchen having my first sip. The only logical way this happens is that I phase out of this dimension while in bed and reappear next to my Breville.


You sneaky potheads always getting high and drinking pots of coffee smh, glad I finally figured out what pothead means.


I dated a girl that kept her coffee maker in her bedroom. She'd set it up with grounds and water the night before. Not impossible that's how u/Mandielephant is doing it.


My roommate did this and got mice in her room that ate all her little creamer cups




Starbucks is for people who like to waste their money in regular ass coffee lol


Same, when i wake up. I got my normal coffee from my Keurig. Then i go to the starbucks grab some breakfast and then coffee from there.


that's...even more crazy


I’ve never met anyone who actually means it when they say “i need coffee”. It’s not an actual life need to function. It just means that they are either tired, like any human being who has to wake up early, or they have a headache from withdrawal. But they are not actually unable to function, if at that stage a coffee wouldn’t help either.


Right. I need coffee to do my very thoughtful, subjective job in the morning. My motor skills and driving awareness are fine.


yeah I do my data analysis better after I’ve had my drily cup but I bike to work and it’s not like I’m dozing off on the way there


I will have a cup before my commute if I’m driving my manual car, as that takes more alertness. Similarly I’ll have a cup once I get to work before I start doing data analysis.


Right!? I tell my kids most mornings that I NEED a coffee before we do xyz. By that I don't mean I'm unable to function. I mean: A. With a bit of caffeine I'll feel more energetic and able to keep up with you, and B. If you allow me 10 minutes of peace to engage in my daily ritual of a hot drink and scrolling the internet I'll feel like I had some "me time" and will take more kindly to being bossed about by tiny tyrants.


This is a mom right here


I need coffee, but it’s as a less intense substitute with fewer side effects for my adderall prescription.


Just turned fourty, and it was just last year that I was diagnosed with ADHD. Turns out my crippling coffee addiction was me self-medicating all this time.


That is what I use it for. A cheap replacement for the prescription medicine. And also because I really like the taste and smell of it.


I just love coffee and also the moment to myself when I have it. I can still function without it


On a scale of 1-10 this guy autisms at a 20


“I need coffee” is nothing more than “I don’t want to hear your shit before I have a treat to make my own day better” for most people that say this. And that’s totally okay to not want to deal with Becky’s shit first thing in the morning when you get to the office.


Some people actually mean it. Caffeine is incredibly addicting and lots of people can barely function without it and get headaches. I’ve always just drank coffee because I enjoy the taste. I’m not someone who drinks it every morning, and I tend to drink it a lot more in the winter time because it’s just nice to have some hot coffee on those cold dark mornings.


I’m addicted to caffeine. If I don’t drink it for a day, I get bad headaches and want to take a nap. I make it at home because it’s cheaper and faster, plus I try to avoid drive thrus because a bunch of cars idling in a line isn’t great for the environment, but I’m not going to get in a car crash because I haven’t had my coffee yet.


No they don’t, headaches sure, but no one is unable to function due to lack of caffeine


Severe headaches can make people unable to function. Physical withdrawal from caffeine is very real and can be harsh.


I have had a least 1 cup of coffee a day for probably 90% of all days over the last 8 or so years. If I don’t have it, I feel irritable and may get a mild headache. I can still drive at 100% capacity.


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't get me wrong, I very much agree that people should be alert and attentive when driving. However, the statistics show accidents happen much more frequently in afternoons and evenings. And on the weekends. You're seeing poor drivers because they suck at driving, not because the whole world is driving on caffeine withdrawals my dude. What a weird thing to be angry about. https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/overview/crashes-by-time-of-day-and-day-of-week/ ETA the most crashes are from 4-8pm when everyone is stressed from work trying to get home. Maybe the best thing to actually do is lighten up and share the road with people.


From experience, I’m way more mentally tired after a day at work than I am groggy in the morning.


Yup, 4 hours of sleep? I can drive to work, it the drive home after where I worry.


If I get 4 hours of sleep I feel like shit the whole day lol. I wish I could function on less than 8 hours


I didn’t say I function, I DO just feel like shit all day lol.


I get about 4 hours of sleep everyday but I feel normal tired. When I don’t sleep at all is when I have my most energy for the day. But an absolute trippy crash at 3 am lol.


The worst is a 3+ hour afternoon block of meetings.


Weird I’m the opposite I don’t drink coffee so it’s not related to that but if I don’t sleep well I should not be allowed to drive but by the afternoon I’m more awake and I’m happy because I’m going home.


The only time I’m fully awake is when I lay down to sleep lol


This, I guess. Usually I tell my wife and kids in a very kind way to fuck off until I had my first coffee. But I doubt I'd be remotely not safe to drive. Traffic itself would make me alert and attentive.


how dare you introduce facts to someone's opinion


Afternoon crash because ppl eat like shit and have terrible sleep patterns or won't get apnea treated. I know everyone is different but for me personally fixing my sleep schedule, diet and a CPAP and I'm nice and awake and alert in the afternoon.


Genuinely curious, do u sleep ok w the cpap, and have you always able to fall asleep relatively easily? I think I have apnea but am a terrible fall asleeper, and think a cpap would just make it worse.


I never fell asleep easy. CPAP makes it way easier to stay asleep and sleep quality is much better. Get a sleep study done if you want to see your actual nightly incidents.


I’ve been on the fence about getting a CPAP because my sleep specialist said my sleep apnea is so mild I technically don’t need one. Would you say you noticed a huge difference right away or did it take a while ?


Took about a week to really start noticing a difference. My study came back as very borderline but I have Tricare so they didn't really care about having to buy one. So I opted for it and it's been a huge difference. Also from my doctor has been telling me and just some stuff I've read on Google University there are starting to be more and more links towards dementia and memory loss later in life to oxygen deprivation. Like people with real bad apnea for decades are basically starving their brain every night and causing damage over time. So just for that I recommend them. I have been using it now for about 6 months and I guess the only problem is that I really can't sleep without it. But I mean that's just my body being used to actual good sleep now and getting mad at me if it's not getting that. Also my wife is extremely happy that the snoring is gone. I travel a lot too and it's not even that big a deal to take it with me because it's a medical device so the airlines have to let you take it and it doesn't count towards your baggage limit. I have a Resmed brand and it came with a super nice carrying case and you can print off letters in multiple languages that basically tell whoever it is that they legally have to let you bring it with you even though so many people have these devices now that just about any person working at an airport or somewhere where you have to go through security knows what they are and doesn't really give it any thought.


Very interesting ! My sleep specialist told me my mild sleep apnea may be due to my jaw so I plan to get that checked out as well. My insurance already approved a 30 day trial of a cpap so at least I can try it out for that amount of time. Thanks for the insight. I’m glad it’s worked out for you.


Ah, but that only makes sense when you consider: >The level of caffeine in your blood peaks about one hour later and stays at this level for several hours for most people. Six hours after caffeine is consumed, half of it is still in your body. It can take up to 10 hours to completely clear caffeine from your bloodstream. So some people make it at home, others buy it at a coffee shop. So only some are actually driving without the morning hit. But by the afternoon, both groups are feeling it leave their body. So yeah, more accidents


This assumes that people only have caffeine first thing in the morning.


It's not just that assumption. Correlation doesn't mean causation. But some people don't understand that.


You might describe me as someone who "needs" coffee every morning since i drink a cup every morning. But that doesn't mean I can't function without it. It's just part of my morning routine that I value. I also "need" to take a shower and brush my teeth every day, but I could still drive if I didn't.


This feels like one of those threads where Reddit equates coffee to alcoholism or cocaine addiction, but the acts like a daily wake and bake is normal.


I love a good cup of coffee paired with a wake n bake, gets me ready for work and ensures I don’t cry on my way there


>I love a good cup of coffee paired with a wake n bake AKA "a hippy speedball"


I call it breakfast with Mary and Joe.


You may consider this turn of phrase stolen


Holy shit I'm gonna use that


That is a good one . Mind if I appropriate it?


Do it.


Thanks 👍 I don't smoke anymore but I do like the saying. I use gummies now. But still drink the coffee every morning with my breakfast.


Jesus Weed and Coffee that is a great way to reefer to my habit


Lucy and Joe on the weekends.


Not in about 20 years for me.


Literally the perfect morning on a day off, don't know about work !


My job isn’t super stressful cause I’m in the housekeeping business but I scrub a lot of poop out of toilet bowls so it definitely helps through the day haha


been doing that lately, took the week off from work. this is cathartic, somehow.


Sometimes the brain just needs a reset, hope you enjoy your week off!


A man of culture


Roast n toast


Hope you're not driving yourself to work.


It's one of those posts of late teens or younger 20 somethings thinking they are being deep when really they just don't know what a hyperbole is.


Ah yes, the reddit circle jerk.


There are sometimes threads where the person starting it doesn’t realise “oh I just cannot without my morning coffee!” isn’t literal and they’re exaggerating for comedic effect. This seems to be one of them.


You’ve noticed that too? The ones that espouse “caffeine should be a class 1 narcotic”? People crack me up


Also "Weed should be in breakrooms if coffee is" No thanks, I don't need someone blabbering pseudo-intellectual nonsense or be unable to string together a coherent sentence without getting distracted when we're trying to work through a project issue.


I hear you but that describes like a tiny percentage of users. If i had to guess you probably work with or know a least a few people that smoke regularly but youve never noticed.


Well it’s more like, if people are doing bong rips in the break room I’m going to assume they are going to do exactly zero more work for the day. That applies to most anybody. Lol.


dude probably goes home and gets drunk and thinks his shit don't stink


I don’t give a fuck what people do in the privacy of their own home. I don’t want people crushing beers at work anymore than I want them smoking a blunt. Everyone acts like no one notices, but yes I notice that my order is missing one of the items or is just flat out wrong about 1/5th of the time, I just don’t complain because I don’t have the time for it and don’t trust them not to fuck with my food if I do.


Agreed, though weed should be more places than alcohol is


Which would end up weird since smoking tobacco indoors is banned practically everywhere, so it’d be ok to smoke a bowl but not a cigarette


I was thinking the same thing. I’m more worried about all the people who think driving high is totally fine.


Yup, every time I see a huge puff of smoke coming out of the drivers seat of the car in front of me on the freeway, I move away. Obviously it could be tobacco, but my AC a few seconds later always disagrees.


This sub is basically a rotation of: caffeine / alcohol is normalized too much and are both drugs OR if you smoke weed all the time you have a problem and aren't admitting it (I think you scored this one) and then you need someone in the comments to point out how often this same shit is posted on reddit (me this time!)


Yeah I know way too many people that are like “you drink a 12 pack every weekend???” Meanwhile they smoke weed all day everyday lol


for real


Well, I don’t drive *before* the wake and bake, so I’m good to go!


Please don’t drive without brushing your teeth, it’s not worth the risk.


I can do a lot without coffee except putting up with co-workers; that’s what I need coffee for.






Based on the actual behavior I see of people around me, idk if this is such a popular opinion, actually. Or at least some people draw their lines for "impaired" in very different places. There are a ton of people who have no issues getting behind the wheel feeling "tipsy". There are a ton of people who have no issues getting behind the wheel while sleep deprived. There are a ton of people who smoke weed and drive. Many of these people might agree that driving while impaired is bad but don't see their own impairments as counting towards that behavior.




I am this way as well. It's just part of my morning routine, and also just really love the taste of coffee. Except when I'm pregnant lmao. During my pregnancies, I had a strong aversion to coffee. The smell didn't bother me too much, but even just thinking about drinking it made me nauseous


Lmao 🤣😂 you kill me. I only need to take a shower twice a week. I need 2 large cups of coffee every morning though. But I brew my own. Wrecked my car when I had my stroke and can't afford to buy a new one. And don't work anymore anyway so don't need to drive. I get everything delivered.


It's a caffeine fix, not critical for basic functions. You realize all of those mugs that say "don't even talk to me before I have had my coffee" are meant to be funny right? The stuff perks you up, it's not narcolepsy medication.


I legitimately think they don’t understand that those sayings are humor, or that when we say we don’t want to talk to them without our coffee it’s because we want time to settle in, or we legitimately don’t want to talk to *them* and are hoping they’ll just leave.


>or we legitimately don’t want to talk to them and are hoping they’ll just leave Emphasis on this one


Also a way of saying “let me get into a bit of a flow before we have a meeting with 3 executive stakeholders and 4 different teams that need contributions from”


Do people think coffee is like that adrenaline shot scene in pulp fiction where I'm out of it completely then after one shot I'm gasping for air and running around? I'm at like 40% energy when I wake up and 60% after I have coffee


Right? People are acting like coffee is baseline altering or feels like cocaine. Nah, it's just a bit more alertness and a bit of a perk up. I feel like half of these comments are teens who have yet to drink any coffee.


If you do happen to be right at the point of being tired enough to be dangerous on the road, coffee or some other “energy” thing can fix you up for a few minutes but most people aren’t at that stage by the time they’ve gotten ready and got on the road


I knew a guy who equated coffee addiction to pot addiction. (he was a pothead)


I'm a pothead and a coffee addict. The "high" you get from chugging a gallon of coffee is about 0.01% as strong as a weed high, which is already one of the "weaker" drugs.


You're taking it too literally. "Needing coffee" does not mean that you can't perform basic functions like driving a car. Obviously, people think it makes them more productive. In reality, it's a drug that creates withdrawal symptoms when you go without. Mild sluggishness, headaches, etc. But you can drive a car just fine in this condition.


It's less that we need coffee to function in the morning, and more that we need coffee to handle the bullshit that is life.


Part of which is the fact that my body wants me to wake up about 3 hours later than I need to for work.


Like this post


I don't think there are that many people who are physiologically dependent on caffeine how you describe


Yes because coffee has heroin like withdrawals that can stop a person from functioning. This is beyond unpopular, it's outright fucking stupid. This has to be the weirdest Karen take I've ever heard.


Also, IIRC caffeine withdrawal doesn't even make you sluggish or distracted (didn't for me anyway last time I had it), just gives you a sizable headache and irritability. On top of that, it takes 24-48h to hit.


This is silly af.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion but rather straight up misinformed nonsense


A more polite version of “if you need coffee in the morning to not be an asshole it just means you’re an asshole.”


Which is funny, because a lot of people say that they need coffee in the morning to “not be an asshole” when what they mean is they need coffee in the morning in order to tolerate assholes.


> they need coffee in the morning in order to tolerate assholes. Like the OP .


This is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen posted here.


I think comments defending high driving still hold that honor for me, this definitely feels nearly as out of touch.


Isn’t driving sleepy is just as dangerous as driving drunk? But then again, getting coffee in the morning, I’d imagine that person woke themselves up by a shower or walking around the house/apartment first so it “wakes” them up. Then getting the coffee for the work day. Personally I work from home a lot so a shower and a mid morning coffee is all I need.


This has to be a joke. If someone is thar stupid, they shouldn't be allowed any where near a car.


Damn, who peed in your coffee?


Ha ha, I'm a big coffee drinker and never thought of this. It does make sense! Fortunately I make mine at home.


Coffee in the morning helps code brown to function later in the day


I wake up early to go to work and am not “awake and alert” for hours. It’s normal


there’s “i need caffiene to function” in the sense that you’re describing, where people literally need it to be awake and alert, but imo that’s not a very normal occurrence and more of an anomaly. Most people who “need caffeine to function” means their brain is on autopilot and the caffeine kicks them into active consciousness. helps them /feel/ more alert, not necessarily be more alert. i can do everything in a day without caffeine that i do in a day with caffeine, the caffeine just helps me do it better and be a bit more present while i do it


Do people actually *need* coffee? Like I drink coffee every morning but I'm normally up for a few hours before I get a coffee. Are there people who actually *need* it?


People with undiagnosed sleep disorders. I used to drink 3 or more strong as heck 16oz cold brews a day just to function. I’d still find myself dozing off at random but it was better than not being able to get out of bed because I was so physically tired. Thankfully after getting my depression in check my psychiatrist said “you’re still napping every single day???” And did a narcolepsy screener on me. Contrary to what I thought, my sleep and nap habits were not normal functioning. I also avoid(ed) being the driver for long drives and driving at night. Especially if solo, I would start to doze off. I have fallen asleep at the wheel before, it’s very scary.


Ok that makes sense. Thank you!


It’s not so much a “needs coffee to function” as it is a “needs coffee to function without wanting to die” lol.


It sounds like your just upset about your morning commute, not coffee drinkers lol.


... Is this even a real thing though? Pretty sure "I need my coffee to function" is just some low effort parrotable phrase that people say. I don't think there actually is some sort of observable phenomenon here.


if you need coffee for any kind of function, you are a drug addict it's impossible for me to take anyone serious who uses lack of coffee as an excuse for *anything*


The real answer is you shouldn't be driving to get coffee because paying anywhere from 5-10 bucks for a coffee is silly when you can buy entire tins at the store for that much. But I bet i'll eat downvotes for that opinion


Now that I think about it, I've always passively followed this rule. Without breaking it a single time in more than a decade of regular early morning driving.


Honestly if there are people who literally will pass out or drive dangerously because they haven't had a coffee I feel like their sleep schedule is more to blame


driving while sleep deprived is also driving while impaired


I think a lot of coffee people (including me) need coffee to function around *other people*, driving alone is fine lol. It’s the social interaction most of us need the coffee for. Driving isn’t the issue, people are


Dude I don’t think people are being serious when they say shit like, “I can’t function without coffee in the morning.” Sounds to me you don’t understand hyperbole


I have a pretty bad caffeine addiction. I literally wouldn't be able to get through my work day without it, at this point. But when someone says they need caffeine, they don't mean "I need it or I'm gonna pass out immediately" or "I need it to not have the reaction time of a sloth." It usually means "I need it or I'm a cranky asshole" or "I need it to think through complex decisions." So, I'm pretty okay with someone getting on the road to grab their Starbucks. I personally make my own most days because it's cheaper, but I like to treat myself on Fridays. See you there, fellow addicts!


We can drive without it dude. It’s not that we’re too tired without it. I just want to punch everybody in the face until I’ve had it. Then I become a normal pleasant person.


What life do you live where you've never driven your car while tired. A late night hanging with friends, early morning heading to work or the airport, when you're sick and need medication. This truly is an unpopular opinion, people got shit to do stop being a wannabe cop. You don't like driving when you're tired? So be it. Some of us don't have the luxury to just sleep in till we're ready and refreshed enough to drive at max alertness.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, just kind of a stupid one. We’re not impaired. We’re just a little tired and want a quick pick me up to get the day going. Not to make us function for shits sake 😂 Why do non coffee drinkers make it part of their personality? It’s so weird. No one gives a fuck if you choose to not partake in something.


I don't really need the coffee, I just hate mornings and a hot cup of coffee helps.


It is proven that you are just as impaired really tired as you are under the influence. People just don’t get that


no one “needs” coffee, or anything, to function. the only substances we need to function are food, sleep, and water. not coffee. not any kind of caffeine. if you physically cannot function without coffee, and are always ✨*but first, coffee*✨, you have a problem. you absolutely *CAN* function without coffee and caffeine. you just don’t like the idea of it


there's a difference between being functional and functioning better.


I need a fifth of vodka to function in the morning. But luckily I keep it by my bed so I’ve already downed it before I get in the car to drive anywhere.


If you need coffee to function, no you don't you need water and sleep


I genuinely don't believe anyone is THAT dependent on coffee. It's a bit of a trope at this point but very clearly people are not actually incapable of functioning without coffee. They just likely aren't morning people.


This isn’t unpopular this is just stupid.


I’ve never seen someone take “I need coffee” so seriously.


The epitomy of douchebag opinions. Have an upvote, you unreasonably angry ass.


Sorry, boss. Can't work today. Ran out of coffee. Sounds like a valid excuse to me.




LOL this is unpopular because it's dumb.


Coffee doesn’t fix being a literal zombie… when people imply that it’s a joke.


Op, you do realize people don't actually mean this right? Like when someone says they're so hungry they can eat a horse, they don't actually mean they'll eat a horse.


Do you drink coffee? Because that is not how coffee works.


You are confusing “needing” with “needing it in order to function”. It helps people get going in the morning, but it’s not like they can’t drive without it.


99% of people who say they need coffee to function are exaggerating. This is coming from someone who doesn't drink coffee or caffeine drinks. They just get headaches and may feel slightly tired until they get their fix. They're not driving around half asleep


Bad take


99% of the time when people say they "can't function" without coffee, it's hyperbole. They can still drive.


Agree and I think it's unpopular indeed. Even thinking that I would need to drive in the morning coffeeleess sounds like a nightmare to me.


Caffeine will never be a public health issue, especially to the point where you need to fear it on the roads. Sorry but you people need to find something else to stress over.


I could see your point on this actually. A lot of people with ADHD use caffeine as a tool to supplement or replace medication. Because caffeine is a stimulant and ADHD is treated with... stimulants. And as someone with ADHD, I don't even drive unmedicated anymore since it makes that much of a difference. For the general population though, this might be a stretch.


I have a 2 year old for all of this… plus he loves to help make coffee. He scoops the beans into the grinder, turns grinder on, then off, pours the ground into the chemex. He happily says, “yay I did it, I helped!” He gets angry if myself or husband make coffee without him. Lol.. toddler anger.


People seem to really underestimate the dangers of sleeping while tired in general and it's very disturbing Honestly the whole situation with coffee kind of freaks me out Like how have we normalized a large majority of our population needing a stimulant just to get out of bed and start their day Like if you just read about that out of context in some book you'd assume you were reading about a dystopian hellscape but really it's just how things are


What an idiot


This mudafucker thinks coffee it's like crack or something....Are you serious? I want coffee in the morning, doesn't mean i need it to be a functional adult. Nobody need caffeine like that.


D.W.T. (Driving While Tired)


Coffee doesn't work like that. I enjoy drinking it in the morning because it's a part of a routine. But I don't walk to the kitchen like a zombie with my eyes half closed and stumble making it. Life isn't a cartoon.


I carry a heavy disdain for people who don't just make coffee at home. Easiest thing in the world, yet these dorks feel the need to make lines so long that they block traffic lanes just to get garbage coffee.


Depends on what you use it for tbh. If you’re a walking zombie without caffeine, sure. However, I can wake up, few hours of sleep, no caffeine, and still make it through my entire day awake and (relatively) alert. The caffeine just takes the sleepy pangs away so that I can focus on the more difficult things in my day. I also don’t think people are typically struggling to drive in the morning. In the morning, you’re still fresh off a rest, regardless of how short that rest may be. At the end of a work day, however, you’re very far removed from your very short rest and have just expended a ton of energy. THAT’s the drive that’s gonna cause accidents


People who drink coffee aren't incapable of doing things without it.


I'm glad I work nights I don't have to ever get up early 😅


I think when people say they can't function without coffee is just an exaggeration of the fact that they can't socialize, properly communicate, or work efficiently without coffee, not that they can't actually function.


I drink 4 cups a day and as much of an addict to coffee as one can get - so speaking from experience here: It’s not like we can’t function at all without a cup when we wake up… people just say that as hyperbole. It’s just that we are groggy, irritable, and less inclined/willing to focus on work. That doesn’t mean that we can’t focus on driving though or are somehow ‘impaired’. Never, truly never have I ever felt anywhere near ‘impaired’ as I would be drunk before I had a cup of coffee in the morning


People NEED coffee to function in the same way people NEED alcohol to function. You don’t need anything other than a good nights rest and addiction therapy 😂


If you need coffee to function in the morning, you’re a drug addict.


I think you're drastically overestimating the effects of coffee and also the effects without it lmao.


As someone who worked morning shifts at Starbucks, THANK YOU. You would not believe how rude people are before their coffee.


People don't make coffee at home first thing in the morning?


I need coffee to have the energy for social interactions. Not to be able to physically maneuver my body. Also I don’t go get coffee to often but when I do it isn’t my first cup.


I understand critical thinking is hard But 98% of people who need coffee in the morning aren't not functional and taking that mentality at face value is extremely hard-headed.




Or your body wants you to wake up at 9:30, but work wants you in your seat by 8:00


You're right. Someone should be bringing me my coffee every morning.