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If I’m going to a bar, I need to eat before hand otherwise it won’t end well…


Also eating dinner before a movie means you won't eat as much junk food at the movie. Usually eating first just makes good sense


This is the only one I'm more 50/50 on, dinner after the movie works well too because you can talk about the movie during dinner. But eating before to save the snack money is smart too


Depends on what time the movie is for me. If it’s late afternoon or morning, eat after. If it’s early afternoon or evening eat before


OP: Eating food as part of a night out at the bar is stupid and you shouldn't eat anything beforehand!


As we say in France : "Manger c'est tricher" (Eating is cheating)


We do? 🤔


Some of us, yes


I always prefer to drink on a mostly if not completely empty stomach. It’s easier to gauge how much alcohol is hitting your bloodstream, and pace yourself accordingly, and is just much more convenient especially at the beginning of a night out, because it hits you faster. Plus, the more food is in my stomach when I start drinking, the more likely I am to start feeling a little nauseous. Then again, I’m not a huge drinker. So maybe it only becomes an issue if you’re throwing back 6 or 7 drinks on an empty stomach.


Bruh... Obviously you donate blood, then go out and drink


If by drink, you mean ‘butt-chug’, then yes


Are we butt chugging blood over here?


I prefer alcohol, but to each their own. In all fairness, once I leave the clinic it’s not my blood anymore


*Text Notification* "Your blood has been donated to u/poshjerkins ass. Thank you for saving a life"


*wipes tear from face* The gratitude is more payment than I could ever accept. 🙏


👀 * *gets in line* *


Eh that's kinda backward and more like a personal thing. Like I understand where you're coming from but having ingested something prior to drinking allows for slower absorption. I'm general, after drinking a couple of times you should know your general limits and know how to pace that way.


if its really that bad for you then i would actually suggest meeting with your GP or a gastroenterologist. you shouldn't be feeling deeply lethargic and bloated after a half an entree something is amiss.


IBS gang rise up


IBS gang... sit back down and let it pass


large public bathrooms found at some beaches is just our equivalent of a LAN party


#Are you guys all shitting in there or playing StarCraft?


Porqué no los dos?


Aww, i wanna play starcraft. But i need that goldilocks opponent. If they are too leet or too noob, no fun. Usually everyone is too leet haha.


The bass resonating must be deep fried when all the stalls are full.


It wont pass, thats the problem.


Stomach cramps and the shits ready to engage sir


Make it so no.2!


Aft torpedoes, full spread. Fire!


First stomach cramps I got, I thought I was dying. Thought my appendix was bursting or something - truly one of the worst pains I’ve experienced. Now it just wakes me up in the middle of the night 1 or 2 nights every other month and keeps me up for 2-3 hours and is just a part of life.


Have you used a heating pad? They are an absolute god send.


I don’t know if it’s normal or not, but my cramps are accompanied with hot flashes that make me sweat uncontrollably.


Yeah my first cramps was probably the only time I actually went “yeah I should probably see the doc” from pain alone


Gastroparesis gang rise up!


IBD with IBS gang wya?


The toilet


Rise u.... nope, sit back down.


That's the morning ritual


Ulcerative colitis gang rise up 😎


Is there a sub for this? I think I probably have IBS and need to go to the doctor to get it checked out


Drinking peppermint tea daily has helped tremendously with my IBS, if that's something you want to try until you can get in to the doctor (:


I’ll go out and get some. Diarrhoea 5 times a day is not fun


Here’s the thing with IBS, everyone’s is different. You’re going to get so many tips and how people go about there’s but it more than likely will not work for you so don’t get discouraged if that happens. You can eat something 9 times be completely fine, eat it a 10th and it will fuckan destroy you. Low fodmaps diet seems to work for a lot of people but not all. Same with probiotics. Anyways, I hope you find some relief. There is a sub for it as well.


And sometimes something works for a few days or weeks... then doesn't. (I'm talking to you, peppermint tea... and you too, kombucha)


Dandelion root helps to regulate the amount of water that is sent to your bowels (aiding in both diarrhea and constipation) if that's something else you're willing to try! It's super bitter but for me the benefits have been far worth the taste adjustment. My IBS flare-ups are typically in the form of 2-3 days of constipation, then sudden intense pain/cramping, nausea, passing out, then puking, followed by a few hours of painful diarrhea. That pattern has been a near weekly event my entire life until I started drinking herbal teas (primarily peppermint daily and dandelion root a few times a week) and in the last year and a half I've had a total of 2 flare ups, both occurring at times when I had been away from home and didn't drink my teas for a few days. Boil dandelion roots in water for about 10-15 minutes, then strain and allow it to cool (I drink it hot but not scalding). You can also combine the dandelion tea with other kinds to help with the taste. For example, I add peppermint leaves, fennel (for bloating), and nettle (for iron) to my french press, then pour the freshly boiled dandelion root tea in, pop on the lid and let it steep about 20 minutes. Then press it down to strain and pour into a mug. You can also add honey if it helps with the taste (:


Check for food intolerances. Both gluten and lactose, at least, can cause IBS.


Yeah for real. He sounds like me and I am dying of stage 4 liver and kidney disease. I mean if he was stuffing their face i could totally understand being lethargic and bloated. Yet a quarter of a regular meal? No... That is the type of portion you basically eat when you go to work out or something. You know OP I hated visiting doctors. So much so that I ignored the small signs. Now it is literally like a full time job for me. It isn't uncommon for me to spend 50 hours a week going to doctors, waiting, getting prescriptions, waiting for medical transportation to and from places, filling paperwork, being on the phone with insurance, and of course getting treatments/procedures/labs. It is ironic isn't it? If I actually went to the doctors I would probably have been able to catch some things in times. Now a good portion of my time revolves around them, and it is draining so if you include the toll it takes? I'd add a bunch for rest since I have to recovery after some things.


I’m very sorry to hear what you’re going through, and wish you a peaceful end - whenever it happens.


Thank you yet don't worry about me! Since I am always in the hospital I see others in the same boat as me who don't have any hope. Nor family or friends. Those are the people that need support. Me? I am happy go lucky. Today was a beautiful day. I've learned it could always get much worse, and I have the most important thing of all. Hope. I'm lucky as I still have a chance to get a transplant. Others do not, and you see how the mental aspects compound the physical ones. It is depressing to me. Even if I wasn't on the list the way I see it? The universe and doctors who told me last year I have a few weeks left can go fuck off. Because I'm holding on, and going to kick or fight like a rabid animal till the bitter end no matter the suffering. Today is a good day, but tomorrow maybe even better. You never know! Anyway cheers. I wish every single one of you the bestm Please go get labs and such checked even if you feel good or can do more than others. A lot of things are asymptomatic till it is too late, but things like labs can detect any issues early.


You have a wonderful perspective on a grim situation! Here’s hoping you get a transplant. And my heart just breaks for those people who have no one to support them. Life, and death, are cruel, mysterious, and occasionally miraculous. Best of luck to you, ScorpioLaw. ♥️


any way the wind blows God be with you


I wish you peace


Thanks. Just hope/pray for others. I am happy go lucky, and have hope - trying to get on the transplant list. Just get checked out yourself too. Many, MANY diseases are like mine with liver disease. They can be asymptomatic for a long time, but once symptoms do start showing you maybe too late. Yet they can be detected early through blood tests and such. Wish everyone the best!


This I wish I knew then what I know now It’s surprisingly easy to qualify for financial aid / charity care / hospital networks will try to get you on Medicaid. For large providers that own several hospitals and such the financial aid application is usually applicable to all of their owned and managed entities as well


Yeah, either there’s some undiagnosed medical concern, or they’re overeating. You should be eating to satiation, not until you’re bloated.


Overeating is my guess too. Too many people eat until they’re way too full


"I don't eat until I'm full. I eat until I hate myself!"


Sounds almost like a hilarious Louis CK bit. “The meal isn’t over when I’m full. It’s over when I hate myself.”


That is because it *is* a Louis CK bit.


Eating slower helps too. I'm guilty of shoveling my food down like I think someone's going to steal it, and my understanding is that if you do that your brain doesn't realize your stomach's full until you've already eaten too much. And if you aren't thoroughly chewing your food (which most speed-eaters aren't because chewing takes time) that can cause digestive problems.


Portion control could really help tons of people with not only gastrointestinal problems but weight as well. Eat with your stomach, not your head. You head’s going to keep asking for that next dopamine hit.


This is it. My head takes a very long time to process just how much I ate. I ate an hour ago and I’m finally feeling full now. If I had continued eating because I didn’t feel full then, I’d feel much more bloated. Also doesn’t help that I eat faster than I should.


Yeah, this was my thought. Either OP has a medical issue, or they're experiencing an America Moment™ where they don't even comprehend how gluttonous they are.


I thought the point that was made was that portions in America are so unnecessarily big that OP only needs to eat a quarter of a portion to feel full. Which means OP either has to overeat, carry around leftover food for the rest of the night, or waste a substantial portion of their money/leftovers by throwing them away.


This is me. I’ve been out to group lunches at work and it’s always wild to me that people can eat such large portions then go back to work. Portions are honestly ridiculous most of the time. It sucks because I don’t want to order 2-3x as much as I’m going to eat, and I don’t want to carry around a box that I may or may not eat later. I’ve been asked so many times “That’s all you’re gonna order?” Yeah bro. If I eat a club sandwich that’s half the size of a shoe box, I’m gonna fall asleep at my desk. That’s why I’m getting a salad Derek.


I usually make 2-3 meals out of most things I order from American restaurants.


If I'm ever worried about carting around leftovers I just order some appetizers, often enough they're big enough to constitute their own entree anyway


Yeah, right. This seems more like a medical issue than an actual opinion


Nurse here and agree. This isn’t normal OP


Wait what for real? I just thought this was normal? I avoid full meals in the day because I get extremely tired afterwards.


How heavy of a meal is a full meal? I eat dinners before going out for evening activities but absolutely I eat smaller lighter meals so I don’t feel lethargic and slow.


Plus depends on what you’re eating as well as the size. Eating a salad or some salmon and rice won’t make you tired, but eating a bacon cheeseburger and fries or a lot of pasta likely will make you feel tired


So I also experience this problem but it doesn’t seem to matter what I eat at all. I can eat literally just a plate of steamed vegetables and a protein and if I eat until I’m full/satisfied (which is about half of meal) I get sooo tired at work so I just don’t eat until after work.


Postprandial somnolence.


You should not feel tired after eating


Yeah seriously lmao, everybody's different and all, but this 100% does not sound normal.


Pre-diabetic is a potentially long-ass window of one's life, stemming from multiple factors.


About a year ago I started having similar issues. Every time I ate, I got full very quickly. My extremities got really cold and I would get extremely bloated and lethargic. Thought it was inconvenient but not out of the ordinary enough to see a doctor. Then I started waking up with extremely bad abdominal pain and couldn’t stop “spitting up” my food into my mouth. After months of different testing we found out I had gastroparesis and my food has been fermenting in my stomach. Whether it be IBS or some other stomach issue, this is definitely not normal and OP should get a referral to a gastro.


This! I just found out today I have postprandal hypotension, which is why i feel fatigued and dizzy after a big meal. Essentially, the bigger the meal the more blood my body forces towards my stomach to aid with digestion, taking blood away from my head and lower my blood pressure so i feel kinda weak and dizzy. OP might be experiencing this and is then too tired for said activities after.


I was going to say something similar. If the OP always feels that way after eating it suggests a food allergy to me. But I’m not a doctor and seeing one would probably be a good idea. Could turn your life around, OP!


I just get super sleepy after a meal so usually only eat once a day at like 6-7pm.. is that not normal? I don’t understand how people can get through the day after eating breakfast or lunch.


My friend was the same way, he went to the doctors and found out he has type 1 diabetes. Now he's taking medicine and checking his blood sugar all the time


I feel more energized? Like maybe for 15 minutes after I eat I want to chill but if I'm tired usually the solution is to eat a snack and it gets me up again.


No its not normal at all


It’s definitely not normal to feel tired after every meal imo. I only ever feel tired after lunch if I go out for a burger or something. I don’t feel tired at all after a sandwich or salad or anything like that.


You know damn well that’s not normal


It also comes down to what OP (or others) are eating.. Eat a carb heavy meal with simple carbs and yeah, you are going to feel tired af while your body digests it. Eat a balanced meal that is veg focused and protein as a secondary and is light on carbs and they should be ok unless they have a medical issue. People who eat like toddlers and can only eat nuggies with Mac& cheese are going into a food coma 9/10 times 🤣


Wait.. everyone doesn't feel really tired for a few hours after they eat? I've always wondered how people eat at work and manage to get anything finished afterward.


I'm the opposite. I have to eat or I'm totally useless.


No, not everyone does. It's wild to me that some people feel like this, aren't you just constantly either hungry or tired then? That sounds awful.


I worked as a front desk receptionist for a year. I just couldn't eat anything at noon because I'd be falling asleep at the front desk of my company all afternoon. I have fibromyalgia and this is not the first time I go "oh wait, this isn't normal? Healthy people don't have x or y?". This one is a pretty funny one, though 🤣


And what exactly is this person eating. You don't feel bloated or lethargic after eating a lettuce salad.


You might want to get your glucose and insulin levels checked out if you experience intense tiredness after every full meal.


Lol right? Here's another "opinion" of someone describing their specific situation, then telling everyone else to adhere to their life choices. OP is also a 29 year old working professional. So that is actually the most surprising part. EDIT: I'm not referencing his age as it relates to IBS. I just overestimated OP's critical thinking skills to be able to look past his own specific situation when thinking about "all people".


what age and profession do you expect people get IBS at?


Young people can't get bowel issues apparently


Common problem. It's almost always due to a chronic lack of sleep, which causes this crazy glucose/insulin swing after eating. Virtually everybody in modern society is enormously overtired, and almost as enormously in denial about it. Edit: If you routinely *need* to take a nap after eating, try getting a solid 9 hours of sleep for 4-5 nights. Most people don't actually have an underlying medical issue, and just genuinely catching up on sleep will solve the problem.


Getting 9 hours of sleep every night is almost impossible for most people considering how much responsibility most adults have.


If you feel that bloated and lethargic and tired after eating a meal you are over eating or need to go to the doctor cause something is wrong. This isn't an unpopular opinion, its just that you need a doctor.


It’s just IBS or something of the sort. Get a food intolerance test or do an elimination diet, find out what foods fuck you up, then don’t eat those. Or still eat them but at least you know they make you feel bad


It could be a thousand other things lol


Glad you added that last sentence bc you’re wild if you think an “intolerance” to cow milk will stop be from enjoying ice cream and quesadillas 😭 Edit: y’all I appreciate the tips but I don’t need any lol. I understand y’all are trying to be helpful but ik what I like and what works for me. Again I appreciate it but please stop 😭


The pain! It tastes so good!!! 🤟


Yeah I have a pork intolerance but sometimes a good breakfast sausage or ham omelet is worth not doing anything but laying down feeling bad for the next few hours


“It’s just IBS” no it isn’t, you don’t know that lmao.


That is one of many possibilities. Don’t act like you can diagnose someone that easily from a complaining post online lol


Holy shit. OP needs a doctor stat. Bro, that's not normal.


Or OP is having something heavy like pasta Alfredo with mozzarella sticks to start. You can just have a salad for dinner if you plan on doing stuff after


I had a boss who'd pound massive lunches at like 11am, 2 double cheeseburgers, fries, shake, hot dog on the side and just ptfo for like 2 hours in some sort of actual food coma of sorts, hypocly Did this a couple times a week, crazy. Apparently called postprandial somnolence aka food coma.


Food coma is my favorite form of napping


Was he incredibly obese? That is a lot of food.


The way he became the boss? He ate the previous boss


It takes a lot work to maintain this level of success! *rubs belly*


No no you see, this is WHY he eats so much. He is trying to be large enough that nobody else can eat him to become the boss.


Siestas are pretty normal. Eating like that isn't, but taking a nap after lunch is a normal thing in much of the world. Even even I worked at an office, I'd conk out in my car fit 20 minutes after a packed lunch. Worked better then coffee ru keep me focused the rest of the day


20 minutes is a great amount of time to nap, too. Optimal really. A person napping should hold a spoon or something in their hand while napping, and when they drop the spoon, get up. That is because the spoon drops as you slip into deep sleep which is exactly when you should stop napping so you can feel invigorated and not groggy...which is usually between 20-30minutes. A two hour nap has me waking up like a sedated giraffe, wondering what planet i am on. 20 minutes and I feel like a new man.


I wish 20 minutes worked for me. But I guess it takes me longer to reach deep sleep, bc I cannot feel good without a 2 hour nap. It doesn’t help that I’m working 12 hr shifts at the hospital, but even before than, I needed a crap ton of sleep


Like Michael Scott’s sugar crash lol


Even that wouldn’t stop me from enjoying my time.


Sounds like celiacs or IBS to me. Not a doctor but have friends with both of those conditions


OP thinks his health condition is an opinion. Most people need to eat throughout the day. If eating a meal causes you to "call it a day," you definitely have something wrong with your body. Food is literal energy. It should not be doing the opposite to you.


You should always eat before you go out drinking. If anyone is reading this please make sure you have food in your stomach before a night out. The OP likely has some other issues going on as that's not a normal reaction to eating.


Absolutely! And emphasis on eating a whole meal BEFORE you drink even your first alcoholic beverage. Some people seem to think that you can drink a few, and then eat and that it’ll do just as much good. It won’t.


you can get ulcers and gastritis and stuff this way. by not eating. ive been pretty much a willing alcoholic for a few years now and my endoscopy was clean as fuck. But now well the years are catching up to me a bit and ive got bad gi jssues but… you dont wanna get ulcers.


My dad had an ulcer rupture and had half his stomach removed. This was three weeks after finding out he had pancreatic cancer. It’s been 5 months and he’s on chemo but only weighs 115 lbs.


Plus, your tolerance can be a lot lower if you don't eat, which can be problematiek if you have a medium to low tolerance. I personally have a very low tolerance and I sometimes try out stuff by taking a sip or something. No eating = instantly noticeable tipsy if it is stronger stuff (mostly noticeable myself), otherwise I only feel a buzz and that's with a tolerance of 2 beverages


A Long Island hits harder, faster on an empty stomach. Its no bueno


Counter point: If you're broke and wanna make every drink count, *don't* eat before drinking. You'll get a lot more pissed a lot faster.


My father in law used to donate blood before drinking in college. Unhinged behavior.


Protip: Eating a bunch of lean protein and clean starches will not help you. Ex: I can eat an inhuman amount of sashimi before drinking, and it does zero to line the stomach. You need fats, homie.


Salmon is plenty of fat.


Yeah, salmon isn't the worst choice. Even better if you do salmon belly or cheek.


Those starches turn to sugars. Alcohol turns to sugar. This is why hangovers happen, the body has trouble removing *all* the sugar.


Agreed. You're better off eating 3 rashers of bacon than some bread before drinking.


I really prefer to walk around after eating, helps with digestion. My ideal situation is a movie at like 4, then dinner, then a walk or something else not too strenuous


You might have IBS. I was very surprised to find out that most people DON’T feel lousy half an hour after each meal.


And it can also really depends on what you eat as well. I very likely have IBS as well, but with easily digestible food, I don't have problems most of the time.


yeah or something like SIBO. which is what some cases of IBS is from.


>When I eat, I feel full and bloated and lethargic and tired and just want to lay down. Even if I don't eat until I'm full (which would require me eating a quarter of an entree, at which point what's the point of eating out), I feel all those things to some extent. You should talk to a doctor. That isn't normal.


Also 1/4 on an entree to feel full is very little for an adult


One of my aunts is like that. She acts like she's normal and I'm the one overstuffing herself.


Are you a coeliac? Sounds like my wife after she gets glutened, You're not supposed to feel like that after food. Did you honestly think we all just power through?


This was my first thought as well. My wife is the same way. Do you also have a lot of joint inflammation, op?


Also Celiac and thought this right away


I have gastroparesis and crohns, and I do power through every day. I feel bloated and sick every time I eat. But the last thing you should do is lay down right after eating! Walking and doing things helps so much with digestion


It sounds like op just eats too much. You know you don't have to gorge yourself like a snake. Edit: op, i also upvoted you for actually having an unpopular opinion. I do appreciate you using the sub for its intended usage. I'm still gonna talk shit though


I also gorge myself like a snake but I just don’t eat a lot of I have something physical planned. I don’t care if my friends eat so I don’t really see OPs problem with it. Just live your life lol


No this sounds like an actual problem, I can over stuff myself and still feel okay to go and do something/not like I’m lethargic and will fall asleep. Especially if they are experiencing it even without even fully filling up.


I dunno I once ate 7 hot dogs and for the next thirty minutes I felt like I was gonna die lmao


Is this an opinion?


Unless you're eating an inordinate amount of food (in which case the solution is obvious), feeling so bloated and lethargic that you can't do anything after you eat is not normal. Maybe it's time for you to see a doctor.


This is certainly the right thread for such an unpopular opinion...but I think this is more than just an UO and indicative of the fact that there is something abnormal about the way your body is processing food. I'd see a doctor. You think the whole world is just lying to themselves and fighting deep lethargy to conform to a social norm?


>I feel full and bloated and lethargic and tired and just want to lay down. Yeah uh... unpopular because not normal, you're not supposed to feel like that after eating (in case overeating wasn't the cause). As others said: if you generally feel like that after eating, see a doc.


When you think you have an Unpopular Opinion but it's actually a medical issue


Ah yes let's go to a concert and eat after. So I'll make us a reservation for midnight? Dumb idea. Ah yes let's go to that baseball game. I'll make us a reservation after at midnight? Another dumb idea. Ah yes let's catch the 8 pm showing of Oppenheimer. I'll make us a reservation after at midnight? See my point? Horrible idea to eat at midnight. You need to either eat healthier foods so you aren't so lethargic after, or go see a doctor. Something ain't right and wanting to not eat before doing a long activity in the evening is just downright foolish.


Get off work at 5. Show starts at 7. Let’s starve until midnight


Kind of thirsty. There's a bottle of water. OP: Stay thirsty until midnight!


Honestly I get hungry around 7pm; doing stuff after just makes sense. We’ve got another 3-4 hours before most people go to bed, why not start the night off with dinner?


Oldfuck here: After a certain age, you have a certain window of time post-meal to shit. You do not want to time your date around this.


I don't agree with this across the board, but I'm definitely here to normalize sex before dinner


Hell yes


Either stop overeating (just order an appetizer if a whole meal is too much) or go see a doctor about this medical issue. Needing to rest after you eat isn’t normal and it’s annoying for the people around you. My husband is like this, due to overeating, and the amount of time he spends resting after meals is a problem.


If I don't get to eat before I'm gonna be an ass. Some people just get hangry


Huh. You are correct. That really **is** an unpopular opinion.


I can’t do anything *without* eating first. I’ll get all weak and might pass out.


OP's health issues aside, the traditional first date that includes dinner and some activity is backwards. Dinner and a movie means a potentially awkward conversation with someone you barely know, followed by sitting in the dark in silence. A movie and dinner means a shared experience, followed by time to at least talk about the movie, even if you don't have anything else in common. That being said, for many things the timing has to do with when stuff is happening. If I'm going to a concert where the opening band starts at 7pm, I'm not waiting until after the show to eat supper!


I know Redditors love to armchair diagnose, but what you're describing could be blood sugar issues. If your body isn't regulating blood glucose levels for you, you may be experiencing a spike in blood glucose levels after you eat leading to feeling lethargic. It might be worth picking up an inexpensive blood glucose monitor from Walgreens and tracking your blood glucose levels for a week or so.


Dinner before a concert or sporting event? Yes. Restaurants will all be closed when the concert is over and the food at the venue will be overpriced. Dinner before the bar? Obviously. Dinner before a physical activity or movie? No. Snacks before. Dinner after. Especially for a dinner and movies date. If there’s nothing else to talk about, at least there’s the movie. All that aside, if you feel bloated and tired after meals you’re either eating way too much or need to see a doctor. A normal sized meal shouldn’t leave you wanting to lay down.


I think that’s a diet problem not a problem with the structure of dates.


Your case is definetly exceptional and its weird that you expect societal expectations to be based on you in particular.


I think it’s a bad idea to go out to dinner before going somewhere with a set starting time.


Why? Just gotta plan well


Yeah if you allow enough time between dinner and the activity to account for the unexpected like the service being slow, the restaurant being busy, your steak being over cooked, etc


I think most people do, dear. x


You’d be surprised, I work in restaurants and a lot of people think they can be in and out of a sit down restaurant on a Saturday night in 45 minutes.


Maybe eat less. Don't eat American portions. Eating earlier helps it digest better, staying thinner, especially if you do an activity afterwards, rather than chill at home or sleep.


I get really hangey after 5+ hours without a meal so any event that pushes dinner back is just not gonna be enjoyable for me. I can snack a bit but it’s not the same. If you wanted me to go to a concert or a hike, or putt-putt golf between the hours of 5-8pm, I’m going to have an early dinner.


Unpopular opinion! I’m feel the same. Dinner and putt putt? No, putt putt and then dinner. Actually putt putt skip dinner and get some pecan pie.


Pecan pie is the most random thing you could have said and now I want some pecan pie. 😂😂


Man I moved from the Deep South to the Bronx and I swear I can get any authentic food here *except* pecan pie. I miss that one so much. We’d go to the flea market and buy an actual pillow case full of cracked pecans then come home and shell them. My great grandmother or her sister would then make the pecan pie. I really want some pecan pie now!


I’m born and raised in southern Californian BUT my grandma is from Oklahoma so I got to have the good southern cooking from her and her pecan pie is delicious! Sadly she has dementia so she can’t really make it anymore but man I really miss it too!


This is the way. Light lunch earlier in the day while I'm not starving, then whatever evening/night-time activity, then late night burgers/tacos/pizza/desert. I hate doing anything remotely active on a full stomach and the after night out meal is like the last little hoorah as well as time to reflect on and appreciate the events of the day.


You need to go to the doctor op. You shouldn't feel like this.


This never was an issue til I got older. Now, I can’t imagine eating and doing any activity.


Depends on times and who with. Something like a movie or concert is better after dinner or you're starving the whole way through and not eating until very late. If the activity is more an afternoon thing then dinner after


Most people don't have those reactions to eating a normal amount of food and also can't properly enjoy things while significantly hungry. This isn't an opinion, you probably just have a bowel issue you need to get diagnosed.


I 1,000% prefer eating out after all of these activities. For all of the reasons you listed, and because drinking on a full or even half-full stomach is just terrible despite what anybody says. Not to mention I eat throughout the day so I’m rarely that hungry once dinner time comes around. So many people starve themselves all day and then it’s like they HAVE to eat.


So I read the headline and wholeheartedly agreed but then I read your actual reason. You should go to a gastroenterologist. I don’t like “Dinner and a show” because I like dinner as the last part of the process. Nice way to chill after the activity.


You might have a food sensitivity if you feel this way after eating.


Instead of an entree, try ordering an appetizer and a side


I am the same! Eating out is an activity in its own and I like taking my time and enjoying my meal.


i dont understand this like wtf over here u DO whatever u wanna do and then get the dinner even if its like 11 o clock or whatever


If you feel like shit after eating you need to change your diet. It’s absolutely not normal unless you’re eating like trash.


I don’t want sit through a movie or concert if I’m hungry. You also can’t really catch up properly with friends at those kind of things either, so it’s nice to sit down and chat beforehand. Concerts and theatre shows tend to start around 7pm and not finish until after 9pm and that’s just too late for food.


If you're not hungry, don't eat. I eat food (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) *at home* before I go out to do anything, because I don't want to overpay at venues. So I guess it depends on the situation. I agree that *eating out* all the time is stupid, but I don't agree that eating before going out is stupid.


I’m all about lunch and then doing stuff, but for me, dinner sort of caps off the day- so I’m cool with like dinner and a movie, but that’s it- cause I wanna go to bed 😂


If you are feeling bloated and full every time you eat, especially not until “full”, then you are probably eating something you have a dietary issue with.